1989-08-14 Special Meeting r'" 60'2 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1989 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Monday, August 14, 1989, at 7:30 P.M. in the Multipurpose Room of the Department of Social Services Building, 1650 Greenfield Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; Chairman, Fred Retchin; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; I and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Retchin called the Special Session to order stating the purpose of the meeting is to hold a Work Session with Maximus, Inc. to discuss recommendations presented in the Department of Social Services Management Study. He welcomed members of the Board of Social Services and requested action on an additional item before beginning the Work Session. APPROVAL OF REVISION TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACT WITH REAGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY - AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING Chairman Retchin stated Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, has requested revising the Reagan Electric contract from $1,411,050 to $1,416,050. He stated the additional $5,000 increase is to cover a portion of the insurance cost required for contract documents. Motion: Vice-Chairman 0' Neal Corbett to approve the revision to $1,416,050 as recommended. UNANIMOUSLY. MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner of the contract from $1,411,050 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED DISCUSSION OF DSS MANAGEMENT REPORT Dr. Bill B. Benton, Project Director and President of the Human Services Management Division of Maximus, Inc. expressed I appreciation to the Commissioners, Members of the Board of Social Services, the DSS Staff, and County Staff for the cooperative effort received in performing the DSS Management Study. He stated Ms. Phyllis Elliot, Project Manager and Vice-President of Maximus, Inc., will present and discuss the first recommendations: Ms. Elliot presented the following recommendations stating these items have been discussed with the DSS Staff: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE & MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 1. Establish a Planner/Evaluator Position in the DSS Director's Office: This position has been approved with the County Personnel Department developing a job description to assure the appropriate classification. 2. Conduct Needs Assessments: The Commissioners should designate DSS as the central coordinator for assessing needs and developing a plan for regular assessment and monitoring of these needs. The new DSS Planner/Evaluator position can perform this work and present goals to be achieved. Commissioner Corbett asked if a Needs Assessments Plan should be submitted quarterly to the Board of Commissioners? I Dr. Benton stated the Wake County Board of Social Services sets expectations for DSS requiring monthly reports from the Director of Social Services with submission of these reports to the County Commissioners at least once a year. He stated reports can be presented to the Commissioners on a quarterly basis if desired. Commissioner Barfield stated needs assessments with goals and objectives would be beneficial to the Commissioners in understanding why new positions are needed. He encouraged communication of this type in order to better inform the Commissioners and general public. ~- I I I MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1989 (CONTINUED) 603 " Dr. Benton stated a written assessment of needs is beneficial in two ways: (1) anticipation of problems before they occur; and (2) provision of systematic information on all issues which prevents crisis situations. 3. Develop Annual Performance Plan: Prepare plan as precursor for the next DSS Budget. This plan is to be prepared by the DSS Board and Director. 4. Re-emphasize Commitment to Public Accountability in Mission Statement: A Mission Statement has been drafted for review by the Board of Social Services and should be presented to the Board of Commissioners and public. SERVICE/DELIVERY/WORKFLOW 1. Develop and Implement an Automated Case Management System: Dr. Benton stated the DSS Director and MIS Director should be assigned this responsibility. Chairman Retchin stated according'to the MIS Director, the County has an automated case management system which has not been implemented. Dr. Benton stated the County has a rolodex type system; however, an automated case management system would tie into the state system, make referrals, feed all other systems, and produce management reports. He stated Jefferson County, Colorado, has made a major investment into an automated case management system which has greatly reduced the time spent by workers and avoided duplication of keying in the same data. Chairman Retchin recommended developing a system whereby the intake worker can obtain all of the information necessary and route this data to the necessary departments with the proper documentation attached. Chairman Barfield asked if $350,000 was expended for a state-of-the-art automated case management system, would this reduce the number of employees? Dr. Benton stated an automated case management system would represent the difference between 82 positions as indicated in the report versus the 29 proposed positions. Commissioner Mathews asked the maximum time frame for developing a system. Dr. Benton recommended that the MIS Director investigate systems already available and transferable stating an automated system should be developed and implemented within two to three years. 2. Contract all CHORE Related Services: Dr. Benton recommended that DSS contract with providers for PCS and CAP and also consider contracting for remaining chore services or converting in-home services from chore to homemaker services. STAFFING: 1. Develop Career Enrichment Program: develop a career plan for the department. employees with career opportunities. The DSS Director will The plan will provide 2. Restore Formal Training Program and Develop Plan for Coordination With Local Institutions of Higher Education: Draft proposal with Cape Fear Community College to formalize a training program. This effort will require close coordination among the DSS Director, County Administration, County Attorney, and State Department of Social Services. LEVERAGING SOCIAL SERVICES FUNDING: 1. Expand New Hanover Memorial Hospital Model to Other Hospi tals: Negotiate expansion of current agreement with New Hanover Memorial Hospital and establish agreements with other hospitals. 2. Take Leadership Position in Welfare Reform: The County Commissioners have forwarded letters to the Governor and State ~ '6"OlfINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 14, 1989 (CONTINUED) officials requesting adoption of the Welfare Reform Act by the state of North Carolina. Dr. Benton stated he will be meeting with State officials within the next two weeks and requested authorization to inform the state of New Hanover County's interest in adoption of the Welfare Reform Act before October 1990, and the County's interest in becoming a leader in the Welfare Reform program. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to authorize Dr. Benton to inform State officials of New Hanover County's interest in adoption of the Welfare Reform Act. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: o 1. Review of Recruitment and Hiring Process with New Hanover County Personnel and the Department of Social Services: Schedule a meeting between the County Personnel Director and DSS Director to develop mutual procedures and consider the practice of advance hiring. This will eliminate any duplication of services and fill vacancies more expediently. 2. Meet with County MIS Staff to Review Client Data Base System: MIS should provide written documentation on system features, implement user review on new system developments and prepare written documentation on all new systems. Communication channels are imperative between these departments. Commissioner Corbett asked how this realistically develop. Dr. Benton stated Commissioners should direct the DSS Director and meet. meeting would the Board of MIS Director to Consensus: It was the consensus of the Commissioners to direct the Director of Social Services and MIS Director to hold a meeting to review the client data base system and discuss development of an automated case management system. Commissioner Barfield asked how objectives can be set by the Board of Commissioners without overstepping their bounds. Dr. Benton recommended the DSS Director in conjunction with the Board of Social Services identify priority goals and submit these goals to the Board of Commissioners for approval. Once approved, these goals should show improvement in the areas being addressed. o Discussion was held on accountabili ty. Commissioner Barfield stated DSS employees perform their tasks well; however, the general public openly criticizes the dollars spent for DSS services and desire some form of accountability. Dr. Benton stated with an operational plan developed by DSS for identification of needs, the Commissioners and public can be better informed on the needs versus costs. Chairman Retchin encouraged each County Commissioner to spend one-half of a day with a caseworker and see the duties and responsibilities involved in handling one case. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to Dr. Benton and Ms. Elliot for an excellent presentation and stated the report will become a working document. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS APPOINTED TO THE BOARD OF SOCIAL 0 SERVICES Commissioner Mathews introduced Mr. Francis Foy and Mr. Harold Cloud, the newest members appointed to the Board of Social Services. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~~e~tful~~ submitted, ~v(.>'Y~ Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk '( \ ~