1986-01-20 W&S Exhibit . . ,~ ;:.... ..: .r; RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WHEREAS G.S. Chapter 153A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer districts; anQ WHEREAS New Hanover County has established the New Hano- ver County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS the District desires to locate portions of the ., sewer sybtem within the rights-of-way of certain street~ in New Hanove~ County; and !..' WHEREAS various streets in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS G.S. 153A-158 authorizes counties to acquire a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS New Hanover County desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets for the purposes of providing sewer and water services to County residents by and t~rough the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts the offers of dedication of the portions of the streets delineated in Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorpor- ated herein by reference, for the purposes of providing water and sewer service. day of f?~?f ( , 1 9 S'Q . District f" ,.Y' EXHIBIT 1 STREETS ACCEPTED BY THE NEW HANOVER mUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FOR WATER AND SEl'1ER SERVICE PHASE I AREA III 1. The entire portions of Eagles Nest Drive and Sparrow Hawk Court shown on a map of Section III Eagles Nest recorded at Map Book 22, page 32 of the New Hanover County Registry. 2. The entire portion of Osprey Lane shown on a map of Section I Eagles Nest recorded at Map Book 20, page 31 of the New Hanover COlUlty Registry. 3. The entire portion of Talon Court shown on a map of Section II Eagles Nest recorded at Map Book 21, page 46 of the New Hanover County Registry. 4. The entire portion of Whisper Creek Drive shown on a map of Section I Whisper Creek recorded at Map Book 24, page 41 of the New Hanover County Registry. 5. The entire portion of Grainger Point Road shown on a map of Section II Grainger Point recorded at Map Book 18, page 79 of the New Hanover County Registry. .4 EXHIBIT 1 Streets Accepted by the New Hanover County Hater and Sewer District for Water and Sewer Service Phase I _-.:Area II 1. The entire portion of Eastwind Road shown on Section III, Eastwind recorded at Mar Book 19, Page 73 of the New Hanover County Registry. 2. The entire portions of Richard Bradley Drive and Hidden Lake Lane shown on a map of Bradley Hills recorded at Map Book 15, Page 42 of the New Hanover County Registry. 3. The entire portion of Shandy Avenue extention shown on a map of R.C. Fowler Properties recorded in Deed Book 960, Page 789 of the New Hanover County Registry. 4. The entire portions of Terrapin Court, Tortoise Lane, and Trutle Hall Drive shown on a map of Turtle Hall recorded at Map Book 17, Page 35 of the New Hanover County Registry. 5. The entire portion of Wood Cove shown on a map of Shinn Point, Section II recorded at Map Book 21, Page 80 of the New Hanover County Registry. 6. The entire portion of Shinn Point Road shown on a map of Shinn Point, Section I at Map Book 18, Page 71 of the New Hanover County Registry. 7. The entire portion of Marywood Drive shown on a map of Marywood at Map Book 19, Page 82 of th~ New Hanover County Registry. 8. The entire portion of Rice Road shown on a map of Greenville Heights Extention at Map Book 10, Page 40 of the New Hanover County Registry. 9. The entire portion of Campwright Road West, a 30' road shown on a map of N.W. and Lettie Maultsby Division at Map Book 5, Page 40 of the New Hanover County Registry. 10. The entire portions of Mildred Avenue and Dorothy Avenue shown on a map of Green Acres Subdivision recorded at Map Book 8, Page 43 of the New Hanover County Registry. L/ J,\ -~. ~, .lq -. ~.." /.'~. r i ! EXHIBIT 1 i I I I i I Streets Accepted by the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District' for Water and Sewer Service o 'Phase I Area II o Phase I Area III January 7, 1986 ~ ..-- -.-.- ~-"'---'-- 1 ,;,; , ," RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DISTRICT COMMfSSIONERS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WHEREAS GeS. Chapter 153A, Article 15 authorizes counties to es~ablish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer districts; and WHEREAS New Hanover County has established the New Hano- ver County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within the rights-of-way of certain streets in New Hanover County; .and WHEREAS various streets in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS G.S. 153A-158 authorizes counties to acquire a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS New Hanover County desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets for the pu!poses of providing sewer and water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts the offers of dedication of the portions of the streets delineated in Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorpor- ated herein by reference, for the purposes of providing water and sewerserxJ..c.c.. ..... It.... ~~~~.~1€f!:;;,~ day of ~.. ~ e'- .... "J- '=:. (CORPOO1\T:e- ... -#- ~ :*: ~C4': . . . - . . ~ - .. . ...... :~. ~ );-,..-- :Z;~'( : : .. ~ . '.. ':. ~ e' ~ ~7 .ff!o-. ~ -:. ~ .. IM~-t..tX,.o..,s .. ~ ~ , ~,.,.. eo '''OVI~_r .. ~ ;r .~ A.. ... A~ ;- Attest. ""~ 7,f1,1J ......... n,\"')' ~.... "" S [0 v ~.. '.." EW" ",..~ ~; . J',..~.,.*".. '..;' ~ '<f ./'V~' Clerk ?~ay ~ , 198~. e4~tf}t~~ \. Board of District Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENGINEERING AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT C. ED HILTON, JR., P.E. Director WYATT E. BLANCHARD, P.E. County Engineer Jan~ary 13, 1986 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7139 ())~5 REGULAR AGENDA MEMORANDUM DATE: 1- 'kO ~~ TO: G. Felix Cooper ITEM No. S County Manager C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P. E.. Director @ Engineering and Facilities ~ Sewer District - Personnel and Equipment Needs FROM: RE: As you have previously notified the Commissioners, staff has been analyzing the current and immediate future needs of the growing sewer system. This submittal includes our recommendations and request for new positions, re-classifications, and new equipment. Attached are job descriptions for the positions and a table showing our needs projected for this fiscal year plus the next five years. While all positions indicated as needed are not Engineering slots, all new positions are needed due to the impact of the system. All positions indicated perhaps with the exception of the Assistant Finance Director will be fully funded through the Sewer District. All equipment will be funded through the Sewer District. I will describe what we are requesting and why. As a summary I will provide specific action we are requesting. It should be noted that both the Commissioners and the Sewer District Board need to act on the recommendations. I will first address personnel needs: Clerk Typist III (Range 56) - One (1) position needed. This position will provide secretarial assistance to the Engineering Secretary in preparing the paperwork for acquisition of easements, processing payments, processing tap requests (approximately 10,000 anticipated by 1994). The current clerical staff simply cannot absorb the additional work from the sewer development without assistance. \ \ \ \\ '\ ~ Mr. Cooper Page #2 January 13, 1986 Utility Engineer (Range 70) - One (1) position needed. This position is a technician supervisory slot. The position will supervise the three (3) existing inspector positions and provide plan review and analysis. Meter Reader (Range 57) - Four (4) positions needed. This position involves field work in reading and recording water consumption for billing purposes and replacing malfunctioning water meters. Utility Helper (Range 57) - One (1) new position needed. One position existing at Grade 53. Requesting upgrade of the position. The position involves skilled work in assisting the foreman on the maintenance crew. Utility Maintenance Foreman (Range 63) - One (1) hew position needed. One position existing at Grade 65. Requesting down grade of position. The position involves technical and supervisory work as leadman on the maintenance crew. Utility Maintenance Supervisor (Range 68) - One (1) position needed. The position provides supervision and coordination of all field maintenance crews in the daily operation and maintenance of the water and sewer systems. Heavy Equipment Operator II (Range 61) - Two (2) positions needed. The position provides skilled work in the operation of heavy equipment including trucks, backhoes, sewer jet, etc., in the daily operation and maintenance of the water and sewer system. ~ccounting Technician I (Range 59) - One (1) position needed. The position provides for processing billing and collections for the water and sewer systems. The position will be assigned to Finance. Assistant Finance Director (Range 78) - One (1) position needed. (See attached justification). Mr. Cooper Page #3 January 13, 1986 Equipment needs are as follows: Radio System - Initial cost $500,000 - $750,000 to be financed over five (5) years. The sewer pump stations (some 70-~00 in number) will be monitored by radio signal. For normal utility voice communication an additional system would need to be utilized. We have found a system that can combine both systems. Ultimately, other departments can also come into the system providing day-to-day.communication operations on a fleet and sub-fleet basis without cross interference. In times of emergency the separate radios can be combined to operate as an emergency network thus providing a control communications system which has been a weakness in past events. I am working with our COG regional office to search for grants to assist with this purchase. Trucks - To be bid. Various size vehicles are needed to provide support for inspectors, maintenance crews, and meter readers. Backhoe and Trailer - To be bid. This major equipment is need to provide excavation capabilities for maintenance, repair, and sewer tap construction. Sewer Jet - To be bid. This major piece of equipment is needed to clean the sewer pipes. Miscellaneous Equipment This includes pumps, soil compactors, air compressor, desks, chairs, tables, files, saws, etc. All these items are necessary for support functions for the sewer system. These equipment and personnel needs are considered minimum for operation and maintenance of the system. I request you review these and present them to the Sewer Board and County Commissioners at the January 20th meeting. The Sewer Board should endorse these needs and the County Commissioners need to take the fOllowing action: (1) Approve the following positions and re-classifications to be filled in the fiscal years indicated. (a) Clerk Typist III at Grade 56 (One new position) - Fiscal Year 1985. (b) Utility Engineer at Grade 70 (One new position) - Fiscal Year 1985. Mr. Cooper Page #4 January 13, 1986 (c) Meter Readers at Grade 57 (Four new positions) 1-Fiscal Year 86, 2-Fiscal Year 88,1-Fiscal Year 90. , (d) Utility Helper at Grade 57 (Upgrade existing position plus add one new position)-Fiscal Year 87. (e) Utility Maintenance Foreman at Grade 63 (Downgrade existing position plus add one new position) - Fiscal Year 86, Fiscal Year 87. ( f ) Utility Maintenance superVis~~~ade new position) - Fiscal Year ~~_ Heavy Equipment Operator II at Grade 61 positions)- Fiscal Year 86, Fiscal Year 68 (One (g) (Two new 90. (h) Accounting Technician I at Grade 59 (One new position)- Fiscal Year 85. (i) Assistant Finance Director at Grade 78 (One new position) - Fiscal Year 85. 2. Authorize the purchase of the equipment indicated earlier. I am available for additional discussion. Thanks! CEHjr/nrb attachments cc: Wyatt E. Blanchard, County Engineer Andrew J. Atkinson, Finance Director NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT PROJECTION OF PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS 6 JANUARY 1986 ADDITIONAL F'ERSONNEL 198.5-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988--89 1989-90 1990-91 . Clerk Typi st III 1 Jti Ii ty Engineer 1 '1eter Reader 1 ..., 1 Utilily Helper 1 Jl t y. Maint. Forman 1 Hvy. Equip Oper II 1 1 Jl t y. Maint. SLIp. 1 l\cct. Tech I 1 ~sst . Fin. Dir. 1 ~QU I PMENl 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ~ad i 0 System 1 >i c kup (1/2 1) 2 1 ,.., 1 ..:.. i rrllck (2T Flat) 1 1 ;, lackhoe Trailer 1 1 ~ackhoe 1 1 ruck (it w/boom) 1 >ewer Jet 1 Ii sc. Equip. >~ ;< " " ~< x " ,', CLERK-TYPIST III Distinguishing Features of the Class Performs a variety of clerical tasks which require the use of a typewriter. Work derives from the need to provide clerical support to various county departments. Duties will include typing correspondence, memorandums, filing, receiving and assisting calls, meeting the public, taking sewer tap forms from the public, record keeping for budgets, and other type office practices as directed. Entry Knowledge of office forms, records, practice and procedures. Ability to operate a typewriter and calculator. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. Some knowledge or record keeping procedures. Performance Working knowledge of departmental office forms, records, practices and procedures. Ability to read and compare words and figures carefully and accurately. Ability to maintain clerical records and to compile reports from such records. Ability to type accurately at an average rate of speed and to operate common office machines. UTILITY FIELD ENGINEER DUTIES: - Supervise and allocate work for construction inspectors. Responsible for assuring that construction work is carried out in compliance with applicable plans and specifications. - Review construction plans and specifications for compliance" with District specifications. REQUIREMENTS - Skilled in the inspection of utility construction work. Knowledge of the principals and practices of surveying. - Ability to read and interpret blueprints and specifications. - Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with contractors and the public. Minimum Associate degree in civil engineering technology or related field. - Knowledge of water and sewer system design. METER READER I NATURE OF WORK This is field work in reading water and sewer meters and recording water and sewer usage. Work involves responsibility for accurate meter readings of water consumption and sewer usage by consumers so that proper billing procedures result. Employees normally follow designated routes, receiving specific work instructions and referring unusual questions to a superior for decision. Replacement of malfunctioning water meters. Work is reviewed through observation, records, and results obtained. EXAMPLES OF WORK Reads residential, commercial, and some industrial water meters on an assigned route and reports readings; reports readings by radio; checks to see that meters are functioning properly and reports any defective meters; re-reads to verify accuracy of readings; prepares necessary records; leaves notices; makes turn ons and offs related to delinquency cut-off program; does related work as required. DESIRABLE KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES, AND SKILLS Knowledge of the geography and street locations of the County. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions, and to write legibly. Ability to develop and maintain effective relationships with other employees and the public. Ability to operate electronic field meter book. DESIRABLE EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE High School or equivalent Six months' experience in outside work involving contact with the public. UTILITY MAINTENANCE HELPER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS An employee in this class performs skilled work in assisting the supervisor in the maintenance and operation of County water and waste water treatment systems and related facilities. Work derives from the need to assist the supervisor in making appropriate adjustments in operational procedures due to changing conditions. Examples of duties performed include; monitoring of system operation and performance, sampling of water and sewer for compliance with regulations, adjustments of waste water plan flow and process as required, performing daily maintenance, repairing broken lines, installing new service taps, maintaining log of operations and recording meter readings, minor line extensions, testing and exercising of equipment as required. Work is reviewed by observation, conferences and reports. GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION AND TRAINING Entry Ability to evaluate and adjust plant operations. Ability to operate backhoe and related equipment. Experience as a water and sewage plant and system operator. Performance Working knowledge of the methods, principles, maintenance and practices of water and waste water systems operations. Working knowledge of water and waste water treatment processes and equipment. Special Requirement Eligible for certification as a Class II Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator and Class B-Well in North Carolina. Eligible for duty at all times as required. Must have North Carolina operators license. UTILITY MAINTENANCE FOREMAN DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS An employee in this class performs technical and supervisory work in the operation and maintenance of water and waste water systems. Work derives from the need to maintain the maintenance and operation of County water and waste water treatment systems and related facilities. Major duties include; monitoring of system operation and performance, sampling of water and sewer for compliance with regulations, adjustment of waste water plan flow and process as required, performing daily maintenance, repairing broken lines, installing new service taps, maintaining log of operations and recording meter readings, minor line extensions, performing inspections on construction projects, inventories and requisitions equipment; tools, and supplies, and assists in training. GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION AND TRAINING ENTRY Ability to evaluate and adjust plant operations. Ability to operate backhoe and related equipment. Two years experience as a full-time water and sewage plant operator. PERFORMANCE Working knowledge of the methods, principles, maintenance, and practices of water and waste water systems operations. Working knowledge of water and waste water treatment processes and equipment. Ability to supervise the work of others. Special Requirements Eligible for certification as a Class II Waste Water Treatment Plan Operator and Class B-Well in North Carolina. Eligible for duty at all times as required. Must have North Carolina operators license. UTILITY MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR DUTIES - Supervision of utility maintenance work crews in the daily operation and maintenance of water and wastewater system. - Monitoring of water and sewer system operations and performance. - Assists in training. ABILITIES - Working knowledge of the methods, principles, maintenance construction and practices of water and wastewater systems operations. - Working knowledge of the installation of new service taps and minor water and sewer line extension. - Ability to obtain a working knowledge of County specifications for sewer system construction. REQUIREMENTS - High school education or equivalent - Eligible for certification as a Class II Wastewater Treatment plant operator and Class B-well for water in North Carolina. - Eligible to be on call as required. - Possess a North Carolina operators license. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II Job Duties and Responsibilities Perfornls skilled work in the operation of medium or heavy construction and maintenance equipment as required in landfill operations. Work originates from the need to properly expedite the daily operational requiremetns of the landfill in accordance to State and County operational and health standards. Examples of work performed includes operation of self loading pans, bulldozers, motor grader and trash compactor, and monitoring working condition of equipment and service as required. Work is performed in accordance with established departmental policies and evaluated by inspection and observation at the job site by the Landfill Supervisor. In the absence of the Landfill Supervisor the Heavy Equipment Operator II will be responsible for operational supervision of the landfill. Entry Working knowledge of the operation, maintenance, adaptabilities, and limitations of the equipment to which assigned. Working knowledge of ordinances and regulations involved in operating equipment. Working knowledge of occupational hazards and proper safety precautions involved in the operation of equipment. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. Performance Considerable knowledge of the operation, maintenance, adaptabilities, and limitations of the equipment to which assigned. Considerable knowledge of ordinances and regulations involved in operating equipment. Considerable knowledge of occupational hazards and proper safety precautions involved in the operation of equipment. Skill in the operation of complex construction equipment. Ability to make minor repairs to equipment. Special Requirement Possession of a valid North Carolina Driver's License. PO 158 New Hanover County ACCOUNTING TEClrnICIAN I BH Pos. II 0910 DISTI;~GUISIlING FEAnJRES OF THE CLASS An employee in this class performs specialized clerical work maintaining records reflecting financial status and accounting transactions for the county. Work derives from the ne~d.to accurately and efficiently maintain accounts records. The employee performs duties such as mainta1ning records detailing revenues and expenditures, post1ng proper account codes, making journal entries, reconciling bank accounts, =om- piling data for reports, financial statements, and sUlllllaries, verifying departmental financial records and reports, verifying expenditures and writing checks, maintaining files documenting financial transactions, making deposits, and working with auditors. Work is usually performed within a specialty area but employees may fill in for ocher employees ,is needed. liorl: is gov'!rned by standard accounting practice under the direction of the Accounting Supervisor and is evaluated through accounts and records usage and analysis of recordkeeping efficiency; self review is obtained through balancing or reconciling data, and work is ultimately reviewed through the audit process. FACTOR-STRUC7URE 107 1000 900 I 800 I 700 I I 600 ~ 500 400 300 200 100 273 I =1 ~ ~ o-l (FACTOR SCORE) I I LJ I 5UPV./MGR. IRESPONSIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR SEI.ECTION AND TRAINING Entrv l~orking knowledge of established bookkeep- ing principles and practices. Ability to compile data for and work from program reports. Ability to read and compare figures accu- rately and to maintain accurate records. Attention to decail. Ability to operate common office machines and to learn the opera cion of a computer terminal. Performance liorking knowledge of county finance and bookkeeping procedures. Skill in preparing fiscal reports and analysis of financial status. I Skill in maintaining accurate records an' in meeting deadlines. -14lt- JUSTIFICATION FOR ASSISTANT COUNTY FINANCE DIRECTOR INCREASE IN MAGNITUDE OF BUDGETS (OPERATING FUNDS) BUDGET FY 80-81 $26,173,987 PRESENT BUDGET FY 85-86 58,169,057 This represents an increase of 122% in dollars which must be properly controlled, invested and accounted for. Over 20,000 invoices have been processed through 1-9-86 of this FY. Increase in magnitude of Capital Project Budgets: With the impact of the Water and Sewer Construction Projects and the Airport Terminal Building Project, the County will be spending in excess of $85,000,000 over the next five to seven years. Additional responsibilities since FY 78-79: Emergency medical services receivables Airport receivables Parking tickets Incinerator charges Water charges Sewer charges Grants management In-house preparation of: Annual Financial Report Indirect Cost Plan Finance Director's additional supervisory responsibilities with MIS and Tax Department. The overall impact of the above has led to the majority of the Finance Director's time being taken up by the day-to-day operations. With the increase in the variety of responsibilities and the in- crease in volume of expenditures, it is imperative that proper time be spent in planning and establishing proper goals. A large amount of planning and coordination of spending must be done in relation to the Sewer District Construction Projects. This area alone will take a considerable portion of time and effort. Timing of bond and note sales must be accurate so funds will be on hand when needed to meet construction costs. As areas are brought on-line, the billing function must be planned for properly in a joint effort with MIS and Engineering. The new accounting software package is very sophisticated and re- quires a high level of accounting knowledge to properly utilize all the features. This position will be responsible for having this expertise so the Finance Director is free to be in other planning sessions or meeting with other management personnel. JUSTIFICATION FOR ASSISTANT COUNTY FINANCE DIRECTOR Page 2 Evaluation of the month to month revenues and expenditures in order to accurately plan cash flows or fund balances can be done on a more regular basis with the addition of this position. It is anticipated that 25-75% of this position's time will be dedicated to the Water and Sewer District during the next four to five years, while construction is being undertaken. AJA/ct