1984-12-17 W&S Exhibit ~ ~ RESOLUTION OF 'l'HE BOARD OF DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WHEREAS, G.S. ~153A-82 defines the powers and duties of the County Manager, one of which is to perform any other duties not contained therein that may be required or authorized by the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners sits as the Board of District Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; and WHEREAS, the adoption of a resolution authorizing the New Hanover County fY".ianager to perform limi ted acts and approve certain documents on behalf of the Board of District Commissioners would result in the more efficient and economical administration of said District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the County Manager is hereby authorized to execute all contracts involving the expenditure of less than $2,500.00 of County or District funds. 2. That the County Manager is hereby authorized to execute all contracts involving the sale of County personal property valued at less than $5,000.00, and shall notify the Board of Commissioners weekly of any negotiations concerning such contracts. 3. That the County Manager is hereby authorized to -",'- approve all transfers or budget amendments up to $2,500.00. Those amendments involving an overall increase or decrease in the District budget shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners and entered into the minutes. 4. That the County Manager is hereby authorized to approve and endorse any agreements, encroachments, change orders, or other documen ts rela ted to eng ineer ing and cons truction projects involving an expenditure of funds less than $2,500.00. 5. That the County Manager is hereby authorized to execute any and all permit applications on behalf of the District. 6. 'fhat the County Manager is hereby authorized to contract for and purchase real property and/or easements necessary for the construction of the County-wide sewer system, and shall notify the Board of Commissioners weekly of any negotiations concerning such contracts or purchases. 7. Any expenditures authorized pursuant to this resolution shall be within the scope of the original Budget Re s olu t i o;..~~..i!P.'.~.~~.ed. by tbe Board of CTi ssi one r s . ~~!~:c~.~ ~day of ~/ ~ ,.,.. ,-.,!~. ~ '\iO~ ~.". '~. #': .. r \~ 'a [COR. ')\ ~; _ ~ \ 31. i "'l~.,- · ~ ~ 7" .~ ., "'Jht ...L ~ ~ ':+. .1lo"~..~7t .. r-:-< ~ f.! ?~'''''' .. ~~.." Attest. "'I)" ....... ~'\~ ..~.. ~ It ~~ ft....,'... ~.,.,... ,19ft.. 2