1995-05-01 RM Exhibits ~ INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: May 1, 1995 RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 705 BRUNSWICK STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the proposed sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number 048-13-005-007.000 Address 705- Brunswick street Amount of Offer $1,100.00 Tax Value $1,050.00 Market Value $1,100.00 Offerer Linell and Stephanie Josey P. o. Box 515 Castle Hayne, N. C. 28429 Property Dimensions 35' x 50' This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offerer(s) has agreed to pay the amount(s) indicated above for the parcel(s) identified. The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby propose to accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerer(s) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerer(s) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerer(s) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. The offerer(s) shall deposit the sum of 5% of the total offer immediately following adoption of this resolution. "' 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer(s) as required by N.C.G.S. l60A-269. , 19 fs New~tY Board 00/" n ~ Chairman of '. ; , ADVERTISEMENT FOR UPSET BID SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AND/OR NEW HANOVER COUNTY By resolutions duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County proposes to accept an offer to purchase a certain parcel of real property located in New Hanover County owned by the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County. The identification of the offer is as follows: TAX PARCEL NO: R0048-13-005-007.000 ADDRESS: 705 Brunswick Street OFFERER: Stephanie and Linell Josey AMOUNT OF OFFER: $1,100.00 The offer to purchase is subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) That the offers are unconditional and may not be revoked. (2) That the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County shall retain as liquidated damages any deposit posted if any offerer fails to pay the balance due in cash and secure the deed within 10 days of notice by certified mail or if returned undelivered within 10 days of the last attempted delivery. (3) That all sales are subject to final approval by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and/or the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. (4) That the use of the property and construction of any structures improvements, changes or additions shall at all times comply with all applicable federal, state or local laws, rules and regulations. The proposed sale of this property is being conducted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 and is subject to upset bid. The public will take notice that within ten days after publications of this advertisement, any person may raise the bid by not less than 10% of the first $1,000 and 5% of the remainder. Upset bids may be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk, accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the total increased bid. The deposit must be by cash, cashier's check, certified check or bid bond. Upon receipt of an upset bid, the City Clerk shall readvertise the offer at the increased bid and otherwise follow the statutory procedures until no further qualifying upset bids are received. When no further qualifying bids are received, the City Council and/or Board of Commissioners may accept the offer and sell the property to the highest bidder for cash. The City Council of the City of wilmington and/or the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover county reserve the right to reject any and all offers at any time. The proposed sale is made subject to the above conditions together with all outstanding taxes, liens or other encumbrances, if any; title shall be conveyed by bargain and sale deed without warranty; and the property will be sold in its present condition "as is" without any improvements by the City. . ~ . The City Council of the City of Wilmington and/or the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County intend to decide whether it will accept or reject the highest offer within a reasonable time not to exceed thirty days from the date of the published advertisement. Any and all deposits shall be forfeited if a bid is accepted by the city and then withdrawn by the bidder. This the 9th day of May, 1995. A. PENELOPE SPICER-SIDBURY, CITY CLERK LUCIE HARRELL, COUNTY CLERK Published: May 9, 1995 . ~ '! ..., -::,- ~. Secondary Road Construction Program Apr i 1 10, 1995 Page 2 In compliance with our Board's directives, while addressing overall county needs, we submit the following proposals for the expenditure of estimated secondary construction funds for New Hanover County, for the period through June 1996. This proposal will be presented at your r~gularly scheduled public hearing on May 1, 1995 at 6:30 P.M. as follows:_ Estimated Carry Over Estimated July 1, 1995 Secondary Construction Allocation 20,000 97,974 1~7,974 -:::'4,608 1)3,366 Spot Stabilization, Paved Road Improvements, Safety Improvements and Bridge Replacements -SR 1334, Sondey Road (A Portion) Grade, Drain, Base, Pave From SR 1921 to SR 2203 Priority lS 0.12 20,000 83,366 SR 1725, Rice Road Grade, Drain, Base, Pave From SR 1421 to Dead End Priority 6S 0.18 22,000 61 ,366 SR 2222, Goff Drive Grade, Drain, Base, Pave From US 117 to End System Priority 7S 0.23 21,000 40,366 SR 1801M, Nash Drive Dixon Acres Subdivision Paved with discretionary funds 1994-95 Priority 8S SR 1478A, Hillsdale Drive Dixon Acres Subdivision Paved with discretionary funds 1994-95 Priority 9S ~ ".. .:.~ Secondary Road Construction Program Apr il 10, 1995 Page 3 SR 2202, Edna Buck Road Grade, Drain, Base, Pave From SR 1336 to End System Priority 10S 0.30 ,Volunteer Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Road Additions, and Contingencies. 4 32.000 8,366 8.366 -0- Total Mileage 0.83 A copy of this proposed program is posted on the public bulletin board at the courthouse for public review. We wish to point out the amounts used in the cost of each of these priorities is an estimate and is subject to variations due to inflation, cost of materials, equipment rate changes, and so forth. We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, the board and the public, to present this program. Recommended deviations from this submission by the Board of Commissioners must be in compliance \~ith General statute 136-44.8. In the event right of way for any of the proposals above is not available, it is our plan to proceed with the next priority until right of way is acquired and funds are expended. You will be notified of changes in this program. In addition, at the end of each calendar year you will be presented a detail report of work accomplished and funds expended. Very truly yours, Mr.~~~ Me~oard~Transportation t.tr. D7!!.~rs, P.E. Division Engineer DJB/JPC/psj cc: Mr. J. P. Cook, District Engineer Mr. M. F. McDaniel, County Maintenance Supervisor SHH~ HATING UNP,~VED SECDNDM~_ Y I~O(~DS --- SUBDIVISION/RESIDENTIAL PAGE 't COUNTY. NE~I HANOVEF~ 1 DD"Z l I ....1 S/li. PHTY NAf1E L.ENGTH Hoti P/H SCH CH B~.3 IN RF ::',:B B/R TPtd=- T/F T /F'Tt; 1 334 1 F :~OO2 :: r" 'I 4 -;'00 :::;r 18fBri H- i 6- 70i'1 ::T 1725 .:SF 22:~2 7F 1 o C' H~ Gr- , 4';'0", ';'r J 22():2 'I 0F rj 'I -'T r. i i ":"",:,,,",')7 156.<H1 i '"J 21 -l3r1 i 'Z ~.. i 75 i '14 i or).') i "-: U.\_.\._ ,I 1 407' i 6 141 ~~I{ i "{ 21 C)"1 18 \,oJ ",_ i 3~)4 1 0 1 .; 23:2 2(J I 22:;8 ~J'; .. I ~2259 ~....} .\... 10- 147i r) -z .r... ..... 2i 83 24 NUMBER tiONDEY F(Otd) o.52..-4B- NO ef.J l)"-l 0.40 WOODllf\VCll DR. .80 CII,~r(T[p. Dr~I'.'[ .-:';-I~ r-nD!C! I I",O()D .:..' -I VrCTOR~ GARtC .:S RICE ROAD .18 GOFF DRIVE .23 N,~~11 DnIY[ ...1, IIILLSr-....,L.[ rr~I . -'~~:; EDN(~ BUO( RD .3(-) TERESA DRIVE .07 15 WEST SEAVIEW .~4 26 COVE ROAD EXT .34 ~8 BOWFIN LANE ~~6 13 BESIDE EASTWO .i8 DARDEN ROAD .35 '13 AL.LEN'S L.ANE .~7 NIXON LANE~ ~18 ~i()RNE FIL..A(~E D ~2~~ SIGMAN ROAD .08 I~RO 01< I) (1 L. [-~ D r( I " :~ I:) FARM ROAD .18 r'jCCUrlBER ST A. . ~.~t:~ SPRING HOAD .16 ROADS' 24 TOTAL MIL.ES: N 90 N 'j z"") c:: -, ~.. , -' . ( N 1 r.- , p,! [~O{:) 0 .:> (j . N i -"'-1 N 6S>(j t:: , ~, . , Y 'f'S N ~~ti.f::l .0 t~ :?~3 N :5~::;() ~, . .- N .., ,') N 300 ,-, , (,' 4 (:1 N L "1 N ri-j-7 C) \.oj "-.' A.. I 1 . ~.. N 4:~ N ') ";1 r.:;- :_ I "I . ,,' Y in N :"~ :> I') (.1 i.'tO A N 1 F~ N ~~~ -4 :"5 ., (-) N , r) i'~ :',:~ :,:~ () q 1_,1..... . N riel N t f:3'3 I:, 10'_ \.J . ..1 N i C) N C)(,) 0 .. . y i (-) N ::!.i) . (:) -. ~} -4 8 -, I B -z \.,1 '7 I r) ",'.. 3 . ~.. -7 "7 C, I ... ,_, .' (F) INDICtln:~s FFWZEN TOP 10 F'RIDIUTr' f:l~::, RE(~UIPED F::'r' GS 1'.3,;J--44.7(f:) ~, SRIQ RATING UNPAVED SECONDARY ROADS - RURAL PAGE COUNTY: NEW HANOVER 1993 SIR PRTY NAME LENGTH HOM PIH SCH CH BS IN RF ~B B/R TRAF TfF TIPTS 1413A iF 1827 2F 1516 3F 2169 4F 1408 ~F 1385 6F 1318 7F NUMBER ALLEN'S LANE .38 ROGERS AVE. .32 NAVAHO TRAIL 1 .50 FREDRICKSON R .39 PROSPECT CEME .30 SAMPSON STREE .43 BLUE CLAY ROA .11 ROADS: ( TOTAL MILES. 3.43 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY 6~ 136-44.7(B) 'JI&'lU :Hanover Coun ty 'Boara of Commissioners . ... <( - P.jso[ution \V1-IEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners recognizes that bicycling is an enjoyable pastime and a valuable transportation alternative for all residents of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, Ncw Hanover County is committcd to promoting th,e safe us~ of bicycles OIl the County's roads, trailways, and bikeways; , ' WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to promote greater awa'rencss of bicycle conunuters, to encourage would-be riders to get their bikes out, and to encourage chqdrcn and adults to operate their bicycles in a safe mann~~?~ all bicycle facilities; ',-- " " :.... NO\V THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hano~cr \ounty B~ard of , Commissioners docs hereby proclaim the week of M3Y 15-19 as "Ride Your Bike to \Vork \Veek" in New Hanovcr County and encou;ages ;Il able-bodied citiz~~s to pa'~ticiP.at~ i~'this .c;citing event. Adopted, this the 1st day of May, 1995. . ~ '- Robert G. Greer, Chairman i. Attcst: _~ ( . 4 Clerk to the Board ~ \.' :- .... .... - . -' . .. :;..' ~ ~ I ~ ..- '.. -1 ;1 I i li i. * ~ ~ i' ,'j'( i ~. ~ '&. 'lj I~ ~ ~, i I iJ 1: t~ ! ~ I~' I ~ I ~ 1 IT- ~ ? t' ,:'1 '#l ;j) g ~ ), w " ~ " "1 f '. I. . ~ ~ " .'" ~ 11 ,i) ;!~ \" ';J{ ';11 . :Ir AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF I NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE THOROUGHFARE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED JUNE 4,1979 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN' Section 1. That the Thoroughfare Classification Plan of the County of New Hanover adopted June 4, 1979, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Add to the collector list that portion of Farley Drive between North Kerr Avenue and Bavarian Lane. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3 This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover,. North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. /flIiM- Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: 0'" . ~, A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR AFPROV AL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner Sandra Barone , seconded by Commissioner E.L. Mathews, Jr. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Ogden Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This the I P: day of vrJag' , 19950 WM- Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners . NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board fCounty Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the ~7 day of 1995. ~~\///~ CI k to the B-oard . ~ ./- #~ EXHIBIT A OGDEN FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at point (1), Highway 17 at the East side of the Highway 132 overpass; thence traveling in a Northern direction along the East side of Highway 132, to a point (2), Milford Road at the intersection with Highway 132; thence continuing Northward to point (3), Shelly Drive at the intersection with Highway 132; thence continuing Northward to point (4), Kings Drive at the intersection with Highway 132; thence North to point (5), Kings Grant Road at the Highway 132 intersection; thence Northward to point (6) Gordon Road at the Highway 132 intersection; thence Northeast to a point (7) approximately 0.1 miles Southeast of Interstate 40; thence in a Southeast direction to point (8), Harris Road approximately 1.5 miles North of the intersection of Gordon Road and Harris Road; thence North to point (9) sidbury Road 0.6 miles West of the Intersection of Highway 17 and sidbury Road. Beginning at point (10), Highway 17 approximately 0.2 miles south of the intersection of sidbury Road and Highway 17; thence in an Eastern direction approximately 2.0 miles to point (11), Futch Creek Road, 0.9 miles West of the intersection of Futch Creek Road and Bald Eagle Lane; thence in a Southeasterly direction to point (12) Bald Eagle Lane 0.3 miles North of the intersection of Bald Eagle Lane and Porters Neck Road; thence in a Southeasterly direction to point (13) Bald Eagle Lane approximately 0.3 miles south of the intersection of Bald Eagle Lane and Porters Neck Road; thence Southeasterly to point (14) Final Landing Road 0.5 miles from the intersection of Final Landing Road and Edgewater Club Road; thence in a general Easterly direction to point (15) the bridge for Figure Eight Island; thence along the Intracoastal Waterway to point (16) approximately 3.0 miles Southeast of Military Cutoff Road; thence in a Northwesterly direction to point (17), Military Cutoff Road approximately 1.4 miles South of Highway 17; thence continuing in a Northwesterly direction to a point (18) Tanbridge Road approximately 1.8 miles Northeast of Eastwood Road; thence continuing Northwest to point (19), Windemere Road approximately 0.8 miles Northeast of Eastwood Road; thence in a Southwest direction to point (20), Long Leaf Acres Drive, approximately 0.9 miles Northeast of Eastwood Road; thence in a Westerly direction to point (21), Elisha Drive approximately 0.6 miles south of Highway 17; thence in a general Western direction to the point of the beginning. ~. ,; . '// A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner Sandra Barone , seconded by Commissioner;- E.L. Mathews, Jr. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This the / ~ daYOf~~ ' .~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Boar~o, County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the W: dayof ~ 1995. ~,'<7 ~ . CI' r~!o the Board - ! EXHIBIT A \ ""- CASTLE HAYNE FIRE DEPARThlENT Beginning at Point (1) where Highway 117 crosses the Northeast Cape Fear River; thence in a Southwesterly direction to point (2), the West bank of the Northeast Cape Fear River, approximately 3 miles from the New Hanover/Pender County Line; thence in an Easterly direction approximately 2 miles to point (3), the intersection of the access road to the Horticultural Center; thence East, Southeast to a point (4), Blue Clay Road approximately 0.5 miles Southwest of the intersection of Blue Clay Road and Highway 132; thence Eastward to point (5) Highway 132, 1900 feet South of the intersection of Blue Clay Road and Highway 132; thence Eastward to point (6), Interstate 40 one mile North of the intersection of Interstate 40 and Murrayville Road; thence Northwesterly to point (7), sidbury Road, approximately 2.0 miles East of Interstate 40; thence in a Northerly direction to point (8), Holly Shelter Road 0.6 miles West of the Pender/New Hanover County line; thence Northwesterly to the point of the beginning. .- . (~ A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner' Sandra Barone . seconded by Commissioner E.L. Mathews, Jr. . RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This the I s;t , day of cJfl~ ' 1995. W~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the BO~ County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the Id. day of J?'~ /" . 1995. , J ~V~~ CI rk to the Board . , - EXHIBIT A FEDERAL POINT FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at point (1) in the Northern city limits of Carolina Beach, at the yacht basin; thence in a general Northerly direction along the West bank of the yacht basin and the mainland of Myrtle Sound, then turning Westward to point (2) Highway 421 South at the entrance of Carolina Inlet Marine; thence Southwesterly to point (3) , on Ri ver Road approximately 0.8 mi les Northwest of the Intercoastal Waterway; thence Southwesterly to point (4), where the Intercoastal Waterway joins the Cape Fear River to Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, property known as the "Buffer Zone" line to point (5); thence in a general Southeasterly direction along "Buffer Zone" to point (6) in Carolina Beach City limits at Atlanta Avenue; thence continuing Southeasterly along Carolina Beach City limits and Buffer Zone line to point (7) then end of Highway 421 South; thence Northeasterly to point (8) the Kure Beach city limi ts; thence in a general Northeasterly direction along Kure Beach city limits to the point of the beginning. "~. " ,-t~ A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner, Sandra Barone seconded by Commissioner E.L. Mathews, Jr. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This the I ~ day of LfY7~ ' 1995. ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the B~ County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the /~ day of /" ,1995. ~.'d~ CI k to the Board ..l , ~ EXHIBIT A MYRTLE GROVE FmE DEPARTMENT Beginning at a point (1), Highway 132 approximately 2.2 miles North of Monkey Junction; thence in a Southwesterly direction to a point (2), Highway 421 South approximately 1.5 miles Northwest of Monkey Junction; thence Westerly to a point (3), River Road at the Wilmington city limits; thence South along River Road to point (4), approximately 0.1 miles North of the Cape; thence Easterly to a point (5), Highway 421 South at the Entrance to Carolina Inlet Marine; thence West approximately 0.4 miles to point (6), the Intracoastal Waterway; thence North along the Intracoastal Waterway approximately 5. 7 miles to a point (7), the Southwest bank of Whiskey Creek; thence North, Northwest to a point (8), Navaho Trail 0.8 miles West of the intersection of Navaho and Apache Trail; thence Northeasterly to a point (9), the intersection of Greenwick Lane and Waltmore Drive; thence Northeast along Waltmore Drive to the point of the beginning at the intersection of Highway 132 and Waltmore Drive. . l <' .:- A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner: Sandra Barone , seconded by Commissioner E.L. Mathews, Jr. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners ofthe County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Seagate Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. day of Y11C1-fj , 1995, ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners /J!; This the NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Boar County Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the /;d- day of 1995. CAZ~_l/ ~ CI~to the Board -- .t.... EXHIBIT A SEAGATE FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at point (1), Hewletts Creek runs into the Intracoastal Waterway; thence in a Northwest direction along the Northwest side of Hewletts Creek to a point (2), Greenville Loop Road approximately 0.5 miles Southwest of pine Grove Drive; thence in a general Northwest direction along the city of wilmington Western boundary to a point (3), Buxton Road at the intersection of Buxton Road and willow Wood Drive; thence continuing in a general Northeast direction to point (4), Oleander Drive approximately 1.4 miles East of Highway 132 intersection; then continuing in a North, Northeast direction to point (5) Park Avenue, approximately 0.1 miles East of Hawthorne Street; thence in a Northern direction to point (6), Wrightsville Avenue, approximately 0.1 miles East of Hawthorne Street; thence in a general Northwestern direction to point (7), Rose Avenue approximately 0.2 miles North of Wrightsville Avenue; thence continuing along the boundary to point (8), Clear Run Drive at the intersection to college Acres Drive; thence in a North, Northwest direction to point (9), Oriole Drive, approximately 0.4 miles East of Highway 132; thence North to point (10), Eastwood Road at the merge of Eastwood Road and Highway 17; thence in a general East direction to point (11), Long Leaf Acres Drive approximately 0.9 miles Northeast of Eastwood Raod; thence in a general East direction to point (12), Elisha Drive, approximately 0.1 miles North of Long Leaf Acres Drive; thence continuing in a general Southeast direction to point (13), Windemere Road, approximately 0.8 miles Northeast of Eastwood Road; thence continuing in a general Southeastern direction to point (14), Tanbridge Road approximately 1.8 miles Northeast of Eastwood Road; thence Southeast to point (15), Military Cutoff Road, approximately 1.8 miles North of the intersection of Wrightsville Avenue and Military Cutoff Road; thence continuing in a Southeast direction to point (16), the Intracoastal Waterway to the point of the beginning. Included also in the Seagate Territory is Ridgewood Heights Drive at point (17) at the intersection of Spruce Drive and Ridgewood Heights Drive; thence to point (18) the end of Ridgewood Heights Drive. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR APPROVAL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner Sandra Barone , seconded by Commissioner:; E.L. Mathews, Jr. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. day of v/f/~ ,1995. :?,pMu Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners s!: This the /7' NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board ounty Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the Ld day of 1995. ~~,\~ALa CI k to the Board . " EXHIBIT A WINTER PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at point (1) where Whiskey Creek runs into' the Intercoastal Waterway; thence in a Northwesterly direction along the Southeast bank of Whiskey Creek to a point (2), Masonboro Loop Road approximately 0.3 miles North of the intersection of Masonboro Loop Road and Masonboro Sound; thence in a general Northern direction of a point (3), the intersection of Sutton Drive and Waltmore Drive; thence Northwest along Waltmore Drive approximately 0.5 miles from the intersection of Waltmore Drive and Sutton Drive to point (4), wilmington city limi ts that intersect with the Waltmore Drive; thence Southeasterly along the City of Wilmington boundary lines to a point (5), Beasley Road, approximately 25 yards Southeast of the intersection of Beasley Road and Westchester Road; thence in a Northeast direction to point (6), Kilarney where it intersects into pine Grove Drive; thence to point (7), Mayberry Court as it intersects with pine Grove Drive; thence North by Northeast along the City of Wilmington Southeast Boundary to point (8) Hewletts Creek; thence in a Southeast direction along the West bank of Hewletts Creek, to a point (9), Hewletts Creek empties into . I . . the Intercoastal Waterway to the p01nt of the beg1nn1ng. Beginning at point (10), Highway 132 approximately 0.1 miles south of the Highway 132 overpass; thence in a West Southwest direction along the city of Wilmington Eastern borderto a point (11), Highway 17/74, approximately 0.4 miles West of the Highway 132 overpass; thence continuing to follow the City of wilmington boundary in a North direction then turning south along the same border to a point (12) Lennon Drive approximately 0.1 miles North of the intersection of Lennon Drive and Highway 17; thence continuing along the city of Wilmington boundary in a Northerly direction to point (13), Hunters Trail approximately 0.2 miles West of the intersection of Highway 132 and Hunters Trail; thence continuing along the City of Wilmington boundary North then turning East to point (14) Alan Dale Drive at block 4018; thence in a Northerly direction along the City of Wilmington boundary to a point (15), North Kerr Avenue approximately 1.1 miles North of the Highway 17/74; thence in a Northeasterly direction to point (16) Highway 132 approximately 3.0 miles South of North Kerr Avenue; thence South along the East side of Highway 132 to point (17), Highway 17/74 at the Highway 132 overpass; thence Southward to the point of the beginning. INCLUSIVE IN WINTER PARK TERRITORY: Oriole Drive, Point (18), from the 4916 to 4999 block Rose Avenue, Point (19), from 215-399 block Spruce Drive, Point (20), from 216-222 even numbers only Ridgewood Heights Drive, Point (21), from 5300-5313 block College Acres Drive, Point (22), from 4700-4713 Point 923) from 4715-4860 ,. -' A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR AFPROV AL OF INSURANCE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY Upon motion by Commissioner, Sandra Barone , seconded by Commissioner, E.L. Mathews, Jr. , RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover approve the boundary lines of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District in accordance with the maps and description filed this date with the Board of County Commissioners and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Said Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department Fire Insurance District being described as follows: Exhibit A setting forth a full description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. )$:P This the day of - NEW HANOVER COUNTY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of excerpt from the Minutes of the Board.o ounty Commissioners of New Hanover County, adopted this the / ~ day of >?;J 1995. ~J\/ ~ CI rk to the Board - EXHIBIT A .' WRlGHTSBORO FIRE DEPARTMENT Beginning at point (1) smith Creek runs into the Northeast Cape Fear River; thence Northward along the East bank of the Northeast Cape Fear River to point (2), approximately 3 miles West of Highway 117; thence Easterly approximately 3 miles to point (3), Highway 117, approximately 2.1 miles North of North Kerr Avenue; thence East Southeast to point (4), Blue Clay Road approximately 2.1 miles North of North Kerr Avenue; thence East to point (5) Northchase Parkway 1.0 miles West Northwest of the intersection of Northchase Parkway and Highway 132; thence South, Southeast to point (6) Br idgeport Drive 0.2 miles from the intersection of Northchase Parkway and Bridgeport Drive; Thence East Southeast to point (7) Montecello Drive at the intersection of Montecello and Woodcroft Court; thence East to Highway 132, approximately 1900 feet North of the intersection of Blue Clay Road and Highway 132; thence East to point (8) Interstate 40 one mile North of the intersection of Murrayville Road and Highway 132; thence South to point (10), Clewis Road 0.1 miles South of the intersection of Murrayville Road and Clewis; West to point (11) the intersection of Luray Drive and potomic Court; thence continuing in a general South Southwest direction to point (12) Shenandoah Street 0.2 miles from the intersection of Shenandoah and Creekridge Road thence South to point (13) Sherman Oaks Drive 0.2 miles from the intersection of Shenandoah Street and Sherman Oaks Drive; thence South, Southwest along smith Creek to the point of the beginning.