1987-03-18 Special Meeting --' 48 MINU'I'ES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 18, 1987- AIRPORT AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Corrunissioners met in Special Session with the Airport Ad Hoc Study Corrunittee on Monday, March 18, 1987, a 4:30 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. corrunissioners present: W. Albert Corbett, Jr. Fred Retchin John Dolan, Vice-Chairman Nolan O'Neal, Chairman " LJ corrunissioners absent: Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Airport Members present: John G. Ashby Lisbon C. Berry, Jr. Tom W. Knight Rick petelinkar Ronald Saucier William Schwartz Fries Shaffner Sandy Wood Airport Members absent: (Due to prior corrunitmentsl Dan W. Eller Thomas G. Reich Chairman 0' Neal called the Special Session to order stating the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the charge of the Airport Ad Hoc Study Corrunittee. DISCUSSION OF AIRPORT AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE Chairman 0' Neal corrunented on the Statement of Charge presented to the Study Corrunittee stating airports were difficult to compare because of the many differences involved in management styles used throughout the state. He stressed the importance of becoming familiar with airport management and operation stating the County's legal staff would be available for assistance. , L Discussion was held on the Corrunittee working within a certain time frame. It was the consensus of the Board to allow the Study Corrunittee to establish its own time frame. Chairman O'Neal gave background information on the previous Airport corrunission corrunenting on the many tasks performed by this corrunission with very little authority. He emphasized the importance of giving adequate authority within proper limits to any type of corrunission or organizational structure that is recorrunended. County Attorney Pope stated that statutory authority did exist to allow much more authority than was given to the previous Airport corrunission. Further discussion was held on statutes governing an Airport Authority and Airport corrunission. Vice-Chairman Dolan stated the basic charge was to study and select the best method of operation for management of the airport which will give the best service possible for the tax dollars paid by the citizens of New Hanover County. He encouraged a wide range of latitude being given to the Study Corrunittee stating the County airport was owned by the County and completely funded by the County even though it serves surrounding counties. , L Corrunissioner Retchin corrunented on the new terminal and the tremendous impact upon the economic growth of New Hanover County. He stressed the importance of providing a structure that will most efficiently manage and operate the airport. 4 MINU'I'ES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 18, 1987 (CONTINUED) Discussion was held on reviewing the current relationships of the Airport Manager with the County Manager, Board of Corrunissioners, airport tenants, fixed based operators, etc. stressing the importance of these relationships to good management and operation. County Attorney Pope stated the Legal Staff would be available for any questions or items of concern in these areas. I' i I L.J Discussion was held on whether the new form of management should be in place before completion of the new terminal. County Manager Cooper corrunented on the importance of having this structure in place in order to make recorrunendations to the Board of Corrunissioners with reference to who will own the various gates and equipment, how many gates will be allocated to each airline, and various decisions with reference to tenants. Vice-Chairman Dolan recorrunended the Study Corrunittee to proceed irrunediately in order to address current needs as well as future needs in establishing the most efficient method of management for operation of the Airport. Discussion was held on funding. County Manager Cooper gave background information on the current plan of financing and explained some disadvantages of revenue financing. Further discussion was held on revenue generated. Vice-Chairman Dolan corrunented on increased marketing of the Industrial Airpark and establishment of a foregin trade zone to produce additional revenue. Corrunissioner Corbett corrunented on the and development of the Airport stating he become a profit making organization, structured and managed. potential growth felt this could when properly I' I ~ Chairman O'Neal, on behalf of the Board, appreciation to the members of the Study Corrunittee willing to give of their time to perform such an task. expressed for being important ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Dolan Retchin to adjourn the CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOVED, meeting. SECONDED by Upon vote, corrunissioner the MOTION P.M. Chairman O'Neal adjourned the meeting at 5:26 o'clock Respectfully submitted, ~<<~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk r ! LJ