1986-02-17 W&S Exhibit 'f~ ~ ~, <,.' ~;,1. r:,I:Y;'i';""'i ,: -, ' . .i ,j ~ '-( ", .;. '. , l ' ~ . . . ".4;. , I:' , " , ( I:',. ,,;:': ;1 .,~,.' . : I ~ , I",: '," '~ . J / j 'r' ", f !: ' . ;',,~ I;, '. ,'i,ll / "" 1<' ';{J. .i ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT , ,', l.~~ ~ ;( , I!,. ,. 1\ WHEREAS G.S. Chapter lS3A, Article 15 authorizes counties' to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter l62A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish wat~r and sewer districts; and " , WHERgAS New Hanover County has established the New Hano- ver County Water and Sewer District, which bistrict has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County: , and tl" t. ,,~ WHEREAS t~e District desires to locate portions 'of the sewer system within the rights-Of-way of certain streets in New Hanover County; and '~; 1 ' " ' ~.{a . II ~ ~"., ;, "~ ;~, :f, , 'oj, .~, ,j "', ! ;'. . ,. ,:;\:;~~?i;t~i ~.. ~::~::g:~~;~:~f;g;;;~~~:~;fg~ ~~~;!~f~i~e ~;~::ir~~!~!~g e:h:f , , '; " ,~ NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED as followsr , ' That New' Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts the offers of dedication of the portions of the streets delineated in Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorpor- the purposes of providing water ~ .':.' . ~ (\. ".' , .:; of :. .. ~.... ~: ~. i , :~ 198&. ~ "f' .'; " ;'~;'i; ~,.i?~~ A. ~ alrman ~ , !~ Attest: Board of District Commissioners '~,"; . ... ~~ .' 10:' :. ' t \, ,., '. I I ': I ~ ,~r '~1 -:. \, " '.' " " , i ',', '" i ~ ~ {."::'!!," to, (~~ I);' ',~,.~ /. n. ~/!t ,."',",': ;l.. ~,~ ", .i. ::~ . ;,;.'.. " . '~'.',' !.- i 1 ,i ~. , / . .;1.. '. ~ i:," . ,j I" /.. .j . ':' ,'~", . .: :1. (.i' :0-',:': '" ." ~ .L '" 'I.' ,-." ~ ~(, r 'ill' "'; I...\j EXHIBIT I " : :- .',~.. - r .';'" - Streets Accepted by the New H~nover County Water and Sewer District~ for Water & Sewer Service . .r 1. The entire portions :o~ a map of Summer A page 477 Registry. of Woodlawn and Central Drives showri Rest recorded at Land and Dowers Book at the New Hanover ,Couhty~~ ~:r i;"" 2. entire pOrtions of Dick and Burke Aven~es shown on a 1~ of Villa View recorded at Deed Book 52 page 568 of "New Hanover County Registry. , The map the 3. The entire' portion of Carl Street as shown on a map of :,James D. Dixon Et Al and Hillsdale recorded at ~ap Bo~k ',,14, page 40 of the New Hanover County Registry .',i, '.... ' ;:~ ." ., ,~ . 4. The entire portion of Second Avenue shown, on a map of Hi11sda1e' recorded at Map Book 5, page 14 of the New ,Hanover County Registry. '.'! 5 ~ The entire portion ~f Third Avenue shown on, 'a map of Hi1lsdale recorded at Map Book 5, page 15 of the New . ,Hanover County Registry., 6. ,The entire portions of Lexington and Benjamin Avenue . shown on a map of Hi1lsdale recorded at Deed Book 723 page 75~ of the New Hanover County Registry. ~f> ; ~ '., ~. . :' ,i', I L ~: '.j :~i ," (l' 'l " I' 'l' '\~ t. . , ;'~ r. ~: J ""_ " .' . ,',; .. "e, :' ;. ; ~ , ~'" ' " , ! '.' ',i " . '.~ " , , j , ' ,~ ,,' .". ,"1 ,\ , ~I ~ , . ... 'i :..../: t, " ,\ ,~ ," I ,. !i " , .' ;. : , ..";1: ~ . I ..~. ~ t., , "f -1 ~. " it ,'i ,.il' ;1:. " 'If': -r ; 1 './ :';' :;;. '\ ~ , .;. ;' !, I, , ,'~;, :'{J: ~~~ \'. .( ~ : ~, " ;":1 ; ", ;-;,';' ,; - ~ {, ~ ~, :.,:';.