Tree Mitigation WorksheetSpecimen Trees Identified for Removal (Variance Required) Live Oak 36" or larger Pond Cypress 36" or larger Bald Cypress 36" or larger Required Mitigation Inches Native Trees Identified to be Retained On-Site Native unregulated trees a minimum of 2" DBH Dogwoods, American Hollies 2-4" DBH Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, Native Hardwoods 2-8" DBH Other Native Conifers 2-12" DBH Native Documented Trees Dogwoods, American Hollies 4-8" DBH Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, Native Hardwoods 8-18" DBH Other Native Conifers 12-24" DBH Existing Trees Growing in Mature Native Forests Existing Trees Growing in Stands or Natural Clusters TOTAL Adjusted Mitigation Inches Significant Trees Identified for Removal Dogwoods, Magnolias, Native Flowering Trees, American Hollies 8" DBH or larger Non-Specimen Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, Hardwoods 18" DBH or larger Other Conifers 24" or larger Required Mitigation Inches Trees Identified to be Retained On-Site Native unregulated trees a minimum of 2" DBH Non-native unregulated trees a minimum of 2" DBH Documented Trees Dogwoods, American Hollies 4-8" DBH Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, Native Hardwoods 8-18" DBH Non-Native Hardwoods 8-18" DBH Other Native Conifers 12-24" DBH Non-Native Conifers 12-24" DBH Existing Trees Growing in Mature Native Forests Aggregate inches (Determination by Certified Arborist or NC Licensed Forester Required) Existing Trees Growing in Stands or Natural Clusters Stands or Clusters of primarily native species (Determination by Certified Arborist or NC Licensed Forester Required) Stands or Clusters of primarily non-native species (Determination by Certified Arborist or NC Licensed Forester Required) TOTAL NATIVE INCHES TOTAL NON-NATIVE INCHES TOTAL INCHES USED TO OFF-SET SPECIMEN TREE MITIGATION Total Adjusted Mitigation Inches Replacement Inches that Cannot be Accommodated On-Site Fee In-Lieu Required (based on mitigation fee of $200 per inch in County Fee Schedule) Aggregate Inches at DBH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0