1985-12-16 Regular Meeting 8 'A.'. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1985 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, December 16, 1985, at 6:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. I" Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan; Nolan O'Neal; Claud 0' Shields, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Fred Retchin; Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attomez;, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner O'Shields gave the invocation. JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS PROPOSED JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSOLIDATION CHARTER COMMISSION A joint meeting was held with the Wilmington City Council for discussion and adoption of a joint resolution to establish a Consolidation Charter Commission. Councilmembers present were: Robert Shipp; Irving Fogler: Don Betz: Luther Jordan; Tony Pate; Mayor Berry Williams, City Manager, William Farris; and City Attorney, Tom Pollard. Mayor Pro-tem Fran Russ from Wrightsville Beach was present. Chairman Barfield welcomed all members present stating the meeting had been called for discussion and adoption of a proposed resolution to establsih a Charter Commission. I After a lengthy period of questions and answers, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to adopt the following resolution. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A CONSOLIDATION CHARTER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the consolidation of City and County Governments has been discussed actively for many years in New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington: and WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint or combined resolution by the City of Wilmington, the towns of Wrightsville, Carolina and Kure Beaches, and the County of New Hanover, a Consolidation Study Commission was established for the purpose of studying, evaluating, analyzing, reviewing any and all elements which would affect the feasibility of the above units consolidating: and WHEREAS, said committee was also charged with making a recommendation to the governmental units concerning the establishment of a Governmental Consoliqation Charter Commission: and I WHEREAS, this committee has recommended that a charter commission be established to draft a Charter effecting the consolidation of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County: and WHEREAS, Article 20 of Chapter 153A of, the North Carolina General Statutes authorized counties and cities to establish governmental consolidation charter commissions by concurrent resolutions of their governing bodies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL, THAT: 34 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1985 (CONTINUED) JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL - ESTABLISHMENT OF A CHARTER COMMISSION (CONTINUED) 1. There is hereby established the New Hanover County Governmental Units Consolidation Charter Commission pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes. r 2. The Commission is hereby charged with the following purposes: (a) To review avail~ble proposed charter for a single Government for New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington; '" . (b) . To review the studies of the powers, duties, functions, responsibilities, and organizational structures of New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington; i . ~ : (c) To analyze the costs and financing of a single government format: (d) To prepare and recommend the proposed charter for the consolidated governments of New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington to the governing bodies of the County and City. r 3. The Commission shall consist of members who shall serve until the work of the Commission is completed. The New Hanover County Commissioners shall appoint six members, the Wilmington City Council shall appoint six members, and one member each shall be appointed by the governing bodies of Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, but may be paid or refunded any necessary and essential expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties consistent with the adopted budget. Currently sitting elected officials will not be eligible for appointment to the Commission, nor will any members of the Governmental Units Consolidated Study Commission be appointed as a member. However, the chairmen or a representative from the five committees of the 1984-85 Study Commission will be asked to serve as an advisory committee to the Commission. Vacancies occurring on the Commission by reason of resignation or otherwise shall be filled by the governmental body that made the original appointment. r A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present at a meeting of the Commission shall be required to constitute action of the Commission. 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1985 (CONTINUED) JOINT MEETING WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL - ESTABLISHMENT OF CHARTER COMMISSION (CONTINUED) 4. The officers of the Commission shall be a chairman, vice-chairman and a secretary. The chairman, vice-chairman and secretary shall be elected by the commission from its membership at the organizational meeting. The meetings of the Commission shall be subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Article 33C of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes. I 5. The organizational meeting shall be called by the Chairman of the County Commissioners and shall be held within thirty days after the appointment of the members of the Commission. All appointments to the Commission shall be made and reported to the Chairman of the County Commissioners by February 17, 1986. The Commission is to complete its work on or before July 15, 1986. I 6. New Hanover County shall pay all the costs and expenses of the Commission. As soon as practicable after its organizational meeting, the Commissio'n' shall 'prepare a budget. for its operations. The budget shall be reviewed and approved by the County Commissioners. For the purposes of the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, the employment of personnel, purchasing procedures and financial management, the Commission shall be deemed ,to be a, department of New Hanover County, under the governing body. 7. The Commission may utilize officers, employees, agents and facilities of New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington as may be needed to carry out the Commission's purposes. In particular, the' offices of the County Attorney and the City. , Attorney .are available as legal resources for the Commission. The Commission is encouraged to utilize the expertise and resources of the Institute of Government in preparing the proposed charter. 8. Subject to the approval of the budget by the County Commissioners, the Commission shall have the powers set forth in G. S. l53A-404. The Commission shall also have the authority to appoint such subcommittees of its membership and advisory committees as necessary for the accomplishment of it purposes. 9. The intent of this resolution is to provide for the preparation'of a consolidation charter for a single government for the County and. City to be submitted to the voters for approval. - The Commission shall have no authority to call for a referendum without the joint approval of ,the City Council and the County Commissioners. I A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 45. BREAK Chairman Barfield recessed the Regular Meeting for break from 8:30 o'clock A.M. to 8:44 o'clock A.M. J6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER16, 1985 (CONTINUED) PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE TO FORMER CHAIRMAN NOLAN O' NEAL Chairman Barfield, on behalf of the County Commissioners, presented a plaque to Commissioner O'Neal in appreciation and recognition of his leadership during the past year as Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner- Dolan to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1985, as presented: the Special Meeting of November 19, 1985, as presented, and the Special Meeting of Novemer 25, 1985, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield asked if anyone from the general public wished to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or any item listed on the Consent Agenda. The following person commented: Mr. James A. McDonald, Attorney representing Mr. Richard Shew, an adjacent property owner commented on the decision at a Public Hearing with reference to stubb-out streets in Surry Downs Subdivision. He requested to be placed on the January 6, 1986, agenda. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to send this item back to the Planning Department for further review and place the appeal on the January 6, 1986, agenda. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Dolan commented on Item #12 and after further discussion, Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Do~an to approve the following Consent Agenda items removing Item #12. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r CONSENT AGENDA Request Approval of Report of Collector of Revenue through November 30, 1985 The Commissioners approved the Collector of Revenue RepoFt through November 30, 1985. A copy of the report is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 45. Approval of Tax Abatements and Refunds The Commissioners approved a list of tax abatements and refunds as presented by the Tax Administrator. A copy of the list is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 45. Approval of Contract - Department of Natural Resources and Community Development The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute a grant contract between New Hanover County and the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development for the purpose of assisting with the CAMA program in the maximum amount of $5,500. r Award of Bid - Wheel-Type Tractor - Airport The Commissioners awarded the low bid to Nash Equipment Company in the amount of $16,366 for a wheel-type tractor for the Airport. Copies of the bid tabulation, Resolution and Agreement are contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 46. \ 8 1!l; MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1985 (CONTINUED) . . - Award of Bid - Mowing Machine - Airport I \" ~ j ,.... ,. . . I . *. The Commis.sioners awarded the low bid 'to Right of Way Equipment Company in the amount of $9,860 for a mowing machine for the Airport. Copies of bid tabulation, Resolution and Agreement are contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 46. I Award of Bid - Various Offjce Furniture - Home Health Department The Commissioners awarded the low bid to The Office Showcase, Inc. in the amount of $15,425.70 for the purchase of various office furniture for the Home Health Department. Copies of bid tabulation, Resolution and Agreement are contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 46. Reappointment of Mr. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr. as County Energy Coordinator for One Year The Commissioners reappointed Andrew H. Harriss, Jr. .as the New Hanover County Energy Coordinator for another year. Adoption of Resolution for Addition of Road to State Maintained Secondary Road System The Commissioners adopted a Resolution for addition of the following road t~ the State Maintained Secondary Road System: Old Mill Road Extension, Runneymeade Subdivision (Division File #540-B) I A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 46. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding - Agricultural Extension Service The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute a Memorandum of Und~rstanding between the N. C. Agricul~ural Extension Service, -North Carolina State University, A&T State University and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that states the responsibilities and relationships of the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service and the Board of County Commissioners. Approval of Grant Application for Rape Task Force Funds - Cape Fear Substance Abuse The Commissioners approved a request by Cape Fear Substance Abuse Center to approve a grant application for Rape Task Force Funds. The application requires no County funds. Approval of Alternate Work Schedule - Social Services I The Commissioners are ~equested to approve the 4 1/2-40 plan as an alternate work'schedule for staff at Social Services. Budget Amendment Approved by Budget Officer - Department of Aging The following Budget Amendment for the Department of Aging for a contribution from Lower Cape Fear Arts Council for Stage Door Troopers was approved by the Budget Officer and is being reported for the entry into the record: 86-00000109 - Aging Debit Credit Arts Council/Grassroots Departmental Supplies $500 $500 38 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1985 (CONTINUED) WITHDRAWAL OF ITEM NO.9, PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS - INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board, reported Mr. Wallace Murchison, Attorney representing the, Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority, had called and \~thcrffi~ Item No. 9 at the request of the Landmark Organization. , JOINT MEETING WITH WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH BOARD OF ALDERMEN FOR DISCUSSION OF BERM RENOURISHMENT Chairman Barfield, on behalf of- the County Commissioners, welcomed members of the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen. Mayor Carlton Hall introduced Mr. Dale Ralston, the new Town Manager of Wrightsville Beach. Mayor Hall gave background information on the berm renourishment project for Wrightsville Beach stating the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission had recommended Wrightsville Beach for receipt of funds collected through the Room Occupancy Tax for beach renourishment. Mayor Hall also stated he had been contacted by the Corps of Engineers stating monies for berm renourishment were availabe by March 1986. He requested approval of the proposal by the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission to allocate 80% of the Room Occupancy Tax funds to Wrightsville Beach. County Manager Cooper stated as of September 30, the amount of funds available from the occupancy tax was $436,576 with two more quarters estimating the figure at $500,000. , After discussion, Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to allocate the funds available from the occupancy tax as of March 1, 1986, to the Town of Wrightsville Beach. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mayor Hall, on behalf of the Board of Aldermen, expressed appreciation, to the Commmissioners for supporting this project. MEETING RECESSED FOR WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT MEETING Chairman Barfield recessed the regular meeting at 9:10 o'clock A.M. for a regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Chairman Barfield reconvened to regular session at 10:40 o'clock :E;>,.M. _ APPROVAL OF ITEM 112 ON CONSENT AGENDA - SEWER EASEMENT CONDEMNATION - HOWARD V. WORTHINGTON After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to authorize the initiation of condemnation proceedings for obtaining the sewer easement across the property of Howard Worthington. Upon ,vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. WITHDRAWAL OF ITEM '15, REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY FUNDING FOR PATHWAY HOUSE ' Mr. Carl Durham commented on receipt of a state grant in the amount of $25,000" He expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for placing this item on the agenda stating this unexpected funding did solve the immediate problem. He gave background information on the program stating it was going well. r BREAK Chairman Barfield recessed the meeting for a break from 10:41 o'clock A.M. to 10:52 o'clock A.M. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING REQUEST FOR BELLAMY MANSION Mr. Meares Harriss appeared before the Commissioners requesting funding in the amount of $5,000 for restoration of the Bellamy Mansion. He stated the N. C. Department of Cultural Resources would appropriate $15,000 for fiscal year 1985/86 to 8 MINTUES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1985 (CONTINUED) restore the Bellamy Mansion if non-sta,te funds are raised by the Foundation and New Hanover County to match this appropriation. Commissioner O'Shields asked why New Hanover County was requested to contribute $5,000 when the foundation is set up as a non-profit organization. He stated any funds raised which are non-state should be acceptable, not necessarily County funding. I After a lengthy discussion of the funding request, it was the consensus of the Board for Mr. Harriss to approach the Tourism Council and other sources for ,funding. APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR ELDERHAUS, INC. Ms. Linda Pearce, Executive Director, Elderhaus, Inc., appeared before the Commissioners giving background information on a Project Hometown America grant requesting a letter of commitment for match funding in the amount of $11,800. She stated the grant will fund additional space for Elderhaus for Alzheimers patients. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to authorize the Chairman to write a letter of commitment by January 3, 1986, in the amount of $11,800 with dispersal of funds in the next fiscal year. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chairman Barfield recessed the meeting for a break from 11:10 o'clock A.M. to 11:13 o'clock A.M. MEETING RECESSED FOR CONTINUED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Chairman Barfield recessed the regular meeting at 11:11 o'clock A.M. for a Continued Meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review. I Chairman Barfield reconvened to regular session at 12:14 o'clock P.M. PENALTY RELEASE - REEDS JEWELERS Tax Administrator Register gave background information on the penalty release recommending abatement of the $716.88 penalty due to underlisting 1985 taxes since' complete and timely listings had been received from Reeds'Jewelers for 1982, 1983, and 1984. He stated he felt the omission was unintentional. After discussion, Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to abate the listing penalty in the amount of S71o.3S as recommended by the Tax Adf15nistrRtor. - Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOTPION OF RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to adopt a resolution transferring all allocations of funds ($1,028,954) received from the State for water and sewer construction projects to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED- UNANIMOUSLY. I A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 47. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT FROM RALEIGH TO SERVICE AREA DESIGNATION Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Executive Director of Council of Governments, appeared before the Commissioners to request adoption of a reso 1 u.ti"on for tran s fer of the program administration of the JTPA program from Raleigh to a Service Area Designation including the four counties of Region o. He gave background information on the resolution which states that New Hanover County is interes'ted in .joining a consortium seeking }O MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, - DECEMBER 16,. 1985 (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF, JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT FROM RALEIGH TO SERVICE AREA DESIGNATION designation as a Service Deli-very Area for the distribution of the JTPA funds through 1989. He pointed out the- advantage of establishing' a SDA for-Region 0 was that local elected officials and Private Industry Council members would-have direct control over the distribution of funds. r After discussion, Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to adop.t the resolution seeking designation as a Service Delivery Area. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 47. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED AIRPORT HOTEL LEASE - r.outt18nc1 Development, Inc. Assistant County Attorney Silliman gave background information, on the. proposed Airport Hot'el Lease stating an economic feasibility study had been completed and submitted to the County. He recommended insertion of the following figures in the hotel lease. Minimum Number of Rooms Minimum Investment 100 $3,375,000 After discussion of the numbers presented, Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to approve the figures presented subject to MBE provisions~ Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r APPOINTMENT OF HOSPITAL STUDY COMMITTEE After a lengthy discussion of the number of members to be appointed to the Hospital Study Committee, Commissioner O'Neal MOVED to accept all applications. Commissioner Dolan SECONDED the MOTION with the amendment that all applicants with conflicts of interest due to employment such as doctors, nurses, etc. be eliminated. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield . '. After further discussion of the number of members on the committee and elimination of any conflicts of interest, Commi s s ioner Do Ian MOVED', . SECONDED by Chai rman Barf ie Id to appoint eleven members. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED - AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield r Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Neal After -discussion, Commissioner O'-ShieldsMOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield to appoint Mr. Benjamih E. Kirkend~ll. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield Voting Noe: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER-16, 1985 -(CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF HOSPIT~L STUDY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) Chairman ~arfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to appoint Johnnie S. Fields. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to appoint Mr. Justin Raphael. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to appoint Dr. Richard B. Graf, Jr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED, by Comm,issioner O'Neal to appoint Ms. Margaret S. Hickman. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Barfield Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by'~Commissioner Dolan to appoint Ms. Cathy Meyer. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal I Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to appoint Dr. Robert Creighton, Jr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman ~arfield ~oting Noe: Commissione~ Dolan Commissionwe O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to appoint Mr. Edwin C. Thieman, Jr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman",Retchin ,', Chairman Barfield Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Neal I Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to appoint Mr. John T. Talbert, Jr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Connission~r Dolan to appoint Dr. Robert Toplin. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield ~2 .- MINUTES OF REGULAR'MEETING, DECEMBER 16,1985 (CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF HOSPITAL STUDY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to' appoint Mr. Marshall Crews. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield ,- . . -Voting Noe: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Chai~ ' Barfield to appoint Mr. Lenard R. Abbott. Upon vot~, the MOTION ,CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to appoint Mr. Seymour A]per. 'Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner O'Shields .. 'Vice-;;"Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield Voting Noe:' Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Following is a list of persons appointed to the Hospital Study Committee: Lenard R. Abbott Seymour Alper Robert Creighton, Jr., M. D. J. Marshall Crews Johnnie S. Fields Dr ~ Richard B. Graf, - Jr.' Margaret S. Hickman Benjamin E. Kirkendall Justin Raphael John T. Talbert, Jr. Edwin C. Thieman, Jr. ,..- The Clerk reported that Ms. Margaret Rosenkoetter, Dean of Nursing UNC-Wi1mington, had called -to withdraw her application due to her employment stating she felt she may not have adequate time to devote to the Committee. She requested the status of a non-voting member and offered her consulting services free of charge. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to ad journ the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 1:01 o'clock P.M. ,..-- ~LJPedritted. ~ F. Harrell Clerk