1989-01-03 Regular Meeting MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 19, 1988 (CONTINUED) 361 " MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 3, 1989, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the General Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. -1- Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; Chairman, Fred Retchin; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Charles J. Hause, Associate Minister of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, gave the invocation. Commissioner Barfield led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 5, 1988, the Special Meeting of November 29, 1988, and Special Meeting of December 12, 1988, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. No one commented. 1 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Mathews to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Upon vote, CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Approval of AIP-04 State Grant Amendment and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment The Commissioners approved an amendment increasing the State grant by $110,690 for Terminal Building Phase 1 (foundations, footings, and building design) and Phase 2 (building construction) along with the following Budget Amendment: 89-0121 Airport Debit Credit Airport Terminal Building Terminal - State Grant $110,690 Airport Improvement Project - 03 Contingency Purpose: $110,690 To adjust budget in accordance with grant amendment. 1 Acceptance of AIP-O? State Grant Offer - New Hanover County Airport The Commissioners accepted the AIP-07 State Grant offer in the amount of $139,310 for construction of the terminal aircraft apron. The Chairman was authorized to execute the documents. Adoption of Resolution Adding Roads to the State Secondary Road System The Commissioners adopted a resolution adding the following roads to the State Secondary Road System in Sections 9 and 10 of Wildflower Subdivision: Fitzgerald Drive Albemarle Road Morning Glory Court Touch Me Not Drive ~ 3 62 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 ( CONTINUED) A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 40. Approval for Reclassification of Laborer I Position to Clerk-Typist III Part-time Position - New Hanover County Health Department The Commissioners approved reclassification of a Laborer I position to a Clerk-Typist III permanent part-time position @20 hours/week, Range 58, Step 1, @$6.21 per hour. The reclassification was requested to handle the increased workload in the Environmental Section of the Health Department due to regulatory changes related to water management. n Approval of Release Deeds for Sewer Easement in Landfall Subdivision The Commissioners approved Release Deeds as presented by the County Attorney for correction of errors in certain sewer easements in Landfall Subdivision. The Chairman was authorized to execute the documents. Approval of Request by Tax Department for Disposal of General Correspondence for 1978 and 1979 The Commissioners approved the request by the Tax Department for disposal of general correspondence for 1978 and 1979. A copy of the letter to the Division of Archives and History is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 40. Authorization for County Manager to Execute Contract with R. W. Beck for Performance of Third Party Review of Financial Plan for the Steam Plant The Commissioners authorized the County Manager to execute the contract with R. W. Beck for performance of the Third Party Review approved at the Special Meeting of December 12, 1988, subject to approval of the County Attorney and Director of Engineering and Facilities. [l Approval of Moving and Storage Agreements - New Hanover County Museum The Commissioners approved the moving agreement with Cardinal Moving and Storage and approved the storage agreement with Mid-Atlantic Mini-Storage for placement of articles in the Hall House. The County Manager was authorized to execute the appropriate documents. REMOVAL OF ITEM #7, PRESENTATION OF RETIREMENT PLAQUES The Chairman reported that Item #7, presentation of retirement plaques, was erroneously placed on the agenda requesting removal of this item until the next meeting. It was the consensus of the Board to remove Item #7 from the agenda and present the plaques at the meeting scheduled for January 17, 1989. AWARD OF PLAQUE TO VELICIA EVERETT FOR BEING SELECTED WINNER OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS THEME CONTEST Commissioner Corbett, a member of the Human Relations Commission, congratulated and presented a plaque to Ms. Velicia Everett on behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for being selected the winner of the Human Relations Theme Contest in New Hanover County. The theme "Human Rights...A Song of Many Notes" will be used throughout the month 0 of February designated as Human Relations Month in New Hanover County. _J Mr. Ed Mayora, a member of the Human Relations Commission, commented on the 40th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights as ratified by the United Nations General Assembly encouraging the Commissioners and all persons present to participate and attend events scheduled for the month of February. \ \~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) 3.63 " PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE TO FORMER CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, presented a plaque to Vice-Chairman O'Neal in recognition of his service as Chairman of the Board from July 5, 1988, to December 5, 1988. I APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO MOVE ITEM #20, AMENDMENTS TO NOISE ORDINANCE, AND REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT ORDINANCE, BEFORE DISCUSSION OF ITEM #10 Commissioner Corbett requested that Item #20 be acted upon before considering Item #10, a Public Hearing involving the total number of unrelated persons permitted to live in a single dwelling unit. It was the consensus of the Board to move Item #20 as requested by Commissioner Corbett. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO NOISE ORDINANCE AND ADOPTION OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT ORDINANCE County Attorney Pope commented on the Disorderly Conduct Ordinance and amendments to the Noise Ordinance asking if the Commissioners have any questions with reference to the proposed ordinances. Commissioner Barfield stressed the importance of enabling law enforcement officers to make arrests and handle disorderly conduct complaints. He MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve the amendments to the Noise Ordinance as presented and to adopt the Disorderly Conduct Ordinance as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the ordinances are on file in the Clerk's office for codification into the New Hanover County Code. I PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT TO SECTION 23 -12, REDUCING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNRELATED PERSONS PERMITTED TO LIVE IN A SINGLE DWELLING UNIT FROM FIVE TO THREE (A-192) Vice-Chairman 0' Neal expressed concern for constitutional rights involved in the proposed Text Amendment. He recommended emphasis being placed on enforcement of the Disorderly Conduct Ordinance and amended Noise Ordinance requesting postponement of this item for further study and review by the Legal Department. Commissioner Corbett stated UNC-Wilmington is in the process of studying the feasibility of establishing a Greek Housing plan for on or off campus. He stated the plan is to be presented to the UNC-W Board of Trustees in the Spring of 1989, and requested delaying action on the proposed Text Amendment until the report has been received. Chairman Retchin asked if would like to speak on the following persons commented: anyone from the general public proposed Text Amendment. The Mr. Bernie Bentley, representing the College Acres neighborhood, recommended delaying action on this item until the first meeting in June. I Chairman Retchin asked if anyone else would like speak. following persons commented expressing concern for postponing decision stating the City's ordinance limits the number unrelated persons living in a single dwelling to three: The this of Mr. Bill Taylor Mr. Gary Newsome Dr. Murray Seidel Mr. Dan Keir Mr. James Medlin Commissioner Mathews stated he was in favor of reducing the number of unrelated persons living in a single dwelling and recommended holding the Public Hearing as scheduled. ~ 3 6 4MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) Dr. Murray Seidel commented on break-ins and abductions occurring in the UNC-W Parking lot and trails leading to the University located in the back of College Acres. He requested the County Manager to investigate closing a sewer easement which allows individuals to wander through these trails, and requested Commissioner Corbett to discuss increasing security of the parking lot with the Board of Trustees. After discussion of the newly enacted ordinances enabling law enforcement officers to make arrests when responding to disorderly conduct violations, Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to delay action on the proposed [l Text Amendment until the first meeting in June. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Vice-Chairman O'Neal Chairman Retchin voting Nay: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner Corbett stated, for the record, he is not opposed to the proposed Text Amendment; however, he feels time is needed in order to see if the recently adopted ordinances will assist with the problems being experienced in the College Acres area, and also allow time for UNC-W to study establishing a Greek House plan on or off campus. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT TO ADD A NEW SECTION IN THE ENFORCEMENT CLAUSE TO IDENTIFY OWNER LIABILITY FOR TENANT ACTIONS (A-193) Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. Dr. William B. Harris, Chairman of the Planning Board, presented background information on the proposed Text Amendment [l stating the purpose of the amendment is to specify owner liability for tenant actions. He stated the Planning Board unanimously approved the proposed zoning Text Amendment even though it was inter-related to the proposed Text Amendment involving the number of unrelated persons living in a single dwelling. Commissioner Barfield commented on the proposed Text Amendment requiring the landlord to be responsible for actions of the tenants but not providing authority for the landlord to evict the tenant when guilty of disorderly conduct. County Attorney between the landlord using as a defense effort to evict or violating the law. pope stated eviction is a relationship and tenant, not the County. He suggested to the landlord's responsibility his/her terminate the lease of the tenant when Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment in favor of or in opposition to the proposed Text Amendment. The following persons spoke in opposition expressing concern for the landlord having to be responsible for actions of the tenants over whom they have no control: Mr. Gary Newsome Mr. Jim Bordeaux Mr. Ralph Bordeaux o Mr. Carl Durham, a resident of Bayshore Estates, commented on the Text Amendment applying only to zoning violations. Planning Director Hayes stated the proposed Text Amendment applies only to land use violations under the Zoning Ordinance. \~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) " ~365 Mr. Bernie Bentley, a resident of College Acres Subdivision, commented on the proposed Text Amendment stating the intent of the amendment is not to go after the landlord unless a tract record has been developed showing that the landlord has not tried to evict or terminate a lease with the tenant when numerous complaints have been received. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. I Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve the Text Amendment as presented. Vice-Chairman O'Neal made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION action on this request until the first of June. FAILED DUE TO NOT RECEIVING A SECOND. to The defer MOTION Chairman Retchin called for a vote on the original MOTION to approve the proposed Text Amendment as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Mathews Chairman Retchin voting Nay: Vice-Chairman O'Neal BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break from 8:20 o'clock P.M. to 8:32 o'clock P.M. I DISCUSSION OF REQUEST BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE YOUTH COUNCIL Chairman Retchin stated a letter was received from Mayor Don Betz on September 20, 1988, requesting New Hanover County to assume the responsibility of the Youth Council based on the belief that activities available to middle and high school age young people should be offered on a county-wide basis. He asked if anyone present would like to address this issue. The following person commented: Ms. Brenda Gandy, Director of the Youth Council, expressed concern for the lack of information forwarded to the Commissioners on the functions of the Youth Council stating she would be glad to answer any questions. Discussion was held on referring this request to the Human Relations Commission or Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for study with recommendations being presented to the Commissioners at a later date. County Manager Cooper commented on the difficulty in evaluating and recommending a program in the middle of the fiscal year. He recommended requesting the City of Wilmington to continue the program as budgeted through the current fiscal year, and then consider whether or not to assume the responsibility of this program during the budgetary process. I After discussion of the need for additional information on the program, it was the consensus of the Board to table this request until January 17, 1989, at which time Ms. Gandy will present the various functions and funding needs of the Youth Council. ~ 3 ErbNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 ( CONTINUED) WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO ADD "GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE USE ONLY" AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE B-1, B-2, AND 0-1 DISTRICTS AND ALL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS (A-191) Dr. William B. Harris, Chairman of the Planning Board, stated based on action taken at the meeting of December 5, 1988, to add "general contractors 'with no outside storage" as a permitted use in the B-1 District, the proposed Text Amendment is unnecessary. It was the consensus of the Board to withdraw this item. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT TO ADD SECTIONS DEFINING AND SPECIFYING LOCATIONAL CRITERIA RECYCLING FACILITIES (COLLECTION AND PROCESSING). (A-194) Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. NEW FOR o Dr. William B. Harris, Chairman of the Planning Board, commented on the proposed Text Amendment which defines three types of recycling facilities: (1) large collection facilities, (2) small collection facilities, and (3) processing facilities. The amendment also establishes zoning districts in which each facility would be permitted and under what site plan conditions. He stated the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed Text Amendment. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed Text Amendment. No one commented. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Corbett questioned the number of feet proposed under the Processing Facilities asking if 150 feet is enough distance from adjacent property owners. Planning Director Hayes stated this amount of footage is sufficient in I-1 and I-2 districts. o Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED Vice-Chairman 0' Neal to approve the Text Amendment ,as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969," is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 40. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CLOSING A PORTION OF ROSEMARY STREET LOCATED IN CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP (SC-45) Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, commented on the proposed road closing stating a 30-foot right-of-way will be needed for a sewer easement. He recommended adopting the resolution accepting the road for dedication before closing a portion of Rosemary Street. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to closing a portion of Rosemary Street. No one commented. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. o Commissioner Barfield MOVED, 0' Neal to adopt a resolution for Rosemary Street with an amendment public utility easement. Upon UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED dedication to Paragraph vote, the by Vice-Chairman of a portion of 5 establishing a MOTION CARRIED A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 40. Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt an order closing a portion of Rosemary Street ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989' (CONTINUED) .36.7 " allowing for a 30 foot right-of-way for public utility purposes as requested by the Planning Director. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the order is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 40. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADDRESS ASSIGNMENTS TO TRUESDALE ROAD AND ACORN BRANCH/CROOKED ROAD LOCATED IN CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. I Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, presented background information on the proposed address assignments stating no opposition had been received from residents and requested approval of request. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on the address assignments. The following person commented: Ms. Ann Beatty, a resident of Acron Branch Crooked Road, requested deleting the word "crooked" in the street name. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. After discussion of changing the road name, which will be advertised and processed through the normal procedure, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adopt the order assigning street numbers on Truesdale Road and Acron Branch Road. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the order is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 40. I PUBLIC HEARING FOR PRESENTATION OF SCHEMATIC PLAN FOR PROPOSED ALTERATION OF EMS BUILDING TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR THE ASSOCIATE DEGREE OF NURSING PROGRAM SPONSORED BY CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Donald P. Blake, Chairman of the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees, commented on the space needed and requested Mr. John Sawyer, Architect, to present the schematic plan for altering the EMS Building to accommodate the Associate Degree of Nursing Program. Mr. John Sawyer presented the schematic plan commenting on the following issues: 1. Space a. Renovation of the entire 2nd Floor at a cost of $280,000 to $320,000. b. Renovation of space needed to house the Nursing Program - $200,000. 2. Conclusions: a. The EMS Building has the needed square footage for the Nursing Program. I b. The renovations can be designed to be useful for other County functions with minimal renovations required for future general office space. c. The EMS and Nursing Programs could co-exist without adversely affecting one another. d. Renovation is possible in the time frame need by Cape Fear Community College. e. Public parking within one block of the building is adequate to students and faculty. ~ 3'6 tfINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment. No one commented. A lengthy discussion was held on the possibility of expanding Cape Fear Community College through a bond referendum to meet present and future space needs. Commissioner Corbett commented on costs of approximately $350,000 for renovation of the EMS building suggesting the possibility of proceeding immediately with a bond referendum to expand Cape Fear Community College. Mr. Blake stated the Trustees are in the process of planning an expansion of the present facility; however, time is needed for preparation of such an expansion. [J After further discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to proceed with partial renovation of the EMS Building for use by Cape Fear Community College to house the Nursing Program at a projected cost of $200,000. The floor was opened for discussion. The County Manager was requested to comment on funding. County Manager Cooper stated funds are available in the unappropriate fund balance of Cape Fear Community College which are budgeted annually and not expended. He recommended using these funds along with contingencies for the proposed renovation. Chairman Retchin called for a vote on the partial renovation of the 2nd Floor of the EMS Building at a estimated cost of $200,000. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion was held on continuing the architectural services with John Sawyer who originally renovated the EMS Building. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman O'Neal to hire John Sawyer as the architect with a contractual agreement being prepared by the Legal Department. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE WATER AND SEWER [] ORDINANCE TO STIPULATE THE OWNER OF REAL PROPERTY AS THE CUSTOMER L_ FOR BILLING PURPOSES Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing. Assistant Finance Director, Alan Mozingo, presented background information on the proposed amendment stating the purpose of the amendment is to stipulate the owner of real property as the customer for billing purposes. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on the proposed amendment. The following persons commented expressing concern for placing this responsibility on the property owner: Mr. Jim Bordeaux Mr. William Sims Mr. Ralph Bordeaux Mr. Gary Newsome Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman O'Neal to adopt the amendment to the Water and Sewer Ordinance as presented and authorize the Chairman to execute the document. 0 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the amendment to the Water and Sewer Ordinance is on file in the Clerk's office for codification into the New Hanover County Code. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) ,3 6 9 " AMENDMENT TO WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE MANDATORY SEWER FEE PAYMENT WITH FAILURE TO CONNECT TO THE SEWER SYSTEM WITHIN A SIX-MONTHS PERIOD OF TIME County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, presented an amendment to the Commissioners as requested at the meeting of December 19, 1988, authorizing the Sewer District to bill a flat rate of $40 to customers who have not connected to the Sewer System within six months after availability. I Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to speak on the proposed amendment. The fOllowing person commented: Ms. Jo Rusher, a resident of Greenville Loop Road, expressed concern for adopting the proposed ordinance stating her property has not been restored to its original condition by the contractor after installation of the sewer line. Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt the amendment to the Water and Sewer Ordinance as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is on file in the Clerk's office for codification into the New Hanover County Code. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE TO CLARIFY SECTION 15-31(C) County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated the amendment clarifies the present section by adding the word "improved" to real property. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment. No one commented. I Commissioner Barfield MOVED, 0' Neal to adopted the ordinance as MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED presented. by Vice-Chairman Upon vote, the A copy of the ordinance is on file in the Clerk's office for codification into the New Hanover County Code. APPROVAL OF NAME CHANGE IN CHARTER FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Mr. William B. Schwartz, Vice-Chairman of the Airport Commission, stated the Airport Commission, at the recommendation of the Airport Director, approved a name change in the proposed charter for establishment of an Airport Authority from New Hanover County Airport to New Hanover County International Airport. He commented on Wilmington being declared as an international city by the State Legislature approximately five years ago and stressed the importance of this title to our area with location of the State Ports Authority and Customs agency in New Hanover County. Commissioner Mathews stated many individuals have contacted him with reference to the proposed name change recommending this change occur after the Authority is formed at which time public hearings can be held to allow public input and comment. I Vice-Chairman Schwartz assured the Board of Commissioners that the Airport Commission nor Airport Authority would consider or recommend a name change without public input. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment. The following person commented: Mr. Leslie Boney urged the Airport Commission and County Commissioners to use the name Bluethenthal in any recommended name change stating Mr. Bluethenthal donated land to the County where the airport is now constructed. ~ 3'70 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) Discussion was held on passage of a local act by the General Assembly to amend the charter if the Authority would like to change the name at a later date. County Attorney Pope stated a local act approved by the General Assembly would be required in order to change the name. Commissioner Barfield stated the word "international" can be added to the charter with a name change later if so desired by the Authority and general public. He MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to authorize using the name, New Hanover County International Airport, in the charter being forwarded to n the General Assembly for establishment of an Airport Authority. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF 30 - YEAR TERM FOR LEASE OF AIRPORT PROPERTY TO THE PROPOSED AUTHORITY Chairman Retchin stated the County Attorney has requested direction from the Board of Commissioners with reference to establishing a length of term for lease of the Airport property to the proposed Airport Authority. After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve a 30-year term for lease of the Airport property to an Airport Authority subject to approval by FAA. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS REAPPOINTMENT OF JULIUS F. HOWARD AND DONALD P. BLAKE TO SERVE ON THE BOARD OF HEALTH Vice-Chairman 0' Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to reappoint Julius F. Howard, representing the Pharmacist category; and Donald P. Blake, representing the general public; to serve three-year terms on the New Hanover County Board of Health. The terms will expire December 31, 1991. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. After discussion of the excellent applications received to fill the vacant Nurse category position on the Board of Health, Vice-Chairman O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to appoint Ms. Marlene M. Rosenkoetter to serve a three-year term on the New Hanover County Board of Health. The term will expire December 31, 1991. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. n ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Hall House for Expansion of New Hanover County Museum County Attorney Pope presented a resolution authorizing the sale of Hall House located at Six South Ninth Street in order to remove the structure from its present site. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, Corbett to adopt the resolution as MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED presented. by Commissioner Upon vote, the A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 41. Approval of Buy and Sell Agreement for Purchase of Property from Rosa Bell Sinunons for Expansion of the Museum i" Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner > [ Corbett to authorize the Chairman to execute the Buy and Sell L ~ Agreement for purchase of property located at 17 South Eighth Street from Rosa Bell Simmons for expansion of the New Hanover County Museum. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Buy and Sell Agreement is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 41. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) 371 " Rejection of Bids For Contract #3 - Hugh MacRae Athletic Field Complex County Attorney Pope requested the Commissioners to reject existing bids received for improvements of the Hugh MacRae Athletic Field Complex and authorize re-advertisement due to incorrect information being furnished to contractors regarding how contracts should be bid. I Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to reject the bids received and re-advertise the contract. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Meeting Dates Changed for Months of March and July 1989 Chairman Retchin stated due to the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference being held in Washington, D. C. on March 4-7, 1989, and the Annual Conference being held in Cincinnati, Ohio, on July 15-18, 1989, the following meeting dates need to be changed: March 6, 1989 and July 17, 1989. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to change the dates as follows: From March 6, 1989 to March 13, 1989 From July 17, 1989 to July 24, 1989 Performance Evaluations Scheduled for Review of County Manager, County Attorney, and Clerk to the Board Chairman Retchin stated performance evaluations are due for review of the County Manager, County Attorney, and Clerk to the Board. I After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Manager, County Attorney, and Clerk to the Board to submit self"-evaluations for performance reviews to be held on February 6, 1989. Authorization to Prepare a News Release on Recently Enacted Legislation Authorizing Assessment of A $100 Civil Penalty for Failure to List Vehicles After discussion of the number of complaints received and confusion over the $100 penalty assessed for failing to list vehicles for the past year, it was the consensus of the Board for the Chairman to prepare a News Release explaining the recently enacted legislation and the method of appeal through writt~n notice to the Tax Administrator who will check into previops listing records of the appellants and present recommendations for release or assessment of penalties as a Consent Agenda item to be acted upon by the Commissioners. Public Hearing to be Scheduled for Discussion of Solid Waste Control in New Hanover County Commissioner Corbett recommended scheduling a Public Hearing on Solid Waste Control in New Hanover County inviting local bottlers and fast food companies to assist with addressing this issue. It was the consensus of the Board to schedule a Public Hearing. I Discussion.was held on developing a log of unfinished agenda items in order to remind everyone of items that need to be completed. It was the consensus of the Board to request the Clerk to prepare a log of pending items being forwarded to the Commissioners on a bi-weekly basis. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER Discussion of Retreat County Manager Cooper requested the Commissioners to present items for discussion at the retreat to be held on Saturday, January 14, 1989, at the Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel located on Market Street. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the County Manager to discuss the following topics: ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1989 (CONTINUED) 372 -EMS Services -New Hanover County's Water Resources -County-wide Refuse Collection -Centralized Purchasing -Discussion of Future Work Sessions on the fOllowing topics: -Budget -Parks & Recreation -Sewer -Drugs [J Discussion of Legislative Shrimperoo County Manager Cooper stated the date of March 15, 1989, has been reserved on the Legislators calendar to attend a Shrimperoo. He requested authority to proceed with this date stating Pender, Brunswick and Columbus counties will co-sponsor the event. l After discussion, it was authorize the County Manager Shrimperoo on March 15, 1989. the to consensus of proceed with the Board to hosting the ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 11:05 o'clock P.M. Re pe~t~;?~Cd' Lu ie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board n n " \ \ "---