1988-05-27 Special Meeting ~ ,1,64 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 27, 1988 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Friday, May 27, 1988, at 8: 00 0' clock A.M. in the 5th Floor Conference Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to hold a joint meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Commission. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, I Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper, County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman John M. Dolan was absent. Airport Commissioners III; Shirley T. McQueen; Chairman, John G. Ashby, Atha. present were: H. Thompson King, Vice-Chairman, William Schwartz; and Airport Manager, Steven T. Airport Commissioner Paul E. Gregory was absent. Vice-Chairman O'Neal called the Special Session to order stating the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current working relationship of the Airport Commission with County government. DISCUSSION OF NEW TERMINAL COMPLEX PROJECT Discussion was held on the new terminal building and the role of the Airport Commission in funding, architectural changes, and communications with HNTB and FAA. Airport Chairman Ashby requested direction from the County Commissioners as to the amount of input the Airport I Commission should have in this project. Commissioner Retchin stated the Airport Commission should be involved with every phase of operation at the Airport, including the on-going terminal project. After discussion of the construction project being under the supervision of Ed Hilton, Director of Engineering & Facilities, it was the general consensus of the Board that the Airport Commission should receive input on the progress of the terminal project and feel free to make recommendations to Director Hilton. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AIRPORT COMMISSION, AIRPORT MANAGER AND COUNTY DEPARTMENTS Discussion was held on proper communication between County Departments, the Airport Commission, and Airport Manager in collecting rentals and fulfillment of obligations according to lease agreements. The past due account of United Airlines was discussed with the general consensus that the Airport Commission should be informed of matters of this nature. DISCUSSION OF FAA DISCRETIONARY FUNDS Mr. Keith Pitts, Legislative Assistant to Charlie Rose, stated Congressman Rose is working diligently to place New Hanover County on the list of 29 Airports to receive priority funding from the federal government using discretionary funds available through FAA. He commented on the recent meeting between FAA and County officials in Atlanta stating the figures quoted at the Atlanta meeting were different from the figures received from Washington, D. C. According to the latest word from Washington, New Hanover County Airport is earmarked to receive $800,000 instead of $500,000 as referenced in Atlanta. Mr. Pitts stated he would keep the Commissioners informed of any I ~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 27, 1988 (CONTINUED) >16,.5 " official notice received on' distribution of discretionary funds. Vice-Chairman O'Neal expressed appreciation to Mr. Pitts for presenting the latest report on the discretionary funding process encouraging him to continue working on this priority funding request. I DISCUSSION OF AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LOCATION OF GARAGE BUILDING Discussion was held on potential development of the Airport Industrial Park. Airport Chairman Ashby commented on the appearance of the County Garage Building and asked if the County has any plans for relocation or renovation of the present building. County Manager Cooper commented on the desirability of moving or eliminating this building stating, however, the facility is paid for and conveniently located and until funds become available through the County's on-going Capital Improvement Program, the present facility will have to remain. He stated if a tenant or prospective lessee needs the space, the County would be more than willing to discuss the matter and perhaps investigate the possibility of constructing a new garage facility earlier than anticipated. I Airport Commissioner King commented on the proj ected growth of the Airport Industrial Park emphasizing the importance of developing this area. He recommended some form of a plan be prepared, whether removing or renovating the garage, in order to properly inform clients interested in leasing space in the Industrial Park. After further discussion, it was the consensus of all present that the garage issue would be addressed in the Ten Year Master Plan being prepared by Talbert, Cox & Associates and upon completion of this plan, the County Commissioners and Airport Commission should thoroughly review the document. DISCUSSION OF EXPENSES INCURRED FOR CLIENTS, AIRPORT AND STATE OFFICIALS VISITING THE AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK Airport Commission Chairman Ashby commented on expenses incurred when inviting clients, the State Highway Chairman or other officials to visit the Airport Industrial Park stating under the current travel policy no expenditures are allowed except for out-of-town travel. After discussion of the recently adopted Travel Policy by the County Commissioners, it was the consensus of all that the Airport Commission was given authority to determine what promotional expenses should be reimbursed. PRESENTATION OF DRAFT CHARTER FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AIRPORT AUTHORITY Airport Commission Chairman Ashby presented a proposed act enabling New Hanover County to establish an Airport Authority. He requested the County Commissioners to review the document for discussion at a later date. I A lengthy discussion was held on the feasibility of hiring an outside consultant to project revenues and expenditures for coming years with preparation of policies and by-laws to govern an Airport Authority. It was the consensus of the County Commissioners to review the draft charter before making a commitment to hire an consultant. DISCUSSION OF WORKING BETWEEN CHAIRMAN OF MANAGER Discussion was held on the relationship of the Airport Manager to the Airport Commission and County Commissioners. Airport Manager, Steven Atha, commented on the transition period and his adjustment to a new community. He stated the balancing act of trying to stay sensitive to needs of the County Commissioners and Airport Commission was rather RELATIONSHIPS AND WEEKLY MEETINGS THE AIRPORT COMMISSION AND COUNTY ~ 16 6 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 27, 1988 ( CONTINUED) difficult at times; however, with cooperation and effort being given by everyone, things have been going quite well. He stated the Airport Commissioners are a very dedicated group who care a great deal about the operation and future growth of the Airport. Airport Manager Atha expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for holding meetings of this type gi ving everyone an opportunity to express themselves stating he intends to perform to the best of his ability. Commissioner Retchin complimented Airport Manager Atha on the excellent quality of letters and documents forwarded to the Commissioners stating his expertise and ability are quite apparent. f\ ! '~ Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for the Airport Manager having to meet the needs of both the Airport Commission as well as County Commissioners stating the Airport Manager should deal directly with the Airport Commission who will involve the County Commissioners, if necessary. He emphasized the importance of County Commissioners not giving directions to the Airport Manager stating all problems should be funneled through the Airport Commission. Commissioner Corbett emphasized the importance of communication and suggested weekly meetings be scheduled between the County Manager and Airport Chairman. After discussion, it was the consensus of the County Commissioners to request the County Manager to meet with the Chairman of the Airport Commission weekly in order to provide input on all areas of activity at the Airport. Chairman 0' Neal expressed appreciation to all present for attending the meeting and discussing items of concern. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Corbett to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION FOLLOWS: Commissioner CARRIED AS 1[\ I I U Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman O'Neal Absent: Chairman Dolan Vice-Chairman O'Neal adjourned the meeting at 9:10 o'clock A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ if y/~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board n ---.J '" ,\ '\ \ ~