1986-02-03 Regular Meeting l16 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1986 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, February 3, 1986, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration BUilding, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. ,- Members' present were: Commissioners John Dolan; Claud 0' Shields, Jr.; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Fred Retchin; Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Reverend C. ~. Thompson, Pastor of Warner Temple A.M.E. Zion Church, gave the, invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 6, 1986, as presente~. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Discussion of Leash Law in New Hanover County Ms. Doris Jones, a citizen of the Water ford Subdivision, expressed concern for animal control in New Hanover County requesting a Leash,Law in order to protect both animals and property owners in the County. After discussion of the present Animal Control Ordinance', which does contain a Leash Law, the Legal Department was requested to contact the Animal Control Department of the Health Department informing. them of their legal enforcement capabilities. ,- Request to Stop Construction of Present Pipe Line on Highway 132 - NorthChase Development Mr. William Funderburg, a resident of Castle Hayne, expressed concern for the NorthChase package waste treatment plant being discharged into the Cape Fear River at a recreational area. He gave background information on the original 201 Facilities Plan and requested that construction of the pipe line be. stopped immediately with a Public Hearing being held. He also requested establishment of an alternate route down the Carolina Power & Light right-of-way off of Highway 132 to the northwest Interceptor at Ness Creek in accordance with the New Hanover County 201 Facilities Plan. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for Mr. Funderburg to present in writing his request to the County Manager who will respond as quickly as possible. WITHDRAWAL OF ITEM 117 AND ITEM t18 FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, stated Mr. Otto Pridgen had requested withdrawal of Item #17 since he would be unable to attend the meeting due to an illness. ,- Chairman Barfield stated he had been requested to withdraw Item #18, Discussion of Funding Request by Cape Fear Area Opportunities Industrialization Centers, Inc. It was the consensus of the Board to withdraw Items #17 and 18 as requested. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to approve the following Consent Agenda items with deletion of Item 2 which was approved on January 31, 1986, at the request of the City of Wilmington. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 ''::iot MINUTES OF REGULARI~~t'~G, FEBRUARY ~,.198~ (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA -'t- jI'1 \j", ," ~ r " ", , " I CONSENT AGENDA ~ I ~ f I ::" to.,' - II I , Approval' ':for Destruction of Records - J~,egi."st~~, of: Deeps, Office , , I' The' Commissioners approved . , ( 1982 and 1983 for the Register of the Rec6rds Retention Schedule. 1.1' , -I. '1'" I) I, I ," destruction of, J,ury Cards for Deeds 'Office'lin accordance with :. z. '} r 1. f .' A copy of the request is on fil~iin th~ ~f~r~'s o~fice. ) . '\ ... I ~ , 'j \. .... I ~ 1;',' .. t Release of Penalty on Room Occupancy Tax Ripgs Cottages {, (',.1 . . I \ . ""'" '\ The Commissioners released tl)e..lat~ f.iling. penalty for room occupancy tax in the amount of $60.00 for Rings Cottages. , Approval of Interlocal Purchasing Agreement ,Between the City of Wilmingtpn and New Hanover County The Commissioners approved. an iqte~19cal,.purchasing agreement between the City of Wilming~on apd,New Hanover County to establish procedures, policy and guidelines that would be used by the City of Wilmington in prqviq..i:qg:- p,u.r.cq.~9ip.9' seryice~'1 t<;>.-;New,,. . . ~ Hanover County. I A bopy of thl'e ar9reement is -~qqtain~d'in '~xhibit,Book P 1. ( age . . );C,J;V, -, '. t Approval of New Personnel. Positions I' I ., . . . Property' Management . (1 _ 1 I f I: ( . 1" ~ The Commissioners approved the fol,lo~ing ,n,ew posi~~qns for l' J f the Property Manage~~~t. D~partment: ). ' . 1J I \ ... \ f Malntenance Mechanic II Clerk III ,....., '\, 'i, , 'I' . \ " .f . Saiary Grade 61' Salary Grade 53 I ' . v' I l ~ Approval of Budget Amendment ~ . :~ Airport . ,'I , " ''If - r...r. . -, The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to set up n~w,account structure for the AIP-03 Project: g6~oooo6i38' Airport AIP-03 ,t ; . I Federal Grant - FAA ~CDOT ,Grant, I Transfer In . (.: ~ Debit $2,47l,1(i4 369,606 , .36.9.,.606 -"I Credit " , ,.' ., ~ < ," t ~ : ~ EAST RAMP ACCESS ROAD General C~ntractor. . 0 Electrical Contractor Engine~ring ,", , ,_ w' " Engineering. - Out of Pocket' "\ l . t.. f I Land Acqulsltlon Cost Administration & Legal Surveying Inspection Services , I' I. I.' . t ,$24Q,34l 47,835 , 3Q",7}9 1,500 271,800 .331 12:246 8,600 " ; ~,t . .. ~ t , . to ~ " r . If." i I p,t. lI8 ... ... ' ," MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1986 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Airport - AIP-03 Debit Credit LIGHTING VAULT - AIRFIELD El1g in.eer i ng General Contractor Electrical Contractor Engineering - Out of Pocket Administration & Leg~l Surveying Inspection Services 7 3 , 8.4 9 215,890 236,427 1,500 357 3,744 30,000 ,- SITE PREP./UTILITIES General Contractor Inspection Services Surv:~ying Engineering Engineering - Out of Pocket Admini~tration & Legal 1,561,413 23,200 36,0.00 192,330 1,500 115 AIRFIELD DEV. - ENG. (NON-FAA) Engineering Surveying 156,659 18,000 ) AIP-03 (CAPITAL PROJECTS) Administration & Lega~ 46,000 Approval of Budget Amendment - Airport -AIP-03 Th~_~ommiss~oners approved the following Budget Amendment to clear. out budget figures so new account structure can be established for AIP-03: ,- 86-00000137 Airport - AIP-03 Land Acquisition Cost Surveying Administration & Legal Engineering Inspection Services General Contractor Debit $156,000 8,300 30,100 278,926 137,700 2,670,950 Credit Federal Grant NCDOT-Aviation Grant Operating Transfers In $2,953,778 164,099 164,099 Approval of Budget Amendment - Social Services The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment for new allocation received from Carolina Power and Light Company Project Sharing: 86-00000l4l -$ocial Services DSS Administrative Grant Assistance Payments Debit $15,762 Credit ,- $15,762 r Approval of Budget Amendment - Health/Neurology The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment for addi~~onal revenue from State for CC Neurology: 86-00000l32 Health - CC Neurology CC Neurology Revenue Professional Services Debit $3,000 Credit $3,000 I I I 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR lmETING, FEBRUARY 3; ,,1986 ( CONTINUED) - ' ,'I " .' ,. ,', J PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE,'IN RECOGNITION ,OF GIFT, TO'HOME-DELIVERED' MEAL RECIPIENTS ON PLEASURE ISLAND ,- CAROLINA BEACH MCDONALDS 1 Chairman Barfield, on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, presented a plaque to.Mr. Dennis Anderson, -Mr. Joe Bandish, and Mr. Gary Michael .Ashlane, the Carolina Beach McDonalds, in recognition for free home-delivered meals to the elderly on Pleasure Island from December 23-31, 1985. He also presented certificates to fallowing senior citizen volunteers who delivered the meals: (1), Ms. Marie Gialy; (2) Mr. Jim Knox; , (3) Mr. Tony Gentile; (4) ~r. Lewis and Catherine Wells; (4) Mr. Floyd and Marjorie Plummer; and (5) Mr;' Wil1artl and Dora Farreli. ENDORSEMENT OF CLASSIFICATION CHANGE OF NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER AT CASTLE HAYNE ' 1. " t. ' . Mr. Ernest Puskas' ,appeared' before' the County Commissioners requesting endorsement of a classification change of the Northeast Cape Fea~ River. He presented a petition which has been signed by 1,2'00 residents of the ',County. I ' . Mr. I Chuck Waklid., ,representing the Environmental Management Commission, stated upon receipt of the reclassification request, " I I. the Commission will initiate the proceedings and follow through the entire process ,including a Public, Hearing'''' , ~,;'. ','1 It ,'1 , I' Af-tecr discu:ssion, l- Vice..,Chail?man 'Retch-in ,MOVED, SECONDED' by,. Commissioner Dolan to endorse reclassification of the Cape Fear River from grade C to B and follow the necessary procedures under the N.., C. Environmenta.l Management Commission. 'Upon' :vote"....~the ' MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK ,..,. ," " Chairman Barfield recessed the meeting .for-a break from 7:45 o'clock P.M. to 7:59 o'clock P.M. 1986 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW MEETING SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 21, 1986 Tax Administrator, Roland Register, requested scheduling of the 1986 Board of Equal.ization and Review,.' . He 1 recommended the date of April 21, 1986. Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to schedule the 1986 Board of Equalization and Review on April 21, 1986. Upon vote;,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING .., 'b Not'i'ce had been.given that a Public"Hearing'would be held by.'.. the Board: 'of County CommissionelTs of 'New ,Hanover County on Monday..,. February '3" 19.86, at 7:0,0 'o'clock P;'M; in the Assembly "';r: Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street~ Wilmington" -North Carolina, to consider, t:he following: ' ...., I " .'~ ~ r-. . PUBLIC.HEARING TQ,CONSLDER A, SPECIAL ,USE; PERMIT-EXTENSION OF: ONE' YEAR FOR A CONVENIENCE '.FOOD STORE,. LOCATED AT THE NOR,THEAST 1'-'. CORNER OF SILVA TERRA DRIVE AND CAROLINA BEACH ROAD Planning Directorl' Hayes gave background' information' 'on < the Special Use~Permit issued January 7, 1985, stat:ing'the petitioner had requested extension of the permib period for one year since construction acti vi ty had not begun. He stated the conditions placed on the original permit. were: (1) to require commercial dumpster be screened from view with a wooden fence; and (2) removal of all underground storage tanks upon cessation of use of the property. He recommended add'ing' complia'nce ,with new regulations pertaining to' landscaping and buffering. Chairman Barfield asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of the extension of the Special Use Permit. No one commented. l20 MINUTES OF REGULAR 'MEETING, FEBRUAR~ 3, '1986 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING TO 'CONSIDER EXTENSION 'OF: A SPECIAL USE' PERMIT FOR CONVENIENCE FOOD STORE ON CAROLINA 'BEACH ROAD (CONTINUED) Chairman' Barfield asked if anyone present wished to speak l'in' ,,- opposition .to the extension of the Special Use Per~it. N6 orie commented ~' ' I ' , " r . -'1) , , A,fte,r discus,s,ion, .Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED; 'by Commissioner Dolan to' e'xtend ,the Special US'e p'ermi t as requesteo"t' with ~ompliance to'~he'new landscaping and buffering'regulations. Upon vote,. the MOTION, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY~ I r~, ~ I' r ..' ~ .' , , PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER LAND USE REVISIONS OF THE MA'STER'PLAN',q FOR LANDFALL, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AS'APPROVED IN OCTOBER 1984 AND' MODIFIED !IN JULY 1985 ,. I ' ,r ,)d' ;', 'C- fJ Planning Directo:r 'Hayes' gave ba'ckground information on 'the' ~ . revisions to the Master.' ,Plan' of Landfa'l1J.' stating the changes' 'Cio' ,; not represent any significant change in density levels or access; - 'anGI in hi's'lopinion, were \ better than the original plan' submitted. :- r'l';:;',:","' I'" t"'~I' ';-' , )" '.' r' Commissioner O'Shields. reques'ted to' be excused from voting on this issue due to a conf lict of interest. It was the consensus of the. Board to excuse ,Commissoner O'Shields from voting; t" '. ' , . " - . t . \ ! - ': Chairman BalTfieid a'sked' if anyone pre'sent wished,to speak, in favor of the revisions. No one commented. Chairman Barfield asked if anyone present wished to speak in oppositien to the revisions. No one commented. . ,"~' r . , After discussion, Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Com m i s s ioner Do l~an ,'to 'approve' . the. l"and' us e rev'i s i dn s ~ as requested. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: . . ~ 1 -;, If :' t: I ," Voting Aye: Commissioner.' Dolan Commissioner 0' Neal i" Vice-Chairman Retchin " " 1', Chairman Barfield 1 ' , ,_ "\ , { ,I , I r ..-" 'Excused: 'Cdmmissi'oner 0' Shields' "'/ I' ;' ~-' I PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RECLASSIFYING APPROXIMATELY 2000'ACRES~1 EAST OF MILITARY'CUT-OFF, SOUTH~OF ~HOWE CREEK, WEST OF THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY AND NORTH OF. EASTWOOD ROAD, WHICH INCLUDES' . LANDFALL I PROJECT' ,AND. FUTURE ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENTS, TO DRURAL" SERVICES~ IFROM IlIRURALR , \ Planning Direct:or Hayes gave ~ackground information on the reclassification of land stating the reason for the request was for the extension of public services while maintaining a rural densitY'level'as definetl in the County's Land-Use Plan. Commissioner, O'Shields asked to Ibe excused from voting on the issue due to a conflict of intel?est. It'was the consensug of the Board to excuse Commissioner O'Shields from voting. r I , . " Cha~rman Barfield asked if'anyone'present wished to speak'in .. favor of .the reclassification. No 'one commented. " I " ' Chairman Barfde~drasked if anyone present wished to speak'in . opposi tion to the recl'assification ." No one" commented. ' I ' --, f ,"'. 12 -.. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING,- FEBRU~Y ~, 1986 '(CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RECLASSIFYING 2,000 ACRES OF LAND 'FROM RURAL SERVICES TO RURAL (CONTINUED)' I Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to reclassify approximately 2,000 acres east of Military Cut-off, south of Howe Creek to Rural Services from Rural. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ... r' " 'If' .. Commissioner Dolan Commissioner'O.Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman'Baifield Voting Aye: r \1 , ' Excused: Commissioner'O'Shields A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING WILMINGTON,' NEW HANOVER COUNTY LAND CLASSIFICATION MAP NEW HANOVER COUNTY 1976, AS 'AMENDED 1981" is contained in Exhi~it Book XIV, Page 2. I PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A NEW ZONING CLASSIFICATION, SPECIAL HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT (S.H.O.D.) AND RELATED ORDINANCE CHANGES Planning Director Hayes gave background information on the Special Highway Overlay District which includes 1-40 and Eastwood Road. He stated the proposal addresses procedures for establishing a Specia'l Highway District, 'setbacks for' non- ' residential'structur~~ and their accessory uses, landscaping~ outside storage, parking and prohibited uses such 'as billboards/outdoor advertising, junkyards, and scrap processors. He recommended Section 66.1 be deleted. '. , Chairman Barfield asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of the Spec~a~ Highway Ov~rlay District. The following person commented: " Mr.' Peter Davis recommended a 'ban on billboards in "New C) Hanover County asking'the Commissioners to hold a referendum allowing the citizens of' the County to' express their opinion. He stressed'the importance 'of preserving' the' beauty of New Hanover County. Mr. Mike Vaughan encouraged adoption of the Special Highway Overlay District emphaslzing the beauty'of New Hanover County. , ' Chairman Barfield'asked if anyone present!wished to speak in opposi tion to the Special Highway Overlay District. The following person'commented: f ' -'. Mr. James Pridgen, President of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company, commented on a 'study performed on the Outdoor Advertising Ordinance for the Ci ty and County stating the citizens of the County in' February, 1981, favored outdoor advertising. He requested denial o~ the proposal. I Commissioner O'Shields' commented on outside storage and the requirement of a three row screen in accordance with the Landscape Standards in order to prevent visibility of the structure from the designated highway. He stated the proposal was forcing a developer to go in one way. He, also, commented on the parking and loading requirement of a three row screen in compliance with the Landscaping Standards. , ' After furt:her discussion, 'Commissio'n-er O'Neal M'OVED," f.\' ' SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to adopt the Special Highway .~ Overlay District 'proposal 'c'larifying' .'59.6,-3 by stat:ing w'hat utility structures are exempted from"these controls, adding under ,~ Article IX, Section 94-2 number 13, and deleting Section 66.1. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: l22 MINUTES OF REGULAR,MEETING, FEBRUARY 3,-1986 '(CONTINUED)'" ~ . PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING' A -NEW" ZONING CLASSIFICATION, j SPECIAL HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT (CONTINUED) r'l' . , 'I ~... _ ->- Vo~ing Aye: GommissioneF'Dolan .,--,- , Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield 1 ...' ,., ..... " , r Voting Noe: Commissioner ,O'Shields j 11 .... ~ A copy of "AN ORDINANCE OF ,THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969," is contained dn Exhibit Book XIV, Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ESTABLISHING THE SPECIAL HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT TO'I~40 AND EASTWOOD ROAD Planning Director Hayes stated since the Special'Highway Overlay District Text Amendment had been established, the Board should 'designate where the Text Amendment should be applied'.' , I I . - . Chairman Barfield asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of.. in opposition to designating the areas to be covered by the Text.,.Amendment. No one commented. " Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner'Dolan to establish the Spec,ial -Highway Overlay District in the following areas: - , -, ;. 1 '.1\ ,~"".. f'r rr. 1-40: Beginning at the Northeast Cape Fear River, runndng.. thence in a southerly direction along 1-40 to its intersection with Big Gum Branch'on N. C. 132.' The -,total district width Ls 1~000 feet on either side of the road right-of-way along this stretch. ' .", , r N. C. 132: Beginning at Big Gum Branch on N. C.' 132, running thence in a' southe'rly direction along N.' C. 132 to.,., its intersection with Market Street. The total district-width is 500 feet on either side of the road right-of-way along this stretch. (' Eastwood Road: Begining at the intersection of- Eastwood Road and Market Street, running thence in an easterly direction along Eastwood ROad to its intersection wi th. U. S. 76 (Wrightsville Avenue.) The total district width is 500 feet on either side of the road right-of-way. '. ; y . , Upon, .vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I " Voting, Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield ' r , . . r " ~ t" Vot~ng Noe: Commissioner O'Shields )..\.... .. -1. ~ \,. .,., A copy of "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING MAPS OF ZONING AREA-' BA, BB, 9A,' 9B, 6 AND 2 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 'N0RTH CAROLINA" is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RENAMING OF BREEZEWOOD.AVENUE TO SORRY DOWNS COURT . ,-- Planning Director Hayes gave background information on the street renaming request stating the Planning Staff recommends approval. ,- 12 MINUTES OF REGUId\R MEETING, ,FEBRUARY. 3 r 1986. (CONTINUED) - PUBLIC HEARING'TO CONSIDER THE RENAMING OF BREEZEWOOD AVENUE TO SURRY DOWNS COURT (CONTINUED) Chairman Barfield asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of or in opp0sition to the street renaming request. No one commented. I Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, ' SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchin to rename Breezewood'Road to Surry Downs Court.' Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, Page" 2. I , ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PUBLIC ROAD Planning Director Hayes presented for adoption a Resolution of Intent to close an unnamed road located 1550 feet west'~f the intersection of Castle Hayne Road/Marathon Avenue on the southern side of Marathon Avenue. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED Retchin to adopt the Resolution of Intent Hearing will be Iheld on March 10, 1986, consideration of closing the road. Upon vote, UNANIMOUSLY. by Vice-Chairman stating a Public at 7:00 P.M. for the MOTION CARRIED I ' " '. ,_ A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, Page r 3 . . I". t' - I . .,' :- - ,-' 7 " " - : -' ~ .- .:, .~-~ I DISCUSSION OF SURRY DOWNS SUBDIVISION VARIANCE ON CUL DE SAC Mr. James A. MacDona-ld, attorney representing Mr. .Richard Shew, an adjacent landowner to Surry Downs Subdivision, requested the Commisisoners to reconsider the variance given the Surry Downs ,Subdivision with regard to stub streets required on the cul de sac. Commissioner O'Shields stated the Board of Commissioners did not grant a variance on the cul de sac. He read the motion of September 3, 1985, stating Surry Downs Subdivision was subject to compliance of the Subdivision Regulations. A discussion was held on requiring stub-out streets on cul d& sacs in order to better facilitate traff~c flow and accommodate emergency traffic. 'I Commissioner O'Shields asked if Mr. Shew and Mr. Sanders had discussed the 'problem involved with Mr. Shew's property. Attorney McDonald stated they had talked but no decision had been reached. It was the consensus of. the Board that subd i'vi s io-n regulations had been met recommending Mr. Shew and Mr. Sanders to resolve the problem involved since' this wa's - a private subdi:vision. I POSTPONEMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS After discussion~ it was the con~ensus of the Board to request the Clerk to re-advertise for-applicants and request the Chairman to write 'a letter to the Fire Inspections Committee for their appointees. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AIRPORT STUDY COMMITTEE " Commissioner Dolan commented on the importance of the Airport to the economic growth and development of New Hanover County. He recommended establishment of a study committee to look. into all aspects of airport management with a report being presented to the Commissioners at a later date. .t l24 MINUTES OF REGULAR 'MEETING, FEBRUARY 3,1986 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AIRPORT STUDY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) A lengthy discussion was held on the current operation of the Airport and' abolishment of the Airport Commission. r Commissioner Dolan stated any change in organization or management of the Airport should be given the same careful study and consideration as is being given to the hospital issue. Vice-Chairman Retchin commented on the hospital as being an independently operated entity, whereas, the Airport is a department of the County. He stated he did not feel a Study Committee was necessary. After further discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retch~n to table establishment of a Airport Study Committee at th~ present time. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ,- r ---." Voting Aye: Commissioner O'Shields ,: ' Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman Barfield . r . ,- Voting Noe: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal DISCUSSION OF DETOXIFICATION TREATMENT CENTER - SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Chairman Barfi'eld presented a Project Proposal for a Detoxification Treatment Center for the Southeastern Mental Health Center; , " t. r Ms. Mary Bell, Chairman of Mental Health Board, gave background information on the Detoxification Center emphasizing the need for a treatment center. She commented on the recent requirement under' the General Statutes assigning counties the responsibility of caring for intoxicated persons on the streets effective January 1, 1986. Chairman Barfield gave background information on a letter of support given by'the Commissioners to the Mental Health Center approximately a year ago. He stated New Hanover Memorial Hospital will fund the construction of; the facility with New Hanover County, Brunswick County, and Pender County paying off the note. Chairman' Barfield stated'that State detoxification fun d s had be en' . r e c e i ve din t he 'a m 0 u n t 0 f '$ 2 0 7 , 0 0 0 w hi c h w 0 u 1 d leave New Hanover County funding '$118,933; Brunswick County funding $45,331; and Pender County funding $24,554 for a total cost of $188,878. He requested a funding commitment in the amount of $118,993 two years from this date and support of the project in order for the Certificate of Need to be obtained. He requested permission for the County Attorney to work with the two counties involved on an agreement that would be acceptable to all. ,-- County Manager Cooper commented on the construction of the present building on County property with an agreement for the Mental Health Center and other two counties to pay rent for the building. He stated the rent was paid for five years until Mr. Mel Martin became Director and stated it was illegal for other couhties to pay rent on another county's property so the rental payments were ceased. He stated the proposal being submitted for the De~oxification Center would be the same situation since the building will be on county property. . "After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0' Shields to' authori ze the County Attorney to investigate the legal aspects of receiving payments or rent from other counties. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1986 (CONTINUED) ~ ..., . ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , I I APPROVAL OF SOCIAL WORKER I POSITION FOR-DAY CARE SERVICES Vice-Chairman ~etchin stated the Department of Social Services had received, notification from the Department of Human Resources of' an additional allocation for the purchase of Day Care Services in the amount of $356,712. In order to provide necessary staffing to handle the increased workload, a Social Worker I position is requested which will not require county funding. After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to accept the Title XX Day Care Funds and approval of the'Social Worker I Position with approval of the following Budget Amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 86-00000151 - SOCIAL SERVICES Debit Credit Title XX Day Care (75% FFP) Revenue Child Day Care Services $356,712 7,352 Administration Salaries and Wages Social Security Retirement Medical Insurance Expense $ 5,937 424 506 485 I Child Day Care Child Day Care Services 356,712 SCHEDULING OF RETREAT After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a retreat on February 22, 1986, from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Radisson Hotel in Raleigh, North Carolina, since the Commissioners will be attending a seminar on February 20 and 21. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for each Commissioner to prepare a list of items to be discussed and turned into the Clerk for preparation of an agenda. ASSIGNMENT OF COORDINATOR FOR HOSPITAL STUDY COMMITTEE Chairman Barfield presented a recommendation for assignment of Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto, as coordinator for the Hospi tal Study Committee. He requested the County Attorney to assign and provide legal support. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for Assistant County Manager Gornto to be the coordinator of the Hospital Committee and County Attorney Pope to provide legal assistance. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER I DISCUSSION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK Assistant County Manager Gornto commented on the mock County Commissioners Meeting to be held on Monday, February 24, 1986. She requested a change in time from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. in order to enable more people to attend the meeting. It was the consensus of the Board to change the time to 7:00 P.M. l26 r' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1986 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to. adjourn' the meeting. -- Upon vote, the MOTION CARRrED UNANIM0USLY. " " I , " , Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 10:06 o'clock r P.M. .. .' ~<f " "i '{ Respectfully submitted, ~d~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk r . , . . ,- , "