1989-06-05 Regular Meeting ~ 5 ~ES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 30, 1989 (CONTINUED) Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 4:27 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, q?,v #~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board I MnfUfj~ OF REGULAR MEETING OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - JUNE 5, 1989 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, June 5,' 1989, at 4:30 o'clock P.M. in the General Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Nolan 0' Neal; Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Deputy Clerk to the Board, Joyce B. Bragg. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. I APPOINTMENT AND ASSIGNMENT OF TERMS OF AIRPORT AUTHORITY Commissioner Retchin stated that it was necessary to appoint the members who will serve on the Airport Authority requesting a recommendation from the Airport Commission of staggered terms for its members. Mr. Jack Ashby, Chairman of the Airport Commission stated that the staggered terms recommended by the Airport Commission were as follows: Member Jack G. Ashby H. T. King, III Length of Term two years two years William Schwartz three years Paul E. Gregory Shirley T. McQueen four years four years Commissioners Mathews and Corbett suggested that two additional members be appointed at a later date. Chairman Ashby stated the Airport Commission had no objection to appointing up to nine members as stated in the proposed enabling act establishing the Authority. I Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to appoint the present Airport Commission with terms as recommended as members of the New Hanover County International Airport Authority. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ n n !. o MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 30, 1989 (CONTINUED) 521 B. Effect an approach to case management which reduces the burden on staff and clients involved in transferring the case from one worker to another. C. Delegate to clerical staff scheduling appointments, transferring collateral contacts. the responsibility cases, referrals, for and D. Reduce the percentage of out-of-county foster care placements which remov~ children from the community and require an inordinate amount of staff time to administer. E. Decrease parent training, Community College. the amount of staff time devoted to foster shifting, that responsibility to Cape Fear COMMUNITY AND SUPPORT SERVICES: DSS employs 15 staff in administration of community and support services. The "best practices" panel would more than double that number increasing the size to 33 positions. Maximus recommends an increase of 6 posi tions. This increase in staffing would expand the Department's employment program, fully implement the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills program authorized by the Family Support Act of 1988 if adopted by the State of North Carolina. ADULT SERVICES: DSS employs 11 staff. The "best practices" panel recommends increasing staff to 13 positions. Maximus recommends no increase in positions as a result of the automated case management system and contracting out CHORE Services. Dr. Benton stated Maximus recommends an additional 29 posi tions for the Department of Social Services. This figure includes the 28 positions as identified and one Assistant Director or elevated liaison position in the Office of the Director of Social Services to strengthen planning and evaluation functions. Discussion was held on the 28 recommended positions. Commissioner Barfield asked if these positions are immediately needed. Dr. Benton stated 28 positions will allow a much more efficient delivery of services and relieve the burden being place on clerical staff; however, if the County does not concur with increased staffing, Maximus will prepare recommendations that can be implemented with a reduced number of new positions. Commissioner Mathews commented on the physical space asking if the facility is arranged correctly to handle the present workload? Dr. Benton stated the space is adequate and very well laid out; however, one problem observed is a lack of confidentially which can be resolved by utilizing and scheduling of common areas such as meeting and conference rooms. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to Dr. Benton and Ms. Elliott for an excellent presentation. Consensus: Discussion was held on the 1989/90 Budget Request for the Department of Social Services. It was the consensus of the Board for Maximus to prepare a letter explaining the cost benefits for each recommendation by June 5, 1989, and schedule another Work Session to further discuss the final report and recommendations. A copy of the report is on file in the Clerk's office. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR,;;; MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 523 " Airport Commissioner Schwartz thanked the Commissioners for their support and appointment of all the present members to the Airport Authority. Commissioner Retchin, to thank and efforts they Authority. Upon Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman the Airport Commission for the hard work have put into establishing the Airport vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I REJECTION OF BIDS FOR AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING CONTRACTS Engineering and Facilities Director, Ed Hilton, explained that in order to open bids, the County must have received three bids. Sufficient bids were not received for the general and plumbing contracts and the electrical bid was in excess of the estimate. Three Commissioners were contacted and gave authorization to reject the bids. The trades were readvertised, bids have been received and are presently being evaluated. Mr. Hilton requested formal action to reject the first bids. Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett. to ratify the authorization by Chairman Retchin, Commissioners Corbett and O'Neal on May 26, 1989, to reject the HVAC and Electrical bids for work on the Airport Terminal Building. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. POSTPONEMENT OF AWARD OF BIDS FOR AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING CONTRACTS Engineering and Facilities Director, Ed Hilton, stated that the bids for general, plumbing, HVAC and electrical contractors for the Airport Terminal Building are above estimated costs and are currently being financially evaluated by staff and a consultant to determine the cause of the differences. I Mr. Hilton advised the Commissioners that the bids will be placed on the next agenda along with the anticipated FAA grant offer to pay for the work. Commissioner Corbett requested information on the progress of the construction of the Airport Terminal. Mr. Hilton stated that the rainfall impacted on the stump removal for the Apron phase of the project, however that phase of the project will not hold up the final project. The project should be completed within the time frame prior to January 1, 1991. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE INCREASING SEWER SERVICE RATES County Engineer Wyatt Blanchard explained the need for increasing rates for sewer service based on increased cost of operations, maintenance, and treatment, stating that the revenue in the amount of $960,000 for the rate increases are included in the proposed budget and are required by the 201 Sewer Facilities Plan. I Chairman Retchin expressed concern of not increasing the flat rates at the same time as the metered rate. Commissioner Barfield stated that the average user rates are below that of the flat rate customers. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to accept the Engineering staff's recommendation for sewer service metered rate increases effective July 1, 1989, and amend the Water and Sewer Ordinance to reflect the new rates. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ 5 2 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR >.1, MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989' The Ordinance amendment is filed in the Clerk's Office for codification in the New Hanover County Code. PRESENTATION OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL AND INTENT TO TRANSFER THE SUNSET PARK SCHOOL PROPERTY TO CITY OF WILMINGTON Scott Redinger and City Manager William Farris gave a presentation on the City of Wilmington's proposal for development of the Sunset Park School Property by building low cost housing, requesting the County Commissioners to approve the plan, grant free dumping of the demolition debris in the landfill, funding in the amount of $61,500 for initial costs, and transfer of ownership from the Board of Education to the City of Wilmington. Mr. Redinger stated the plans were to pay the funds back to the County as the houses are sold. o County Manager Cooper stated that staff would have to evaluate dumping of the demolition debris since it is his opinion that a secured, permeated landfill to dump demolition is not necessary. Commissioner Corbett suggested that the City compromise with the County by making adjustments to some of their requirements, such as the additional parking lot required for the Museum. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern with the County funding this project, since there are areas in the unincorporated County needing low cost housing. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to accept the Sunset Park School property at a cost of $1.00 in order to transfer it to the City of Wilmington. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Commissioners intent of the Board is to cooperate with the Wilmington in transferring the Sunset Park School for the purpose of building low cost housing on the therefore wish to transfer the property to the Wilmington for that purpose. tha t the City of Property land and Ci ty of o APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to approve the minutes of the Regular Meetings of May 1, 1989 and May 15, 1989; Special Meeting of May 8, 1989; Budget Hearings of May 16, 1989 and May 17, 1989, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS, i7, i12, i13, i14, i15, AND i18 Item #7 Commissioner Corbett requested an update on comparison of Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance costs to County employees. County Manager Cooper explained that New Hanover County has been supplying more monetary support for employees than most other organizations do. Insurance rates for individual and family coverage are recommended by Blue Cross/Blue Shield based on previous experience. He stated staff has not studied the insurance issue regarding rates, coverage and deductibles since the original survey of about six to eight counties. He felt that increasing rates was more appropriate than increasing deductibles which would create a hardship on employees. Commissioner Corbett r l J ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR~ MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 525'''' expressed concern with the cost of insurance and recommended raising the deductibles to keep it low. Item #12 Commissioner Corbett inquired if the County Manager had the authority to approve fireworks permits. County Manager Cooper stated that the legislative bill allowing County Managers this duty is still pending. 'It ~r Item #13 Commissioner Mathews requested information on Item #13 questioning the total cost of closing out of cell #2 at the landfill. Engineering and Facilities Director Ed Hilton, stated that the cost would be approximately $303,363. Commissioner Mathews questioned if there were other firms that could do this work and how many cells have been closed out so far. Mr. Hilton stated that there are other firms that do this type of work, however Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan participated in the original design and have assisted in every upgrade and it is not in the best interest of the County to change. He stated that cell #1 is the only one closed out so far. Cell close-outs are required by state regulations as soon as they are full. Commissioner Mathews asked if close-out is comparable with close out in other areas. Mr. Hilton stated landfills in the state to compare. the cost of this charges for landfills there are no other County Attorney Pope stated that Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan will advertise for bids to actually perform construction after they complete the design. -- Item #14 County Manager Cooper recommended an addition to Item #14, part 2, authorization for Airport Authority employees to become a sub-group of the County's hospitalization insurance program by including dental and life insurance programs. Consensus It was the consensus of the Commissioners to add dental and life insurance programs to part 2 of agenda item #14. Item #15 Mr. William Funderburg, a Castle Hayne resident, commented in reference to the Emergency Medical Services program entering into an interlocal agreement with the Town of Wrightsville Beach. He stated concerns of liability on the County when transporting people off the beach, due to drawbridge openings and the tremendous amount of traffic. Mr. Funderburg recommended that the Town of Wrightsville Beach be designated as the first responder, keeping the ambulance on this side of the bridge for safety reasons. Item #18 Commissioner Mathews questioned if O.R.W. extended to the center line of Planning staff were not present to reply. the Middle Fu tch Creek. Sound The . \~. Chairman Retchin announced the public hearing to be held by N. C. Environmental Management Commission on Thursday, June 8, at 7:30 P.M. at Bryan Auditorium, Morton Hall, at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, to classify eight nominated coastal water areas as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW). i I ~ (52" MINUTES OF REGULAR~, MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 lillDITIONAL ITEMS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION OF MOVING THE PRINT SHOP TO EMS BUILDING Commissioner Mathews stated that he had just learned by accident that the County Print Shop was moving to the upstairs of the EMS building, questioning the fact that the Commissioners agreed to fund Cape Fear Community College to construct nursing quarters, but nothing else. County Manager Cooper stated that the renovation will be performed by county forces, but there has been no approval sought from the Commissioners because funds for renovation is such a small amount and the project is budgeted for next year. He further stated that the Print Shop will use the remainder of the space in the EMS building upstairs after the space is renovated for the CFCC Nursing program, which will alleviate the severe shortage of space for the Engineering Department. rr '----~..~../ Commissioner Mathews expressed concern of the procedure for approving this type of issue and questioned if any space would be available in the EMS Building after the Print Shop moved. Ed Hilton stated no space would be left except a storage area. DISCUSSION OF ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX DISTRIBUTION Commissioner Barfielp asked if the County was in violation of the law by allocating $100,000 to the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau. Assistant County Attorney Wanda Copley, explained that the Beach Communities were concerned with the County using the Room occupancy tax collected for tourism when it is needed for beach renourishment, stating that no laws were violated. DISCUSSION OF COMPENSATION FOR RESIDENTS OF GREEN MElillOWS Commissioner Barfield asked to what extent was intended by Commissioner Mathews' suggestion to compensate the residents of Green Meadows for the damages by the sewer construction contractor to their property, stating concerns of creating problems for staff and the Commissioners if contributions to residents are made. Commissioner Mathews stated it was his intent for the County to compensate or to force the contractor to compensate the residents, requesting County Engineer Wyatt Blanchard to make recommendations. Mr. Blanchard, stated that the contractor has basically completed the work and is now working on punch list items for final inspection by the County. Commissioner Barfield suggested the County offer free sewer tap fees for the damages, a plan that would be uniform for all residents. C1 ~ County Attorney Pope stated that if negotiations with the contractor failed, the only alternative to collecting damages would be by a law suit, stating liquidating damages agreed upon are $500.00 per day for one of the contractors and $100.00 per day for the other, which the County may access for the delay in completing the projects. Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to give free tap fees to those residents having severe property damage as a resul t of sewer line construction and proceed against the contractor for reimbursement of the costs of the tap fees. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UPDATE ON DRUG FORUMS Commissioner Corbett informed the Commissioners that he has scheduled a meeting with two television stations to discuss the idea of a call-in talk show, stating they were interested in cooperating in the event. c~\ ~~i.- MINUTES OF REGULAR'< 'MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989'.' /527 " Commissioner Corbett announced that the North Carolina Drug Academy in Raleigh is planning a Drug Roundtable in Wilmington during August, involving the Southeastern Regional Counties. OTHER ITEMS: COUNTY MANAGER I DISCUSSION OF PROCEDURE FOR SELECTING ARCHITECTS FOR THE SENIOR CENTER County Manager Cooper requested procedures for selecting architects for stating two proposals have been received advertising. direction on the the senior center, as a result of the Consensus It was the consensus of the Commissioners to hear the proposals from architects for the Senior Center, and to invite the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Dr. Burt Kring with the V.O.C.A.L. group to make presentations at the next meeting. WAIVER OF LANDFILL FEE FOR BRIGlillE BOYS CLUB CLEAN UP PROJECT The Brigade Boys Club has requested a waiver of landfill fee for dumping debris from their clean up project. Consensus It was the consensus of the Commissioners to waive the Landfill fee for dumping debris collected by the Brigade Boys Club during a clean up project. I DISCUSSION OF REMOVAL OF AIRPORT ENTRY ROlill FUEL LINE County Manager Cooper requested the Commissioners to award a bid to Specialized Marine, Inc. in the amount of $6,700 to remove a fuel line required by the state before awarding the contract for the road construction in August. Mr. William Funderburg, expressed concern of destroying this fuel line, which is part of a reloading facility owned by the military for national defense with plans to upgrade the facility. Mr. Hilton stated that he was not aware of any upgrading plans, but would follow up to find out what their intentions are. After discussion concerning the fuel lines on the Airport property and the responsibility of the Corp of Engineers to remove the remaining lines, Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to award the bid for fuel line removal in the area of the proposed entry road at the New Hanover County International Airport. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING RECESSED FOR DINNER Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for dinner at 6:35 o'clock P.M. to 7:30 o'clock P.M. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Rev. E. J. George, retired minister gave the invocation. I Mr. Larry Greer, Boy Scout Leader and his son Matt Greer, Boy Scout, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment on an item not listed on the ~ .52 8MINUTES OF REGULAR') MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 Regular Agenda or an item listed on the Consent Agenda. The fOllowing persons commented: Mr. Doug Bridgers, who resides at 225 Windemere Road, complained about the steep ditches in his neighborhood, making it impossible to maintained the yards. Marion Verzaal, residing in Willow Woods, complained about the sewer pipes stuck in the ground in his neighborhood that are not connected to the main lines. He stated the inspectors are not doing their job. Mr. Verzaal requested information on the newly adopted sewer service rates. Commissioner Barfield stated it was necessary to increase the sewer service rates because the City of Wilmington increased the treatment costs, explaining that only the metered rate increased while the flat rate remains the same. II Chairman Retchin instructed Engineering and Facilities Director Ed Hilton, to inspect the pipes not connected to the main line and report back to the Commissioners. PRESENTATION OF APPRECIATION AWARD PLAQUE TO EMERGENCY SERVICES VOLUNTEERS Chairman Retchin commended Mr. Julian Bradberry and Mr. Robert Keenan for five years of volunteer service to New Hanover County and the Department of Emergency Services, presenting a plaque to each. Chairman Retchin thanked the volunteers and General Electric Company for allowing time for both volunteers to assist the Department of Emergency Services and New Hanover County. COMMENDATION TO DAN SUMMERS, EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTOR Commissioner Mathews recognized and commended Emergency Services Director Dan Summers, for his accomplishments in developing the Emergency Services Department for New Hanover County. II APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the addition to Item #14. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Budget Amendments #89-0275, #89-0276 and #89-0305 The Commissioners approved the fOllowing Budget Amendments approved by the Budget Officer: 89-0275 Non-Departmental Debit Credit Non-Departmental Contingencies $1,700 Sheriff's Department/Jail M & R/Buildings and Grounds $1,700 n '- ./ Purpose: Additional funding required to improve security in two cells. 89-0276 - Non Departmental/Personnel Department Debit Credit ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR~ MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 529 ., Non-Departmental Contingencies $2,400 Personnel Department Capital Outlay 350 Personnel Department Advertising $2,750 I Purpose: To budget for higher than anticipated advertising costs. 89-0305 Non-Departmental/Director's Directors' Office Telephone Expense Travel, Meetings and Schools Office Debit Credit $2,200 $ 700 1,500 through the end of the Non-Departmental Contingency Purpose: To cover expenditures fiscal year. Approval of Budget Amendments The Commissioners approved the amendments: following budget 89-0287 Community Based Alternatives Debit Credit CBA Grants $862 I Big Buddy Program $862 Purpose: To budget additional funds to the Big Buddy Program from State discretionary CBA funds. 89-0288 Health Department/Maternity Care Coordinator Debit Credit Title XIX Fees $2,000 Salaries FICA Medical Insurance $ 500 500 1,000 Purpose: To budget additional State revenue. 89-0291 Department of Social Services/County Commissioners Debit Credit County Commissioners Appropriated Fund Balance $270,000 I DSS/Medicaid Assistance Payments $150,000 DSS/AFDC State Issued Checks 50,000 DSS/Child-Day Care Day Care Services 70,000 ~ - 53 (YINUTES OF REGULAR:. MEETING, JUNE 5, 1.f89 Child-Day (1) To adjust budget for anticipated shortfalls assistance programs of Medicaid and AFDC. (2) To adjust budget for anitcipated shortfall in Care. Purpose: in public 89-0296 Juvenile Services Center Debit Credit Juvenile Services Subsidy $4,000 Departmental Supplies $4,000 Purpose: To adjust subsidy and departmental supplies accounts due to increase in number of clients housed during the fiscal year. n 89-0297 Blue Cross/Blue Shield Adjustment Departments Various Debit Credit Property Management Salaries and Wages $30,000 Department of Social Services Salaries and Wages $60,500 Director's Office Medical Insurance $4,500 County Manager's Office Medical Insurance 4,500 Personnel Medical Insurance 2,000 Management and Budget Medical Insurance 3,000 n Finance Medical Insurance 2,000 Print Shop Medical Insurance 3,500 Legal Medical Insurance 1,500 Garage Medical Insurance 6,000 Emergency Services Medical Insurance 1,500 Inspections Medical Insurance 32,000 Fire Protection Medical Insurance 1,000 Juvenile Services Medical Insurance 13,500 n Planning Medical Insurance 2,000 Human Relations ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR? MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 531 ., Medical Insurance Supplies-Books 4,500 2,000 7,000 budgets for the Blue Debit Credit $7,028 $7,028 Aging Medical Insurance Parks and Recreation Medical Insurance Purpose: To adjust departmental Cross/Blue Shield shortfall. I 89-0302 - Library Contributions Purpose: To budget gift money and proceeds from book sale. 89-0303 Print Shop Debit Credit Print Shop Charges $3,000 Printing $3,000 Purpose: To budget for increase in printing needs for remainder of the fiscal year. I Adoption of Resolution Requesting the N. C. Legislature and N. C. DOT to Assign High Priority to the Strategic Corridor and Critical Connector Development in Southeastern North Carolina The Commissioners adopted a resolution to request the North Carolina Legislature and the North Carolina Department of Transportation to assign high priority to the Strategic Corridor and Critical Connector development in Southeastern North Carolina, in recognition of the critical need for economic and industrial development in the area. The Commissioners resolved to work in unison with other counties in Southeastern North Carolina to insure that the transportation needs of the region are articulated to the appropriate decision-makers. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, page 15. Approval of Fireworks Permit for July 4th and 250th Anniversary The Commissioners approved a fireworks permit for the City of Wilmington to conduct fireworks displays in the vicinity of USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial during the July 4th and 250th Anniversary celebrations. A copy of the fireworks permit is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, Page 15. I Approval of Contract For Close-out of Landfill Cell #2 The Commissioners approved a contract in the amount of $44,748 with Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan for design and construction services for close-out of Landfill Cell #2, authorizing the County Manager to execute the document upon approval of the County Attorney. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Membership in Local Government Retirement System and Authorization for Airport ~ 5 3 ~INUTES OF REGULAR' ::"MEETING, JUNE 5, 198":) Employees to Become Sub-Group of County's Hospitalization, Dental and Life Insurance Programs The Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing membership of the New Hanover Hanover County International Airport Authority in the Local Government Retirement System. The Commissioners authorized the employees of the Airport Authority to become a sub-group of New Hanover County's hospitalization, dental and life insurance programs. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, Page 15. [J Adoption of Resolution for Interlocal Agreement with Town of Wrightsville Beach for First Responder Service for Medical Emergencies The Commissioners adopted a resolution to enter into an inter local agreement with the Town of Wrightsville Beach for first responder service for medical emergencies in conjunction with the County-wide EMS program. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, Page 16. Adoption of Resolution for Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wilmington for First Responder Service for Medical Emergencies The Commissioners adopted a resolution to enter into an inter local agreement with the City of Wilmington for first responder service for medical emergencies in conjunction with the County-wide EMS program. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, Page 16. n Approval of Grant Application for Project Aware - Health Department The Commissioners approved a grant application for funding from the North Carolina Division of Health Services AIDS Control Program in the amount of $30,320 for Project Aware which is an AIDS education project addressing the concerns of drug and/or alcohol use as a significant risk factor for AIDS. Adoption of Resolutions Supporting Classification of OUtstanding Resource Waters - Masonboro and Middle Sound The Commissioners adopted resolutions supporting the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission in classifying Masonboro Sound and Middle Sound as Outstanding Resource Water. Copies of the resolutions are contained in Exhibit Book XVII, Page 16. Approval of Mutual Aid Agreement Wi th Municipalities for Emergency Management and Disaster Assistance The Commissioners approved the Mutual Aid Agreement between New Hanover County and Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Wrightsville Beach and the City of Wilmington for emergency management and disaster assistance. n A copy of the agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. WITHDRAWAL OF AGENDA ITEM 13 - PUBLIC HEARING FOR AN APPEAL TO REZONE THE REAR PORTION OF A TRACT OF LAND ON EAST SIDE , r ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR}), MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 533 ., OF WILLOW WOODS DRIVE, SOUTH OF OLEANDER DRIVE TO B-2 BUSINESS FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL Chairman Retchin stated that the attorney for the petitioners has requested withdrawal of an appeal of denial by the Planning Commission to rezone the rear portion of a tract of land on the east side of Willow Woods Drive, south of Oleander Drive to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential. I PUBLIC HEARING FOR COMMENTS ON THE 1989-90 PROPOSED BUDGETS Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present wished to comment on the 1989-90 New Hanover County and the Fire Service District Proposed Budgets. The following persons commented: Mr. William T. Childs, an advocate for Senior Links, requested reconsideration of funding in the amount of $4,538 for three months until another funding source can be found to continue the information and referral service maintained by Senior Links. Mr. Chester Jones, commented on the need for funding to put an air conditioning unit that will function in the new Assembly Room. Mr. Jones also commented on evaluating funding needs carefully and keeping the tax rate the same. Mr. Richard Harris, representative of the Friends of the New Hanover County Public Library, commented on the needs of the Library and requested the total funds originally requested for the Library so that plans for the new branch can be expedited. Mr. Linwood Giddeons commented on the need to keep the tax rate low and adopt the budget to fit. I Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. Adoption of Budget Ordinances for the 1989-90 New Hanover County Budget and Fire Service District Budget Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Retchin to adopt the 1989-90 New Hanover County Budget and the Fire Service District Budget as recommended by the County Manager. Commissioner Corbett stated that the Commissioners had a lot of budget requests and have kept in line with the tax rate with a 6 1/2% expenditure increase this year, maintaining a .72 cents per $100 tax rate. He stated that it is premature to incorporate increases in the budget for the recommendations of Maximus, Inc. for the Department of Social Services needs and recommended that adjustments be made as necessary later in the year. I Commissioner Retchin stated that the DSS costs are constantly rising and agreed that it should not be additionally funded now, however there will soon come a time when the Department of Social Services will say they have run out of money for those particular services offered by the State and Federal Government leaving the County with no choice but to fund them as well as furnish them with a building in which to operate. Commissioner Barfield stated that the Commissioners do have a choice in demanding they use some of the innovative ways available to reduce the welfare rolls to restore the dignity of recipients, which have not been implemented during his tenure of nine years as a County Commissioner. -~ 53L4NUTES OF REGULAR',~, MEETING, JUNE 5, 1~89 He felt if the DSS Director reports he has placed 100 people in jobs, the budget for staff should be reduced accordingly. He emphasized that there are citizens drawing welfare checks who wish to go to work, however the bureaucracy keeps them on welfare in order to keep staff positions. Chairman Retchin stated that apparently the State has not questioned welfare payments versus jobs, because they have not joined in the Job Opportunities Program that the Congress passed. Funding is available to the State for job opportunities programs that will trickle down to the Counties. Commissioner 0' Neal expressed concern of funding the recommendations of the Maximus, Inc. study since the Commissioners have not had the time to read it carefully, stating that DSS is doing the best they can with problems that are nationwide. n commissioner Mathews stated that the Commissioners have cut services for some agencies, increased others and did not fund others at all, which was a difficult process knowing all of the requests were very worthwhile, but have tried to stay within the established tax rate and keep the programs no longer funded by the State and Federal Governments. Commissioner Barfield stated his concerns that DSS has not followed charges of the County Commissioners for implementing procedures for reducing expenditures for welfare in New Hanover County regardless of State and Federal mandates. Chairman Retchin called for a vote adopt the 1989-90 New Hanover County District Budgets. Upon vote, the UNANIMOUSLY. on the motion to and Fire Service MOTION CARRIED A copy of the Budget Ordinances is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, page 16. [l ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,500,000 FOR INTERROLL CORPORATION Mr. Wallace Murchison, Attorney for the New Hanover County Industrial Pollution Control and Financing Authority, requested approval of the issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of $3,500,000 for the benefit of Interroll Corporation to be used for the expansion of the plant already in existence in New Hanover County, to manufacture conveyor equipment and parts. Mr. Murchison read the resolution approving issuance of the bonds in its entirety. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, O'Neal to adopt the resolution for in the amount of $3,500,000 by Industrial Pollution Control and Interroll Corporation. SECONDED by Commissioner issuance of revenue bonds the New Hanover County Financing Authority for Commissioner Corbett asked about the total amount of bonds issued to Interroll and if approval of the bonds would place any liability on the County. n Mr. Murchison stated issuance of the bonds would be no obligation on the County, there were no tax monies involved and the bonds would be paid solely by the Interroll company I, \ MINUTES OF REGULARt" MEETING, JUNE 5, 1~89 535 ., under a loan agreement to payoff the bonds totalling $7,000,000. Upon vote, the MOTION to adopt the resolution CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, page 15. I PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 23-12, FAMILY BY REDUCING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNRELATED PERSONS PERMITTED TO LIVE IN A SINGLE DWELLING UNIT FROM FIVE TO THREE (A-192) Planning Commission Chairman William B. Harris, stated this was a continued item from six months ago, when the Planning Commission recommended the amendment. Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing, asking if anyone wished to comment on the amendment. The following persons commented with concern of the potential traffic fatalities and violations on Rose Avenue, the social conduct of residential college students, and developers taking advantage of the law: Mr. Robert Knowles, representing residents of Rose Avenue, Ridgewood Heights and Eastwind Road Mr. Jim Medlin, representing College Acres Subdivision Mr. Jim Humphries, President of Student Body at UNCW Mr. Ken Woodman, UNCW SGA Vice President I Ms. Lynn Fulton, resident of Andover Road Mr. Walter Barnhill, resident of Andover Road Mr. David Floyd, resident adjacent to property Mr. Jimmy Clemmons, resident on Rose Avenue Mr. Richard Tripp Mr. Carl Durham Dr. Murray Seidel, resident of College Acres Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. I Commissioner Corbett stated that UNCW appointed a task force composed of representatives of the Greek sororities and fraternities, advisors to the fraternities and the administration, who have met for several months having recently compiled their report most of which consists of pros and cons of on campus housing versus off campus housing, addressing only the fraternities and sororities. He reported that the UNCW administration supports the amendment reducing the number of unrelated persons living in a home from five to three. Commissoner Corbett stated that UNCW is working with some developers in finding land located near the university where a complex may be built to house the Greek fraternities and sororities to be buffered from the neighborhoods. ~ 53 t)MINUTES OF REGULAR''., MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 Commissioner Corbett commented that another critical problem has been a result of raising the drinking age, forcing the students off campus where they are not controlled by UNCW regulations. Commissioner Corbett commented on the original task force that was set up by the City of Wilmington, stating they have not called for a report from the task force. Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to amend the Zoning Ordinance reducing the number of unrelated pel;'sons permitted to live in a single dwelling unit from five to three. [] Commissioner Mathews reported that he requested and received a report from the Sheriff's Department related to the serious problems in the College Acres area, which indicated the activity as follows: Since January 1989, dispatched vehicles to College Acres Drive for noise related complaints on ten occasions, two arrests for hindering and delaying; and during a four day period, 96 citations and 83 warning tickets have been written on Cardinal Drive. Commissioner Mathews stated he felt that somehow the UNCW Administration could take sanction against the students that are involved in the problems and breaking of the law, as done on other campuses. Commissioner Barfield directed comments to the President of the UNCW Study Government, stating that the battle has been going on for eight years encouraging him to bring about changes in the affected communities, and to encourage the students not to aggravate the citizens of the surrounding neighborhoods, but to demonstrate they are our future leaders. Chairman Retchin commented on the need to continue the dialogue continues through the City of Wilmington Task Force appointed for the purpose of solving the problems. n Commissioner Corbett suggested that an ideal time to communicate the message to parents and students is at the UNCW orientation and asked the SGA President to express the concerns of the neighborhoods at that time. Vice Chairman O'Neal stated that it would be a mistake to believe all of the problems would be solved by adopting the amendment to the ordinance and felt that if the ordinances are not enforced, they are worthless. He emphasized to the citizens that they must work with the students and do the many things required to enforce the ordinance such as surveillance, policemen, warrants, and court action. Chairman Retchin stated that the Commissioners should re-examine the definition of a single family house and amend the zoning ordinance. Chairman Retchin called for vote on the Adoption of an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 23-12, Family by reducing the total number of unrelated persons permitted to live in a single dwelling unit from five to three. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. n A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969, SECTION 23-12 FAMILY", is contained in Exhibit Book XVI, Page 16. \ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 5, -1989 ^~53 7 ., BREAK Chairman Retchin recessed the meeting for a break at 9:20 o'clock P.M. until 9:25 o'clock P.M. I PUBLIC HEARING FOR A REQUEST BY AUTO PARK ASSOCIATES TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 120 ACRES EAST OF 1-40 AND SOUTH OF HOLLY SHELTER ROAD TO B-2 BUSINESS FROM R-15 RESIDENTIAL AND 1-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (Z-370) Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing, stating this item was continued until an appropriate sewage disposal permit was issued. Planning corrunission Chairman Harris stated that the sewage disposal permit has been obtained. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present wished to speak in opposition or in favor of this rezoning. The following person corrunented: Ms. Charlene Pete, a Castle Hayne resident, requested the date of the permit, which was May 9, 1989. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice Chairman O'Neal to rezone approximately 120 acres east of I-40 and south of Holly Shelter Road to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential and I-2 Heavy Industrial. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice Chairman O'Neal emphasized the addressing the problem of storm water constructing the project. importance of runoff when I A copy of " AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA NO. 8A OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA", is contained in Zoning Book II, Section 8A, Page 16. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REQUEST TO REZONE THE REAR PORTION OF A 2.47 ACRE PARCEL ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PARMELE ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1200 FEET WEST OF N.C. 132 TO R-15 RESIDENTIAL FROM 1-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (Z-372) Planning corrunission Chairman Harris, gave background information on the request, stating the Planning corrunission recorrunended approval of the rezoning. Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing asking if anyone present wished to corrunent in opposition or in favor of the rezoning request. The following person appeared to corrunent: Ms. Cathy Jackson, adjoining property owner. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. I Vice Chairman 0' Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Corrunissioner Corbett to rezone the rear portion of a 2.47 acre parcel on the north side of Parmele Road approximately 1200 feet west of N.C. 132 to R-15 Residential from I-2 Heavy Industrial. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA CASTLE HAYNE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED JULY 1, 1985", is contained in Zoning Book II, Section 8A, Page 17. ~ 538 __~;:.""; ~'::~f:!' . ~~~~~ 2~1~]';..i . "- -=I::'~; ~'. 5~' ';:'~b\!1 ~":;, ~ MlNU':fgS-.oF REGULAR, MEETING, JUNE 5, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING To CONSIDER REQUEST TO REZONE .9"84 ACRE ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.S. 117 (5224 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD) TO B-2 BUSINESS FROM RA RURAL AGRICULTURE (Z-375) Planning Commission Chairman Harris gave background information, stating the Planning Commission recommended the rezoning. Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone present wished to speak in opposition or in favor of the rezoning request. No one appeared to comment. n Vice-Chairman 0' Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve the rezoning of .984 acre on the east side of u.S. 117 (5224 Castle Hayne Road) to B-2 Business from RA Rural Agriculture. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA CASTLE HAYNE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA" is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book II, Castle Hayne Section, Page 8. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ADOPTION OF AN ORDER ASSIGNING HOUSE NUMBERS ON OAKLEY ROAD AND OAKLEY CIRCLE LOCATED IN CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP Planning Director Hayes stated that the reason for the order is to expedite the elimination of routes and box numbers in order to be ready for the census takers who are already beginning their work in the County. Chairman Retchin asked if anyone comment on the address changes. The commented: present wished to following person Ms. Sonj a English, spokesperson for the neighborhood, 0 especially the elderly, addressed their concerns. She questioned if address assignments would be made to residents on the dirt roads. Planning Director Hayes stated that the dirt roads would be assigned a name agreed to by the residents at a later meeting followed by address assignments. Commissioner Barfield requested the Planning Director to condense the technical information mailed to the property owners when address changes are necessary so they will understand why their address must be changed. commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adopt the order to assign house numbers on Oakley Road and Oakley Circle located in Cape Fear Township. A copy of the order is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, Page 16. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY W. MAUS, III TO CLOSE A PORTION OF HOLLY STREET LOCATED BETWEEN HOLLY SHELTER ROAD TO THE NORTH AND HICKORY STREET TO THE SOUTH IN THE COMMUNITY OF CASTLE HAYNE (SC-46) Chairman Retchin opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone present wished to comment. No one appeared to 0 comment. Chairman Retchin closed the Public Hearing. Vice Chairman 0' Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to adopt an order closing a portion of Holly Street located between Holly Shelter Road to the north and Hickory , ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR', MEETING, JUNE 5, -1S,99 569 .., Street to the south in the community of Castle Hayne. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Order is contained in Exhibit Book XVII, page 16. I MEETING RECESSED FOR MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to recess the regular meeting to hold a meeting of the Water and Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, O'Neal to adjourn the meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED by Commissioner Upon vote, the MOTION Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 10:05 o'clock P.M. peCtfUfUb~~e~~ oy. B. Bragg,rG::r~ eputy Clerk I I ~