1987-06-15 W&S Exhibit NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA 1987-88 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, North Carolina in special session assembled: section 1: The following amount is hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, and ending June 30, 1988: ~==~=~~~=~!! Section 2: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, and ending June 30, 1988, to meet the foregoing appropriations: Contributions from New Hanover County User Fees and Tap Fees $ 2,750,908 788,336 ~==~=~~~=~!! Section 3: For said fiscal year there appropriated out of the Water Fund the sum of is hereby i_____J~.LQQQ ------------ Section 4: It is estimated that the following Water Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, and ending June 30, 1988, to meet the foregoing Water and Sewer appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Sales and Other Functional Revenues $ 38,000 Total Revenues - Water Fund i_____J~.LQQQ ------------ Section 5: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Finance Director of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, North Carolina, to be kept on file by him for his dir~r;eb!!On",i.D the collection of revenues and expenditures of amoun~~:aD~D9L~d. .. ~ l'\"i U,... ~ ~ ........ ~L .~ .. _...... e r .... ~ .. p · is 15th day of June, 1987. : ~ .. , : ~ .. : : . . <oFFI<! :~\ ,.. . e. ~ \ ~ e. ,;; ...r~ ~ Atte~;~~D SEVlt9. \\'\ ce~d';~ Clerk X7?^'-";~_':Z' ,,/,;(~.~~~/~, ~- ~.~:: Jo than Barfield:-; Sr., Chairman W ter and Sewer District JOI~1 RESOLU~ION OF 'lHE NEW HANOvER COUN'lY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND 'lHE NEW HANOvER COUNTY BOARD OF DIStRICT COMMISSIONERS wHEREAS New Hanove~ County, hereinafte~ ~efer.r.ed to as "County", and the New Hanover County Water. and Sewer. Dist~ict. hereinafte~ r.efe r red to as "Dist ~ ict", des i r.e to fur.the~ def ine thei~ r.espective functions and ~esponsibilities concer.ning the countywide sewe~ system; hereinafter. ~efe~r.ed to as "System"; and WHEREAS G. S. ~l53A-278 authorizes counties and other. units of local government to cooperate in the exe~cise of power.s granted by G. S. Chapter 153A, Ar.ticle 15, accor.ding to the p~ocedur.es and p~ovisions of G. S. Chapter 160A, A~ticle 20, Par.t 1; and ~mERE.AS G. S. ~162A-8 autho~izes District to acquir.e, hold, divest, sell o~ dispose of p~operty; and to establish, ~evise and collect r.ates, fees o~ other changes and penalties fo~ the use of or the se~vices furnished o~ to qe fur.nished by the System; and WHEREAS G. S. Chapter 153A, Ar.ticle 6 and 15 author.izes County to ~egulate and p~otect the ope~ation of the System; NOW, 'lHERE~ORE, BE I'l RESOLVED as follows: 1. Financing the System. Dist~ict shall finance the System; pr.ovided that County may assist in financing the System th~ouqh use of its sales tax ~eceipts in such amounts as determined by County. 2. Constructing the System. Distr.ict shall const~uct the System. 3. Owne~ship of the System. District shall acquir.e, hold and own all elements of the System, including both ~eal and pe~sonal p~ope~ty. 4. Operation and Maintenance. County shall operate and maintain the System. 5. Regulation of the System. County shall regulate and protect the ope~ation o,f the system; shall establish, r.evise and collect r.ates, fees o~ other. cha~ges and penal ties for. the use of the ser.vices fu~nished o~ to be furnished by the System; and shall collelct delinquent accounts as author.ized by G. S. ~153A-277. 6. Duration of Amendment and Ter.mination of this Ag~eement. This resolution may be modified at any time by mutual agreement of District and County. 'le~ms 1-4 of this resolution may be rescinded upon one years' written notice by one party to the other pa~ty; said notice shall include a copy of the rescinding party's action r.epealing Terms 1-4 of this r.esolution. "his the I6f'A day of YAv>>L- ,19B't...: }-~ Board of County Commissioner.s 2 ..., ....... . . . " 'I .~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The District Commissioners are asked to authorize acceptance of the following list of proposed sewer systems by the Director of Engineering and Facili ties. The sewer systems will not be accepted until all required construction is complete and accepted. In addition, all documents must be executed as required. The attached maps indicate the location of all proposed sewer systems. In addition, plans are available for inspection in the Commissioners office, of the areas to be served. Baywoods Airlie West Woodberry Forest Kingsland Woods Stratford Place Cavilier Woods Whisper Creek Oak Ridge Villa's at Landfall Prestwick Eastwood Road Long Leaf Acres Tanbridge Turtle Hall Benson-Sprunt Raintree Cedar Landing Lake Side Villas Bradley Pines Wrightsville Green Marsh Landing Windward 3 J's RECOMMENDATION: I would like District Commissioners authorize items are complete. to the recommend acceptance that when the all .} " "-,' " " ~, --~ - ~,<>~~;u,., ~' SOUND - " '~",:'> ,-, ~ ~:_~.,' 'J, i?"J, '9 ~;; ,.,;:;{,,,- 1''/'' . ,,;Jf' ;I ,/,. ~o /' ;/' .(.4> ~, \ " ' /// ~ ,fttJ '. ~i;:L~~ I / ~ I u IMP fN()QjCf ( "r, " ,(~, ",:::~ ~~::~>-" ,', ' :' " ... ,:', ' ... ~ ... . "~"~"~.' ~~. '. -"-, "', ... ... " ~""" )'To SOUND ~ tt1 J-4 ro ::l en " o ::l , , , , , '.- > "~'-'" , , , '~-' - -. ..... . -', en >~ ~ " l~ '2 ""';,~~ .:::~.,,~~'='~ ,~ 'i-U) ",'( ,\j ~) ~ ~. " o ~ ~ ~ ....... . "'. ......... ... "',' ........ . 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