09_15_2020 Meeting Agenda September 15, 2020 8:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chair, Dr. Smith) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes 3. National Substance Abuse Awareness Month Proclamation 4. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Est Time Presenter 1. Old Business 10 a. Legal Review of the adopted HHSB Rule to Prohibit the Use of Mr. Burpeau Smoking, E-Cigarettes in County, Town, City Buildings, Vehicles, and Mr. Joye Grounds and in Public Places in the County of New Hanover 15 b. COVID-19 County Public Health Update Ms. Turner 15 c. COVID-19 Community Impact and Health Equity Update Mr. Conway 2. New Business 10 a. HHS End of FY Financial Summary Ms. McClure 10 b. HHS Financial Briefing for Current FY Ms. McClure 15 c. Annual Local Communicable Disease Report Ms. Turner 10 3. HHS Updates and Program Spotlight a. Updates and Priority Areas Ms. Bradley b. Program Spotlight - NHC WIC Breastfeeding Program – US Ms. Wrenn Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services 2020 Loving Support of Excellence Gold Premiere Award 4. Public Comments Ms. Limoges 10 5. Closing Remarks Dr. Smith