1986-02-17 Regular Meeting 128 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) UPDATE ON SCHOOLS (CONTINUED) Chalrman Barfleld expressed appreclatlon to the Board of Educatlon for requestlng the JOlnt meetlng statlng communlcatlon was very lmportant In approachlng the needs for schools In New Hanover County. He stated the upcomlng budget year was gOlng to be dlfflcult wlth the many requests from varlOUS County departments and other outslde agencles. ,- County Manager Cooper commented on a 7% lncrease In the school budget request statlng thlS amount of lncrease would not be posslble In the County's upcomlng budget for 1986/87. ADJOURNMENT Chalrman Barfleld adJourned the meetlng at 8:35 o'clock A.M. Respectfully submltted, ~d/~ Lucle F. Harrell Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of CommlSSloners met In Regular Sesslon on Monday, February 17, 1986, at 9:10 o'clock A.M. In the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Admlnlstratlon BU11dlng, 320 Chestnut Street, Wl1mlngton, North Carollna. r Members present were: Commlssloners John Dolan; Nolan O'Neal; Claud 0' Shlelds, Jr.; Vlce-Chalrman Fred Retchln; Chalrman Jonathan Barfleld, Sr.; County Manager, G. Fellx Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucle F. Harrell. Reverend Robert Behnke, Pastor of Messlah Lutheran Church, gave the lnvocatlon. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vlce-Chalrman Retchln MOVED, SECONDED by CommlSSloner Dolan to approve the mlnutes of the Regular Meetlng of January 20, 1986; Specla1 Meetlng of January 27, 1986; and Speclal Meetlng of January 31, 1986, wlth a correctlon In the name of Seymour Alper. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF PROCLAMATION AND PRESENTATION OF POSTER CONTEST WINNERS - COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK Commlssloner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by CommlSSloner O'Neal to adopt a proclamatlon proclalmlng February 23-28, 1986, as County Government Week In New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,- A copy of the proclamatlon lS contalned In Exhlblt Book XIV, Page 4. Asslstant County Manager Gornto announced the followlng Wlnners of the poster contest wlth the County Commlssloners presentlng awards: Kindergarten - Third Grade 1st Place Wlnner - $50 U. S. Savlngs Bond - Julle Decker Mrs. Hansen's Second Grade - Wlnter Park School 12 MINUTES OF REGULAR'MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) 2nd Place W1nner - Jason Short - Mrs. Hansen's Second Grade - W1nter Park School I 3rd Place W1nner - Rash1da Nesb1tt - Mrs. Hansen's Second Grade - W1nter Park School Honorable Ment10n - Chr1s Ke1r - Mrs. Barrett's Th1rd Grade - College Park School Fourth - Sixth Grades 1st Place W1nner - $50 U. S. Sav1ngs Bond - K1mberly Grotsky - Mr. Warren's F1fth Grade - College Park School 2nd Place W1nner - Stephan1e Gootee - Mrs. Rag1n's F1fth Grade - Gregory School 3rd Place W1nner - Kerr1e F1tzgerald - Mrs. Rag1n's F1fth Grade - Gregory School Honorable Ment10n - Trent D1keman - Mrs. Rag1n's F1fth Grade - Gregory School Cha1rman Barf1eld, on behalf 'of the Comm1ss1oners, expressed apprec1at1on to the students, teachers, and parents who part1c1pated 1n the poster contest. I After further d1scuss1on, 1t was the consensus of the Board for the Cha1rman to wr1te a letter to the teachers express1ng apprec1at1on for encourag1ng students to part1c1pate 1n the poster contest. Ass1stant County Manager Gornto out11ned the other act1v1tes planned for the week 1nv1t1ng all to attend. Comm1ss1oner Dolan comp11mented Ass1stant County Manager Gornto for an excellent Job 1n promot1ng County Government Week. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Comm1ss1oner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by V1ce-Cha1rman Retch1n to approve the follow1ng Consent Agenda 1tems. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Additional Funds for Courthouse Renovation Consultants The Comm1ss1oners approved payment of add1t1onal funds 1n the amount of $5,238 to Garner-Yelverton Arch1tects, Courthouse Renovat1on Consultants, for serV1ces prov1ded beyond the t1me frame of the or1g1nal contract for Courthouse Renovat1on I, author1z1ng funds to be pa1d from the Courthouse Renovat1on II proJect. I Award of Bid for Plain Paper Copier - Register of Deeds The Comm1ss1oners awarded the low b1d to Eastman Kodak Company 1n the amount of $16,995.00 for a pla1n paper cop1er for the Reg1ster of Deeds w1th approval of the follow1ng Budget Amendment: 86-00000148 Register of Deeds Reg1ster of Deeds Fees Deb1t $7,000 Cred1t Cap1tal Outlay - Equ1pment $7,000 To transfer funds to purchase a pla1n paper cop1er. Cop1es of the b1d tabulat1on, resolut1on and agreement have been forwarded to the Comm1SS1oners for reV1ew. 130 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Approval of 1986-1987 Grant Application for Retired Senior Volunteer Program - Department of Aging The Comm1ss1oners approved the 1986-1987 Federal Ass1stance Grant App11cat1on for RSVP, as subm1tted by the Department of Ag1ng,1n' the amount of $43,566, author1z1ng the Cha1rman to execute the documents. r Approval of Report of Collector of Revenue through January 31, 1986 The Comm1ss1oners approved the Collector of Revenue Report through January 31, 1986. A copy of the report 1S conta1ned 1n Exh1b1t Book XIV, Page 4. Approval of Tax Abatements and Refunds The Comm1ss1oners approved a l1st of tax abatements and refunds as presented by the Tax Adm1n1strator. A copy of the l1st of tax abatements and refunds 1S conta1ned 1n Exh1b1t Book XIV, Page 4. Approval of Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 The Comm1ss1oners approved release of 1975 tax charges as follows: r New Hanover County C1ty of W1lm1ngton Wr1ghtsv1lle Beach Caro11na Beach Kure Beach $13,490.38 11,316.49 411.70 394.13 88.29 General Statute 105-378 does not allow force collect1on of any taxes after ten years from the date due. Approval to Advertise Tax Liens on Real Property The Comm1ss1oners author1zed the Tax Collector to advert1se tax l1ens for outstand1ng real estate taxes for 1985 on real property for all Jur1sd1ct1ons tota11ng $2,056,801.37. Adoption of Resolution Accepting Offer to Purchase Surplus Real Property Jointly Owned by City of Wilmington and New Hanover County The Comm1ss1oners adopted a Resolut1on accept1ng an offer to purchase surplus real property J01ntly owned by the C1ty of W1lm1ngton and New Hanover County at ten locat1ons 1n the C1ty. Th1S property represents ad valorem tax values as of 1983 tota11ng $14,580.00. The offers to purchase have been duly advert1sed for upset b1d. r A copy of the resolut1on 1S conta1ned 1n Exh1b1 t Book XIV, Page 5. Approval of New Nutrition Director Position for Department of Aging The Comm1ss1oners approved a new Nutr1t1on D1rector pos1t1on 1n the Department of Ag1ng w1th a salary range of 62. Th1S pos1t1on w1ll be the result of comb1n1ng eX1st1ng part-t1me pos1t1ons of Nutr1t1on D1rector and Home De11vered Meal Coord1nator. 13 '" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) I APPROVAL OF SOCIAL WORKER II POSITION - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Soc1a1 Serv1ces D1rector Morr1s gave background 1nformat1on on the request for a Soc1al Worker II pos1t1on 1n the Long Term Care Screen1ng Program stat1ng a $25,000 grant was ava11able for startup and fund1ng of the pos1t10n unt11 re1mbursement by Med1ca1d funds. After d1Scuss10n, V1ce-Cha1rman Retch1n MOVED, SECONDED by Comm1SS10ner O'Neal to approve the add1 t10nal Soc1al Worker II pos1t1on and follow1ng Budget Amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 86-00000153 - Social Services (Administration) Debit Credit Long Term Care Screen1ng Program $7,786 Salar1es and Wages Soc1al Secur1ty Ret1rement Med1cal Insurance Expense Departmental Suppl1es Cap1tal Outlay - Equ1pment $5,498 393 468 388 664 375 I ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR INTERPRETATION OF RSEAPORT TERMINALR - TAX DEPARTMENT Ass1stant County Attorney S1111man presented a reso1ut10n for 1nterpretat10n of "seaport term1nal" to be appl1ed by the Tax Department for tax exempt10ns pursuant to G. S. 105-275. After a d1Scuss1on of boundar1es, V1ce-Cha1rman Retch1n MOVED, SECONDED by Comm1ss1oner Dolan to adopt the reso1ut10n for 1nterpretat1on of seaport term1na1 under G. S. 105-275. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the reso1ut10n lS conta1ned 1n Exh1b1t Book XIV, Page 5. MEETING RECESSED FOR EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Cha1rman Barf1e1d cont1nued meet1ng of the 9:33 o'clock A.M. CONTINUED MEETING OF 1985 BOARD OF recessed the Regular SeSS10n for a 1985 Equal1zat10n and ReV1ew Board at Cha1rman Barf1e1d reconvened to Regular Sess10n at 10:00 o'clock A.M. I DISCUSSION OF EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A HANGAR ON NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Mr. Glen G. Moore, Pres1dent of the local Chapter of Exper1mental A1rcraft Assoc1at1on, appeared before the Comm1ss10ners glv1ng background 1nformat1on on the assoc1at10n and loss of the1r hangar w1th construct1on of the new term1nal. He expressed concern for contact1ng the A1rport Manager and A1rport Comm1ss10n numerous t1mes dur1ng the past year for a re1ocat10n slte for construct10n of hangar w1th no def1n1te reply. Add1t10nal background 1nformat10n was glven on the recommendat10n by the A1rport Manager to lease the land through F1xed Base Operators wh1ch changed the bU11d1ng codes and would not allow EAA to construct a wooden frame metal clad hangar as presented. Mr. Moore requested leas1ng approx1mately three acres of A1rport land at the current rate and permlss10n to construct the bU11dlng as presented. He stated EAA could not afford to construct a masonary or metal bUl1dlng. 132 MINUTES OF/REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17,-1986 (CONTINUED) EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION REQUEST (CONTINUED) A1rport Manager Shackelford commented on the A1rport Ord1nance stat1ng 1t was enacted 1n December 1982 and spec1f1ca11y addressed the type of structures to be placed on A1rport property. He gave background 1nformat10n on the purpose of the A1rport Comm1ss10n requ1r1ng metal hangars for the follow1ng reasons: (1) a degree of conform1ty of all hangars; (2) h1gh qua11ty of construct10n of bU11d1ngs; (3) f1reproof1ng of bU11d1ngs; and (4) cons1derat10n for durab111ty and 10ngev1ty. ,- After a lengthy d1scuss10n of the type of structure whether metal, masonary or wooden, Comm1SS10ner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by V1ce-Cha1rman Retcn1n to ass1gn t County ~lanager Cooper the respons1b111ty of address1ng the problem of metal versus wooden structures w1th ass1stance of an outs1de structural eng1neer for an ob]ect1ve op1n10n to be presented to the Comrn1SS10ners w1th1n 30 days. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Cha1rman Barf1eld recessed the meet1ng for a break from 10:50 o'clock A.M. to 11:04 o'clock A.M. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH N.C. STATE UNIVERSITY FOR TELEPHONE CONSULTANT SERVICES County Manager Cooper commented on the complex1t1es of leas1ng and/or own'1ng telephon'es stat1ng the old system 1S max1m1zed and does not have add1t10nal expans10n capab111t1es. He recommended profess10nal ass1stance 1n acqu1r1ng a new telephone system. r Eng1neer1ng D1rector H11ton gave background 1nformat10n on the present system and problems 1nvolved., He rev1ewed the proposed contract w1th NCSU Center of Urban Affa1rs and Commun1ty SerV1ces. After d1scuss10n, V1ce-Cha1rman Retch1n MOVED, SECONDED by Comm1SS10ner Dolan to author1ze negot1at10ns w1th NCSU Center of Urban Affa1rs and Commun1ty SerV1ces at a fee of $18,895 for telephone consultant serV1ces. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CHANGE TO AIRPORT LEASE - SECTION 19.4 Ass1stant County Attorney S1111man gave background 1nformat10n on the proposed change stat1ng banks would be more w1111ng to make loans at the A1rport 1f a statement was added to A1rport leases grant1ng the bank the r1ght to ass1gn the lease, w1thout pr10r County approval, after default by the or1g1nal lessee. After d1scuss10n, V1ce-Cha1rman Retch1n MOVED, SECONDED by Comm1ss10ner O'Sh1e1ds to approve the add1t10n of the follow1ng sentence to all A1rport leases. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Notwithstanding Paragraph 13, a lender assignee may assign this lease without having to obtain the County's approval. r RECESS OF REGULAR SESSION FOR A MEETING OF' THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Cha1rman Barf1eld recessed the Regular Sess10n for a meet1ng of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer D1str1ct at 10:22 o'clock A. M. Cha1rman Barf1eld reconvened to Regular Sess10n at 12:20 o'clock P.M. 13 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) BREAK Chalrman Barfleld recessed the meetlng for a break from 12:20 o'clock P.M. to 12:25 o'clock P.M. I RELEASE OF PENALTY ON ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX - SAINT JAMES INN Collector of Revenue, Pat Raynor, gave background lnformatlon on penalty statlng reports had been flIed late for elght months Slnce the lnceptlon of the Room Occupancy Tax In November 1983. She recommended a reductlon of the penalty to 50% of the tax WhlCh would amount ~o $1,034.12. Mr. Jack P. Brlckman, a partner and attorney of St. James Inn, gave background lnformatlon on the ownershlp of the lnn and fallure of the manager, at that tlme, to flle reports and pay bllls. He stated the matter had been brought to the attentlon of the current owners and they were In the process paYlng dellnquent accounts. Mr. Brlckman respectfully requested the Commlssloners to walve the penalty. After dlScusslon, Commlssloner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Vlce-Chalrman Retchln to reduce the penalty to $1,034.12 as recommended by the Collector or Revenue wlth payments d:l;-vlded lnf6"flve (5) lnstallments. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I APPOINTMENT'OF MEMBERS TO CONSOLIDATION CHARTER COMMISSION Chalrman Barfleld stated the Board was to appolnt SlX members to the Consolldatlon Charter Commlsslon asklng lf appllcants llvlng In the Clty should be consldered or only In the County. It was the consensus of the Board to appolnt members outslde of the clty llmlts. , Chalrman Barfleld opened the floor for nomlnatlons. Vlce-Chalrman Retchln nomlnated Ralph B. Kornegay and Paul Douglas Campbell. Commlssloner Dolan nomlnated Mr. James M. Sandy. Chalrman Barfleld nomlnated Mr. Owen Ludlow and Mr. Ralph DaV1S. Commlssloner O'Shlelds nomlnated Mr. Charles Shuford, Jr. Commlssloner O'Neal nomlnated Mr. Bob Matthews and Ms. Dorothy Norrls. Chalrman Barfleld declared the nomlnatlons closed. After dlScusslon, Commlssloner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by CommlSSloner O'Neal to appolnt the followlng members to the Consolldatlon Charter Commlsslon: " I Mr. Paul Douglas Campbell Mr. Ralph B. Kornegay Mr. Owen Ludlow Ms. Dorothy NorrlS Mr. James M. Sandy Mr. Charles E. Shuford, Jr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Votlng Aye: CommlSSloner Dolan Commlssloner O'Neal CommlSSloner O'Shlelds Vlce-Chalrman Retchln Votlng Noe: Chalrman Barfleld l34 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT OF MS. LISA C. FRANCOLINI TO DOMICILIARY HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commlsslone~ Dolan. MOVED, SECONDED by Vlce-Chalrman Retchln to appolnt Ms. Llsa C. Francollnl to serve an unexplred term on the Domlcl1lary Home Communlty Advlsory Commlttee explrlng June 30, 1987. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPOINTMENT TO MR. RONALD E. SAUCIER TO PLANNING COMMISSION Commlssloner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by CommlSSloner Dolan to appolnt Mr. Ronald E. Saucler to serve an unexplred term on the Plannlng Cornmlss1on explrlng July 31, 1987. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REAPPOINTMENT OF MS. LINDA A. PEARCE TO NURSING HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE Vlce-Chalrman Retchln MOVED, SECONDED by CommlSSloner Dolan to reappolnt Ms. Llnda A. Pearce to serve a three-year term on the Nursln~ Home Advlsory Commlttee explrlng February 28, 1989. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. POSTPONEMENT OF APPOINTMENT TO PORT, WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION It was the consensus of the Board to postpone maklng an appolntment to the Port, Waterway and Beach Commlsslon requestlnq the Clerk to readvertlse the posltlon for more appllcatlons. APPOINTMENT OF MR. LAWRENCE ROTH TO FILL VACANCY ON HOSPITAL STUDY COMMITTEE Chalrman Barfleld presented a letter of reslgnatlon from Mr. Ben]amln Klrkendal1. He requested appolntment of Mr. Lawrence Roth, an employee of General Electrlc, statlng he would probably be able to attend the Hospltal Semlnar on February 20, 1986. CommlSSloner appolntment wlthout apPolntment untl1 the RECEIVING A SECOND. Dolan expressed concern for maklnq an readvertlslng and MOVED to postpone the next meetlnq. The MOTION FAILED DUE TO NOT Vlce-Chalrman Retchln MOVED, SECONDED by Commlssloner O'Shlelds to appolnt Mr. Lawrence Roth to fl1l the vacancy on the Hospltal Study Commlttee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: (O'Shlelds) Votlng Aye: Commlssloner Dolan see correctlon Mar. In, lC)S6 Vlce-Chalrman Retchln Chalrman Barfleld Votlng Noe: Commlssloner Dolan Commlssloner O'Neal CommlSSloner O'Neal expressed concern for the manner In WhlCh thlS appolntrnent had been made statlng lt was completely agalnst County POllCY. ANNOUNCEMENT OF 19TH ANNUAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Commlssloner O'Shlelds remlnded the Commlssloners of the Councl1 of Governments meetlng at the Sheraton on Wednesday, February 19, 1986, at 7:00 P.M. He requested that New Hanover County pay room expenses for Mr. Rlchard Conder, the guest speaker. 13J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1986 (CONTINUED) 19TH ANNUAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING - COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (CONTINUED) I After dlScusslon, Commlssloner O'Shlelds MOVED, SECONDED by Vlce-Chalrman Retchln to pay room expenses for Mr. Rlchard Conder. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Votlng Aye: Commlssloner O'Neal Commlssloner O'Shlelds Vlce-Chalrman Retchln Chalrman Barfleld Votlng Noe: Commlssloner Dolan DISCUSSION OF SELECTION OF MEMBERS BY FIRE INSPECTIONS COMMITTEE TO BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Commlssloner Dolan stated he had been lnformed by the Flre Inspectlons Commlttee that appolntments had been made to the Board of Flre CommlSSloners and a letter would be forwarded to the County Commlssloners wlthln the next week. ADJOURNMENT Vlce-Chalrman Retchln MOVED, SECONDED to adJourn the meetlng. Upon vote, UNANIMOUSLY. by CommlSSloner Dolan the MOTION CARRIED Chalrman Barfleld adJourned the meetlnq at 1:05 o'clock P.M. I ~e:t?Z:::d. 'LrF. Harrell Clerk I