2020_11_18_NewHanover_Minutes 1 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held in Wilmington, NC. FY Meeting Number #5 Date: November 18, 2020 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Hart, Chairman Dru Harrison, Soil and Water Director Sue Hayes, Vice-Chairman Amy Renfranz, Soil and Water Program Coordinator Evan Folds, Supervisor Haley Moccia, Soil and Water Conservation Technician Frank Meares, Supervisor Tanner Nance, Soil and Water Intern Matt Collogan, Associate Member Tom Boland, Member of the Public Joshua Davis, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Supervisory Soil Conservationist Sheryl Kelly, NHC Assistant County Manager Aubrey Parsley, City of Wilmington Director of Rail Realignment Laura Padgett, Former City of Wilmington Councilwoman Was this meeting held during a meal: No Chairman Hart called the monthly board meeting to order at 8:07 a.m. The meeting was held virtually on Zoom. Harrison introduced the meeting’s guests. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion: Approve the agenda as amended by Hart. Moved: Hart Vote: Passed by consensus RAIL RE-ALIGNMENT UPDATE A. Parsley provided an update on the Wilmington Rail Realignment’s Environmental Review Process. A Virtual Open House is available on the City’s website thru December 15, 2020. (https://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/departments/city-manager/rail-realignment) B. Discussion: Collogan asked if there will be pedestrian access on the bridges. Parsley responded that it was a good point that should be added to the comments in the Virtual Open House. Collogan asked for more information on the project’s timeline. Parsley said that the specific timeline is not yet clear, but that it makes sense to consolidate certain projects. They are currently three years out from having design completed. Boland inquired about partnership collaboration. Parsley said that private and public partners are working together well, including CSX. Padgett replied that it is unusual for a city to be in charge of a project like this, but that it could become a model for other cities in the future. CONSENT AGENDA A. Motion: Move for approval B. Motion: Hayes Seconded: Meares Vote: Passed unanimously C. Comments: Hayes asked that Renfranz’s staff report not be so detailed. Hart said that he prefers the report. Renfranz said that she would take their concerns into consideration. SUPERVISOR AND STAFF REPORTS A. Chairman’s Report. Hart recognized the success of the Area 6 Fall Meeting. Hart also congratulated Collogan on his election and recognized that he will be sworn in in early December 2020. He also recognized that David Dowdy made a concerted effort to be reelected. Hart also voiced support for clearer reporting on actions taken on initiatives of the board and district. Hart reported that he and Harrison have met with Rebekah Roth, NHC Interim Director of Planning, and area planners Dylan McDonnell, Long Range Planner, regarding development on hydric soils. Hart recognized that the total approved budget for 2021 is $156,613 and commended Harrison for her budget management. Hart noted that there is an updated “District Supervisor Quick Reference Guide” and “Supervisor Orientation Manual” is available, and that a mandatory virtual training will be available on February 2, 2021. Hart mentioned that there are updated riparian buffer updates that may relate to using trees as a BMP. Hart mentioned that grant writing may be a DocuSign Envelope ID: BBABF608-32EF-4074-A144-62AAE3A2F876 2 priority in coming years and that we could reach out to volunteers that could apply for grants. Discussion revolved around planning and developing a list of projects, potential grants, and applications. A. NRCS Report. Davis mentioned that sign up for EQIP in the Farm Services Agency system is open and applications are due Friday, November 20. Davis mentioned that there is funding for conversion of property to wildlife habitat with tree planting. Micro-irrigation funding is now available in the state. Davis mentioned that tree planting for carbon sequestration is being incentivized to $1200 per acre through the Conservation Stewardship Program with NRCS. Davis presented the Civil Rights Responsibilities for Partners Checklist that was recently updated by NRCS that Board Supervisors must read and sign. 1. Discussion: Folds brought up the point that the district’s ability to communicate with farmers is a sticking point. Davis said that it is possible to work with Pender County Extension to get a contact list and recommended offering workshops and newsletters. Harrison mentioned that she had obtained a list of three farmers from Feast Down East and had reached out to them, but did not hear from them. Collogan mentioned that working with LINC and Urban Farm could be a good way to disseminate information. Break from meeting at 9:42 a.m. Reconvened at 9:54 a.m. OLD BUSINESS A. New Hanover County Government Center Redevelopment update. Hart asked if we had received a response to the letter sent in October. Harrison reported that we had not received a response, but that she had reached out to Sara Warmuth, NHC Chief Facilities Officer, to inquire if she could attend the meeting; Warmuth was unable to attend. 1. Discussion: Hart asked what our strategy should be. Folds recommended personally approaching Warmuth, approaching the commissioners for co-signers, making the document more public, and issuing a press release. Kelly said that Warmuth has not been dismissive, but that the county is not in the right phase of planning for discussion on sustainable exterior features. Folds asked if the time is right for discussion on budget of the project. Kelly said that the budget has already been approved. Hayes said that her opinion is that Hart personally approach W armuth; Hart concurred. B. Alliance for Cape Fear Trees Representation. Connie Parker, Executive Director, has asked that Harrison be the ex-officio member of the board. Any board member who is interested can attend open meetings. Motion: Move to have Harrison represent NHSWCD on the Alliance for Cape Fear Trees board. Motion: Hayes Seconded: Hart Vote: Passed unanimously C. Tick List 1. Call Sara Warmuth to determine the process by which NHSWCD can have input into the design of the new County Admin Building – Bill 2. Develop timeline and location for soil scientist to visit NHC and schedule presentation at Board meeting – Josh, Bill and Dru 3. Propose edits to county tree ordinances – Bill 4. Develop process for use of trees for stormwater management as a District BMP – Dru 5. Develop Water table management seminar – Bill, Evan and staff 6. Develop priority list of projects for grant proposals and identify grant-writing assistance - supervisors and staff 7. Develop database of New Hanover farmers and identify list of farmers for EQUIP program – Josh, Dru and Evan 8. Sign NRCS Civil Rights Responsibilities for Partners Checklist – Supervisors NEW BUSINESS A. Eagles Island Central Park Taskforce. Folds, co-chair, reported that the taskforce has met three times, including a boat tour. Folds shared that the City of Wilmington, though they do not have jurisdiction, has voiced that they would like the area to remain undeveloped for view shed protection purposes. Folds stated that they are in discussion now to determine zoning and involved parties in conservation, recreation, and education. He extended an invitation to other supervisors to become involved. Hart iterated that though the district owns property, zoning issues and property use restrictions are at play. Harrison reported that at a meeting with Brunswick County, she had been asked about the Eagles Island intended use and that approaching them about zoning restrictions might be doable. Collogan voiced support for providing access, pedestrian/bikes, to Eagles Island. DocuSign Envelope ID: BBABF608-32EF-4074-A144-62AAE3A2F876 3 B. Jurisdictional Posture of Soil & Water Conservation Districts. The Croatan Institute has earmarked the region, and NC Soil & Water Conservation Districts in general, for a network that could implement their regenerative agriculture program. Folds asked for clarity on the jurisdictional capabilities of the district to determine how the districts might engage with the Croatan Institute. Hart clarified that the district is not a non-profit, but has county, state, and federal connections in play – as defined by Chapter 139 of the NC Code, in the SWCD Handbook and Federal Public Law 566. Harrison said that SWCD’s do not have a bond- issuing capacity, Hart recommended the Heath handbook. C. Hydric Soils. Hart reiterated that he and Harrison had a meeting with Rebekah Roth, NHC Interim Director of Planning. They made a case study of Pine Valley sub development, in which the developer did not take hydric soil behavior into account – which cost the city $5 million to correct. Hart recommended that the county and NHSWCD work together to provide insight into development and hydric soils, as well as non- state maintained roads and in hydric soils areas. Roth expressed interest in the development permitted by the Florida St. Johns River Water Management District while maintain water quality standards in discharges to the St. Johns River and tributaries. D. Associate Supervisor Membership. Hart indicated that Tom Boland is interested in becoming an Associate Supervisor. Harrison informed the board of the process that is necessary for Boland to be voted into the position. UPCOMING EVENTS A. Thanksgiving Holiday will be November 26 and 27, 2020. B. Virtual NCASWCD meeting will be January 4 and 5, 2021. Harrison reminded the board that registration is required. C. There will be Board of Supervisors training on January 13, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. in the Harrell Conference Room of the New Hanover County Government Center. Hayes voiced concern about hosting an in-person training with COVID considerations. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Adjourn by Consensus Adjourned at 11:05 am. The next regular board meeting is set for December 16 at 8 a.m. on Zoom. Recorded By: Amy Renfranz Approved By: ____________________________________________________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: BBABF608-32EF-4074-A144-62AAE3A2F876 12/18/2020