1990-03-13 Special Meeting I I I 857 ., MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met with the local Legislative Delegation on Tuesday, March 13, 1990, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Nolan 0' Neal; E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; Acting County Manager, Mary M. Gornto; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members absent were: Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; and Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Legislators present were: Senator Franklin Block Representative Harry Payne Representative Alex Hall Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order stating due to another commitment, Representative David Redwine was unable to attend. He welcomed everyone present and expressed appreciation to the legislators for attending the Work Session. DISCUSSION OF REIMBURSEMENT TO COUNTIES FOR REPEAL OF THE INVENTORY TAX Chairman Retchin expressed concern for the projected shortfall in the State's budget and urged the legislators to protect the reimbursement to counties for repeal of the inventory tax. He requested the legislators to hear from the subcommittees appointed by the General Assembly for the purpose of seeking additional revenues for local governments and studying the relationship between local governments and state governments before changing the present reimbursement schedule. Representative Alex Hall stated he strongly feels the reimbursement to counties will not be arbitrarily cut-off by the State nor will the effort to increase the sales tax be passed. He stated the possibility of raising the sales tax as a trade-off for the reimbursement was discussed during the last session; however, he does not feel this issue will be pursued, and if this recommendation should develop, it would require at least a year for implementation. DISCUSSION OF RELIEF FOR THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED FOR ESCALATING PROPERTY TAXES Chairman Retchin commented on the 1991 Property Revaluation and stated it is strongly felt by the Board of Commissioners that some form of relief should be provided to the elderly and handicapped in order to enable them to cope with escalating property taxes. Discussion was held on both bills, the one supported by the N. C. County Commissioners Association based on the indexing system, and the bill introduced by Senator Block postponing the tax until a later date. The local delegation was requested to support and pass a bill in the Short Session that will provide relief to the elderly and handicapped population during the upcoming revaluation. DISCUSSION OF JAILS Chairman Retchin stated funding assistance construction of jails. A lengthy discussion present overcrowding and innovative ways to population. is needed for the was held on the reduce the jail Sheriff action taken misdemeanants. prisons. Joe McQueen requested the legislators to oppose any by the State that will require housing all He stated if this occurs, the jails will become j 8 5 ~INUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1990 (CONTINUED) After further discussion of fully utilizing the Jail Annex, it was agreed by all that local governments desperately need funding assistance to construct and expand j ails in order to comply with state and federal regulations with the increasing jail population. DISCUSSION OF UNPAID PROPERTY TAXES ON MOTOR VEHICLES Chairman Retchin commented on problems experienced with collection of unpaid property taxes on motor vehicles stating methods have been recommended to allow local governments to recover this revenue. He urged the legislators to develop some method of collections. Representative Hall stated many bills have been introduced; however, due to various options being attached to the various bills, no bill has received enough votes to go through the House. He stated Representative David Redwine's bill is excellent and has some support; therefore, it is hopeful that this bill will be discussed in the Short Session. [J DISCUSSION OF ALLOWING COUNTIES TO IMPLEMENT THE 911 TELEPHONE SERVICE CHARGE WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM OTHER GOVERNING BODIES Chairman Retchin commented on the recently enacted telephone service charge stating the present bill does not counties to select this option without approval of other governments within the county. "911" allow local County Attorney Pope stated when preparing the bill the draftsman overlooked the statute governing counties which does not allow counties to pass an ordinance affecting municipalities wi thout the municipalities agreeing to passage of the ordinance through resolution. After further discussion, the local delegation was requested to amend the bill to allow counties to select the 911 telephone service charge without having to acquire approval from the municipalities. o DISCUSSION OF LOCAL BILL TO ALLOW THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE AND FINANCE REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY BY INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, requested the local legislators to support the local bill authorizing the New Hanover County Airport Authority to finance real or personal property by installment contracts. DISCUSSION OF HOUSE BILL 364 AND SENATE BILL 269 TO OVERCOME THE GAP FOR PER CAPITA FUNDING AMONG MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS Acting County Manager Gornto commented on House Bill 364 and Senate Bill 269 stating these bills address the gap in per capita funding among mental health programs stating New Hanover County is 37 out of 41 counties, yet 12th in population. Senator Block stated this matter has been discussed with the local Mental Health Director, William D. Sudduth, and that he will monitor these bills closely. Chairman Retchin commented on the $400,000 loss of State funding for the New Hanover County Detox Center and requested the legislators to fund the Eastern Region's detoxification services in this year's budget. ,He stressed the importance of this [ facility to our region and the immediate need for funds. DISCUSSION OF STATE LOTTERY Chairman Retchin commented on the projected shortfall in the State's budget and the revenue that could be generated from a state-wide lottery. He recommended allowing the voters of the State to decide by referendum if North Carolina should have a state lottery. Representative Hall stated this is a very controversial issue and no one has been able to gather enough votes to allow this matter to be decided by referendum. f, "~ I I I MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1990 (CONTINUED) 859 ., DISCUSSION OF LAND TRANSFER TAX Commissioner Mathews inquired about the possibility of imposing a land transfer tax to complete the county-wide sewer system. Representative Payne stated Dare County has been quite successful with the land transfer tax; however, they had no alternative but to impose the tax due to growth and public health problems being experienced with water and sewer. Representative Hall recommended seeking some other form of generating revenue. DISCUSSION OF INCINERATOR Senator Block inquired as to the completion date of the Steam Plant expansion and asked if there is enough capacity to contract with Pender County for burning of waste. Acting County Manager Gornto stated the expansion should be completed by mid-1991 and that representatives of Pender, Brunswick, Columbus, and Horry County, South Carolina are participating in discussion of solid waste disposal. At the present time, it is felt that burning or utilization of landfills among the counties is not practical due to the distance involved. held on state solid waste disposal and Representative Payne stated New Hanover in this area compared to other counties; will not receive a high priority when Discussion was funding assistance. County is far advanced therefore, the county allocating funds. DISCUSSION OF PRE-FILING LOCAL BILLS Representative Harry Payne stated the House has established a system whereby bills will be pre-filed. The pre-filed bills will be forwarded to the Local Government Committee who will review and prepare the bills for hearings. Representative Payne stated this method should reduce the amount of time involved, and encouraged all local governments to forward their local bills as soon as possible. Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the local delegation for attending the meeting and discussing items of concern to the County. AGENDA FOR RETREAT Commissioner Mathews inquired as to when the backup for the retreat agenda will be received. Acting County Manager Gornto stated the agenda and backup material will be completed on Friday, March 23, 1990. APPROVAL OF BONUS FOR ACTING COUNTY MANAGER MARY GORNTO Chairman Retchin requested a motion to discuss an additional item involving compensation for the Acting County Manager. He stated since Commissioner Barfield and Vice-Chairman Corbett were unable to attend, they have written letters waiving their right to be present and have voted to discuss this issue. Motion: Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Mathews to discuss compensating the Acting County Manager for services performed during the past eight, (8) months. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the letters are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XVIII, Page 8. Chairman Retchin commented on the outstanding job performed by Mary Gornto as Acting County Manager and proposed a bonus of $8,000 ($1,000 per month). Motion: Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by commissioner Mathews to approve an $8,000 bonus for Mary Gornto as additional compensation for duties performed while serving as the Acting -~ 8 6 (}INUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 13, 1990 ( CONTINUED) County Manager for a period of eight (8) months. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield Vice-Chairman Corbett Acting County Manager Gornto expressed appreciation to the CJ Commissioners for the bonus and complimented the County staff and employees for their assistance and cooperation. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Mathews Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Retchin Absent: Commissioner Barfield Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 9:35 o'clock P.M. ~es ectfully submitted, .V/~ Lu ie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board o n '_J ~