1990-03-21 Special Meeting I I I 86-1 " MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 21, 1990 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and New Hanover County Board of Education met in a joint Work Session on Wednesday, March 21, 1990, at 7:30 o'clock A.M. in the Board of Education Conference Room, 1802 South 15th Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairman Fred Retchin; Acting County Manager, Mary M. Gornto; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr. was absent. Board of Education members present were: Chairman Ray Funderburk; Lucille Shaffer; Rachel Freeman; Janice Cavenaugh; Ann D. King and Buck Hardee. Chairman Retchin called the meeting to order. DISCUSSION OF VISION, MISSION AND GOALS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM Dr. Tom McNeel, Superintendent of the New Hanover County Schools, expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for past support of the county schools and for the cooperative working relationship between the Board of Education and Board of Commissioners. He presented the following mission statement for the New Hanover County School System: VISION: By the year 2000, the New Hanover County School System will be among the best in the southeastern United States. MISSION: The mission of the New Hanover County School System is to deliver educational programs and services which meet the needs of a diverse student population. This will be achieved through the efforts of a dedicated, competent, and caring staff, and a supportive community. GOALS: Student Achievement: The New Hanover County schools will provide educational opportunity for each student to reach his/her potential with special emphasis on the following: (1) preparing all graduates for post secondary education, work and life-long learning; (2) improving scores on SAT, CAT, and other achievement tests; (3) increasing success in academic competitions, scholarships, and participation in higher level courses; (4) addressing the needs of at-risk students; (5) ensuring good citizenship and human relations skills; and (6) acquiring and utilizing appropriate technology. Dr. McNeel presented the following priorities stating these issues must be addressed as soon as possible: 1. Technology: Upgrading of computers in school labs. 2. Vocational Education: Develop and upgrade vocational education programs. 3. Improve Programs for Handicapped Children: Congress has mandated that all school systems have educational services in place for 3 and 4 year-old handicapped children by the year 1991-92. 4. Improvement of Older School Facilities: Improvements to New Hanover High School, Snipes Elementary School, and Winter Park Elementary School. Discussion was held on the Basic Education Program. Dr. McNeel stated by FY 1992/93, schools will be required to implement an elementary foreign language program. Ms. Janice ~ 't I, I I I, I, , 1\ 8@:@u'rES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 21, 1990 (CONTINUED) Cavenaugh stated a 3-year foreign language plan concentrating on Spanish will begin this year. Dr. McNeel commented on the urgent need to better prepare and train students who plan to go directly into the work force after graduating from high school stating upgrading vocational education is crucial to this group of students. Discussion was held on improving older school facilities. Dr. McNeel stated the N. C. Department of Public Instruction will perform a complete survey of the 30 county schools and develop a report on facility improvements and long-range planning. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the Commissioners. n \ ' ". J Discussion was held on the preparation of the School Budget for FY 1990-91. Dr. McNeel stated the format for the budget will be one that can be understood by the Board of Education, County Commissioners and the general public. The budget will reflect 1989-90 expenditures and 1990-91 budget requests with justification for the increase of any line items. Chairman Retchin expressed appreciation to Dr. McNeel for the progress report on county schools and complimented the members of the Board of Education for establishing these challenging goals to better meet the educational needs of our children. REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 2 Ms. Ann King requested the Commissioners to encourage the local legislators to support Senate Bill 2 which provides for site base management. DISCUSSION OF ADDRESSING THE SCHOOL DROPOUT PROBLEM Vice-Chairman Corbett challenged the school officials to become the #1 school system in the country. He stressed the importance of quality education stating when attracting industry, r it is imperative to have a strong educational system. He also commented on the school dropout problem and encouraged the -/ establishment of programs, such as Head Start, to ensure that every child receives pre-school training before entering the first grade. DISCUSSION OF THE TALENT SHOW, "BEST FOOT FORWARD" Ms. Ann King encouraged everyone present to talent show, "Best Foot Forward", a fund-raiser for Wilmington Chamber of Commerce's mini-grant program. the show will be held at Brogden Hall on Thursday, 1990, at 7:30 P.M. attend the the Greater She stated March 23, ADJOURNMENT Chairman Retchin, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Board of Education for the invitation to hold the Work Session and adjourned the meeting at 8:50 o'clock A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Clerk to the Board ! "-