1986-03-24 Regular Meeting 152 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 Assembly The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, March 24, 1986, at 8:30 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Fred Retchin; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Deputy Clerk to the Board, Joyce Bragg. r Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. was absent due to illness. Commissioner O'Shields gave the invocation. Approval of Minutes Postponed Commissioner O'Shields asked to have his questions and the response of County Staff regarding the meeting with F.A.A., Jetstream and County Officials become part of the minutes of March 10, 1986. The Commissioners agreed by consensus to withdraw approval of the minutes of the March 10, 1986, meeting until the next meeting. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Vice-Chairman Retchin asked if anyone from the general public wished to speak on any item not listed on the Regular Agenda or any items listed on the Consent Agenda. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner O'Shields stated that he had called the County Manager to question Item 6, Approval of Agreement with McQueen and Associates, asking what the square footage of the slab consisted of, stating that the commissioners had just received the additional information, which answered the question. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Report of Collector of Revenue through February 28, 1986 The Commissioners approved the Collector of Revenue Report through February 28, 1986. A copy of the Report is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 11. Approval of Tax Abatements and Refunds The Commissioners approved a list of tax abatements and refunds submitted by the Tax Administrator. A copy of the abatements and refunds is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 11. Adoption of Resolutions for Addition of Roads to State Maintained Secondary Road System The Commissioners adopted Resolutions for addition of the following roads to the State Maintained Secondary Road System: 15 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Resolutions for Addition of Roads (Continued) Noland Drive, Grathwol Drive, Jamey Court, Robin Dale Court, Beach Mountain Court, Churchill Estates Division File #542-N I Graystone Road in Brickstone Estates Division File #529-N Greenwich Lane and Derby Down Way Extensions Lansdowne Subdivision Division File #541-N Copies of the Resolutions are contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 12. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing a Grant of Easement to the City of Wilmington For Water Meter Vault The Commissioners are requested to adopt a resolution authorizing a grant of easement to the City of Wilmington for installation of a water meter vault on New Hanover County Airport property subject to final approval by FAA. ~ A copy of the Resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 13. Approval of Change Order for Airport Airfield Lighting Vault I The Commissioners approved Change Order # 1 for Reagan Construction Company for the new airfield lighting vault with an increase of $509.00, authorizing the Chairman to execute the documents. The Commissioners are requested to approve the following Budget Amendment to cover the change order and budget for contingencies on AIP-03 Project: 86-0000181 Airport - AIP-03 Capital Projects (AIP-03) Operating Transfers In Airport Terminal Building Operating Transfers In Airport Landside Construction Operating Transfers In Airport Airside Construction Operating Transfers In Airfield Lighting Vault General Contractor I Terminal Building Engineering Debit Credit $ 509 411,000 254,053 209,512 $ 509 411,000 Airport Landside Construction Engineering 254,053 Airport Airside Construction Engineering 209,512 Approval of Agreement with McQueen and Associates - Property Management The Commissioners approved an agreement with McQueen and Associates in the amount of $6,253.50 to pour the foundation and finish the concrete slab for a storage building for the Property Management Department. l54 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Aprova1 of Agreement with McQueen and Associates (Continued) A copy of the agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. Acceptance of 1986-1987 Aging Grant r The Commissioners accepted the 1986-1987 Aging Grant in the amount of $230,000, authorizing the County Manager to execute the agreement. Acceptance of AIP-03 State Airport Aid Grant - New Hanover County Airport The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute an agreement accepting State Airport Aid Grant in the amount of $63,554.00, for the AIP-03 Project for land acquisition; construction of east ramp access road; road relocation; and new airfield lighting vault. A copy of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's office. Approval of Work Authorizations - New Hanover County Airport The Commissioners approved Work Authorizations 86-1, 86-2, and 86-3 for Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff for an estimated cost of $209,512 subject to FAA approval and notice to proceed from the County. Copies of the Work Authorizations are on file in the County Manager's Office. r Approval of Supplemental Agreement i1 - FAA Lease - New Hanover County Airport The Commissioners approved Supplemental Agreement #1 extending an existing agreement for the use of the Air Traffic Control Tower by FAA to September 30, 1987, authorizing the County Manager to execute the documents. This extension is necessary due to delays in construction of the new control tower. A copy of the agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. Approval of allocation of $3,500 for Uniforms - Sheriff's Department ./ The Commissioners allocated $3,500 from the fund balance to the Jail budget for uniform$ for. the ten additional officers employed at the Jail Annex on Division Drive. Transfer of HVAC Position from Airport to Property Management The Commissioners transferred the position of HVAC mechanic from the Airport to Property Management Department. r ! I I Adoption of Certificate of Resolutions and Incumbency - First Union National Bank The Commissioners adopted a certificate of Resolutions confirming the authority of the County Manager and Finance Director to enter into documentation concerning an Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement with First Union National Bank dated September 1, 1983. A copy of the Certificate is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 13. 15, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Approval of Assignment of National Car Rental Operating and Concession Agreement The Commissioners approved an Assignment of National Car Rental Operating and Concession Agreement for financing purposes, authorizing the County Manager to execute the document. I Approval of Board of Education Budget Amendments The Commissioners approved two Budget Amendments for the Board of Education, making adjustments in the schools' capital outlay fund to record actual carryover of funds and bond proceeds increasing current budget in the amount of $588,025; and to adjust the vocational educational budget to reflect actual funding, decreasing the current budget in the amount of $43,217. Copies of the Budget Amendments are contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 13. Approval of Budget Amendment - Schools The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to increase the budget for bills received from the Board of Education: 86-0000182 - Schools (Northern & Eastern) Debit Credit Northern School Project Interest $4,150 I Northern School Project Land Costs Miscellaneous $ 233 3,532 Eastern School Project Miscellaneous $ 385 Approval of Budget Amendment - Library The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment for a gift and lost and paid receipts from September 10, 1985 to February 20, 1986: 86-00000173 Library Debit Credit Contributions $3,344 Supplies $3,344 Approval of Budget Amendment - Health I The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment for revenue generated through resale 'of rat bait and funds to repurchase rat bait: 86-00000172 Health Debit Credit Administration Health Fees $750 Environmental Purchases for Resale $750 Approval of Budget Amendment - Health/Speech & Hearing The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to budget additional revenue received from State, for Speech Pathologist: 156 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Budget Amendment - Helth/Speech & Hearing (Continued) 86-00000171 Health/Speech & Hearing Debit Speech & Hearing Grant $207 Credit Professional Services $207 r Approval of Budget Amendment - Health/Home Health The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to budget additional revenue received from State for indigent care: 86-00000175 Health/Home Health Home Health State Grant Debit $27,197 Credit County Commissioners Appropriated Fund Balance $27,l97 PRESENTATION BY N. C. DISTRICT FORESTER Mr. Gary M. Curcio, District Forester of the North Carolina Forest Service, introduced the representing the Division of County: Mike Hardison, New Stanley, New Hanover County Assistant District Forester, Equipment Operator, who is training. following individuals who will be Forest Resources in New Hanover Hanover County Ranger, Lawrence Assistant Ranger, Bob Houseman, and Gary Bradley, Forest Fire presently undergoing extensive Mr. Curcio stated there were 58 certified and 41 seasonal employees to assist New Hanover County. He further stated that he had recommended a budget of $96,300, with the County's share being $38,520 to properly operate the New Hanover County Forestry Program. Mr. Curcio explained the burning permit law. There are eight agents across the County who issue burning permits. It is a requirement that every citizen outside the City have a burning permit before burning, and citations will be issued to enforce the law. ESTABLISHMENT OF PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT AND TERMINATION PROVISION FOR STEAM PLANT AND LANDFILL ACCOUNTS Mr. Ed Hilton, Engineering and Facilities Director, appeared before the Commissioners to explain the request to establish penalties for late payments and a termination provision for the Steam Plant and Landfill accounts. He recommended that any account past due after two months would be notified that they cannot bring waste to the Landfill until the account is paid up to date and they would have to pay in advance until they re-establish credibility. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to establish the following penalties and procedures for late paying haulers: a penalty of 1 1/2 percent per month compounded on any amount overdue as stated on the bill; a termination provision for any account past due after two months. After termination, the user will then be required to bring the account up-to-date and file advanced payment of l20% of his highest prior monthly charge. No interest is to be paid on credit balances. After one year of acceptable operation under this method of operation the customer may re-establish a normal account. Implementation of the penalty and termination provision will become effective on May l, 1986. Commissioner O'Shields recommended that a Franchise System for the haulers be implemented. County Manager Cooper stated that a conference/staff meeting would be held next week. They will recommend how to proceed with a comprehensive solid waste program in the County for the next several years, as directed by the Commissioners at the Retreat. 15 ;rv MINUTES OF RE~ULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) ESTABLISHMENT OF PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT AND TERMINATI.oN PROVISIONS FOR STEAM PLANT AND LANDFILL ACCOUNTS (CONTINUED) Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin I Absent: Chairman Barfield RECESS MEETING FOR WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT MEETING Vice-Chairman Retchin recessed the Regular Meeting for a Water and Sewer District Meeting at 9:12 o'clock A.M. Vice-Chairman Retchin reconvened the Regular Meeting at 9:50 o'clock A.M. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED BURGLAR ALARM ORDINANCE Vice-Chairman Retchin explained that this discussion was the result of a number of alarm systems that have been connected to the Sheriff's Department where there was no cost or fees for the service. Suggestions were made to him that a Burglar Alarm Ordinance be adopted. County Attorney Pope described the proposed Burglar Alarm Ordinance stating that it is acceptable by the County Finance Officer, County Manager and Captain Willie of the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner O'Neal requested that a 10 minute time limit be required for disconnecting the alarm. I Commissioner O'Shields stated that he would like unattended burglar alarm noise addressed and also the question of notification and how to address that without requiring everyone to get a permit, suggesting a Public Hearing be held before adoption. Commissioner Dolan questioned Sec. 6-147. Per~it Required, whether it meant every alarm system, burglar or fire, requires a Permit. He thought it should only be required of those alarms connected to the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner O'Shields suggested adding to the first sentence of Section 6-147 "system that ties into the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department." After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Commissioners to place this item on the Agenda of the April 7, meeting in order to schedule a Public Hearing for the adoption of the Burglar Alarm Ordinance. I DISCUSSION OF FIRE PREVENTION CODE County Attorney Pope presented information regarding the present Fire Prevention Code which was recommended by the American Insurance Association. He further stated that the North Carolina State Building Code Council has granted approval of the Fire Prevention Code of the National Fire Protection (NDPA-l), 1982 Edition for adoption by local county governments and in order to keep uniformity, he recommended an amendment to the New Hanover County Code. Commissioner 0' Shields expressed concern stating that compliance with the State's Fire Code should be considered. Commissioner Dolan suggested that the Board of Fire Commissioners give input on the Fire Prevention Code. By consensus, the Commissioners scheduled a Public Hearing for the April 21st meeting for the purpose of adopting an Ordinance, amending Section 8-16 of the New Hanover County Code. 158 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) MR. DON WENTWORTH, PUBLISHER OF STAR NEWS NEWSPAPERS RECOGNIZED Vice-Chairman Retchin recognized Mr. Don Wentworth, the publisher of Star News Newspapers, as being present, stating that he was very welcome. APPROVAL OF CHANGES IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICY County Manager Cooper stated the purpose of the change in the Personnel Policy was so that an appeal from a Department Head would not come to him, but to the County Commissioners. r Commissioner Dolan expressed concern that a five day notice was not enough time for a person to comply. By consensus the Commissioners agreed to change all of the 5 days to 15 days throughout Section 14 of the Personnel Policy. Commissioner O'Shields recommended that the following words be added under Section 14. Employee Appeals (Department Heads)...shall have the right to be represented by counsel at his or her own expense... Commissioner Dolan recommended that a Non-Department Head employee should be allowed a hearing in the case of a suspension, demotion or dismissal. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to approve the changes in the New Hanover County Personnel Policy under Section 14. Employee Appeals (Non-Department Heads and Department Heads) as presented with the recommendations of the Commissioners. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin r Absent: Chairman Barfield The revision is contained in the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF FIXED BASE OPERATORS County Manager Cooper explained the need for revisions of insurance requirements for the New Hanover County Airport Fixed Base Operators. The requirements have been reviewed and the Insurance Advisory Committee recommended changes to an exhibit that will appear at the end of every Fixed Base Operator's Lease. The two FBO's are generally in agreement and are complying. The newest operator can comply with these requirements. Commissioner 0' Shields asked if these recommendations are compatable with other Airports having to do with liability requirements by FBO's. Carlton Alligood stated that the requirements are not consistent at other airports throughout the State, that a lot of airports require less. He attempted to establish the minimum limits which will afford protection to New Hanover County Airport while not being a hardship on the FBO's. r Airport Manager Shackelford recommended that under Schedule E, Item E the following words be added: minimum amounts "and/or types~ of insurance... in order to give flexibility in the future to do whatever our insurer requires. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to accept the revisions of insurance requirements for the New Hanover County Airport Fixed Base Operators. 151 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF REVISIONS OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FBO'S (CONTINUED) Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin II Absent: Chairman Barfield Voting Aye: A copy of revised Schedule E is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 14. APPROVAL OF NEW POSITION AND THREE RECLASSIFICATIONS - MIS Mr. Steve Arrants, MIS Director, appeared before the Commissioners to explain the request for a new position of Applications Programmer and the reclassification of two Programmer/Analyst I positions and one Programmer/Analyst II position to Applications Programmer at a salary range of 71. The new position will be utilized to accomplish the work on maintaining the tax package and the reclassifications necessary to bring salary ranges up to standards of other comparable county's salaries. Commissioner Dolan commended Mr. Arrants for appearing to explain his departmental needs so well. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to approve the new position of Applications Programmer and reclassify two Programmer/Analyst I positions and one Programmer/Analyst II position to Applications Programmer to Salary Range 71, approving the following Budget Amendment: I 86-00000189 MIS Debit Credit Tax Collection Fees $7,110 MIS Salaries and Wages $5,960 Social Security 450 Medical Insurance Expense 700 Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield POSITION OF INTERNAL AUDITOR UPDATE Commissioner 0' Shields inquired about the position of Internal Auditor. County Manager Cooper stated that the position will not be filled at the present and it would be explained in the 1986-87 Budget package. II APPROVAL OF AMENDED BYLAWS OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL Cam McAbee, County Budget Officer, stated that the bylaws were amended to combine the EMS Task Force and the EMS Council. The bylaws were approved at the EMS Council meeting on March 4. Commissioner Dolan expressed concern about creating a position of Director of Emergency Management and a Chief of the Emeregency Medical Services. County Manager Cooper stated that both positions were created and they have accepted applications and will interview five applicants the next day. 160 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL AMENDED BYLAWS (CONTINUED) Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to approve the Amended Bylaws of the Emergency Medical Services Council. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin r Absent: Chairman Barfield A copy of the amended bylaws is contained in Exhibit Book XIV, page 15. MEETING SCHEDULED WITH LEGISLATORS AND LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS The Commissioners discussed scheduling a meeting with Legislators and local elected officials before the short session of the General Assembly, to be held.7:30 o'clock A.M. prior to the Regular Meeting on May 19, 1986, at the Main Library with a light breakfast being served. RELEASE OF PENALTY ON ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX - BUCCANEER MOTEL Pat Raynor, Collector of Revenue, recommended the room occupancy tax penalties in the amount of $601.01 for the February 1984 and March 1985 reports be released in their entirety and the penalty of $80.00 for November 1985 be reduced to $8.06, which is 50% of the tax that was due. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector, releasing the room occupancy tax penalties. for February 1984, March 1985 and November 1985 reports, as recommended by the Collector of Revenue. r Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield RELEASE OF TAX LISTING PENALTIES - PAUL GREGORY Mr. Paul Gregory, owner of Gregory Murray Construction Company, appeared before the Commissioners to request release of tax listing penalties in the amount of $1,065.74. He explained that the reason for the late filing was that the listing forms were placed in the post office after the post marking for January 31st was terminated. Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to refund the penalties paid by Mr. Gregory for late listing in the amount of $1,065.74. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: r Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Ba~field County Manager Cooper requested the Commissioners establish whether or not the postmark or the date received stamp be used to determine late listings in the future. County Attorney Pope stated that the statue provides that the taxpayer having a situtation that is different, that he should be allowed to appeal. 16 ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION ORDINANCE County Manager Cooper presented the request for adoption of Amendment to the Parks and Recreation Ordinance. I Assistant County Attorney Copley stated the purpose for the amendment is to establish rules and regulations to assist in enforcing the Ordinance. Any person violating the rules and regulations would be in violation of the Ordinance. After further discussion Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to adopt the Parks and Recreation Ordinance. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT OF MISKO TO DOMICILIARY HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to appoint Betty Misko to serve an unexpired term on the Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield REAPPOINTMENT OF ELLER TO SERVE ON THE LOWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to reappoint Dan Eller to the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority for a second three year term to expire on March 31, 1989. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield I APPOINTMENT OF DARRYL LANGLEY TO SERVE ON THE LOWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to appoint Darryl Langley to serve a three year term to expire on March 31, 1989, on the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield APPOINTMENT OF EFIRD TO THE WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER COUNTY PORT, WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION Commisioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to appoint Alex Efird to serve a three year term to expire on 162 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) February 28, 1989, on the Wilmington/New Hanover County Port, Waterway and Beach Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin r Absent: Chairman Barfield ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ONE-MILE ZONING JURISDICTION BY CITY OF WILMINGTON Commissioner O'Shields expressed concern that the Wilmington City Council had not corresponded with the County as to what concerns they had and why they were addressing the issue of one-mile zoning jurisdiction. Commissioner Retchin stated that was part of a resolution which addressed the need to reserve right-of-ways outside the City limits, requesting the legislators to follow through with action initiated at the last session to give the County the right to cooperate with the City in that respect. The Resolution was to be forwarded to the County for approval. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPECIAL EXECUTIVE SESSION OF OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Commissioner Dolan announced there would be a special executive session of Offender Aid and Restoration Board of Directors at 4:30 P.M. to discuss personnel problems which could be serious. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND EFFECT OF COMPENSATORY TIME FOR CLERK LUCIE HARRELL Commissioner O'Neal requested that a determination be made in regards to how the Clerk will be effected by compensatory time. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal that the Clerk would have the same responsibilities and privileges that other County Department Heads have, based on Personnel Policies. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice-Chairman Retchin Absent: Chairman Barfield The Commissioners agreed by consensus to conduct a Performance Evaluation of Clerk Lucie Harrell at the next meeting. CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGION 0 LEGISLATIVE CAUCUS Vice-Chairman Retchin announced the Cape Fear Council of Governments Region 0 Legislative Caucus to be held Sunday, April 27, 1986, between 3:00 and 5:30 o'clock P.M. r VICE-CHAIRMAN RETCHIN TO BE ABSENT FOR APRIL 21 MEETING Commissioner Retchin advised that he would be absent from the April 21, 1986, Regular Meeting due to a conflict in his schedule that cannot be changed. 16 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Vice Chairman Retchin I Absent: Chairman Barfield Vice Chairman Retchin adjourned the meeting at 11:10 o'clock A.M. Ren:::.u,l~~ted , JO~ ~g, DeputY~erk I I