2020_12_16_NewHanover_Minutes 1 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held in Wilmington, NC. FY Meeting Number #6 Date: December 16, 2020 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Hart, Chairman Dru Harrison, NHSWCD Director Sue Hayes, Vice-Chairman Amy Renfranz, NHSWCD Program Coordinator Frank Meares, Secretary/Treasurer Haley Moccia, NHSWCD Conservation Technician Matt Collogan Tanner Nance, NHSWCD Intern Evan Folds Joshua Davis, USDA NRCS Supervisory Soil Conservationist Tom Boland, Associate Member Sheryl Kelly, NHC Assistant County Manager Richard Thomason, Member of the Public Kristina Fischer, NCSWCD Eastern Region Coordinator Was this meeting held during a meal: No Chairman Hart called the monthly board meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. The meeting was held virtually on Zoom. CALL TO ORDER A. Approval of Agenda  Motion: Approve the agenda as amended by Hart.  Vote: Adopted without objection. B. Introduction of Attendees. Harrison introduced Thomason, a member of the public who would like to be more involved in the district and is interested in volunteer opportunities. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Consent Agenda  Motion: Move for approval  Motion: Hart  Second: Meares  Discussion. Folds questioned the minutes.  Motion: Move to approve the consent agenda as amended with the minutes removed.  Motion: Meares  Second: Hart  Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. B. Discussion on minutes. Hart clarified edits that he made. Folds inquired about the process of editing the drafted minutes. Folds mentioned that he would like the supervisors to be presented with the document with mark-ups visible, and that the public should be presented with a “clean” version of minutes.  Motion: To present the minutes to supervisors with mark-ups and edits visible, and to publish the approved minutes with all edits accepted.  Motion: Meares  Second: Hart  Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. SUPERVISOR AND STAFF REPORTS A. Chairman’s Report. 1. Hart recognized the swearing-in of Supervisors Hayes and Collogan, and Folds’s editorial contribution to the Star News regarding the Eagles Island Task Force. 2 2. Hewletts Creek. As part of the master plan for trails in the city, it is proposed that the South College leg, running from the South 17th Street intersection with South College Road to the Long Leaf Mall, be connected with the Greenville Sound Loop Trail beginning at the intersection of Greenville Loop Road with Pine Grove Road. It has been suggested that the trail run along the creek rather than along Holly Tree Road. If the creek is considered, it will impact the lands on which the District holds a perpetual conservation easement.  Discussion: Hayes asked about our next steps if the district disagrees with the proposed route. Folds inquired about the timeline and associated documents. Hart did not know the timeline but that there is funding for trail construction. Hayes inquired about the legal status of the proposed project. Harrison clarified that the project would have to meet the requirements of the easement and that she would collect more information to distribute to the board. Harrison will also contact the COW Parks Department for clarification on the project and propose that someone possibly speak to the district about the project. Folds mentioned that he would be interested in learning how easements are managed within the district in general. Boland and Hart clarified that the district does not own most of the property involved, but that the easement provides regulations on development of the property. 3. Eagles Island Task Force. Hart noted the contribution of outdoor writer Mike Marsh to the acquisition of the 250 acre Creech property on the island. Marsh intervened with the Creech family to gain their agreement to sell and he published a supporting article in NC Wildlife Magazine. Hart feels that the District should recognize his contribution. 4. Hydric Soils. The summary notes from the meeting that the Director and Hart had with the NHC Planning staff are ready for distribution. 5. NHC Government Center Complex Renovation. Hart is encouraged by the reception of a letter to the Chief Facilities Officer regarding the sustainable design of the new building and grounds. 6. See Addendum for full Chairman’s Report. B. Division Report. Fischer provided an update on the Eastern Region. 1. Annual Meeting will be virtual on January 4-5, 2021. A test run will take place on December 18, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. Supervisors can attend the test run to learn more about how voting will work. 2. The Spring Meeting will be hosted by Onslow County and virtual on March 9, 2021. The Education Contest will be virtual. Posters and essays should be scanned. Videos should be made of the Public Speaking Contest and submitted via email. 3. District Employee Training Series. All of the Fall Training Sessions have been recorded and are posted online. The Winter Training Series will be announced later this week. 4. The School of Government Training will be in the spring. It is a requirement of new supervisors and a reimbursable expense.  Discussion. Folds asked about the Food, Land, and People Teacher Education Workshop. Harrison clarified that the district does lead the workshop. Folds noted that he was interested in learning more and possibly getting involved. Folds highlighted the Division newsletter’s list of grants and stated that it would be good practice to look at over time. Boland inquired about the Commission meeting on January 20, 2020. Fischer and Harrison clarified that there is a representative, Derrick Potter, t hat serves as the Area 6 delegate to the Commission. OLD BUSINESS A. Board Training and Update on Strategic Plan. Hayes expressed concern that the pandemic is going to be worse in January and is not interested in attending an in-person meeting. Harrison stated that the NHC trainer, Bo Dean, is comfortable in moving the meeting online.  Motion: Have virtual training in January and in-person strategic planning in March.  Motion: Hart  Second: Meares 3  Discussion. Folds asked how the meeting would work if the district attempted to have both components as a part of the virtual meeting in January. Harrison clarified that there would be an hour for training and an hour for strategic planning. Folds confirmed that if strategic planning was moved to March there would be more time.  Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. Break from meeting at 9:25 a.m. Reconvened at 9:36 a.m. During the break, Harrison swore Hayes into her position. Collogan, Fischer, and Hart witnessed the ceremony. B. NRCS Report (moved from “Staff Reports” due to technical glitch). Davis provided an update on NRCS. 1. Davis reported that lead soil scientist Milton Cortez, with whom he was working on a joint presentation, has passed away. 2. Regional Conservation Partnership Program. Davis is learning more about the program and its possible application in New Hanover County. He will have more to report in the future. In the meantime, he would like a list of potential projects to present to the area office as a start. This “wish list” can be emailed to him and followed up with an hour long meeting to select projects. The list needs to be sent to him by January 6, 2021. 3. Conservation Stewardship Program. NRCS is taking applications for this program. There are currently no applications from within New Hanover County. Davis encouraged Supervisors to connect with potential grantees. C. NHC Government Center Redevelopment. The county’s design team for the new building will be present at the January 20, 2021 board meeting. Hart requested the names of groups and individuals that could be invited to join with the district in offering suggestions to the design team.  Discussion. Folds recommended a round table discussion and sharing LID/LEED support documents. Hayes expressed concern that there might not be enough time for a productive meeting with the design team during the board meeting. Folds stated that there is value in getting to know one another and building relationships. Folds shared the COW LID Manual in the chat and suggested sharing it with the design team. Hayes requested a presentation by the design team regarding the current exterior design of the building.  Kelly provided an update that NHC will own the new building and property, and will be selling the current building to the developer for a mixed-use project. The revised Development Agreement will be released to the public for viewing today and remain reviewable for the next 30 days. The County Commissioners will be holding a public hearing on the revised Development Agreement on January 19, 2021. The Development Agreement contains the total proposed cost of the project, approximately $45 million. The interior design of the building is near complete. However, the exterior design of the building has not reached an advanced stage.  Harrison recommended breaking down LEED & LID components and reaching out to the subject matter experts on each topic, including Bill Hunt from NCSU to specifically address stormwater management practices. Harrison also recommended Ron Wilson at Cape Fear Community College to lead discussion on LEED practices. Folds and Meares recommended focusing on LID components, to be used as a legacy for future development in New Hanover County. Harrison will contact the subject matter experts and arrange for both the design team and the experts to attend the January meeting. D. Hydric Soils Update. Hart provided an update on the Symposium on Hydric Soils. He stated that the next step in the process is the development of an outline of what the event would look like so that presenters can be matched to topics, and that there is opportunity to seek someone to fund the symposium.  Discussion. Folds inquired about grants to help cover the cost of the Symposium. Collogan and Folds mentioned Diane D’Arcangelo with Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development as a good resource to discuss the subject due to mutual interests between groups. Harrison stated that she is on the RCD board and is working with Moffat & Nichol to secure funding to complete the Pages Creek Watershed Restoration Project. Hart clarified that follow up on 4 potential grants would be performed and reported on by Harrison, Hart, and CFRCD to fund the symposium. E. Tick List 1. Call Sara Warmuth to determine the process by which NHSWCD can have input into the design of the new County Admin Building - Bill 2. Develop timeline and location for soil scientist to visit NHC and schedule presentation at Board meeting – Josh, Bill and Dru 3. Propose edits to county tree ordinances – Bill 4. Develop process for use of trees for stormwater management as a District BMP – Dru 5. Develop Water table management seminar – Bill, Evan and staff 6. Develop priority list of projects for grant proposals and identify grant-writing assistance - supervisors and staff 7. Develop database of New Hanover farmers and identify list of farmers for EQUIP program – Josh, Dru and Evan 8. Sign NRCS Civil Rights Responsibilities for Partners Checklist – Supervisors NEW BUSINESS A. Associate Supervisor Appointment and Discussion.  Motion: Appoint Boland as an Associate Supervisor with the NHSWD.  Motion: Folds  Second: Meares  Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. 1. Recruitment of New Associate Supervisors. Hart voiced that there should be concerted effort to contact and recruit potential Associate Supervisors for building the district’s technical knowledge and political connections. Hayes mentioned League of Women Voters’ Environmental Action Team as a potential source of new supervisors. Harrison recommend an open house-type presentation to provide an overview of district objectives and supervisor roles for potential candidates. Folds recommended creating marketing materials to convey the messaging of the district. Harrison stated that staff is currently working on a video documentary regarding rain garden BMPs. B. New County Commissioners Board Relations. Hart inquired about the district’s current relations with the new and current NHC County Commissioners.  Discussion. Meares shared that he has connections with Commissioner Hays and voiced that we need to increase connections with other commissioners.  Folds shared that he and Roger Shew, UNCW Geology professor, will be presenting the Eagles Island Central Park Taskforce projects to the Commissioners at a future date. Hart stated that he would like to be involved in that presentation.  Hart suggested an informal gathering of district and County Commissioners. Folds recommended having that meeting after the strategic planning so that ideas could be presented to them. Meares said that a past meeting at Airlie Gardens was successful. Hayes stated that she would be interested in helping to develop a plan and presentation for meeting the County Commissioners. Folds stated that he would assist if needed. C. Brunswick County Comprehensive Plan Update. Davis and Harrison recently attended a working group meeting regarding the update on open space and parks planning in Brunswick County. Harrison stated that she will be reaching out to Kiersten Dixon, Brunswick County Planning Director, in regards to re- zoning the district owned property on Eagles Island in Brunswick County from industrial to open space or recreational. 5 D. Regenerative Agriculture Partnership Update. Folds shared that he recently met with D’Arcangelo of CFRCD and Dean Morris from Bladen County SWCD where he expressed that regenerative farming practices can raise the profitability of farms - an idea that can unite interests across political divides. He voiced that supporting these practice can have positive impact on human health, improve environmental conditions, raise profitability, and can be used to raise the profile of district initiatives in the county.  Discussion. Boland agreed that the foundation of regenerative agriculture is soil conservation, but that there are limited large-scale farms in the county. He shared that the district could support regenerative practices in backyards, recreation, and urban development. E. Harrison shared that at the next meeting she will be presenting the budget which she will submit to the county. A major change will be that Moccia will be increasing her hours with the district, from 19 hours to 30 hours. UPCOMING EVENTS  Virtual NCASWCD Meeting January 4-5, 2021.  Board Training January 13, 20210 at 8:30 a.m. ADJOURNMENT  Motion: Without objection, the meeting was adjourned. Adjourned at 11:11 am. The next regular board meeting is set for January 20 at 8 a.m. on Zoom. Recorded By: Amy Renfranz Approved By: ____________________________________________________________ ADDENDUM CHAIRMAN’S REPORT  I assume that Supervisors Hayes and Collogan have been sworn in to start their four year terms.  Evan’s column in the Extension section of the Star News was a welcome return of Eagles Island to the public view. That value surfaced in the form of a letter to the editor from an active conservation family in Carolina Shores stating that the column had answered a number of questions that arose every time they transited the causeway. The director followed up with a call to the writer and provided a link to the District’s publication on the history of the island’s ecology. The staff and board members should be calling attention to that publication, e.g., is it being displayed in the public libraries.  I’m glad for the opportunity to brief new members about the status of the District’s holdings in the Hewletts Creek watershed. As part of the master plan f or trails in the city, it is proposed that the South College leg, running from the South 17th Street intersection with South College Road to the Long Leaf Mall, be connected with the Greenville Sound Loop Trail beginning at the intersection of Greenville Loop Road with Pine Grove Road. It has been suggested that the trail run along the creek rather than along Holly Tree Road. If the creek is considered, it will impact the lands on which the District holds a perpetual conservation easement.  The emergence of the Eagles Island Task Force brings to mind the contribution of outdoor writer Mike Marsh to the acquisition of the 250 acre Creech property on the island. He intervened with the Creech family to gain their agreement to sell and he published a supporting article in NC Wildlife Magazine. The District should recognize his contribution. William J. Hart (Jan 21, 2021 16:57 EST) William J. Hart Jan 21, 2021 6  The summary notes from the meeting the Director and I had with the NHC Planning staff are ready for distribution. The document should be considered confidential and held within the members of the board and staff, Dr. Gregory and Roger Shue. Does anyone have a problem with that approach? This makes the idea of a hydric soil symposium more relevant. Will further an outline of such an event and seek presenters and funding as a District activity.  We should be encouraged by the response to our letter to the Chief Facilities Officer. We should remain concerned that control of the money is with the developer who will construct the building and lease it to the county. They and their contractors are likely the majority of the design team.  There should be progress on new letterhead design for the district. Experience with the letter to Ms. Warmuth showed problems with the current layout. LINKS SHARED DURING THE MEETING Food, Land, and People Teacher Education Workshops: http://www.ncagr.gov/SWC/educational/FLP.html NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/financial/csp/ NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/financial/rcpp/ COW LID Manual: https://laserfiche.nhcgov.com/weblink/0/edoc/3273331/LID-Manual.pdf Onslow County Discovery Gardens: https://www.onlyinonslow.com/discovery-gardens/ District Supervisor Quick Reference Guide: http://www.ncagr.gov/SWC/districts/documents/NewDistrictSupervisorQuickReferenceGuidev5June2016- 111917.pdf Regenerative Agriculture Groups: www.FarmersFootprint.us https://kisstheground.com/ https://understandingag.com/ www.CroatanInstitute.org Urban Gardens: https://cngf.org/about/