1990-02-27 Special Meeting MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 , 839 " ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in a joint session with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Tuesday, February 27, 1990, at 4:15 o'clock P.M. in the Airport Conference Room, 1901 Hall Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioner E. L. Mathews, Jr. Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, Jr. Chairman Fred Retchin I Members absent were: Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Commissioner Nolan O'Neal Members present from the New Hanover County Airport Authori ty were: Chairman John G. Ashby; Paul E. Gregory; H. Thompson King III; Shirley T. McQueen; and William Schwartz. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. AIRPORT TERMINAL COMPLEX STATUS REPORT Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, expressed appreciation to the County Commissioners for touring the new facility and stated the terminal should be opened and operational by early fall. He presented an update on construction activities and explained the following budget summary of the project: AIRSIDE PROJECT Apron Pavement Contract Electrical Contract Trans to Admin/Landside 2/23/90 $5,067,018 $ 72,095 $ 1,500 I LANDSIDE PROJECT DOT Paving Contract Proposed Paving Contract Lighting Landscaping Signage $ 655,200 $2,310,757 $ 344,975 $ 225,914 $ 272,000 TERMINAL BUILDING - PHASE 2 General Contract HVAC Contract Plumbing Contract Electrical Contract Loading Bridges Design-Admin. Exp./Furnishings Contingency $3,293,299 $1,208,770 $ 418,851 $1,517,490 $ 247,497 $ 23,400 $ 241,097 *Project Contingency $ 43,600 10/24/89 $4,932,332 $ 66,325 $ 655,200 $2,864,800 $ 225,914 $ 272,000 $3,231,476 $1,210,500 $ 409,800 $1,416,050 $ 290,000 $ 183,510 $ 161,504 * The Airport is refunding $24,052 for Taxiway D improvements which is included in the project contingency. I Discussion was held on the apron paving/lighting projects, the entry road project, and terminal building changes. Director Hilton listed the following additional costs: Original Cost Apron Paving/Lighting $140,000 Increase in cost due to extra edge lights, concrete handwork, & additional underground service pipework. Project Cost $171,942 ,~ '84 (}UNUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 (CONTINUED) Terminal Building Changes to Date as follows: $170,584 broken down CP&L required changes Modifications to fit field conditions Changes or clarifications to plans Required Code Changes Changes for the Airport or USAir TOTAL $ 9,450 7,190 33,536 46,872 73,536 $170,584 Estimates of Additional Building Changes Being Processed Fit Field Changes HNTB Changes Code Required Changes Airport TOTAL $ 1,107 11,326 72,281 159,146 $243,860 o Director Hilton stated anticipated additional costs are expected for code requirements such as city required backflow preventers, a fire alarm monitor for the building management/PSO control room, additional concrete work around the electrical transformer pad, and additional engineering fees for soil and concrete testing by Bhate Engineering. Discussion was held on the amount of additional costs due to required code changes. Director Hilton stated building code changes have occurred in 1982, 1985, and in Phase II, which reclassified the building and did require additional engineering and design services. Mr. Steve Reiss, HNTB Project Consultant, presented the following fee request and an explanation of additional costs: Testing & Geo-Technical Services compensation for Additional Services Completion of Construction Monitoring $74,000 41,500 51,500 o Services Provided by Bhate Engineering (1) Unanticipated removal of 15,000 roots and stumps. (2) An additional 2 1/2 months required by the contractor for completion of the apron paving contract which required additional time for Bhate Engineering since they are responsible for inspection of the paving work. (3) Approximately 14 hours per day for 12 months was required in order to provide field inspection, testing of paving, and removal of stumps which were pro- jects being performed at the same time. (4) Approval of a change in the concrete paving mix which required additional testing. (5) Due to inclement weather, the asphalt testing crew was delayed. Explanation of Adjustment to Design Fee for HNTB (1) Significant changes in state and federal requirements that have impacted on the project and HNTB Design Fee: ~ I , I l ~ a. FAA amended requirements for security systems which have required considerable design work. b. The building was constructed in two phases with two different contractors for each phase. Root leaders were placed a few inches off and holes were mislocated in the slab; therefore, adjust- ments had to be made by the present contractor. '~ :1 I I MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 (CONTINUED) ~'I/ " Chairman Retchin expressed concern for HNTB as the on-site inspector allowing errors of this nature to occur and stressed the importance of someone other than the County being held responsible for the additional costs. Mr. Reiss stated on a daily basis HNTB must make judgement calls as to whether work should be ripped out when performed incorrectly or whether modifications can be made to resolve the error at a minimum cost and at the same time avoid a delay in construction. Director Hilton stated additional construction costs for the modifications are less than $8,300. Vice-Chairman Corbett stated he understands that mistakes occur in a project of this size; however, he strongly feels the County should not bear any portion of the expense due to an error. Mr. Reiss commented on the 10% retainer fee stating this is the County's security deposit which is not released until the end of the project. Director Hilton stated he would approach the original contractors to negotiate recovery of the $8,300. (2) Requested Adjustments by USAir a. Baggage Service Room b. VIP Room - (USAir just recently decided to have a VIP Room which required design modifications.) c. Installation of 20-ton air conditioning unit in the restaurant area. (3) Changes in State and Federal Codes a. Change of building from a "mall" classification to an "atrium" classification. (Significant impact on the type of construction, existing requirements, and smoke evacuation system.) b. Minor changes to the rent-a-car area. (4) Completion of the Project: The original plan called for completion of the HNTB Work Authorization by June 1. Due to additional items, such as the USAir space not being completed, HNTB has proposed a fee that will reduce the field staff to handle the remainder of the project on an "as needed" basis with payment for every hour worked. A lengthy discussion was held on the changes in the state code which reclassified the new terminal as an atrium. Mr. Reiss stated if the building had been constructed in one phase, the structure could have been grandfathered under the code changes; however, the building did remain dormant for 1 1/2 years; therefore, the adjustments and reclassification applied to the structure. Vice-Chairman Corbett questioned the original agreement with HNTB stating he understood they would provide field services until the completion of the project. Director Hilton stated the original Work Authorization with HNTB established the date of June 1; however, due to upgrading USAir space and additional construction work involved with complying to the code reclassification, Staff feels it would be in the best interest of the Airport and County to extend the Work Authori~ation to have a field inspector on site for a period of three months~ ~ ~.If;t., O~:tfltrES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 (CONTINUED) Chairman Retchin asked if a specific contract price was established with HNTB or was the price based on hours worked? Director Hilton stated the contract was based on a "not to exceed" amount for a certain period of time. A lengthy discussion was held on funding. Director Hilton advised the Commissioners that State funds of approximately $2,000,000 would be received instead of $800,000 as originally anticipated. Airport Authority Chairman Ashby stated since the Airport [ Authority was responsible for obtaining additional funds, hopefully the Commissioners will agree to apply a portion of the ~: funds to the $3,800,0000 reconstruction of Runway 16-34. After further discussion of additional costs and anticipated costs projected, Director Hilton requested the Commissioners to approve a Budget Amendment in the amount of $490,013 to transfer interest earned on the money in the capital project and money in last year's operation fund balance into the Capital Project Account to be designated for the additional work items presented by HNTB and proceed with the allocation of $90,000 for the security system. Motion: Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to approve a Budget Amendment in the amount of $490,013 transferring last year's operation fund balance and the interest earned on monies into the capital proj ect with funds to be allocated for the security system, furnishings, and the following disbursements: Additional payment to Bhate Engineering Additional design for HNTB Additional HNTB cost for monitoring project $74,000 $41,500 $51,500 Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin [ Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Absent: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner O'Neal DISCUSSION OF INSTALLMENT FINANCING County Attorney Pope stated during the last session of the General Assembly the statutes were amended to allow local governments to utilize installment financing. At present, the county has utilized this form of financing and plans to fund the USAir terminal project through this funding mechanism. County Attorney Pope stated as of date there is pending litigation in the State Court with reference to the constitutionally of this financing and at this time no one knows the decision that will be rendered on this matter. He stated the Commissioners will be informed of any action taken. Chairman Director of Commissioners, next two weeks. Retchin stated Mr. Ron Aycock, the Executive the North Carolina Association of County feels this matter should be resolved within the DISCUSSION OF PARKING AREA IN NEW TERMINAL Vice-Chairman Corbett inquired about the parking lot arrangements at the new terminal. r-"'" L Airport Manager Kemp stated that a decision as to what Republic Parking will provide will be received shortly at which time final parking arrangements will be decided. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Mathews to adjourn. Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I ,~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 27, 1990 (CONTINUED) 843 " Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 5:55 o'clock P.M. I ~e pectfully submitted, . v(~/ - ucie F. ~ C rk to the Board I I -~