1987-06-15 Regular Meeting 5: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, June 15, 1987, at 7: 00 0' clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina. [ Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Vice-Chairman, John M. Dolan; Chairman, Nolan 0' Neal; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Reverend Daniel B. O'Leary, gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 18, 1987, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman O'Neal asked if anyone present wished to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or any item listed on the Consent Agenda. No one commented. I r u RECOGNITION AND PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO MEMBERS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Chairman 0' Neal recognized members of the - New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners expressing appreciation to each member for giving of their time to serve on this Board. He presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following outgoing members: Mr. Edward E. Worrell Mr. J. P. Munroe Mr. Leonard McDowell Mr. Aubrey Rivenbark APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve the following Consent Agenda items. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Report of Collector of Revenue throuqh May 29, 1987 The Commissioners approved the report of the Collector of Revenue for collections through May 29, 1987. A copy of the report is contained in Exhibit Book XV, Page 24. [ Approval of Tax Abatements and Refunds The Commissioners approved a list of tax abatements and refunds as presented by the Tax Administrator. A copy of the list is contained in Exhibit Book xv, Page 24. Approval of Equipment Lease Purchase Aqreements - First Union National Bank of N. C. and New Hanover County Finance Department The Commissioners approved Equipment Lease Purchase Agreements, Schedules, and Certificates of Arbitrage for the 34 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Consent Aqenda (Continued) Approval of Equipment Lease (continued) following leases between First Union National Bank of N. C. and New Hanover County: 3-year Equipment Lease equipment. 5-year Equipment telephone, radio, machines. Purchase Agreement for Landfill Lease Purchase Agreement for computer equipment, and voting ,--- L- Approval of Third Amendment to Equipment Lease Purchase Aqreement - New Hanover County and First Union National Bank of N. C. The Commissioners approved a third amendment to the Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement between New Hanover County and First Union National Bank of N. C. authorizing County officials to execute the necessary documents. Award of Bid for Trailer Mounted Water Jet Cleaner Enqineerinq Department The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the low bid to Public Works Equipment and Supply Company, Monroe, North Carolina, in the amount of $16,562.70 for purchase of a trailer mounted water jet cleaner. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XV, Page 24. Approval of Waiver for Landfill Fees - Mrs. Airy Stalworth The Commissioners waived landfill fees for disposal of debris on the property of Mrs. Airy Stalworth. Adoption of Resolution Authorizinq Private Sale of Tax Foreclosed Property The Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing private sale of tax foreclosed property at 510 Swann Street, owned jointly by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The resolution authorizes sale of the property to Ms. Susie A. Chestnut in the amount of $1,132.15, the minimum price necessary to cover costs associated with the tax foreclosure. ,--- L A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XV, Page 24. Approval of Cataloqinq Contract and Purchase of Two Modems - Library The Commissioners approved a cataloging contract and purchase contract with Brodart Company for a flat on-line service fee of $250 per month and purchase of two modems in the amount of $4,500 each. Award of Low Bid to All Span Buildinq Systems - Huqh MacRae Park Athletic Field Project - Parks & Recreation Department The Commissioners approved award of the low bid to All Span Building Systems in the amount of $225,558 for site work at the Hugh MacRae Park Athletic Field Project. The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract upon receipt of funds from the City of Wilmington. ,--- L Approval of Safekeepinq Aqreement with First Citizens Bank - Finance Department The Commissioners approved an agreement with First Ci tizens Bank to hold investments purchased by the county, except for overnight repurchases, and Certificates of Deposit at a charge of $12.50 per transaction not to exceed $3,000 per year. ~ ----l MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) 5~ " Consent Aqenda (continued) Ratification of Budqet Board of Education The Commissioners Amendments adopted by Education: Amendments for New Hanover County ratified the the New Hanover following Budget County Board of [ Increase Total Budget $ 32,000 Revenues generated from donations and/or investment earnings to program Increase Total Budget 873,020 General Contracts and Architect Classroom Additions - Laney High School Increase Total Budget Instructional Supplies & Materials (Sex Equity Grant) 17,780 Budqet Amendment Reported for Entry Into Minutes The following Budget Amendment was reported for entry into the minutes: 87-00000231 1/2 cent Sales Tax Debit Credit 1/2 cent Sales Tax - Article 42 Unrestricted 1/2 Sales Tax Article 42 Schools $125,778 747,242 1/2 cent Sales Tax/Schools Contributions to Outside Agencies $873,020 Approval of Budqet Amendments for Various Departments r , u 87-00000278 Finance Debit Credit Non-Departmental Retirement - Military $20,000 Finance Contracted Services $20,000 To cover audit fee with Lowrimore, Warwick & Company and purchasing/warehouse contracts with City of Wilmington for remainder of year. 87-00000277 Manaqement Information System Debit Credit Manaqement Information System Installment Loan Proceeds $81,540 Capital Outlay - Equipment $81,450 County's share to record MAPS Computer purchases through City. " I U 87-00000280 Airport/Administration Debit Appropriated Fund Balance $ 7,000 Credit Salaries & Wages $ 7,000 One-time payment for unused annual leave for Airport Manager who has resigned effective 6/29/87. ~ , -~----- 36 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Consent Aqenda (Continued) Approval of Budqet Amendments for various Departments (Continued) 87-00000287 County Commissioners Debit credit Tax Ad Valorem Taxes - Current $ 6,500 County Commissioners Travel, Meetings & Schools Advertising Contracted Services $ 2,500 3,000 1,000 ,--- L- Funds required for special projects. 87-00000288 Non-Departmental Debit Credit General Fund Appropriated Fund Balance $14,067 Non-Departmental Transfer to other funds $14,067 To set up Artifact Acquisition Fund as per County Commissioners 6/2/86. 87-00000289 Dept. of Social Services Debit DSS/Medicaid Medicaid Formula Change DSS/Chi1d Support Services Credit $ 6,601 4,071 DSS/Personnel Care Services Salaries & wages Social Security Taxes $ 8,583 2,089 ,--- Received additional revenue (1984 Medicaid Rebate) Reappropriation to cover CHORE Service cost for remainder of fiscal year. L 87-00000290 Courthouse Renovation Phase 2 Debit Credit General Funds Historic Restoration $34,000 Courthouse Renovation Phase 2 Transfer In 34,000 Non-Departmental Transfer to Capital project $34,000 Courthouse Renovation Phase 2 Contingencies 34,000 Transfer N. C. State Grant funds to Courthouse Project Phase 2. ,--- PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT PLAQUE TO ANDREW J. ATKINSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR, NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman O'Neal presented a plaque awarded by the Government Finance Officers Association to Andrew J. Atkinson, Finance Director, for recognition of the Award of Financial Reporting Achievement for excellence in financial reporting. This award is the highest form of recognition for state and local governments. Chairman O'Neal, on behalf of the Board, congratulated Director Atkinson, stating this was the sixth consecutive year New Hanover County had received the award. L- [ [ [ ,./~ 5~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 BUDGET Chairman O'Neal stated public notice had been given that a Public Hearing would be held to receive comments from citizens of New Hanover County on the proposed FY 1987-88 budget. commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to open the Public Hearing. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal opened the Public Hearing asking if anyone wished to comment. The following persons appeared before the Commissioners: Fundinq Request by New Hanover Museum Foundation Board, Inc. Ms. Linda Nance, a member of the New Hanover Museum Foundation Board, Inc., appeared before the Commissioners requesting funding in the amount of $8,000 to fund a full-time educational assistant's position and weekend clerk-receptionist position for six months beginning July 1, 1987. She stated the museum had received funding for these positions for the past seven years from the Museums Services Grant; however, two weeks ago, notice was given that the grant would not be renewed. Ms. Nance stressed the importance of funding these positions with the current expansion of the museum. Fundinq Request for Transportation of Senior Citizens to Lucile Shuffler Nutrition Site Mr. James Penny requested funding in the amount of $6,500 to furnish transportation and a van driver for senior citizens to be transported to the Lucile Shuffler Nutrition site. These senior citizens had been served hot meals at the former St. Stephens Nutrition Site. Request for Additional Fundinq to Wriqhtsboro Volunteer Fire Department Mr. Larry Croom, a member of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, requested approval of the original budget request in the amount of $196,000 as submitted by the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department to the New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners. He stated the recommended figure of $119,000 would not be adequate to provide quality fire protection to citizens in the Wrightsboro Fire District. Mr. Leonard Long, Fire Chief of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, expressed concern for the manner in which the original budget request was reviewed by the Board of Fire Commissioners. He requested additional review by the Board of County Commissioners. Board of Fire on the method volunteer fire reviewed, and equitable as Mr. Ed Worrell, Chairman of the Commissioners, gave background information used to distribute allocations to the various departments. He stated the Board studied, submitted budget requests as fairly and possible. Discussion of Proposed 1987/88 Budqet by Mr. william Funderburq Mr. William Funderburg, Route 3, Box 282, Castle Hayne, North Carolina, commented on the proposed budget recommending a 50% reduction stating he saw no need for a tax increase. He expressed concern for the County Manager presenting a budget of this type and requested the Commissioners to further study the figures before adoption. A lengthy discussion was held on the proposed budget with the County Manager further defining expenditures. L 38 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to close the Public Hearing. Chairman O'Neal closed the Public Hearing. ADOPTION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR FY 1987/88 A lengthy discussion was held on the proposed budget and expenditures which would require a 4 cent tax increase. Commissioner Barfield commented on the impact of the School Budget on the County Budget stating funding for projects such as the Laney High School expansion should go to the public through referendum allowing citizens of the County to decide whether or not to increase taxes for needs of this nature. ,--- L- After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett not to accept the proposed 1987/88 Budget Ordinance and authorize the County Manager to reduce expenditures for operation of the County on the current tax rate of 67 cents which will increase the overall budget this year by $1.8 million dollars. The floor was opened for discussion. Vice-Chairman Dolan commented on increased expenditures stating the County Manager had stated he was capable of operating New Hanover County on the current tax rate of 67 cents. He emphasized the importance of lessening the burden on taxpayers. Commissioner Corbett stated he was confident the County could operate on the current property tax of 67 cents per $100. He recommended directing the County Manager to cut budget expenditures as necessary stating he could not support a 4 cent property tax increase. He emphasized the importance of good, conservative, fiscal government and protection of citizens on fixed incomes. ,--- Chairman 0' Neal called for a vote on the MOTION by Vice-Chairman Dolan. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: L Voting Aye: Commissioner Corbett Vice-Chairman Dolan Voting Noe: commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Chairman O'Neal commissioner Retchin stated the tax rate was cut by 1 cent last year which reduced the fund balance. He stated the County Manager had already reduced the proposed budget when presented on May 8, 1987, stating if the Commissioners were dissatisfied with the proposed budget, the County Manager should have been directed to cut the budget at that time. After further discussion, commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt the proposed 1987/88 Budget Ordinance as presented. After further discussion, Vice-Chairman Dolan made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION to approve the proposed 1987/88 Budget Ordinance only upon the inclusion of a spending cap, one that would eliminate the unnecessary tax increase of 4 cents. The MOTION WAS SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett. ,--- L- After further discussion, Chairman O'Neal called for a vote on the SUBSTITUTE MOTION by Vice-Chairman Dolan for no increase in the tax rate. upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Corbett Vice-Chairman Dolan Voting Noe: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Chairman O'Neal Chairman 0' Neal called for a vote on the MOTION by Commissioner Retchin to adopt the proposed Budget Ordinance as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: 1______ ______ r , LJ r I LJ r I l--J MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) 5- Adoption of FY 1987/88 Budqet Ordinance (Continued) Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Chairman O'Neal Voting Noe: Commissioner Corbett Vice-Chairman Dolan A copy of the Budget Ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book XV, Page 25. ADOPTION OF FIRE SERVICE DISTRICT 1987/88 BUDGET ORDINANCE Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to adopt the proposed Budget Ordinance as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Budget Ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book XV, Page 25. DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR FOOD BANK Commissioner Barfield stated the Food Bank was in need of immediate funding in the amount of $5,000 in order to meet the current payroll. County Manager Cooper recommended appropriating the funding in this year's budget with cancellation of this amount in next year's budget. After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to appropriate funding in the amount of $5,000 from the 1986/87 Budget with cancellation of this amount in the 1987/88 Budget authorizing the Finance Director to issue a check immediately. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR UNANTICIPATED REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Finance Director, Andrew J. Atkinson, requested approval of a Budget Amendment in the amount of $15,207 for receipt of unanticipated revenue sharing funds. commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the following Budget Amendment as presented by the Finance Director. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 87-00000298 Various Departments Debit Credit Finance Revenue Sharing $15,207 Sewer Operating Transfers In 15,207 Non-Departmental Transfer to other Funds $l5,207 Sewer Operatinq Interest 15,207 APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE RENAMING A PRIVATE ROAD IN HARNETT TOWNSHIP TO WOODLAND TRACE Planning Director Hayes commented on the request to rename a private road in Harnett Township to Woodland Trace. He stated the Planning Staff recommended approval. Chairman O'Neal opened the Public Hearing. Chairman O'Neal asked if anyone present wished to speak on the renaming of this private road. No one commented. Chairman O'Neal closed the Public Hearing. ---, 40 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Adoption of Ordinance to Rename Private Road (Continued) After discussion, Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to adopt the ordinance renaming the private road to Woodland Trace. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book XV, Page 25. APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION BY PORT, WATERWAY, AND BEACH COMMISSION FOR ALLOCATION OF BEACH RENOURISHMENT FUNDS TO THE TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH Councilman Robert L. Dotesch, appeared before the Commissioners presenting the 1987-88 Carolina Beach Berm and Dune Maintenance Project. He commented on the success of beach renourishment at Carolina Beach for past berm projects. " u After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to approve the recommendation of the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission to allocate to the Town of Carolina Beach berm renourishment funds collected from the Room Occupancy Tax. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO PROCEED WITH RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE TELEPHONE SYSTEM Commissioner Retchin commented on the excellent report prepared on the alternative telephone system by the Center for Urban Affairs, N. C. State University. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to authorize staff to proceed with seeking contracts for the recommended system. The contracts are to be presented to the Commissioners for final approval. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,--- L- AUTHORIZATION FOR SETTLEMENT OF PENDING CONDEMNATION CASE FOR AIRPORT AVIGATION EASEMENT Assistant County Attorney Silliman commented pending condemnation case recommending payment of for the airport avigation easement as outlined memorandum. on the $35,000 in his Vice-Chairman Dolan expressed concern for the appraisal figure being much less than the settlement figure asking if the court costs involved in condemnation proceedings would exceed the settlement figure. After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to pay $35,000 for the avigation easement as recommended by Assistant County Attorney Silliman. upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Chairman O'Neal Voting Noe: Vice-Chairman Dolan ..- APPROVAL OF INSPECTION SERVICES BY MCKIM AND CREED FOR AIRPORT INTERIM TERMINAL Director of Engineering and Facilities, Ed Hilton, commented on inspection services by McKim and Creed for the Airport Interim Terminal. He requested approval of an expenditure in the amount of $3,707. \./ Discussion was held on the impact involved to the car rental area with construction of the interim terminal. ,---- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) 5 Approval of Inspection Services by McKim and Creed (Continued) r commissioner Corbett commented on the safety factor involved and also on providing adequate parking for employees who were using this area. After a lengthy discussion of the problem and inconvenience to customers, it was the consensus of the Board to request County Manager Cooper and Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, to study the problem further and report back to the Commissioners with recommendations. ~ v After further discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to approve the expenditure of $3,707 for Inspections Services by McKim and Creed for the Airport Interim Terminal. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chairman O'Neal recessed the meeting for a break from 8:35 o'clock P.M. to 8:52 o'clock P.M. APPROVAL OF NUTRITION CONTRACT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND NEWBOLD CATERING COMPANY, INC. Ms. Annette Crumpton, Director of the Department of Aging, commented on the two bids received recommending award to Newbold Catering Company, Inc. After further discussion, Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to award the contract to Newbold Catering Company, Inc. , Jacksonville, North Carolina. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r I LJ DISCUSSION OF FUNDING FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SENIOR CITIZENS OF FORMER ST. STEPHENS NUTRITION SITE TO LUCILE SHUFFLER NUTRITION SITE Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for providing senior citizens meals who were under the former St. Stephens Nutrition Center. He stated additional funding in the amount of $6,500 would be needed beginning July 1, 1987, in order to continue to provide transportation, including a bus driver, to the Lucile Shuffler Nutrition site for these citizens. Commissioner Barfield stated this request had been cut from the budget presented by the Director of the Department of Aging, and he recommended replacement of this funding. County Manager Cooper stated this allocation would have to come out of next year's budget recommending this issue be addressed the first meeting in July. After further discussion of adequate funding for provisions of this transportation through June 30, 1987, it was the consensus of the Board to place this budget request on the agenda for the first meeting in July. " RECESS FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A MEETING OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to convene from Regular Session to hold a meeting of the Water and Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. L) Chairman 0' Neal convened from Regular Session at 9: 05 o'clock P.M. Vice-Chairman Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to reconvene to Regular Session at 9:09 o'clock P.M. 42 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AND AMENDMENTS TO COUNTY SEWER ORDINANCE Director of Engineering and Facilities, Mr. Ed Hilton, commented on the following revisions and additions to the Sewer Ordinance. 1. Incorporation of sewer extension policies and fee schedule. 2. Inclusion of policies for sewer lines in mobile home parks. 3. Requirement of collection systems to be built in all major subdivisions approved after July 1, 1987. 4. Expansion of treatment plant capacity fee to cover all developments requiring building permits after July 1, 1987, with exception of developments not using County sewer allocations. 5. Procedure for notification to County residents when connections are required. 6. Clarification of County's meter installation and meter billing procedures. 7. Addition of penalties consistent with other County ordinances. 8. A prohibition on unapproved connections. Ii L--J Chairman O'Neal asked if anyone from the general public would like to comment on the proposed amendments and additions to the County Sewer Ordinance. The following person commented: Mr. Billy Towles, representing mobile home park owners, expressed concern for mobile home parks being treated the same as residential subdivisions. He requested allowing the Engineering Department to select the most economical and suitable area for placement of the sewer lines in mobile home parks as in residential subdivisions. ,--- Mr. Towles recommended the following wording to Section 15-47: L "The Construction of Sewer Collection Systems in Mobile Home Parks: The County will construct the necessary sewer collection systems in mobile home parks which will include mains and lift stations, if required. The park owner will furnish the necessary rights-of-way for the mains and lift stations and assist the County's contractor in notification to residents. The County will run the sewer mains and install the lift stations where most economically feasible. If park or property owners want the lines or lift stations elsewhere, they will pay the difference." Assistant County Attorney Silliman presented the following minor revisions requesting approval: paqe 2: a. Insert the number 9. b. The definition of Major subdivision should read as follows: ,- Major Subdivision shall other than those defined in the New Hanover Regulations. mean all as minor County subdivisions subdivisions Subdivision '- c. Change of the word "structures" to "residential units" in last paragraph on Page 2. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Sf Adoption of Resolution and Amendments to County Sewer ordinance (Continued) paqe 5: d. Change of the word "private" to "non-county" in first paragraph. r I LJ Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED Corbett to adopt the ordinance as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. by Commissioner Upon vote, the APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER - COURTHOUSE RENOVATION Director of Engineering and Facilities, Ed Hilton, presented a change order in the amount of $3,802 with Sneeden Inc. for addition of two control valves to the heating and air-conditioning system. He requested approval of the change order with funding from the contingencies account in the capital project. commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to approve the change order in the amount of $3,802 as requested by Director of Engineering and Facilities, Ed Hilton. upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR REPAIR TO THE PIEDMONT FREIGHT BUILDING Director of Engineering and Facilities, Ed Hilton, presented a proposal for repairs to the piedmont Freight Building at a cost of $18,456 with an increase in Piedmont's rental rates from $2.50 per sq. ft. to $5.21 per sq. ft. He stated piedmont Airlines will make a direct payment of $2,000 with reimbursement of total cost over a four year period through the increased rental rate. " I LJ Vice-Chairman Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to approve repairs of the piedmont Freight Building as requested at a cost of $18,456. upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF AIRPORT MASTER PLAN Director of Engineering and Facilities, Ed Hilton, commented on the need for development of an Airport Master Plan. He emphasized the importance of a master plan in obtaining funding of airport projects through FAA, particularlY for use of airport land. Director Hilton stated local enplanement funds were available and could be used for development of the plan. After discussion of moving as quickly as possible in order to comply with the federal deadline of september 30, the following schedule was presented: Project: l. Prepare a new Airport Master Development Plan and report for the years of 1988-1998. [ 2. Conduct a study of alternatives available for the complete reconstruction of Runway l6/34. Consultant Selection Process: 1. Submission of qualifications by consultants to Selection Committee. interested 2. Selection Committee reviews and ranks consultants based on Statements of Qualifications selecting six firms to present detailed technical proposals to the County Commissioners. 44 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Approval for Development of Airport Master Plan (Continued) 3. County Commissioners rank final three candidates in descending order and recommend entering into negotiations with best firm for a contract. Should negotiations not be successful, the first firm will be dismissed and negotiations initiated with the second ranked firm and so on. Project Schedule: ,--- 1. 2. 3. Advertising Consultants Statement of Qualifications Committee ranks consultants June, 14 July, 6 July, 10 L- 4. Technical and Oral Presentation to County Commissioners - Special Meeting July, 31 5. Selection of firm by County Commissioners plus 2nd and 3rd choice Aug., 3 6. Contract Approval Aug., 17 After discussion of the date of July 24 for a Special Meeting, it was the consensus of the Board to hold a Special Meeting on July 31, 1986, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. as indicated above. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commissioners to proceed with development of the Airport Master Plan as scheduled and appoint the following persons to the Selection Committee: 1. G. Felix Cooper, County Manager 2. Andrew J. Atkinson, Finance Director 3. Ed Hilton, Director of Engineering & Facilities 4. Erv Dehn, Project Engineer ,--- COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS REAPPOINTMENT OF CHARLES WALKER TO THE ABC BOARD Discussion was held on reappointment of Mr. Charles Walker to the ABC Board even though he has served two previous terms. Concern was expressed for retirement of Mr. George Talley, Director of the ABC Board, and the need for experienced Board Members with selection of a new director. L- commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Barfield to reappoint Mr. Charles Walker three-year term on the ABC Board. Commissioner to serve a Commissioner Corbett commented on committee vacancies and MOVED to appoint Mr. The motion was SECONDED by Chairman O'Neal. recruiting for Douglas Powell. Chairman 0' Neal called for a vote on the motion by Commissioner Corbett to appoint Mr. Douglas Powell. Upon vote, the MOTION DID NOT CARRY AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Corbett Chairman O'Neal Voting Noe: commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Dolan ,--- L- Chairman 0' Neal called for a vote on the motion by Commissioner Retchin to reappoint Charles Walker to serve a three-year term expiring June 30, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Dolan Voting Noe: Commissioner Corbett Chairman O'Neal MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) / " e; SL - committee Appointments (Continued) - ABC Board After further discussion, commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to appoint Mr. Charles Walker to serve as Chairman for the ensuing year. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I' " LJ REAPPOINTMENT OR MARSHALL CREWS TO SERVE ON THE CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman 0' Neal nominated Mr. Marshall Crews to serve another term on the Cape Fear Institute Board of Trustees. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for no minority representation on this Board. Commissioner Barfield nominated Mr. Isaiah Brown, Jr. to serve on the Cape Fear Tech Board. Vice-Chairman Dolan nominated Mr. Louis R. Harma ti to serve on the Cape Fear Tech Board. Discussion was held on applicants being qualified to serve on major boards and the importance of reviewing all applications received before making appointments. After further discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to reappoint Mr. Marshall Crews to serve a four-year term on the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees expiring June 30, 1991. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Corbett Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Dolan Chairman O'Neal [ Voting Noe: Commissioner Barfield APPOINTMENT OF JAMES E. MOORE, JR. TO SERVE ON WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to appoint Mr. James E. Moore, Jr. to serve a three-year term on the Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee expiring on June 8, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REAPPOINTMENT OF MR. WALLACE I. WEST TO SERVE ON JURY COMMISSION Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to reappoint Mr. Wallace I. West to serve a two-year term on the Jury Commission expiring June 30, 1989. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,----, APPOINTMENT OF VERONICA S. MCLAURIN, WILLIAM N. SMITH, AND DICKSON BALDRIDGE TO SERVE ON MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND REAPPOINTMENT OF DAVID CARNELL AND EDITH FRIEDBERG Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to appoint Ms. Veronica S. McLaurin, Mr. William N. Smith, and Mr. Dickson Baldridge to serve three-year terms on the Museum Board of Trustees expiring June 30, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. u Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Dolan to reappoint Mr. David W. Carnell and Ms. Edith M. Friedberg to serve three-year terms on the Museum Board of Trustees expiring June 30, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ;46 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF ALICE A. VON OESEN TO SERVE ON BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to appoint Ms. Alice A. von Oesen to serve a three-year term on the Board of Social Services expiring June 30, 1990. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. POSTPONEMENT OF CONSIDERATION TO RE-ESTABLISH HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY ALLOCATION COMMITTEE UNTIL 2ND MEETING IN JULY Chairman O'Neal requested tabling this item in order to provide adequate time to study and review the proposal presented for re-establishment of the Human Services Advisory Allocation Committee. ,--- L- After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to postpone this item until the second meeting in July allowing time to completely study and review the data furnished. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR AIRPORT MANAGER Commissioner Corbett asked if any applications had been received for the position of Airport Manager. County Manager Cooper stated eleven applications had been received as of this date and that he would keep the Board informed. DISCUSSION OF CONSOLIDATION CHARTER Commissioner Corbett recommended copies of the Charter be placed in the New Hanover County Library for review by the public. He stressed the importance of informing the public on this issue. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Clerk to placed 5-10 copies of the Charter in the New Hanover County Library. ,--- L- DISCUSSION OF SCHEDULING A JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Retchin stated the Board of Social Services would like to schedule a joint meeting with the County Commissioners to discuss new directions, reforms, and changes in social services. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a dinner meeting on August 4, 1987, at 6:00 o'clock P.M. if agreeable with the Board of Social Services. UPDATE ON HIRING OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR AT NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Vice-Chairman Dolan asked the County Manager for a status report on hiring of the Public Safety Director at the Airport. County Manager Cooper stated he needed direction from the Commissioners about this particular item and other personnel problems requesting an Executive Session to be held at the end of the meeting. ,--- CHAIRMAN O'NEAL ON VACATION FROM JUNE 23, 1986 THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF JULY Chairman O'Neal reported he would be on vacation from June 23, 1986, through the middle July. L. APPROVAL OF FIREWORKS PERMIT FOR FIREWORKS 22, 1987, AND JULY 4, 1987 Clerk to the Board, Union National Bank of DISPLAY ON JUNE Lucie North F. Harrell, stated First Carolina, had requested MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1987 (CONTINUED) Si Approval of Fireworks Permits (Continued) issuance of a Fireworks Permit for a fireworks display on June 22, 1987, at 6:00 P.M. from the Battleship USS North Carolina. The show will be held to launch the beginning of the "Olympic Torch Run" from the riverfront area of Wilmington in collaboration with the U. S. Olympic Festival '87. r I LJ Vice-Chairman Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to issue a Fireworks Permit to First Union National Bank of North Carolina as requested subject to review of the insurance certificate by the Legal Department. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell, stated the City of Wilmington had requested issuance of a Fireworks Permit for a fireworks display on the evening of July 4, 1987, from the property of the Battleship USS North Carolina with an alternative date of July 5, 1987, in case of rain. Vice-Chairman Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to issue a Fireworks Permit to the City of Wilmington as requested subject to review of the insurance certificate by the Legal Department. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. EXECUTIVE SESSION County Manager Cooper and County Attorney Pope requested an Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue and current litigation at the New Hanover County Airport. [ commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to call an Executive Session. upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal convened from Regular Session to Executive Session at 10:10 o'clock P.M. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Corbett to reconvene to Regular Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal reconvened to Regular Session at 11:22 o'clock P.M. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED Dolan to adjourn. Upon vote, the UNANIMOUSLY. by Vice-Chairman MOTION CARRIED Chairman O'Neal adjourned the meeting at 11:23 o'clock P.M. r L Respectfully submitted, i>P: v$~ ~e F. Harrell Clerk