1985-09-30 Special Meeting 01 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING AND SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Monday, September 30, 1985, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. ( :./ Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan: Claud 0' Shields, Jr.: Fred Retchin: Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.: Chairman Nolan O'Neal: County Manager G. Felix Cooper: County Attorney, Robert W. Pope: and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman O'Neal called the Special Session to order stating the Public Hearing had been scheduled to give the general public an opportunity to discuss the proposed Governmental Units Consolidation Study Commission Report. He welcomed all members present from the Consolidation Study Committee. Ms. Karen Gottovi, Chairman of the Governmental Units Consolidation Study Commission, introduced Mr. Roy Little and Peter Fensel, Jr. of the Study Committee, and gave background information on the report. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman O'Neal opened the Public Hearing. The following persons commented in opposition to the proposed consolidated government: I. Mr. J. F. Hart Ms. Madleyn Jones Ms. Ellen Williams Mr. Jimmy Davis Mr. Jeff Tripp Mr. Leonard Long The following person commented in favor of a consolidated government: Mr. William C. Howard After a lengthy period of discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the following questions and concerns expressed by the public should be addressed with factual data provided by the Charter Commission when established: 1. How will taxes be kept under control? 2. Can you project what the tax rate will be? 3. How can you combine Law Enforcement and avoid political involvement when the Sheriff is an elected official? 4. How will you combine City and County employees with all being treated equally? I After further discussion, Ms. Gottovi stated the above questions can be resolved by a Charter Commission with factual materials available to the public before the referendum. She stressed the importance of hiring a staff person with legal expertise to head the Charter Commission and the importance of selecting qualified persons to serve on this Commission from the various parts of the County. She respectfully requested adoption of the resolution for establishment of a Charter Commission. Chairman O'Neal closed the Public Hearing. After a lengthy' discussion of the importance of the selection of members to serve on a Charter Commission, Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Barfield to defer adopting the resolution until the County Attorney could furnish more information on the legalities of establishing a Charter Commission and the County Manager could research the cost of setting up the Charter Commission. This item is to be placed on an agenda within the next 30 days. \ /' 02 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING & SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adjourn the Public Hearing and convene to a Special Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal adjourned the Public Hearing at 8:01 o'clock P.M. and reconvened to Special Session at 8:02 o'clock P.M. POSTPONEMENT OF DISCUSSION OF TRANSFER OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBILITIES FROM THE CITY OF WILMINGTON TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY County Manager Cooper stated after a meeting with the City and County officials he was not ready to discuss this issue and would place this item on the agenda for October 7, 1985. APPROVAL OF ORDER FOR DEFIBRILLATION EQUIPMENT Mr. Dan Summers, Director of Emergency Services, presented a Defibrillation Program Funding request in the amount of $18,000. He stated the purchase of this equipment is required for the EMT- AI program. County Manager Cooper stated this order would have to be advertised for bids recommending authorization by the Commissioners to proceed advertising with the final award of bid and appropriation of funding being presented for approval at a later date. After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to authorize advertising for bids on defibrillation equipment as requested. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Dolan commented on the increase of costs from $630,000 to $1.5 million at this stage of development in providing this type of EMS services to citizens of the County. He stressed the importance of informing taxpayersupfront of the true costs of improved services whether EMS or fire protection. APPROVAL OF LEASE BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND MONSANTO COMPANY County Manager Cooper presented a lease between Monsanto Company and New Hanover County for the use of a paved area on abandoned Runway 9/27 for the purpose of assembling astroturf soccer fields to be exported. The rental rate is $100 per day. Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to approve the lease as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AUTHORIZATION FOR FIREWORKS SHOW - RIVERFEST - CITY OF WILMINGTON - PARKS & RECREATION Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to authorize the Wilmington Parks & Recreation Department to conduct a fireworks show on the Cape Fear River Banks on October 4 and 5, 1985. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Barfield to adjourn the meeting. The floor was opened for discussion with the following person commenting: Mr. Allen Tiller, representing the Ogden/New Hanover Rescue Squad, expressed concern for no input or information being forwarded to the volunteer rescue squads on the purchase of defibrillation equipment. Emergency Services Director Summers stated this subject was discussed at the last Audit Review Meeting and once the equipment was purchased, certainly the rescue squads would be involved in training and all other aspects of implementing the program. O~ MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING AND SPECIAL MEETINGr SEPTEMBER 30r 1985 (CONTINUED) Commissioner Barfield stressed the importance of including the rescue squads in all phases of the program. Group discussion broke out on the floor. Chairman O'Neal called for a vote on the motion for adjournment stating this item had not been listed for discussion on the agenda. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I: Voting Aye: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Neal Voting Noe: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner Retchin Chairman O~Neal recessed the meeting at 8:25 o'clock P.M. ~/~d' Lucie F. Harrell Clerk I I