1985-01-21 W&S Exhibit ~- .r RESOLUTIOH OF THE BOARD OF C01'I1HSSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153A, counties to establish water and sewer 162A, Article 6, authorizes counties to districts; and Article 15, authorizes systems, and G.S. Chapter establish water and sewer WHhREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the Seagate neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within the rights-of-way of certain streets in the Seagate neighborhood; and WHEREAS, var ious streets in the Seagate neighborhood have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS, G.S. ~153A-158 authorizes the County to acquire a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, the County desires to accept the offer of ded i ca ti on of cer'tain Seaga te s tree ts f or the purposes of providing sewer and water services to the Seagate neighborhood, by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, ~HhREFORE, BE IT RhSOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County hereby accepts the offers of dedication of the portions of the streets delineated in Exhibit 1 and more fully described in Exhibit 2, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, for the purposes of providinq.~~~~f. and sewer service. ,{it ft, i'" \\OV ER I' .... ~I ~::~ "~.!W.Q?:.g~;;'~hi~~ day of ~" ....:fJ~r ~:~.-:<f .... ./- ".::. [C ~llh.~UA~;r :~.~:blt~ \ ~ \ . 'I ~(.T" ",~l .i-L ~. III : '(./'A'~i)::l7) l "'- : 1i. "r'l'.";.!;..l"......~lb. .or . 1". .' . 'U~Jttd&l!'<'IJ,'lJ.: : '., ~ .. - -~~;r?-/ ." : ~ ~ e. '~~h"O"t( ..." 5 ~ 7" e. )"D""", . ~ .. ~ A.. ? .. ,,(~ .... At te%"Y'&o ..........~\S" .......... , "'~/',,!.~~~ Clerk ~ {y r-- s-' , 19 8~ ,~ EXHIBIT 2 LIST OF ROADS RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO BE USED FOR SEAGATE SEWER LINES Road Source of Dedication (Book/Page) 1. Bagley (f/k/a Greenville) 2. Circle Sub Land (2/31) Bagley Place (162/199) L. D. Gaddy (6/26) Sub Land (2/31) Seagate Pk. (65/465) 3. Dupree 4. Giles 5. Greenville Greenville I Greenvil1e II Greenville III Greenville IV Sub Land (2/31) Seagate Park (65/465) J.T. Brown (307/593) 6. Hinton 7. Lame 8. Myrtle J.T. Brown (307/593) J.E. Hines (3/12) Seagate Park (65/265) Sub Land (2/31) Bagley Place (162/299) J.E. Hines (3/12) Anders (59/241) Bagley Place (162/299) Bagley Place (162/299) Sub Lane (2/31) 9. Oak 10. Oleander 11. Park 12. Pecan 13. Prospect 14. Vann 15. White State Highway Comm. Right-of-Way Agreement (804/810) J.E. Hines (3/12) Sub Land (2/31) J.E. Hines (3/12) Giles (8/9) 16. Unknown I 17. Seabrell 18. Unknown II 19. McCullough Alley * Numbers corresponded to the numbers on the map. Date (Month/Year) Width 5/1914 30' 6/1925 6/1956 5/1914 12/1909 50 ' 40' 30 ' 5/1914 12/1909 30 ' 30' 6/1941 6/1941 4/1927 12/1909 5/1914 6/1925 4/1927 6/1~09 6/1925 6/1925 5/1914 30' 30' 18' 30; 20' 55'-60' 30' 20' 40' 4/1927 5/1914 4/1927 /1922 60' 12' 20' 18'-20' 10' ;\ , , RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District is engaged in the construction of sewer lines in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the District desires to state its policies relevant to the removal of plants, trees, shrubbery, fences and other items located within street rights-of-way; NOW, 'rHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. Prior to undertaking sewer line construction activities within a street right-of-way, the District or its agents or employees will make reasonable efforts to notify all property owners adjacent to the street right-of-way that construction will soon commence. 2. The notice will advise the property owner that the owner will need to relocate all plants, trees, shrubbery, fences and other items presently located within the street right-of-way and not required by the North Carolina Department of Transporta- tion (NCDOT) to remain within the street right-of-way. 3. I f the proper ty owner fai Is to remove said items, District's contractor will remove the items and will not replace or replant them. 4. The District's construction activities within street rights-of-way will include the regrading of drainage areas and replacement of dr i veways and pavement to comply with NCDOT requirements. 5. right-of-way, The property grasses which Upon completion of construction within a street the Dis tr ict 's contractor will reseed grass only. owner will be responsible for the replacement of require sprigging or plugging. /~) 5 day of ~~ ' 198~. c~ P?G~ 0 Board of District Commissioners New Hanover County Water and Sewer District e EMPLOYEE RATE SCHEDULF (Effective for Year 1985) Cate~ory Principal Engineer Senior Engineer Project Engineer ., Technician Draftsman J un i or' DraftsmC:Jn Inspector Survey Crew: 3-Man 4-tvlan' Rate refects al I payrol I costs. Overhead is 80% of payrol I cost. Service fee is 10% of payrol I costs plus overhead. Rates are subject to change January I. . -. Rate Per Hour $ 32.50 29.00 21.50 14.60 II . 15 8.80 12.45 27.50 32.00 ,j