1988-05-10 Special Meeting MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARINGS, MAY 9, 1988 ( CONTINUED) :1139 ~ been appointed to perform reviews and studies of this nature. County Manager Cooper commented on the increase in funding provided by New Hanover County to Volunteer Fire Departments within the past few years stating very few counties throughout the State of North Carolina are willing to make such commitments. I Chairman Dolan thanked Reverend Lee and Chief Long for expressing their views. A copy of the petition presented by Reverend Lee is on file in the Clerk's office. MEETING RECESSED FOR LUNCH Chairman Dolan recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:05 o'clock P.M. to 1:05 o'clock P.M. BUDGET HEARINGS FOR NON-COUNTY AGENCIES The following Non-County Agencies presented Budget Requests with no action being taken: I Katie B. Hines Senior Center Community Penalties Program, Inc. Marine Research & Development Crescent St. John's Museum of Art United Cerebral Palsy Development Center YAHWEH Center, Inc. Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear Mother Hubbard's Cupboard Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear Legal Services of the Lower Cape Fear Cape Fear Substance Abuse Center (Crisis Line/Open House/Rape Crisis) Elderhaus Hospitality House of Wilmington, Inc. Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. Domestic Violence Shelter & Services, Inc. Families In Crisis New Hanover Community Services-CBA Southeastern Sickle Cell Association Pine Forest Cemetery Board Keep America Beautiful Bellamy Mansion, Inc. MEETING RECESSED Chairman Dolan recessed the meeting at 4: 20 P.M. to be continued on Tuesday, May 10, 1988, o'clock A.M. o'clock at 9: 00 MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 10, 1988 ASSEMBLY The 'New Hanover County Board of Commissioners reconvened to Special Session on Tuesday, May 10, 1988, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. I Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman John M. Dolan arrived at 9:20 o'clock A.~. ~ Vice-Chairman O'Neal called the order. Special ?ession to , .~. I '/ ~j , ~ 1 '1fo~ MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING MAY 10, 1988 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL DETECTIVE POSITIONS FOR THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT After discussion of providing adequate manpower to effectively operate the Narcotics Unit, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve funding in the amount of $39,466 for two (2) additional full time Detecti ve positions for drug enforcement. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman O'Neal o Absent: Chairman Dolan APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY SATELLITE AT MONKEY JUNCTION After discussion of the need to provide start-up money for a Library Satellite Branch at Monkey Junction, Commissioner Retchin MOVED to increase the Library's Budget Request by $50,000. The floor was opened for discussion. Vice-Chairman O'Neal stated the Library Board of Trustees would like to survey the Monkey Junction area for a store front location stating start-up funds in the amount of $25,000 would be adequate. After discussion of the Budget Request and the Commissioners support and commitment for establishing of a Satellite Branch Library at Monkey Junction, Commissioner Retchin AMENDED his MOTION to increase the Library's 1988-89 Budget Request by $25,000 for start-up funds. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman O'Neal o Absent: Chairman Dolan ARRIVAL OF CHAIRMAN DOLAN Chairman Dolan arrived at 9: 20 0 I clock A.M. and was briefed on action previously taken by the Commissioners. FUNDING REQUESTS APPROVED FOR NON-COUNTY AGENCIES Additional Funding Approved for "Keep America Beautiful" Discussion was held on the the amount of litter in New Hanover County and projects currently underway by Keep America Beautiful. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the original Budget Request in the amount of $23,475 representing an increase of $1,675. Additional Funding Approved for Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. (Committee of 100) Commissioner Corbett commented on the importance of working with surrounding counties to bring industry and jobs into Southeastern North Carolina. He recommended approving the original Budget Request submitted by Wilmington [J Industrial Development, Inc. in the amount of $40,000 since i the County funded that amount last year and Pender County "- has committed to funding of $40,000. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the original Budget Request in the amount of $40,000 representing an increase of $10,000. Additional Funding Approved for Marine Research and Development Crescent Commissioner Corbett commented on the Marine Research and Development Crescent stating five counties are involved in developing a small research triangle recommending that the Budget Request be increased by $1,500 for a total \ MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING MAY 10, 1988 (CONTINU~>141 " request of $5,000. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the increase. I Denial of Funding Request Submitted by Board of Directors of Pine Forest Cemetery Discussion was held on a Budget Request submitted by the Board of Directors of Pine Forest Cemetery in the amount of $15,000 for maintenance of this historical cemetery. After discussion of providing funds for a private cemetery and setting a precedent, it was the consensus of the Board to deny this funding request. Denial of Funding Request Submitted by Bellamy Mansion Foundation, Inc. Vice-Chairman O'Neal recommended approving the original Budget Request submitted by Bellamy Mansion Foundation, Inc. in the amount of $5,000. After discussion of its beauty and the possibility of turning this structure over to the Historic Foundation, it was the consensus of the Board to deny this funding request since the facility is private and not opened to the public. Approval of Culture & Recreation Budget Requests as Recommended in the Proposed 1988/89 Budget Chairman Dolan urged the Commissioners to place human service needs, such as feeding the hungry and providing adequate law protection to our citizens, as the first priority when approving funding requests for non-county agencies. He stated cultural and recreational needs are important to the County but should not come before human needs. I After further discussion, Commissioner 0' Neal MOVED, SECONDED Commissioner Retchin to approve the Culture & Recreation Budget Requests as recommended in the proposed 1988/89 Budget. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of Additional Funding for the Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear Commissioner Barfield commented on the Budget Request submi t ted by the Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear in the amount of $25,000 stating this agency has been very effective in distributing food to the needy and should be supporteq. After discussion, Commissioner Retchin suggested increasing the recommended Budget Request in the amount of $6,000 by $5,000 for total funding of $11,000 with the condition that any additional funding required by this agency during the next fiscal year should be requested from the Department of Social Services General Assistance Fund. After discussion of the funding request and the excellent job being performed by this agency, it was the consensus of the Board to approve the original Budget Request submitted by the Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear in the amount of $25,000 representing an increase of $19,000. I Approval of Additional Funding for Sickle Cell Association Commissioner Barfield recommended increasing the Budget Request for the Sick.le Cell Association by $2,000. After discussion of the blood tests being performed and testing for aids, it was the consensus of the Board to increase the Budget Request from $2,500 to $5,000. Approval of Additional Funding for Katie B. Hines Senior Center at Pleasure Island Commissioner Retchin recommended increasing the Budget Request for the Katie B. Hines Senior Center at Pleasure Island. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the original Budget Request in the amount of $4,000 representing an increase of $2,000. I ~ / 142 MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING MAY 10, 1988 (CONTINUED) Denial of Funding Request for Hospitality House Discussion was held on the Budget Request submitted by the Hospitality House. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to deny funding to this agency. Vice-Chairman O'Neal was requested to approach the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees for funding assistance to this organization. Approval of Funding Request for community Penalties Program, Inc. Discussion was held on Community Penalties and the services rendered to the community. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the original Budget Request in the amount of $15,400. o Approval of Funding Request for YAHWEH Center, Inc. Discussion was held on the importance of establishing a Receiving Home for abused and neglected children. Commissioner Corbett recommended funding the YAHWEH Center in the amount of $10,000 since the need is critical and this agency can open a home within the near future. He commented on the funding request by the Department of Social Services in the amount of $40,000 to establish a Receiving Home recommending that the Personnel Management Study be performed before allocating funds for establishment of this home. Chairman Dolan recommended approving the entire Budget Request in the amount of $39,000 submitted by the YAHWEH Center to open a home immediately stating if by the end of the year the home is not functioning as expected, the Department of Social Services can then establish a home. Vice-Chairman 0' Neal expressed concern for funding a home involved with various religious denominations stating the County should not be involved in funding churches. n Commissioner Corbett and Chairman Dolan strongly disagreed I stating the funding was for establishment of a home to care l~ for abused children, not a contribution to churches. Commissioner Retchin stated the YAHWEH Center was not utilizing volunteers only, but has retained four professionals as required by state law. He urged the Commissioners to leave the $40,000 appropriation in the 1988/89 Budget for establishing a DSS Receiving Home stating the Junior League has committed to funding for the project with complete support by the Board of Social Services. He commented on the Personnel Management Study stating quite frankly he did not see how this study would be a basis for delaying implementation of the DSS Receiving Home since an independent board would operate the home. After a lengthy discussion of the DSS funding request in the amount of $40,000 for establishing a Receiving Home, it was the consensus of a majority of the Commissioners to leave the $40,000 in the DSS Budget for 1988/89 with no funds being disbursed until the Personnel Management Study has been performed. After further discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve funding in the r amount of $15,000 to the YAHWEH Center. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS, -> Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Chairman Dolan Voting Noe: Vice-Chairman O'Neal ~ j~~ MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING MAY 10, 1988 (CONTINUED14 3 ,., After discussion of budget requests for County Departments and Non-County Agencies, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to approve funding for County Departments as recommended in the proposed budget with amendments incorporated as stated above and to approve funding requests for non-county agencies as listed below. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Non-County Agency Recommendations of Human Sere Alloc. Comm. I Economic & physical Development DARE Soil & Water Conservation District Keep America Beautiful Port, Waterway & Beach Commission Cape Fear Council of Governments Wilmington Industrial Development Local Military Units Highway 17 Marine Research & Development Crescent Convention & visitors Bureau Pine Forest Cemetery - $1,500 Requested Culture and Recreation I Arts Council of Lower Cape Fear St. John's Art Gallery Friends of Public Radio Azalea Festival Marine Expo - $3,500 Requested Hist. St. Thomas Preservation Society - $9,000 Requested Riverfest Hist. Wile Found. - $11,500 Requested Bellamy Mansion - $5,000 Requested Human Services [I Domestic Viol/Shelter & Services Food Bank of the Lower Cape Fear Lower Cape Fear Hospice Elderhaus Sickle Cell Katie B. Hines Senior Center Hospitality House - $25,000 Requested Families In Crisis UCP Development Center Cape Fear Substance Abuse - Rape Crisis Cape Fear Substance Abuse - Crisis Line Community Penalties - Requested $15,400 Child Advocacy Commission Mother Hubbard's Cupboard YAHWEH Center - 39,000 Requested New Hanover Community Services Assoc.- $80,442 Requested Legal Services of the Lower Cape Fear - $33,000 Requested $ 20,000 8,100 21,800 1,500 18,436 30,000 2,000 1,000 3,500 167,500 -0- 26,010 11,500 9,000 3,500 -0- -0- 2,000 -0- -0- 20,000 6,000 800 26,100 2,500 2,000 -0- 5,000 7,400 14,500 6,750 -0- 28,411 9,000 -0- -0- -0- Approved $ 20,000 8,100 23,475 1,500 18,436 40,000 2,000 1,000 5,000 167,500 -0- 26,010 11,500 9,000 3,500 -0- -0- 2,000 -0- -0- 20,000 25,000 800 26,100 5,000 4,000 -0- 5,000 7,400 14,500 6,750 15,400 28,411 9,000 15,000 -0- -0- ~ ~144 ~ MINUTES OF CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING MAY 10, 1988 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adj ourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Dolan adjourned the meeting at 10: 10 0' clock A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~d~ n I ! L~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board r "'--- r ~.-/