1989-08-29 Special Meeting I I I ~ ~A.7: MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 29, 1989 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Tuesday, August 29, 1989, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the General Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Vice-Chairman, Nolan O'Neal; Chairman, Fred Retchin; Acting County Manager, Mary Gornto; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Retchin called the Special Meeting to order stating the purpose of the Work Session is to discuss options for expansion of the Jail Facility. He requested Mr. Herb McKim, a partner of Ballard McKim and Sawyer Architects, to present the two proposals that were submitted at the meeting of August 21, 1989. The following proposals were presented: OPTION I - EXPANSION OF THE PRESENT LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER COST: $7,000,000 1. Expand from 120 Beds to 240 Beds a. 3,600 sq. ft. of additional new space b. 10,690 sq. ft. of renovated existing space 2. Expansion Areas a. Construction of new columns adjacent to existing walls on the south side of the building. b. Construction of new floor at the third floor level. c. New roof over the existing exercise area. Mr. McKim stated the primary advantage of this option is the convenience of the existing facility to the Courthouse with usage of the underground tunnel when transporting inmates to court. He stated the disadvantages are providing adequate parking and an accessible service entrance. OPTION II - EXPANSION OF PRESENT LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER PLUS CONSTRUCTION OF AN EIGHTY BED JAIL ON DIVISION DRIVE PROPERTY COST: $6,250,000 1. Concept: Construct a jail that is expandable (modular) beginning with 80 beds and expanding up to 240 beds in increments of 80 or less. 2. House food preparation for both jails using a serving kitchen in the existing Law Enforcement Building. 3. Move the training officer to the new facility. Construct an indoor range adjacent to the training office. This frees up space in the existing Law Enforcement Center for 911, Emergency Services and Vice- Narcotics. 4. Additions to Law Enforcement Center: a. Serving Kitchen and new service entry and elevator. b. Staff lounge and expansion of the ID Section. This concept will add 80 beds at the beds at the existing Law Enforcement Center. minimum security center would be eliminated to the new facility. new facility and 10 The present weekend and staff reassigned Mr. McKim stated the primary advantage of this option is the future capability of converting the Law Enforcement Center into a judicial building when the court facilities outgrow the present structure. He stated the primary disadvantage would be the cost and time involved with transporting inmates to court. ~ ~ ~ ." ,S.PECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 29, 1989 ( CONTINUED) Chairman Retchin asked if anyone present would like to comment. The following remarks were presented and discussed: Sheriff Joe McQueen commented on the urgent need for additional beds to accommodate felons awaiting trial stating he would prefer that the jail expansion occur in the present facility. He expressed concern for the cost, amount of time, and personnel that would be required for transporting inmates from Division Drive to the Judicial Building and requested the Commissioners to consider this factor before making a final decision. District Attorney, Jerry Spivey, expressed concern for moving the main holding facility from the Law Enforcement Center and listed the following disadvantages: (1) costs involved with transporting of prisoners, particularly unscheduled trips; (2) security; and (3) delays in Superior Court trials at a tremendous cost to the taxpayers. He recommended maximizing the use of the downtown facility for holding inmates awaiting trial and long-range planning for expansion of the minimum security space at the Jail Annex on Division Drive. n I ' '- J Assistant District Attorney, John Carriker, stated most of the inmates awaiting trial have court appointed attorneys who visit clients during lunch, breaks, or court delays without additional time and cost involved in traveling to another location. He stated if the main holding facility is moved to another location, court appointed attorneys will see less of their clients and refuse to serve on the indigent list. He urged the Commissioners to expand the Jail Annex to accommodate persons serving misdemeanor sentences, and utilize the existing Law Enforcement Center for persons needing access to the Court System. A lengthy discussion was held on expanding the current facility to adequately accommodate the jail population for the 0 future. Chairman Retchin stated he could not see expansion of the present facility to accommodate future needs. Commissioner . $ . l~ Mathews expressed concern for spendlng 7,000,000 on a Jail expansion that probably will not meet future needs. He also commented on the cost of construction and asked if a low cost type of facility can be constructed on Division Drive? Mr. McKim recommended the possibility of increasing the number of beds in the Law Enforcement Center to 80 and expanding the Jail Annex by 65 to 70 in dormitory type construction to reduce the cost. Vice-Chairman O'Neal stated expansion of the Law Enforcement Center would be short-sighted, particularly with the lack of space to provide for parking and a service entrance area. Attorney Bill J. Boney, Jr., Chairman of the Indigent Committee for the 5th District, stated the Jail Annex is adequate and functioning well; however, the main Jail is overcrowded with the possibility of a federal lawsuit being filed due to inadequate space needs. He stated persons in jail are either felons, federal prisoners, or female prisoners awaiting trial and need to be conveniently located in order to effectively operate the Court System. He urged the Commissioners to expand the existing holding facility stating court appointed attorneys will not be able to adequately serve and counsel with indigent clients if they have to travel to another location. ,-., "',_J Attorney John Collins, President of the New Hanover County Bar Association, commented on the cost of transporting felons and recommended expansion of the present Law Enforcement Center. After discussion of the convenience of facili ty and possible expansion of the Jail presented the following option: the present Annex, Mr . Jail McKim \ ~ I I I SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 29, 1989 (CONTINUED) ~629 " OPTION III - EXPANSION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER INTO A JAIL FACILITY WITH REMOVAL OF OTHER DIVISIONS EXCEPT FOR THE JAILER AND CIVIL PROCESS UNIT COST: TO BE DETERMINED 1. Remov~ 911, the Patrol Division, Training Unit, Vice- Narcotic unit and other offices to the Jail Annex utilizing the entire Law Enforcement Center for the jail. The Jailer and Civil Process Unit will remain in the building. 2. This option will provide an additional 80-90 cells. Commissioner Mathews asked if the proposed expansion of the Law Enforcement Center will be adequate for future space needs. Mr. McKim stated if the the Law Enforcement Center can be expanded to provide 380 cells, and the Jail Annex expanded as needed, the facility should be adequate for a number of years. Chairman Retchin recommended requesting Mr. McKim to present a proposal on converting the Law Enforcement Center into a jail facility. Mr. McKim recommended preparing a proposal looking at the maximum number of cells that can be placed in the present facility with an estimated cost projected. Consensus: After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request Mr. McKim to prepare a proposal for expansion of the Law Enforcement Center with removal of all offices and units with the exception of the Jailer and Civil Process Unit. This proposal is to be presented to the Commissioners within the next four weeks. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to District Attorney Jerry Spivey, Assistant District Attorney, John Carriker; Attorney Bill J. Boney, Jr.; and Attorney John Collins for their input and cooperation in discussing the proposed jail expansion. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 9:25 o'clock P.M. "~C;;)C:d. ~ F. Harrell Clerk to the Board J