1988-05-09 Budget Hearings ~ )137 MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 9, 1988 I ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Conunissioners met in Special Session to hold Budget Hearings on Monday, May 9, 1988, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, Nolan 0' Neal; Chairman, John M. Dolan; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Director of Finance, Andrew J. Atkinson, gave the invocation. Chairman Dolan called the meeting to order. BUDGET HEARINGS FOR COUNTY DEPARTMENTS The following County Departments presented budget requests with no action being taken: Board of Education Department of Social Services Health Department New Hanover County Library Cape Fear Conununity College New Hanover County Museum II Budget Hearing - Sheriff's Department Sheriff Joe McQueen presented the Fiscal Year 1988/89 Budget Request for the Sheriff's Department. He stated after discussion with the County Manager on the 21 positions requested, seven of which were already on board, he was satisfied with the Manager's recommendation of 13 additional positions even though one position had to be cut. County Manager Cooper stated many of the positions agreed upon by he and the Sheriff were based on filling these positions later during Fiscal Year 1988/89. He requested authorization from the Commissioners to fill these positions earlier than budgeted, if funds should become available in the Sheriff's budget. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the County Manager to fill the budgeted positions earlier if funds become available. A lengthy discussion was held on the increase of drug related crimes throughout the County. Chairman Dolan stressed the importance of controlling the drug problem before it becomes too late urging both governing bodies to commit to funding that will adequately equip and staff the City/County Narcotics Unit. I Captain Vallender gave background information on the City/County Narcotics Unit composed of three (3) City detectives and five (5) County detectives stating at least two additional positions are needed for this unit to operate effectively. He commented on an inunediate need for additional funding to purchase four (4) used vehicles. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for the increase of crime within the inter-city reconunending approval of funding for two (2) additional detective positions for the Narcotics Unit. He stated the drug problem must be addressed. Commissioner Corbett asked County Manager Cooper the amount of additional funding needed for two full time detecti ve positions and the purchase of four vehicles for the Narcotics Unit. County Manager Cooper stated two full ~ 13.~ MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 9, 1988 (CONTINUED) time positions would increase the Budget Request by $39,466 and the purchase of four (4) vehicles by approximately $39,000. He recommended purchasing the vehicles, if needed immediately, out of the current budget Contingency Fund. After further discussion of additional detecti ve positions and the importance of both local governments being willing to commit funding to adequately provide manpower to the City/County Narcotics Unit, it was the consensus of the Commissioners to discuss this matter with the Wilmington City Council. After discussion of an immediate need to purchase vehicles, Conunissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the expenditure of $39,000 for purchase of four (4) vehicles for the Narcotics Unit of the Sheriff's Department to be appropriated from the 1987/88 Contingency Fund. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. n Discussion of Budget Request for Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department Reverend Henry Lee, Pastor of the Wrightsboro Baptist Church, presented a petition signed by 218 businesses, churches, and schools; 2,344 residential homes; and approximately 728 mobile homes within the Wrightsboro Fire District. He requested the County Commissioners to provide additional funding in the amount of $30,000 to the wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department 1988/89 Budget Request. He stated the citizens of the community are quite concerned about adequate funding being provided to purchase the necessary equipment for protection of homes and property in this rapidly growing area. He commented on the original Budget Request in the amount of $176,000 submitted to the Board of Fire Commissioners with a reduction of $48,000 stating Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department cannot maintain its present level of service on the recommended budget of $128,000. lJ Chairman Dolan asked if the Board of Fire Commissioners had been advised of these needs. Mr. Leonard Long, Chief of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, stated these needs were presented in the 1988/89 Budget Request and that for the past two years, the Board of Fire conunissioners had seen fit to reduce the amount of funds requested. A lengthy discussion was held on impact fees. Chief Long stated impact fees are paid directly to the County with Volunteer Fire Departments requesting reimbursement through the Board of Fire Commissioners who require specifications as to how the fees are to be used. He expressed concern for this procedure stating the County Ordinance very clearly states impact fees will be paid directly to Volunteer Fire Departments. Chief Long expressed concern for the Board of Fire Conunissioners establishing the tax rate before hearing Budget Requests from the Volunteer Fire Departments. Chairman Dolan stated by consensus the Board of County Commissioners decided not to raise the tax rate in the Fire Service District; therefore, the Board of Fire Commissioners [ submitted budget reconunendations accordingly. ~ Chief Long stated at the current level of funding, the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department will have to scale down its operations. He invited the Conunissioners and/or County Manager to visit the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department to review audit reports and operational costs. Chairman Dolan expressed concern for this invitation being extended to the Board of County Conunissioners and/or County Manager when a Board of Fire Commissioners, composed of representatives from all Volunteer Fire Departments, has r\ :~ MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 9, 1988 (CONTINUED) t39 ~ been appointed to perform reviews and studies of this nature. County Manager Cooper commented on the increase in funding provided by New Hanover County to Volunteer Fire Departments within the past few years stating very few counties throughout the State of North Carolina are willing to make such commitments. I Chairman Dolan thanked Reverend Lee and Chief Long for expressing their views. A copy of the petition presented by Reverend Lee is on file in the Clerk's office. MEETING RECESSED FOR LUNCH Chairman Dolan recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:05 o'clock P.M. to 1:05 o'clock P.M. BUDGET HEARINGS FOR NON-COUNTY AGENCIES The following Non-County Agencies presented Budget Requests with no action being taken: I Katie B. Hines Senior Center Community Penalties Program, Inc. Marine Research & Development Crescent St. John's Museum of Art United Cerebral Palsy Development Center YAHWEH Center, Inc. Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear Mother Hubbard's Cupboard Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear Legal Services of the Lower Cape Fear' Cape Fear Substance Abuse Center (Crisis Line/Open House/Rape Crisis) Elderhaus Hospitality House of Wilmington, Inc. Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. Domestic Violence Shelter & Services, Inc. Families In Crisis New Hanover Community Services-CBA Southeastern Sickle Cell Association Pine Forest Cemetery Board Keep America Beautiful Bellamy Mansion, Inc. MEETING RECESSED Chairman Dolan recessed the meeting at 4: 20 P.M. to be continued on Tuesday, May 10, 1988, o'clock A.M. o'clock at 9: 00 MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 10, 1988 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners reconvened to Special Session on Tuesday, May 10, 1988, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. I Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman John M. Dolan arrived at 9:20 o'clock A.~. Vice-Chairman O'Neal called the Special ~essiori to order. J" Ii / ":j J T~ . ~