Zoning Area No. 4 Map (Adopted April 7, 1971) apNOVER CO ORTS-EXPOR . r Nom" ~Z {O )DV/Y ~O 1739 V Vi1~41~`TJ 1'a~` 9!^/~F ')Nou T' planniq P r NORTH ~ f~.. ~rttfvBx 181II ilmirrq#uxt, ~ ~84II~. MEMORANDUM To: L. O. Bowden, County Administrator From: Neil Mallory, Director of Planning Date: May 26, 1971 Subj: Description of Zoning Area #4 Attached is a description of the boundaries of Zoning Area A and a description of each zoning district within the zoned area. IL Neil Mallory NM:vh cc: Mr. Charlie Register, County Building Inspector 0 SONW aadldkgpl► 10. 4 Im VW NAWM ON= SON= AM so. 4 Is NMI= As FaLOW51 s # ►ims at a pew to the "Store Iright*Of-way line of R. . Ri.ghwaay 132, *aid point boieerg located 4#000 fast aeoriesth of the Intersection of the snag rright-aw t-wo Its* of i hiaesaera Trail (S. R. 1565) with the &&*ter* aright-of lies of S. C. Righwraey 132, *a waswerred sly said aeastorn right- of-way It** of 2. . Ughwawy 132; said point being further described as a saemtkorm boundary point; of the Masomboro i*S Are*. Thaws, from said beginning point to a s uthoostwsearradly aiiroattiowe, passing through a point to the western right-of-vay line of the Mr oomoro Loop Road (8. R. 1492) located 49 Boot south of the intersection of the ocuthers riSht-of•wasy line of eiaf" Troil (S. 1. 1565) with the wrestae rriSht-of-moray list of the Maaoogboro Low Road (6. lit. 161+2)# approximately 6,2A foot to a point in the contaerlinae of the Intracoastal Wataewmay; then* aetI**$ and with the **starlit* of the Istrrs- c astawl y4terrwray In a mouwtbmetwararradly +9irsrtiowa approximately 29,600 fast to ae point said point holm located sat north of tho Carolina Swath Corporate Limits;; thaeeeanws soawewtiodu# along and with the soutorlime of said Intracoastal wtaw may as it tames is ae soawwthwrestwwardly direction (this portion known as Sww*s Got) o oaetoly 66356 feet to the nest shoreline "tended of the 4po Few giver; them* aloewg need with an *xtension of the aforementioned a outorlieeae of the Intracoastal Waterway to a a out wewaatwe dly direction apprrox- b wwtwtly 4,100 fast to its tatasersection with the Now Rrw smrrr Betty line Wasted to the pe foot liver; theme &I and with the New R<asrarerr County line Is a thwaetrdiy direction epi►roxinotely 541,00 foot to a point in the City of Wiletsgtoew "s Milne ""Us Limits than** &law end with the City of Wilaeingtoew One Milo Using Limits in an asetwardly direction to a point, said point being 4 ao owtor bo a r of the Issouboro t'saiog Areas said point being further dacserlW as being the intersection, of the City of Wilmington One ails Using Units with a line parallel to a 4*000 foot vast of the western right-of-ray lime of N. C ighway 132 as measured at right angles there faree the vest in a oootb idly direction, 4,00 fast west of sad parallel to the eastern riSht-of- y lire of N. C. gighmsy 132 7,000 feet to a poi+stj that to a sowtheastwudly direction, 6,150 test acre ox lass to the point of beginning. It is the Lost of the above description to desearibe the original outer aeries of the area know to fmin►g Area Xo. A as sh m on the *ow griever C tlr 9f iog )kV - vdAres Xo, 4 as approved by action of the County C f sofa rs at their meeting on April 7, 1971 s XMARU NO, 4 is hereby div ded .ieeto the following toning districts. R-15 RUIVIN L DfMIC`x The heroin delineated area described as Zonis& Area No. 4 shall be designated as R-15 (Residential), except those areas specifically designated ►s say other Ling district, R-10 R IDINTIAL D TRIC'T A R-10 (Resi4at-,tlel) District bung located off the southwestern end of Silver Lake Road (S. R, 1197) and southwest off of U. S. Highway 4?l (Carolina Ruch Road), c aced of Marquis Hills subdivision and sect:i.un 1 of Silvan Sanda, described as follows; Beginning at a point in the southeastern right;-of-way line of Silver Lsk+e Road (S. R. 1197), said point being located 3,4 0.21 feet, as me asurecd alter said right-cif-way line, from the inteisectioa of said southeastern right-of-way line of Silver Lake Road (S. R. 1197) with the iiouthwestern right-of-way line of U. S. Righway 421 (Carolina Beath Road); thence from said beginning point south 20-05'-30" cast 250 feet to s point; thence north W-50-30" east 80#0 feet to a point thence south 310-10-30" cast 549.67 feet to an old pipe; thence south 690.41' -30" east 1006.27 feet to ate old pipe; thence north 76"s-20-30" east 213.05 feet to an old pipe, thence north 43e•5$0wesast 529.0 feet to an old pipe located in the center of Notts Creak; thence south 340»3;;'-:i0'" east 328.719 foot to a new pipe:; thence North 5jO-24'-30" cast 2158.5 feet to a new pips located in th southwestern right-of-way line of R. S. Rig 'py 421 (Carolina Beach Road);thoaec a along and with said right- of-way, south 340-40-30" cast 201:.9 feet, to a new pipe; thence leaving said right-of-way, south 280-5$'-30" went 2:515.4 feet t0 a concrete monument; these* north 550-101 **at 442.04 feet to an old pipe thence north 550-07' east 657.7 feet to as oid pipe; thence north 550-32' east 216.48 feet to an 914 pipe; then** north 550-03' seat 420.06 felt to an old pipe; thence swarth 550-11' east 519.01 feet to a point in the southwestern right-of-way lane of U. S. Highway 421 (Carolina Bench Road) ; thence along and with s cid right- of-w y line, south 3'40-44'•3A" east 60.% feet to a point; thence, leaving said ri&ht-ofwway line south 5529-51-30" went 305.14 feet to r-, point; thence south 34'0-.~4»3011 east 190.0 feet to an old pipe; theme south 550-051-301' vast 2164.9 feet to a nex pipe, said pipe bung located north 670-1 p•-`3'?", west 1409 feet ± from stone: marked "M.C.D."* thence north 670-19'-Jl": w 54 133.3 feet to another stone marked "M.C.D."r; thence north 89'-24' wsm--. 7638.8 feet to a stoai ms3rked theucc north 00-25'-30" east 845.26 feet to an old concrete monument; thence south 740-%,9'- 3 " vet. t 418.29 ;"e!et. to a concrete monument; thence north 50-19'- 0" west 1198.16 feet to r nstx pipe in the southeastern right-of-way lint: of Silver L ke Road (S. R. 1197); thence continuing along said beating of north 50.091-:30" vast 1632.21 feet to au old concrete monument; thence north west 859.80 feet to ~,n old pipe; thence north 54'0-49' east 492.4€3 feet to an old pipe; thence south 150-09' es et 433,08 feet to an old pipe thence 6outh x.70-49' -30" e. < t 303.25 foot to se old pipe; thence south :320-+4-11-3€1" east 575.72 feet to a point its the southeastern right-of-way line o Silver Stake Road (S. R. 1197); thence along and with said tight-of-way line, uth. ' 7°-54'-.A" wv~st 129.65 feet to the point of beginning. i 0 R-10 ftUIDANT7 DISTRICT A A-10 (Residential) District bo-iv.6 locar d +south of S. K. 1187 aad extends west off of U* S. Highway 421 (Caroltu Beach Road); being knowa as Monterey Heights, 4ascrihed ,follawa t Hegi.uning at as point in the we at-era ri4ht-of-vay line of U. S. Highway 421, said point b i. located 1 13. ` fees north of the intersection of cue c tt lisec of S. X. 1524 with the couterl.iuk; of U. S. Highway 421 as measured &I on the centerline of U. S. 1i8hway 421. Running chetace from a*id beginning point, south west 363.ba feet to a paint; thence south went .340#0 feet to x nament; thence youth o».~g! net :x74.07 feet to a s~j01VA"Mt; Lh*QCQ- north - s~ Wc&L 4286.28 feeC LQ ivn ent; ehCucc north 90-091-1-511 w~ st 1.6 .77 tit ,,'L Lo a point; CiWUC St31 CII t3~} °5?~i„~ +ti 4sxu 394.,.t'! feet to c point; tF,,.nce E`outh 340-2 e -4,y i weq LJ 3.7► ~~J ::tilt to 6 monuiueUL; It.Jice tmuth 8310-1391-3011 t a€t fef-L '.O 4 p0`i Lk:.'. wJ3t.nc.t:', nGr C.h ~F 1 Sit E t sa4 13:y.6d feet, to point; whence, south W'-171 c;,asC ftc~f. Lo sl poirm in tlit Western right-cf-w y '..i ne o U. S. lfigi mtry = 21; thcuce svu;:i V-01, vtf,Gt 106 feet + to the point ol" bc~,~,innin,,. -10 USIDENT L DISTRICT A 9:.1 (Residential) Diw trict bcin 10C.-Ite d wCEL off U. S. kii ,.qwm} 421 (Caroline $oa h hoed) ant; south of arid od jrt=:' mt to Hillnid ~ubd wvi,vioL,; b,Aag kit as Lehigh Utaces, described as fal.l.owN: Begiraniu8 *L a meat in th-,~ uciF 4:orn riXht_of-wzy li nn. of U. S. Rij~h.k4ay 421 (Caaro' ina Beach Rowe) €3: id aegianin-L Pair . €s i t r l acs, "(1d Ou e w h ii L 256.47 feet from th i,ntf;xsectton of Life 6 )ULhc rn rid ~aL-of-~-y I iInt of McQuillan Drivak with t ht wester r3..e,~,ht-of_waty L'3 ~a of U. S. 4'21 (Caroliran B3 -Cll Roy,-6); said point Ass thM 0SAVO+ AS bO corner "I" Map Reek 10 Fags 49 Of the OW R Y ROOMY- TbQM$ t frOM said bosimasRg point * oust% 0-45' mat 451.70 foot to a;l ioint► said ►int heist located South 30-451 "at 254.20 foots & the Worsec tion of they southern aright»of-V&y line of Lehigh 404W frith the s t right-of,-WAY lino of s 8 o hwa2 421 (Carolina 1"ch i00tie O it'd`'"210-150 West 2838 foot *we or loess to a point in the ed a teft aright-oof-ray lime of proposed "sly Drive as shown e prol ssa plot of ~ Instates by Jack S. Stocks# tstearared Load i v l thow ate and with said proposed masters rLght-of-vay line of se proposed ridges r i*iwe northward by direction 441 fact sw at or loaea to a Point is the a"tom line of ,llside S divisi ; theme a MW with ataiad southern lids of M.lloi4 s► isi,sioa south $30-241 east 2774.4$ forest to a point is the ar"steasrss aright-ofd line o . S. iilgh wray 421 (Carolina Beach SOW point being the point of bostaaaaing. g~2 iR ll The foi loans id-2 sftesas;s i;steta+ts of $omimg Are* No. 4 ar* described as foils"a A 4*2 O si sss) Vi.stariat at the intersection of the Silver Lake, Road with V. S# Uglss!asir 421 it sr Beach bawd)„ described as followat h ind at as Point is the a thwerstarras ae Uht«of-fty US* Of V. S. I.g asy d21s eaid imaing point being located southemtwo dly 300 foram as aareaswesd $1 the southwestern yright-ofd liner of V. 8. wsy 421 from the inter- section, of the south*sstsm right-of-may Itoo +s Silver Lasko Rood (110 foot right-of-way) with the oo% horn ar $ht-of-eray tieaee of U. S. ]tLghw&y 421; theme in a soutbwrostwardly direction aaaaad at right angles from the sout ast rightMof-waxy Use of it, d. Righmy 421,, 300 foot to a potat; then a in a 0 strth"ettwasird s► ireortiou Parallel with a> 3" foots sout sest of the tsitp'et tight-89line of V. S. Nigbwq 421k 101:4 fit to a potat; t is a Owtrh ly 4t resat tiou asassi# at oLot *"#too to the s tb sts> rt«ofoogy Its* of J,#. 6. Ugh%W 4 1s 300 foot to a Vol at in the South- taft rixM-mfr list of 9. S. Ugh 4211 tbowe in a, southeassktwardly d ro#t ale" .th "id southwestern tri o-ofowa liaa of U. XishwW +421. 300 foot to a poist;.t o is a mortheastwar4ty direction ft i at night a lso f row the t era right-of-VW lissom of S. Risk- to 421# 4 facet to a poiat# said p"at bet" 300 fast from a as tseasaterod at tit a loo to the st> Irthoaat `te tr ht- *f-trap It me of U. S. Ughway 421; tkft$# a #a"ham tire" dlr tioa i►,rs SI1 with asad 300 foot 't eaSt at the s orth"oton rigbkoet-way lies of V. A. U4h3► 4fl# 710 feet to a iat d wows in a sresuthesst rsrtrsdly dttrtctiet p feat to the point of bogizslag. 3-2 SWIMM ViiMtom' A 2-2 Oa) otrtct locate at rttla Jawt oa, described as fhl l±ts s AWgL%*UW at a #"at to the lout set ra triSht-of-wasy liteo of Q. S. Ugh- way 421# said pot at bpi the int ers t of the southeas o right-of-way Its* of itoluott:o Drive with the e+s estarn right-of toy line of V. S. ii bo 421;, thence from said bs isaog point: is a southoostv"lly direction alb end tb the *fttht tare right-of-vep litre of V. B. Rio w ay 4121, 400 feet to a palat s * north 6''0 east S td foot to a poi.ati tbmss South 800 sett appro"nately M, feet to a point, s&14 point being located 300 foot east of the *motor* right-of-way line of 4. Right y 132; the established line ha't►ias a 'hearitag of truth goo react, passi% tbrouth a point looted apparoxinately '540 foot south o the tatorseetiou of the s, tham r Sht-of-way Iiav of C,i Mahican, trail (d« 11 IM) with the eastern tight-of-way IUA of No G. Ughway 132 our *Ossm pd alp g said aa&#two tight-of-ray line of V. C. hwaey# them* to a thwaatdly direction parallel Frith aea 300 foot eaaao of tha eastern right-of-oW line of X. C. Xi y 132 and V. 8. Mighxay 421 aai to otely 3500 foot to a point; th*maa in 'a wastowdly direction and at tight "glaeas to the eastern r g t f-a It** of 9, t. g hay 421# 760 feet to a point# as id point heiog located 300 feet oast of the wasters, right- of*vy liaawc of go . hoa y 421; said west cdly line peaehiag through a paint leered 250 foot south of the t ato rs tion of this extension of the southern riAt-of-way line of 8, 1. 1$21 with the extension of the eastern eight f« ay lice of g o gMsy 421 as ****urawed along the esstwo tight- of-VV line of 9, fit, MShW 421; theme to a rth idly and a aoartMmmaaardly dier tion# parallel with and 300 foot vast of the western right-of-way line of V. 5, USImay 421 approxivatoly 3350 foot to a point in the southea stwo right-a f,vo lies of soiww►ette dare;, th=c* is a sortheastwardly direction glong sod with the southeastern tight-of*v&y lice of a1ntaioette Drive,, 230 feet to the polat of hegt ing 3.2 WXVMISS D 1f A 3.2 a istxiet at the tawttears ecti of 8. R. 11$7 with U. So WSW" 421 (C retli , described as follows t Iwgiawta log at a point to the western right-of-way line of U. So Righu*y 421# said point being located 200 foot north of the intersection of than sorthers arightt lf-W4y line at S. 1187 with the Western right-of-way sine t V. So ft$bway 421; them* to *a easstwaardly direction aaa at tight auglos f rwe the water* tight-of ay line of L d, fthwaay 4311, 460 feet to a point; theme in a eaautWa3a ly direction parallel with and 300 foot eastwaardly faraw ` 0 they eastern right-of-way line of U. g. Wghw 421, approximately 1104 feeet to a: int. theme in a weatwardly direction and at right angles to they Qast rigb~t-Of*wSy line of tl. S. liigtsray 4213 760 feet to • point; th e in a cthward],y direction parallel with 30fast wet of they western v ght^-o ra► line o V. S. RLSWay 210 ,ate lustely 1450 ;caret to a point the to eastwardly dir do and at tight glee to the western right- of-way line of , S. b 421» 3M toot to the point of beginning. A l-t ee~► bistriet at the l ate rseeloYion of S. R. 132= nth U. S. AStAmy 421 (fib lid), described as followas 1"imi at # itat is tho easte right-of*woy It of U. S. RL#bx 421, oo paint being located # feet »rth of the iat+ersoctiou of the uwtbova rtSbt-*f r It** of S. R. 1534 with the eastern right-of-way line 9, g. Vi y 421 tha es from said beegi,mi; point in an eeeees or+dly dixeettou asd at right angles from the said eauteeru right f-vAy line of U. S. utghw 421.# 300 feet to a point,, said point being located 300 faek r th of t uorthers right-of-war line of S. R. 1524; t a e in a s tth- var4ly direction parallel with es 340 feet east of the eastern right-of-way lint of , S. Righ 4210 663 feat to a port; thence in a ~lwagsgtm wastmardly direction and at right angles to the oastexu r lint 46€i feet to a point in the -western right-of-way of line of U. S. Highway 421; tb ce in a uthwazdly directioa along with the emote rn, right-of'-gray line of V. S. USIony 421 19fee to a points theme leaving the right- of-way l,inevaad proceeding in a weatwardl.y dir tiou, at right angles from eai right-of-tay, 300 feet to a point; thouee to is northv ardly dire ct oat parallel with and 300 feet west of the western fright-of- ay line o U. S. C lig y $210 25 60 feast to ae point; thence in a eastwardly diroction and at right a a l" to the wastes right-of-way line of Ti. S. BiShwaty 4210 460 feast to the point of b SiaainR -2 SCSIOSS USTUCT A 3-2 (Justness) District at the intersections of S. R. 1530, s. R. 1528, and S. R. 1531 (Seabraeze), being described as follows: Sa$i ti , at ae point in the northern right-of-way line of S. R. 1. 32, said kat being located wrsat 200 deet frm the intersection of the northern right- of-way 1t of S, R. 1531 with the weotern right-of-way line of S. R. 1525 as t surad all said aortha4rn ari ht-ofwway line of S. S. 1-531; theace from said beginning point in a tmthwardly direction at right angles to S. R. 1-31 30 feet to a point; then** in an sastwaardly direction 200 foot north of arA Wollael to S. 11. 15351 thence curving and proceeding in a southwaerdly direction 200 feet easS of aaa parallel to S, R, 1!,341 th tce curving in a W*Xt aerdly dir*sti.on 21111 foot south o and parallel to S. R. 1530 & 1531 **A thou to ,a rote said point Wag l atod 300 toot wet of the intersection of the northern ri.gtt-of-4my line of S. R 1531 with the western right-of-way line of S. R, 1528, a also 200 fast omth of the southern right-of-way line of S. R. 1531; than** in a t rthowAly direction 268 foot to the point of beginning. 1-2 XWOMIAL DISTRICT 1-2 (IrAustrial) District boi.n8 located aeijaeent to and south of the. City of Vilsei>gt o>a One .le Zoning Limits, west of U. S. Highway 421, north of and aedj"ewt to Hotter Creek, and east of and adjacent to the. New Hanover qty Linea located in the Cape Year R;iver* being described as follows Saginni.n at a point in the center lime of Mottle Creek, said be&inni.n point being located in the southern boundary line of Marquis Hills Subdivision, 4 ;further described ats being located south 9*44' taast 2"') fete more or less from a stone marked N. K."; thence from ::r.id baj;inrdng point along and vUh the. centaerliw of Mott'.s Creed. As it weanderc in n a outhwestwordly direction to thaw eastern shorcliaae of tht4 Caape. Fear River; thence in an ties ty-.rdly direction approximately 3500 feet to s point in the: N aw Hanover County Li n,2, said point bk ng the point where the, county line deflects from a ee aer.nl ly aorchwardl.y direction to a a orthwestwardl.y direction; thence in s northwest- wardly direction along and wit,.h the Nev Hanover County line aapproxzimstely 19, 30 feet to a point in the City € f Wilmington One Milt Zoning Limit!; thence along and with the City of Wilmington the Mile Zoning Limits in an east.wa rdlp direction to a point, said point being. 40010 feet test of th weutaern right-of-ray line of 'U. S. Highway 4121; thence in a southeaastwaerdly dirtc ion parallel with and 4000 feet west of the western aright-of-wny line of U. S. Ri.ghway 421 approximately 4700 feet to a point in the 6eaterline of the northern branch of liaer?nards Creok; thence a t and with the centerline of said northern bran+eh of lards Creek aye it meanders in ae southeeretwardly ,di: *ction approximately 3800 feet to as point, said point beial located 2:350 feet from the southwestern right-of-way line of 0. S. OiShvay 421 as messur+ed at vi t angles thexefrowl thence parallel with and 350 feet west of the ws tern line of Silva Terra Subdivision Section 11-3, south 20-351 vast apgroxiamatael.y 3000 feet to a point; thence patr*ll.ael with and 500 feet south- west of the southwestern line of Silver Viands Subdivision Section 1, south 35°-10' east approximately 1250 feet to a paint in the western share line of Silver Lake; thence &Ion, and with the western shore line of Silver Lake as it turns towards tht east to a point in the southern share line of Silver Lake; thence ~parall.el with and 500 feet west of the western boundary line of liaerquis Hills Subdiviaaton south '0-091-30" cast epprorivaty-1y 750 fvv to * U F point:; thence in a southeastwardly direction approximately 711 U to mint in the north line of the I. W. C dwin's Sons tract as shown in Map Stack 6 Page 54 of thy: 'New Hanover Couaty Registry; thence s?:on, and with said northern line of 1. W. Godwin's Sons approximately 450 feet to a stoat marked ON B.", said stone bein4 the southwestern most corner of Marquis Mills subdivision; thence south 89*00 east 215 feet more or less to the point of beginning. 1-2 INDVSTRIAL DIS .ICP ,A* 1.2 (Industrial) District being located north and € dja.cent to the north shore line of Mow's Cut, voutheast of and adjacent to the U. S. Coast d rd Lonna Statu e, and west of and adjacent to Telv*i.rs Creek, being described as followat Negi.naing at the intersection of the northerly right-of•raay line of the Intracoastal Waterway with the ruts of Te3lvairs Creak; running thence north- Vordly from said beginning point up the run of said crceak 2620 feet, snare or leas, to a point iu the southern line of the R.S. Fre4man Homestead Tract; running thence with said line about north Sfi degrees 15 minutes west 450 feet, more or less, to its intersectioc with the southern line of the U. S. Covernmeat Loran Station 'tract; running thence with said lime about south 60 degrees 15 minutes west approximately 2720 feet to a point in the western right-of-way line of the liver Rood (50. feet from its ceuterline) said road also being designated as Stage Road 4 1100; running t:hencw with the western right-of-gray line of said road about north 29 degrees 45 minutes west 330 feet, more or less, to s point; running thence at right angles about south 60 degrees 15 minutes nest approximately 1090 feet to the high water line if the Cape Pear River; running thence with slid bigh water line C, southwardly about 1060 feet to the intersectioe with thu aforemearload northerly right-of-va lint of the latracaestal Waterway; runui ag thence with said right-of-way about north 89 de4rces 34 smut cast 2:00 t, more or less, to a U. S, Government coacrtte marker; rucauin thecace: abOUL north 30 degrees 30 mi autoi~ east approa,iMaLtly 1050 f eet to the poiaL cf coaxtaiuiraj approximately 127 acres read beiai,& a portion of the R. B. Frecausn Tract; subject however to tht right -of-way of the River Road, said right- of-wey having a width of 100 f"t.