1995-09-05 RM Exhibits ~w J-fanover County f}3oard of Commissioners Pro cfamation Hunting and Fishing Day WHEREAS, hunting and fishing have always been an imponant pan of the American tradition. While these activities may no longer be necessary for survival--as they were in early days of the nation-- they are still relevant today; and WHEREAS, sportsmen and sportswomen recognize the critical role of habitat--quantity and quality of air, land, water, adequate cover or shelter, appropriate space, and sufficient arrangement--Jor the existence of all living things. For over 100 years, they have been in theforefront of the conservation movement. Not content with merely vocalizing their suppon, the hunters and anglers requested special fees and taxes on their equipment to pay for scientific research, habitat acquisition and improvement, education, and el?forcement. Over the years, funds raised total over $18 billion for conservation, and WHEREAS, programs financed by hunters and anglers have led to the dramatic comeback of many wildlife species. These included game species such as the wild turkey, tundra swan, snow geese. ducks, and white-tailed deer However, these efforts also helped the comeback of nongame species including the bald eagle, other raptors, songbirds, shore birds, alligatorsJur bearers, and others,' and WHEREAS, individuals and through their organizations, hunters and anglers volunteer countless hours of their own time for local conservation projects and to raise even more funds for conservation,' and WHEREAS, we would like to take this opportunity to commend responsible hunters and anglers for their efforts on behalf of wildlife and for their contributions to conservation, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim Saturday. September 23. 1995, as "Hunting and Fishing Day /I in New Hanover County and urge all our citizens to join with hunters, anglers and other responsible CO/lservationists to ensure the wise use and proper management of our natural resources to benefit future generations Adopted this the F~fih day of September, 1995. /i;;lML Rober! G. Greer, ChalT/nan A {test. /~~_._.- /', Y ) ( . I 1 . \_ ,)~.(--' \( /)4? /ru:.M ClN-k to the Bourt} ./ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: CAROLYN HILL ROAD WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 5th day of September , 1995. hand and official seal this the ~ , 1995. day of Board of Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute.wp . ...: .f PROJECT ORDINANCE 800 MEGAHERTZ SYSTEM BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover ~ounty (County) is engaged in the Leasing of the 800 MHZ System Project, which capital project involves the leasing of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a proj ect ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This proj ect ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Construction of the 800 MHZ System Capital Project which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from Fire Service District $800,000 Total $800,000 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Rent $800,000 Total $800,000 .... ";.'. . .... 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. tfJ:~ ) Adopted this ~ day of , 1995.' .... AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMI\1ISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows' Revise Section 41-5(a) Easements by adding the following sentence to the end of the paragraph. "Shallow swale easements along the perimeter of lots may be less than thirty (30) feet provided they are approved by the County Engineer." Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent osuch conflict is hereby repealed Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 5th day of September, 1995 Attest. 4L1~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~,t;! ~~ Cl rk to the Board ~ o ~ . . .~, 1 9 2 6 007 7 1\ :: \J (\ r:: [) ~ D A:J D v E R IF! E G t'jiAHY SUE OOTS STA TE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER REGISTER OF DEEDS NEW HANOVER CO. NC BEFORE THE BOARD OF '95 SEP 13 fWl1fb~TY COMMISSIONERS Rill Ib 15 ORDER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of Nassau Road It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution ofIntent to close a portion of Nassau Road was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 7th day of August, 1995 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 5th day of September, 1995, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of Nassau Road in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Being all of the northern right-of-way (60) feet of Nassau Road, beginning in the southwest corner of lot 41 and part of Sedgefield Subdivision, duly recorded in Map 000040, Book 7, Page 31 of the New Hanvoer County Registry, commencing from said pOint 200 feet northeast to the northwest corner of lot 41.. thence from said point 60 feet northwest to the northeast corner of lot 31 and part of Sedgefield Subdivision recorded in Map Book 7, page 31.. thence 200 feet southwest to the southeast corner of lot 31.. thence 60 feet southeast to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed, save and except a 30 foot section (10 feet west of the centerline, 20 feet east of the centerline and extending the full length) for utility easement purposes. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. W~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman - Returned To 5' a.-.. ...B w', W1 C. 0 . ~ Q,.....tt . . ~ .;1, 1 926 o 0 7 8 AOVlmoov S.u Nt 030Yld 39 A'iW 30NV113H ON OW A3^ynS 031:U,W30 V J.ON SI d'lW SIH1 0 J <.. .m Ol ~ 3 Ol " ~" r 0 I ;:!" '" )> w CD q q 1 c Nassau Road ------ :j r ----- T ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ q (iiO 0 CD C/) ... m ~ co s: ;0 C-C <5" :;a m ;;r ~" Z 6 ~ m5: -i ll:[ '< ~~ Cl> 3. ..00 ~N en o .:::;. ... ... z o ~ ':7 ~ ~ ~ CD j C CD '^ -I l> " m t-=-I ::0 m '^ ~fT1!='0~;X> -f - 0 -I c... Ql m ~OO;:oc...O c a. =.Q)Q)ooo -< " ".. ~5 ~ ::l. ~o g 5" a ...... z 3S?oc..::\. ..... co Ql co .... S?o~~S?o~~ 01 3 . -ClC 0 ^ 0 ~ ~ 0 Q)lCjQ)c..;:;. en Z ..... '< j::r ::r 0 1'5" 0 Q) '< CD 0 Ql '^ Q) Z iii"!:i s: I ~ ~ Ul Ul - ~ / li';;:.B~ g ...... Ql Z c ~A'" j OCD j "II ::0 i . 'iii" :E en \ 3 ~ .:>. 0 t:\ 0 Ql So q a. ~ "- .--, ...- ,_.,' J(", ~,'~", fJ\&w J{anover County tJ30arcf of Commissioners 2\g,s o [ution \. , , The Carolina, Board ofCommiss'ioners of New Hanover County, North in Legular session, does hereby resolve as follows: l~" WHERE;AS, ~:m November ,)22, 19805, New Hanover County entered into a rental, car service facilj,~y agre'ement' with Continen~aJ., Le~S'l.ng, Ine.; a:v:a ' .' ;"" ~E,:REAS, "Cont;ineIlt'al Leasing now desires t'o assign said Lease' :," 't'o Eafman Le'asing, Inc,. ;' :1,. .,. ,,. ~~' '. ~ ';.~, <~.'<-:'~~..... "....~~_':~.. ,_. .4;:~-" I \.. ~ ,.;, ;. ,,~~x' '--- . . ,~_" ", '" 0 ':: ": ',".. <,., N6w~" THER~FORE:, BE :IT RES,OLVED that' the Ne~., Hanover Cou:q;ty. ~F ''','- ,-<'.... ' .J ~ \~ ,.. ,.r' -'H Boa'rd(:'oe,'C6'mmissione'rs'dbes hereby approve .the' a'Ssignmen~. of 'i'ts: , ~: 'f"'<:' .~?~~"'.. , ':""";:'~~\ '," - . ~"' " ;': - . '., ,:' ;,F \'I"''', . _ '. ,;. '_"-' .r. "'_"~..'_ '. .'contract wj;.th CbntinentalLeaslng} rifc, to' Eatman Enterprises, Iilc. " ",~,s-. ' ''''';- ,~(..... '1 r : .-I ,_ ' . " ;. ,..I- :. conti'qgent"Ct",;:upon ;:'the'approva]" of the New"' Hanover'.,Gounty.. Ai):'pQ:r;:t ' "A~~h6~,*:~);F~2~:""'~Ti;l~, -COl;r1i~Y'::;'A::tt,p:riiey i,a" ~~f'hor'ized; tb:,exe~1ite all~~.~ doc~ment's '0B b,~,;ha.:lf', of.., N,~w Hi,mo:ver ,;Cou;nty.. ' . "'c,,,~}~:: . ...",,~.,~. '", c, '~~ -.",' cr', \..>i '''''''',,!\ , "'v~ ~.. ~ ,.... r -!-,~' ~ ~ . ~. ~ A.~. ' <~do!pte9; th~s[:;~_he- 5th :~<ay ~~ ",SePtemb~,r,\1995. ;'1"', ;;" 'It ..:.-\" ';11],'" ,):' i'>' ~ )1 /1?P~ ~ 1': '", .-.~ .1,.0 d:~" > ;~. :;~'.> 'Rbb~.rt G. 9'i-eer 1"Cllcrir~an " ,,' Bo~id ,of .~ou~ty Commis7sioners :;..:;,: t' I ~,- ~ ~1; ~ >.'!, ~-:~~ .~ t": l'" ""_t ~, ""'i" } ~,. '~ .... ,,)1'. ,. ~\;~ I, ;1 , t,~ \_, '\^j" '. '~ :", l~,. ~'" \. I;'}' :;; ,.., ~~. ii' RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the preparation of transcripts, for purposes of judicial review, of actions and proceedings of the County Commissioners and other boards and agencies authorized by the Commissioners, can unduly burden County staff and facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS hereby resolves: The Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners shall not undertake the transcription of County proceedings unless specifically directed to do so by the Board. Any person seeking to obtain a transcript of the actions and proceedings of the County Commissioners or other boards and agencies authorized or created by the Board of Commissioners must produce said transcript at their own cost and expense. The Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners shall provide tape recordings, at a reasonable cost. Persons may produce a transcription from said tapes and provide the Clerk said document for certification. In the alternative, any person may have a court reporter present at any public session to prepare a contemporaneous transcription, which may be presented to the Clerk for certification. The Clerk shall certify the transcript within a reasonable period of time. The Clerk shall have discretion to refuse to certify transcriptions not in an acceptable format. Adopted this th~~ day Of~) , 1995. New Hanover County [S /f(Jd}jA.- Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: