1986-01-31 Special Meeting 114 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1986 tCONTINUED) . DISCUSSION.OF RESOLUTION FOR CHARGE OF HOSPITAL STUDY COMMITTEE Chairman Barfield discussed and reviewed the reso.lution defining the. charge ef the Hespital Study Cemmittee. He stressed the impo.rtance ef cemmittee members expressing their epiniens and net being influenced by anyene er any type ef o.utside pressure. He emphasized the.impertance o.f furnishing factual data en the advantages and disadvantages ef ho.spital reo.rganizatien. Co.mmissio.ner O'Shields reco.mmended the first meeting be an o.rganizatio.na'l- meeting electing a Chairman and Vice-Chairman with a discussio.n o.f the needs o.f the cemmittee. . Dr." Graf questio.ned directio.n o.f the Cemmissio.ners as to. their charge asking if the co.mmi ttee was a fact-finding co.mmittee, did the Co.mmissieners want them to. make a reco.mmendatien based en thei~ f~nd~ngs. ' ~ - After discussien, it was the co.nsensus o.f the Beard fer the cemmittee to.. present factual data o.nly with the Co.unty Cemmissio.ners making a recommendatio.n en restructurin~. Ceunty Manager Co.o.per co.mmented en a co.o.rdinater fer the co.mmi ttee and addi tio.nal clerical staff, if necessary. He effered the services o.f Assistant Co.unty Manager, Mary Go.rnto.. After discussio.n, it was the co.nsensus ef the Cemmissio.ners to. request Assistant Co.unty Atto.rney, Wanda Cepley and Clerk to. the Beard, Lucie F. Harrell, to. assist the co.mmittee in scheduling. and reco.rding the first o.rganizatio.nal meeting with a co.o.rdinato.r being appo.inted at a later dat~. Mr.. Sevinour' Alper J'; recemmended establishing a date fo.r the first me~ting o.fthe co.mmittee. After discussien, it was the co.nsensus o.f the members present o.f the Ho.spital Study Co.mmittee to. held its first meeting en Mo.nday, February 3, 1986, at 5:00 o.'clo.ck P.M. in the 5th Fleer Co.nference Ro.o.m o.f the Co.unty Administratio.n Building. ADJOURNMENT Co.mmissio.ner Do.lan MOVED, adjeurn the Special Meeting. UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED by Co.mmissio.ner O'Neal to. Upo.n vo.te, the MOTION CARRIED Chairman Barfield adjeurned the meeting at 9:10 o.'clo.ck A.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~y~- - Lucie F. Harrell Clerk r' MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1986 ASSEMBLY The, New Hano.ver Co.unty Beard o.f Co.mmissio.ners met in Special Sessio.n o.n Mo.nday, January 31, 1986, at 9:00 o.'clo.ck A.M. in the Assembly Roo.m of the New Hanever County Administratio.n Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmingto.n, North Carolina. Members present were: Cemmissieners John Do.lan; No.lan O'Neal; -Claud 0' Shields, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Fred Retchin; Chairman, Jo.nathan Barfield, Sr.; Co.unty Manager, G. Felix Co.oper; Ceunty Attorney, Rebert W. Po.pe; and Clerk to. the Beard, Lucie F. HarrelL ~"'1' II! MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 31, 1986 (CONTINUED) ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED) Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order stating the purpose of the Special Session was to consider an extension of the moratorium on Eastwood Road. I ADOPTIO~~ OF ORDINANCE EXTENDING MORATORIUM ON EASTWOOD ROAD Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to adopt the ordinance as introduced on the first reading extending the moratorium on billboards on Eastwood Road. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY A copy of the ordinance is contained in 'Exhibit Book XIII, Page 50. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY OWNED JOINTLY BY THE CITY AND COUNTY The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Artis Bryant, Real Estate Officer, for the City of Wilmington, had requested approval of' Item #2 on- the Consent Agenda for February 3,' '1-986. Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED Commissioner 0'Srrie1ds to approve the resolution accepting an offer of purchase as. listed below: I 3l0.McCrae Street. - Tax Map No. 6~01~94831-040-006 710 S. 13th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05410-015-023 222 S. 13th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05406-015-016 908 Queen Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05410-018-029 1001 Anne Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05406-019-009-000 810 S. 13th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05410-024-115-000 918 S. 8th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05409-037-015-000 206 S. 11th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05406-018-016-000 623 N. 10th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-04814-009-012-000 517 S. 9th Street - Tax Map No. 6001-05406-021-005-000 Upon vote, the -MOTION" CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIII, Page 50. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to ad j 0 urn . the me e tin g . Up 0 n v 0 t e , the MOT ION CAR R I"E D UNANIMOUSLY. . rffC:f:?>~ ~.. Harrell Clerk I