1995-08-02 SPMX Exhibits AMENDMENT TO CONCURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR NEW HANVOER COUNTY AND THE WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHING A GOVERNMENTAL CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for New Hanover County and the Wilmington City Council adopted a concurrent resolution at a. joint meeting on February 28, 1995 establishing the Wilmington/New Hanover County Governmental Consolidation Study Commission pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, the concurrent resolution authorized the Study Commission to call a referendum, as provided in G.S. 153A-405, on any plan of government consolidation developed by the Study Commission; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly has amended G.S. 153A-405 to authorize a consolidation study commission to include in the ballot question on consolidaton the assumption of debt of the consolidated units by the consolidated government if authorized or directed in the concurrent resolution establishing the study commission; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has further authorized the concurrent resolution to be amended to include authorization or direction that the ballot question include language relating to the assumption of debt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THAT: The concurrent resolution adopted on February 28, 1995 is hereby amended to authorize the Study Commission to include language in the question on consolidation relating to the assumption of the debt of the City and County by the consolidated government. City " 1 ," RESOLUTION OF THE WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION CALLING A REFERENDUM ON PROPOSED PLAN OF GOVERNMENTAL CONSOLIDATION WHEREAS, the Wilmington/New Hanover County Governmental Consolidation Study Commission was established by concurrent resolution of the Board of Commissioners for New Hanover County and the Wilmington City Council adopted on February 28, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Study Commission has prepared a plan for consolidating New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington into a single government; and WHEREAS, the Study Commission has determined that it is in the public interest to call a referendum, as provided in G.S. 153-405, on the plan of government consolidation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION THAT: 1. A referendum on the plan of government consolidation developed by the Study Commission is hereby called for Tuesday, October 10, 1995. 2. The form of the ballot question for the referendum shall be as follows: Shall the City of Wilmington and the County of New Hanover be consolidated and the consolidated unit assume the debt of each secured by a pledge of faith and credit, the right to issue authorized but unissued debt to be secured by a pledge of faith and credit (including such debt as may be authorized for said City or County on the date of this referendum) and any of said authorized but unissued debt as may be hereafter issued, and be authorized to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on said debt secured by a pledge of faith and credit? Yes () No () 3. Notice of the referendum on consolidation and the assumption of debt shall be published by the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners and the City Clerk at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation in New Hanover County. The form of the notice and the time of publication shall be as set forth in G.S. 160B-19(g). \.i , . " ~ ' '~'(Q)l)~\ city C erk. ~ 7l795F Resolut2-A: 151 of Hanover /?71 <5~ Mayor of the City of Wilmington . , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NORm CAROLINA. co - UIEW, HANOVER ;:o.NOTICe OF. slailW\c: Before the UDdersigned. a Notary Public of said County and Stale. ;-..~~-"-..~I....~,;..:.;t-t:':5~ ':;01'... ~M' , F~,! THE.OF.:N - -.. ,;r:~ In,lhe.'i',t'lf'f JULIE JONES . . ..NoI1Ii CArolIniI . . ,', , nCE IS HERESY, tIIlIl..8pec:IaJ IlIferendum wm d IIF;' he being duly sworn or affirmed according to the law says that belshe is e City of.wilmlngt~'and theCounty:of New.Hanover. North CaroIlna/ ' . . . ,. een 6:30a,m:,and:7:30:p;m,~ <!n;ruesday, OClObe"O~J99s..1lI 0' : eLAS SIF IE 0 AD VER T IS I NG l1ANAG ER <'I"whlch thelll will be, sUbmlttad!!!u!!e ,yote~, ~!~~~~ q'!Y II1.d,,i I ~County the follOWIng question:.->JWl' ~lit.f:c:._<.r"""':?';"~^'-Iit ~_Shall'the Clly..of__WUmillglon'."o tl1e.C ot-New Hano'ver~be;l';: 'if THE WILMINGTON STAR-NEWS INC. a corporation organized and doing business under the -""consolldeted'and'lhe,consolldated unlt'assume'the'debt'of each'-' '" .' , .. liiaecured by a pledgeoffaith and'CI8dlt;tIie rfQhtttl issUe authorized buflll- ;f.lws of the State of North Carohna, and publishing a ocwspaper knowo as WILMINGTON ;cunrsSUed debt ta be secured'bY'a pledge oflaith ana Credit ~ncfudlng"f[ rORNING STAR &: SUNDA Y STAR-NEWS in the City of WilmingtOn ~tSUch debt as,may be aulhor:tzed for said,cily or .County on the date' of :: !:Iill)is referendum)'and any O(said authorized but uniSSUed debt as may,;, , (ii,be hereaftel,,issued; and be,authorized 10 Ievy',taxes in an 'amounl;:; , !Sufli~~::~~~e~~nCjP;8l'ofand e1mer ebtsecure(1;:;) CONSOLIOA TI ON W 8/25,5,9/1 1995 the ~(VV./l<1- ~Ast: AOVER. MGR Title Sworn or affirmed 10, and subscribed before me, this 5th day S EP T 95 A.D.,19_ In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. ~jl t.... ~ L/7/Jt /JAAh';.. / ' WI!)f/ ~t//7/a(f;L Notary Public My commission expires 2 1 s tday of JUNE ,l~ 99 f'j ; ;~i:rtisement thereto annexed it is adjudged by the Court that the said publication was duly and properly .~y served on the defendant( s). Clerk of Superior Coun