Gingerwood Collector PlanJP ~ cy, William B. Farris, City Manager City Council City of \Vilmingtcn Nart...'1 Carolina RESOLUTION APPROVING A REPORT ENTITLED "COLLECTOR STREET PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WILMINGTON" WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington wishes to encourage the efficient flaw of traffic; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilming~on wishes to discourage th=ough t=affic on new residential subdivision streets; and WI-:EREAS, the design of streets in a hierarchical pattern frcm local through thoroughfare will promote the efficient flow of traffic and discourage through t=affic i~ residential s--..:.bdivi- sians by providing facilities scaled and located to handle anticipated levels of traffic; and WHEREAS, the report, Collector St=eet Plan for the City of Wilmington, North Carolina completes a hierarchy of streets for Wilmington by adding collector streets to the remaining street classifications established by the Thoroughfare Plan. ~cw therefore be it RESOLVED TF.A.T the report "Callee-tor St:ceet Plan for the City of Wilmington", is hereby approved. MAYOR Adcptec. at a regular meet in<; en ----"':1.:l=v~•-----'1990 c::"t c:.:rn.K \ Collector Street Plan For the City of Wilmington Prepared by Public Services Department Descri~tion COLLECTOR STREET PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WILMINGTON A collector street plan augments the Thoroughfare Plan by designating streets to provide access to thoroughfares. Collec- tor streets a=e needed in order to move traf:ic effectively to thoroughfares. The provision of collector streets in a planned fashion can reduce the chances for local streets becoming thor- oughfares, thus helping to preserve neighborhoods. This plan also provides classi=~catians for all city and stace streets. complete st=eet class~=ication system will p=ovide develope=s A and reviewing agencies w~~h the guidelines needed to ensu=e future roadways are appropr~ately designed and loca~ed. The=e are two main reasons :or deve~opi~g and implementing a collec~or street plan. First, a~ong with the Thorough=are Plan, a collector street plan provides for a hierarchy of streets. The T~orough£are Plan iden~i=ies a:: major and mi~or thoroughfares, a~d the callec~or street plan identi=ies al~ collec~ors -all rema~~ing st=eets are local st=eets. This leads ~a improveC ~ra£=ic =law as streets are designed and located :or anticipaced levels of e=a£=ic. Most st=eecs have a de:ini~e pur?ose; either to provide access to abut~i~g lane uses, ere= mcve tra=:ic through a neig~..borhood, or some mix of the two purposes. Most (65-85%) c: ~he miles t=av- eled in the C~~y wil: be travelled on major and minor thorough- fare s~reets. Collec~or st=eets will car:-f 5-10% a= miles travelled and local streets will carry the remai~ing miles travelled (10-30%). != facilities per:orming each £unction are cons~=uceed to an appropriate seandard, then ~~e :aci:ieies will not become oCsole~e because collectors, for i~stance, will not have to carry thoroughfare levels of tra=tic. Second, designing a system of collector streets which do not prov~de far ~jrough tra::ic will go a long way towards insuring that neighbo=~cods are protected from inappropriate levels of tra:=ic. Most i= nae all ~eighbor~ood t=af:ic problems arise £ram su.bCivision and st=eet laycu~ which has nee co~side=eC these Ci=~eren~ fu~c~ic~s ~or s~=eet faci~i=ies. ~his may ~ead t~ housi~g bei~g orien~ed di=ec~ly to major thor=u~r.£a=es, like Oleander Drive. ?la~~ing which co~siders ~~e ~~~c~icn o: a st=eet can assure t~at residents do no~ su:=e= ==om praximi~y to the s~=eet. Table of Street Classifications Street Class P1:imary Secondary Traffic Speed Function Function Levels Major Thoroughfare Minor Thoroughfare Collector Through Through Traffic traffic traffic Land routed Land None High High service Moderate Moderate se:-vice Moderate Low to thoroughfare to low Local Land service None Low Low Obiectives 1. To spec~:y existing collector streets for reference when ar.aly:ing zoning change requests. 2. To specify future collector streets in order to aid subdivision layout, notify future residents of street class, to preserve rights of way and assist in program- ming street construction funC.s. Descriotion of Me~had for Identifvina Existina Collector Streets The followi~g criteria fa= iCentifying existing collec- tor s-c.reets were applieC. to developed areas cf t:le City of Wilmington. Generally, streets meeting any two of the criteria were selected as collector streets. Stree~s to be classified as collectors were plotted an a map cf t~e City. Crite=ia :er Collector Desicnation 1. St=eet inte=sects with an thoroughfare and se=ves more than 150 units (res'idential) 2. 3y con=iguration per:or.ns a collector function 3. Serves as access to major commercial or institu- tional land use 4. Dees not serve a through tra::ic :unction P=ooosed Collectc= St=eets ~or Undevelc~ed A=0 as cf the Citv cf Wilrninctcn Collec~o= st=eets for undevelcped areas of the city we=e ident~fied by fi=st mapping u~developed areas of the city and ncting the zoning of the area. Then, for non-resi- dential a=eas, possible connections to the existing st=eet network we=e plotted so that non-residential access would be provided t~=cug~ nc~-resiiential Cist=icts as much as pcssi~le. ~~e~ cc!:ectcr s~reets were ?lotted for each su~~ivisi=~ ~:a=s ~e=e =~e~ ;:c==e~ c~ =ie ~aps == take i~~~ ac==~~= ~e·:e:=;~e~= a:=ea~~ a;~:o·;~~-?== :esi~e~=~a: and the number of collector streets needed to adequately serve the area was determined. The following vacant area already has collector streets designed: Gingerwood Area bounded by NC 132, Market Street, and Kerr Avenue. Areas for which collectors are proposed are: o the area bounded by Smith Creek, Creekwood, CSX Railroad, and Love Grove Vacant land in this area is zoned Light Manufactu=ing and Airport Industrial. The a=ea needing collector street access is east of Twenty-Third Street. Sarne collector access has been approved as part of subdivision plans and the proposed access extends this system. o the area bounded by Smith Creek, Kerr Avenue, Princess Place Drive, and Creekwood Landi~ this area is zoned Ai=?or~ Industrial, R-10, and R-5. The prima=y cancer~ in t~is area is to provide access to t~e airport indust=~al tracts without ro~ting the traffic th=ough residentially zoned parcels. o the area bounded by College Road, Kerr Avenue, and Market Street sout~ of Market The portions of tracts on the inside of this area do not have adequate access. Collectors are suggested to provide access to these areas. o the area bounded by Market Street, Kerr Avenue, Randall Parkway, and Covil Avenue In this area, the railroad and existing development create problems for providing access to vacant MF-M zoned property. ~he vacant land area is large enough to result in substantial development and resulting substantial traffic volumes en streets providing ac=ess. Collectors are pro- posed to handle this level of tra=:ic. o the area bounded by College Road, Shipyard Boulevard, Lincoln Forest, and Independence Bculevar~ Vacant R-15 zoned land behind Lincoln Forest needs adequate access to prevent fu=the~ neighborhood tra~=ic problems in Li~coln Forest. Collec~or st=eets are propaseC which wil~ a'lo~~ t~e use of Li~c~:~ ~c=est st=eets ~or o ~~e a=ea ~c~~de~ ~y S~~;~a=~ 3c~:e·:a=~. Se~e~=ee~~~ St=ee~, s:e~ ~ea~e s~~~~·::s:=~. ~~~ --~~~e-~0 ~-0 3cu:e•;a=~ - Vacant R-15 land behind Glen Meade subdivision also needs collector street access in order to prevent further neighborhood traffic problems in the Glen Meade su.::division. Collector street access is proposed for this area to connect to the major thoroughfares. a the area bounded by College Road, Carolina Beach Road, and Shipyard Boulevard This area, known as the Seventeenth Street Extension Land Use Plan Area, has major and minor thoroughfare access planned, but not collector st=eet access. Given t~e poten- tially 2..a=ge nt.!..IT'~e= of residential units which cou~d be built in this area, collector street access is orocosed for all of the residentially zoned tracts. If proj~ct~ exceed densities anticipated now, t~en additional collect~rs should be designed to handle the additional units. o the area bounded by Ri'ler Road, Barnard's Creek, C2rolina Beach Road, and Bryan Road T~is area which is adjacent to Ec~o Far.ns is zoned MF-M, a~d could support a la=ge number cf residential units. Adequate access is very important far these t=ac~s ta be pro-pe=2..7 develo9ed. Large leaps serv:i.:r..g both. sides of Titanium Road will provide access for single family density similar to tha,: in :'.cha Far.ns. Revisis:r..s to t~e collector st=eec list should be p==pased t~ the T=anspcrtaticn Super~ntendent or to the T=anspor~atian Planner for =ev.::.ew. The revision will be presented to C!t7 Council alor.g with a s,:af= recommenda<:ion suppcr,:~ng or opposing the prcpcsed classi~icaticn revision. For proposed stree<:s, those iden~ified by s~aff dur~ng subdivision re•1iew as appearing on t:1.e map of proposed collec~or st=eets or as prcviC:.inc; a collect.:Jr fu.nct.ian will be aC.:!.ed t.o t:!e list of ccllec~:Jr st.=eets afte!:" s1.J:::di•1isian approval. St=eet:s appeari~g c~ t.~e ma~ o: pr~pcsed callec~or st=eets must. ~e designed ta pe=-:or:n the fu:-.ct.icn shown on the map, Cut cnly t:le general locat.ian of t~e st=eet is indicated on the map. Subdivi- sion designs ~hich i~cor~arate the st=eet function will be acceptable st.:..:lst.it'-..ltes fer the st=eet as mapped. New proposed collect.:Jr st=eet.s may be desig~ed by staf~ when necessar:, c:-as re,:;'..iesteC. by C!ty cou:1cil to prcvide aC.equate collect.== ac=ess !s= u~~evelc;e~ ~~act.s c~ la~~-T~is ~ay ~e app=~P=~a:e ~he~ :~e sca:e c~ prc~cse~ de•,elc;rnen~ c~a~;es ~=om a--:::::::-::•;3.:._ .==..:..-:-:--.:; ·, • .;:..:..:--. .:!. .3:..:..:: ::-2c.::;-;-w~e;.c,2.::...:::-:, =.::.-2::-·.,;-:_:,__::--: :.:--.e·-=-· ... r ... __ ~e ~~~~-~ :.~ :.~e ~a~ :: ~~:~cse~ ==--~-=:.=::-5~::-2~:.3. Street Standards Street standards presented here are existing City standards provided for information only, and are not pro- posed for approval. Standards for street design promote the public health, safety, and welfare of city residents by providing facilities scaled to the anticipated use of those facilities. The standards apply to street width, right of way width, provision for on street parking, and access. The standards presented provide the le,;el of function required. The standards are presented along with the conditions under which they will be required. The list of categories falls naturally intc two groups; resic.ential, and non-residential. Residential Collector Residential collectors are designed to carry traffic from local or neigh=orhood streets to thorough- fares. They are appropriate when traffic levels using local st=eets woulC. e:,:ceed volumes desi=able on neigh- bcr:locd st=eets. T:rpica.2.l".[, developments wit.'.1 mare than 150 units shou~d be planned with collector st=eets. Callec~~r st~eets prov~de tor t=affic f~aw, anc. bct::i par!<ing anc. c.riveway access are incompatible wit~ a tra=fic hand.~ing :u~c~icn. Hence, parking should be limitec! er pr:Jh.!.:=ited, and d=iveway access should be limited by su::::c..:.visian design. Specifically, direct residential access shculc. be provided by local st=eets, and residen~:..a: lets shculd not ==ant an callec~or streets. Collect:::r A Right of Way Pavement Widt.:1 Parki~g Dr:..veway .~c:::ess Collecto:: 3 Right of ';lay Paveme!1t. Widt.::: Parking Dr.:..veway .3..c::ess 60 :eet:. 36 :eet:. pe:-:nit~ed :;:e~i-:-:ed SO :eet 3 0 :eet :;:=::hi!Ji '°:ed nc ~=iveway access for single f3.i~.:..1y development. Na direc~ ac=ess ~o pa~k.:..ng st.a~ls tor 7.-__:_:.:. :a..'11il...y de•,elopme~t.. \ Local Ideally, all access to residential development should be provided from local streets. These streets should be designed to carry low levels of traffic, and to avoid through traffic connections. In new subdivi- sions, local streets should intersect with collectors at three way intersections. This design can reduce accidents at intersections by more than ninety percent. Right of Way Pavement Width 40-SO feet 18-26 feet Non Residential Major Thoroughfare Right of Way Pavement Width 120 feet 66 feet (five lanes) Minor Thoroughfare Right of Way Pavement Width 60 ::eet 42 feet (three lanes) Collector Collector street access to ccmmercial property should be provided in subdivisions of non-residentially zoned property where one or more lots are created behind lots fronting on thoroughfares. Collector street standards will apply when trips generated along the total frontage of the street will exceed 3,000 trips per day as deter.nined from Trio Generation An Infor.naticnal Re~ort by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Local Right of Way Pavement Width Pa=ki~<; 60 feet 33 feet (two lanes) prohibited Collector scale access should be provided to commercial developments which have frontage on major thoroughfare streets. Signalization should only be provided where reasonable signal progression on the major thorough:are can be preserved. ::::::~"ne:--:ia:. S.e~,elc-;::rr:en~s shculd no:: ac:::ess lccal s::=e-2-:s u:-:.:..ess -::'.ey are ;,a:--: cf a la:-~e ccmrr.e:-::ia:. c:- c=:::.....-:~ -:e•:<:=2.2;:r.:e:--~::-3ec.1 1...:.se =::rr.rr.e:-::::..a.::. C.e•1e~c;:me!":.:. ;e'."'.e:-.:.::.~s :---.~:;:---. ·,-c:.·~~es ,::: ::.=2.:::.:::, :.-: s;'.c:..:.:.,::: :".C:: :-:.a~1e ~c::2s~ ~= ~::c2: :-es:~e~::.~3~ 5':=~e=3-~te=e ~::ca: streets can be designed so that they do not provide for through traffic, and anticipated trips to be generated by all anticipated development will not exceed 3,000 vehicle trips per day, and significant tractor trailer movements are not anticipated, a local commercial street may provide access. This street could be used within commercial developments where major access is provided via collector streets, or to small commercial areas where no through access is possible. Right of Way Pavement Width Parking SO feet 24 feet (two lanes) prohibited \ I ( I I _r !_ ,' .!.:/ ;.;, ' ~..., I 'I I '-... f. i. (: /: .-- · .. A.. ... --- ; ----- µ 'J I I , I ' \ . ·- i...:. ·:r--.: , .. .,,. i ---: , . I. '. C , \ .. I f Review of the Gingerwood Collector Street Plan City of Wilmington North Carolina Prepared by the City of Wilmington Planning Office Transportation Planning Unit June 6, 1997 Purpose of Study The area of the City of Wilmington studied in this document was planned for in the Gingerwood Collector Street Plan adopted in 1987. This portion of the Collector Street Plan was reviewed by City Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering staff due to the area's rapid growth and City Council's and the publics concerns that the current plan is ten years old, and interest in the proper location ofNew Centre Drive north of Market Street. Important points to keep in mind in reviewing any collector street plan are that collector street plans examine relatively small areas for both internal access and access to thoroughfares. Also, a collector street plan is a schematic plan. That is, it does not identify corridors in a 1000' swath the way a thoroughfare plan might. It identifies specific points or issues of access that need to be addressed as the study area develops. An inadequate collector street plan will result in congestion on thoroughfares in the area. This congestion is due either to a lack of inter-connectivity between collector streets-forcing traffic to use thoroughfares to travel to points that should be accessed by collector streets or because it does not adequately direct traffic from the area to a limited number of access points on thoroughfares. Too many access points to a thoroughfare create "friction'' points 0n the thoroughfare where vehicles entering or exiting the thoroughfare interact with throu~h traffic, at a minimum slowing traffic, if not creating safety concerns. In either instance the thoroughfare's ability to handle traffic is diminished. Study Area Issues and Alternatives Several key issues were addressed by Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering staff in reviewing the Gingerwood portion of the Collector Street Plan. These issues were: -Is the access proposed for the Target Store adequate? -Are the current access points to Kerr Avenue appropriate? -Is the current plan for New Centre Drive adequate? The alternatives examined were: -Extending New Centre Drive to Smith Creek Parkway. -Connecting New Centre Drive to Ringo Drive in conjunction with Target's proposed extension of Ringo Drive. -Keeping the current plan for connecting New Centre Drive to Hunter's Trail. Analysis of Alternatives and Issues The primary question addressed in this area by staffis the adequacy of the provisions for traffic made by the proposed Target Shopping Center. Target, has proposed in conjunction with an adjoining property owner to the west, extending New Centre Drive as a four lane divided facility north of Market Street to the northern edge of their property line, in addition to working with the City of Wilmington and the North Carolina Department of Transportation to extend Ringo Drive as a two-lane facility across the rear of their property to connect with New Centre Drive. The developers of the Target project have also agreed to pay for necessary operational improvements on Market Street. The developers of the Target project prepared a traffic impact study to examine the developments access issues. Staff has reviewed the traffic impact study. It is staff's opinion that the traffic impact study adequately addresses the developments traffic generation and that the planned improvements will adequately provide access to the proposed development while adequately mitigating the negative impacts. In reviewing the alternatives presented above, staff solicited input from the Statewide Planning Branch of the North Carolina Department of Transportation concerning the impacts of extending New Centre Drive to the new Smith Creek Parkway facility. It was NCDOT staff's opinion that, given current zoning and the Target\ Store development, the traffic using New Centre Drive to access Smith Creek Parkway would not justify degrading Smith Creek Parkway's operation as a limited access facility. Statewide Planning expressed confidence that the current Thoroughfare Plan will adequately address the need for access to Smith Creek Parkway. The Statewide Planning Branch also expressed concern about establishing a precedent for breaking Smith Creek Parkway's limited access status. NCDOT staff felt that future requests for access would have to be approved or the State could appear to be arbitrary and capricious. City Staff concurs with the Statewide Planning Branch's assessment of the impact to Smith Creek Parkway. In addition to the Statewide Planning Branch's concerns, City Staff is concerned that connecting New Centre Drive to Smith Creek Parkway would lead to rezoning requests for additional commercial development along the New Centre Drive corridor. Commercial development generates greater traffic than the area's existing multi-family zoning. Additional traffic over and above that already projected in the Thoroughfare Plan, would further degrade the operations of Market Street, Smith Creek Parkway, and College Road. Staff also anticipates that if New Centre Drive is connected to Smith Creek Parkway, there will be a need to connect Hunter's Trail to new Centre Drive further exacerbating the situation. For the reasons given above, Staff recommends against revising the Collector Street Plan to connect New Centre Drive to Smith Creek Parkway. Staff reviewed the possibility of ending New Centre Drive at the extension of Ringo Drive. This alternative would include the extension of Ringo Drive as proposed by the Target Development continuing to Kerr Ave. as discussed above. The major difference between this alternative and Staff's recommendation is that this alternative would preclude connecting New Centre Drive to Hunter's Trail as currently shown on the adopted Collector Street Plan. This alternative would allow the area north of Ringo Drive extension and the current Hunter's Trail cul-de-sac to evolve it's own internal street network as the property is developed. This solution is unsatisfactory. The current City requirement that a driveway length extend no further than 800' from a through street would perforce limit the amount of this property that could be developed. The adopted Collector Street Plan was prepared in cooperation with the property owners in the area to allow for the orderly development of the property, efficient access, and the provision of emergency services. In addition to these concerns, it is highly unlikely that any organic evolution of the local streets in this area would allow for efficient access between the developed portions of the study area. For example, ifNew Centre Drive is not extended to Hunter's Trail, it is easy to imagine that a trip to the Post Office would require a future resident of the currently undeveloped area to travel on New Centre Drive to Market Street to Lennon Drive to reach the Post Office. This type of trip is an example of an inadequate collector street system failing to relieve the burden on major thoroughfares. It should also be noted that it would be much more feasible for the hypothetical resident discussed above to make the trip to the Post Office on foot or by bicycle on a collector street than on a major thoroughfare like Market Street. i Given the conditions noted above, it is staffs recommendation that the collector street connection between New Centre Drive and Hunter's Trail be maintained as planned. The purpose of this connection is to provide for the orderly development of the area allowing future residents the security of knowing where the collector street is located and providing for adequate transportation access from an efficient collector street system. It is important to note that this recommendation is schematic and the actual physical location of the facility will be fully determined as the property develops. It is staff's understanding that the major objection to maintaining the current location of this facility is the possibility of traffic from College Road attempting to access Market Street via Hunter's Trail and New Centre Drive. It is important to note that the existing configuration of Lennon Drive and the recommended configuration of Ringo Drive allow for the movement of traffic to both Market Street and to the new Target Development in a much more direct and efficient route than any connection between New Centre Drive and Hunter's Trail. Recommended Amendments to the Collector Street Plan In conjunction with the improvements proposed by Target, staff is making the following recommendations for modifying the collector street plan in order to insure that the area's collector street system will remain adequate in the future. These changes are also shown on the attached map. -Extend Ringo Drive from the proposed intersection with New Centre Drive to Kerr Avenue. This would modify the alignment of the collector street currently planned to access Kerr Avenue north of Fairlawn Drive by connecting with Cobblestone Lane north of the existing development. It is staffs recommendation that the extension of Ringo Drive from the intersection with New Centre Drive to Kerr Avenue be a four lane facility. -Remove the proposed collector street between Cobblestone Lane and the extension of New Centre Drive -Remove the collector street that is currently proposed for the property being developed by Target. Consideration by City Council The Wilmington City Council considered the proposed revisions to the Gingerwood Collector at their September 16, 1997 meeting. City Council directed staff to review the impacts of the proposed plan on the Colony Woods development, the possibility of connecting New Centre Drive to Smith Creek Parkway and the advisability connecting of Hunters Trail to New Centre Drive. City Council continued the Collectoi Street Plan until the November 18, 1997 meeting. · At the November 18, 1997 City Council meeting Staff presented a supplemental report addressing the issues identified at the September meeting. In this report staff strongly recommended against connecting New Centre Drive to Smith Creek Parkway, and reaffirmed the previous recommendations for connecting Cobblestone Drive to the extension of Ringo Drive. Staff did recommend the eventual upgrading of Cobblestone Drive to an A Collector Street to allow the residents of Colony Woods to continue parking on Cobblestone Drive. Staff also recommended maintaining the connection between Hunters Trail and New Centre Drive. City Council adopted the revisions to the Gingerwood Collector Street Plan as recommended by staff with the exception of the connection of New Centre Drive to Hunters Trail. The connection of New Centre Drive to Hunters Trail was removed from the plan by Council. Please see the supplemental report for the details of these recommendations. ~-----r ~ .. ,--:,.~~-.. a • e ~ tJ\C" • • • • • • cB ~§ ~oo E 7 "'l'll'l !l~ d ~ 111.ocUoC1 ·,\ \\ t!ifo.f"~~ g != .m ;G) I~ t l ,-\--7 Glngerwood Colect(I ,L_,,,._,,,.-\ I Street Plan Revised Plan City of WUm(ngtl)n GIS Adopted November 18, 199, Existing Streets PlaMed Streets Flood Plain Resolution (I . 3 Introduced by: Mary M. Gornto, City Manager 1!, -q7~ :5 /0 City Council City of Wilmington North, <;arolina Amendfddlpf I August I 9, I 997 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GINGERWOOD SUBDMSION COLLECTOR STREET PLAN LEGISLATIVE INTENTIPURPOSE: City Council adopted a Collector Street Plan for the Gingerwood Subdivision to plan the collector streets in the area in 1987. City Council has recently approved a development that along with the rapid growth in the area materially affects the Gingerwood Subdivision Collector Street Plan. City Staff has reviewed the Collector Street needs in the area and recommended changes to insure that the area's collector street needs in the future are adequately addressed. RESOLVED The City Council approves the report Review of the Gingerwood Collector Street Plan dated June 6, 1997, except for the proposed collector street connecting Hunters Trail to Ringo Drive Extension at the intersection with the extension of New Centre Drive as an amendment to the adopted Gingerwood Collector Street Plan. Adopted at a regular meeting on November 18, 1997 ATTEST Septembe r 16, 1997 Page 5 vote was 5-2, with Councilmembers Padgett and Peterson voting in opposition. A second reading of the Ordinance was scheduled for Council's September 30, 1997, meeting. Ordinance continued from Council's September 2, 1997 meeting was considered amending the City Code tq authorize the use of wheel locks on illegally parked vehicles. Mayor Betz moved approval of the Ordinance, seconded by Mayor Pro-Te rn Moore, and the motion carried 6-1. Councilmember Peterson voted "no." He stated he was not really opposed to it but thought the wheel lock Ordinance should be included in the comprehensive parking plan for downtown. Mayor Betz commented that Council had lobbied for that l egislation and therefore should follow through on it. ************************* Ordinance considered to extend the corporate limits of the City of Wilmington under the authority granted by Chapter 160A, Article 4A, Part 3 of General Statutes of North Carolina. Councilmember Conlon moved approval of the Ordinance, seconded by Councilmember Padgett, and the motion carried 5-2 to adopt. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore and May or Be tz voted "no." ************************* Unanimously adopted Ordinance making supplemental appropriations to the Special Revenue Fund of $20,334.00 in federal forfeitures and $396.00 in N.C. Controlled Substance taxes on motion of Mayor Betz, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore. A second reading of the Ordinance was waived on motion of Mayor Betz, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore. RESOLUTION (Continued from August 19, 1997) Resolution considered approving an amendment to the Gingerwood Subdivision Collector Street Plan. Mr. Bill Austin, Transportation Planner, gave the staff presentation. He stated that staff studied the Gingerwood Collector Street Plan, which is in the vicinity of Market Str eet , Kerr Avenue, and Smith Creek Parkway. In light of d evel opment in the area staff determined that it was n ecessary to revise the current collector street plan. He mentioned some issues: is the access to the proposed Target Store adequate, are t he current access points .to Kerr Avenue appropriate, and is the current p)..__an.for New Center Drive adegua te. Al terna ti ves examined-·were: extending New Cent er Drive to Smith Cr eek Parkway, connecting New Center Drive to Ringo Drive in conjun ction with Target 's proposed extension of Ringo Drive , and keeping the current plan for connecting New Cen ter Drive to Hunter's Trail. After review of the existing plan, staff determined to follow previous staff's recommendation not to connect New Center Drive t o Smith Creek Parkway. New Center Dri ve is currently planned to connect with Hunter's Trail. St aff h as reviewed this with the NCDOT and found t hat connecting New Center Drive to Smi th Creek Parkway would degrade the operation of Smith Creek Parkway once it opens. Staff found it necessary to revise the Collector Street Plan given Council 's approval of the Target development, to remove those collector streets from the plan. In reviewing the plan, which is a conceptual plan and not locked into absolute corridors t h e way a thoroughfare p l an may be, staff found that the Target Store, given its location, would require extending Ringo Drive around to the north of the Target d evelopment and connecting to the extension of New Center Drive , which remains as proposed from the previous collector street plan. This is in congru ence with the previous precepts of the adopted collector street plan, and staff was not greatly concerned about it. It should be noted that Ta r get has consented to construc t the extension of New Center Drive and to work with September 16, 1997 Page 6 the DOT and the City to construct the extension of Ringo Drive. The DOT agreed in a letter to provide the right-of-way for the extension of a City street, i.e. a collector street along their property. A question/answer and discussion session followed. Mr. Austin stated that the original collector street plan as adopted showed an extension of Pebble Lane through the heart of the Colony Woods subdivision to New Center Drive. Staff recommends that the connection between Pebble Lane and New Center Drive be removed from the collector street plan. The Subdivision Review Board has approved a proposed development at the end of Pebble Lane which has a retention pond shown at the end of Pebble Lane. staff proposed to keep the connection of Cobblestone Drive to Kerr Avenue and the extension of Pebble Lane to Kerr Avenue but not to New Center Drive, as shown on the original collector street plan. Mayor Betz asked why staff does not propose to connect New Center Drive to Smith Creek Parkway. Mr. Austin answered because of the NCDOT's recommendation against it and the effect it would have on Smith Creek Parkway. That would become a signalized intersection. The traffic• generation shown from the DOT's model shows that it would handle approximately 12,000 vehicles per day. Kerr Avenue, which is to be widened, would be adequate to handle that traffic. There would be a signalized intersection at Kerr Avenue and at College Road, and staff would try to prevent a signalized intersection on Smith Creek Parkway between those two points. Councilmember Rivenbark suggested an alternate arrangement, to extend New Center Drive to Smith creek Parkway, and just before it met Smith Creek Parkway, the northbound traffic on Smith Creek Parkway would veer off to the right and merge in with Smith Creek Parkway, no intersection or signal light. Traffic that wanted to go toward town on Smith Creek Parkway would go over it, a one lane overpass, and have a cloverleaf either to the right or to the left. It could be a left turn, because there will be no oncoming traffic; no traffic light would be needed. It would go over Smith creek Parkway and then merge with smith Creek Parkway headed toward town. There would be no intersection or traffic light. He stated that staff's proposed plan would impact Hunter's Trail and further clog the intersection in front of Corning. __ Ile-stated that staff's plan did not make sense and commented that the reason for Smith Creek Parkway was to get New Center Drive to Smith Creek Parkway and move it in both directions, and staff proposed to stop it. Mr. Austin responded that the primary concern of staff, apart from the DOT's concern, is that enhanced access to Smith Creek Parkway would encourage requests for rezoning this property to commercial, which generates more traffic than the current multi-family residential zoning of that property. Councilmember Rivenbark stated, "They need to let us worry about that. They need to help us get some decent roads without stoplights." Mr. Austin stated that plan is a possibility if the City is willing to construct it, but he believed the DOT would not consider constructing that type of facility. They would view that as a local use and not a thoroughfare. Discussion of this proposed plan and alternatives followed. Councilmember Hicks stated that the City almost owed the Hunter's Trail people some extra relief because the City made a mistake with the apartment complex behind them. council erred in the height of the buildings, the setback, and the visual acuity. This mistake has impacted on the property values there more than Council anticipated. He September 16, 1997 Page 7 suggested that Council not provide a major thoroughfare through that single family neighborhood. Mr. Austin stated that the reason the connection through Hunter's Trail is there is to all.ow the proper development of the property north of the Target development. As the current ordinance is written you must be within 100 feet of a public r~ad to develop a property with a private road. The purpose is to provide adequate access to those property owners. councilmember Hicks asked who would pay for the extension of New Center Drive. Mr. Austin stated the developer would. councilmember Rivenbark asked staff to report back with a price of the proposed plan. Mr. Austin stated that this is a collector street plan for the City, not a plan adopted by the NCDOT or the TAC. Councilmember Conlon maqe a motion that Council approve the Ringo to Kerr, New Center from Market to Ringo, and direct staff to further explore the refinement of the collector street plan for the remainder of Gingerwood. That gives staff a chance to study Councilmember Rivenbarl's ideas and others. Discussion followed on the exact portions of the plan Councilmember Conlon proposed to approve and to have studied further. Councilmember Hicks seconded the motion. A lengthy discussion of the specific plan followed. Councilmember Peterson suggested letting staff design the best grid system possible. He asked what the zoning of the area is. Mr. Austin responded it was primarily multi-family. Councilmember Peterson asked Mr. Wicker to show where Smith Creek is in relation to Smith Creek Parkway. Mr. Wicker stated that the creek is mostly parallel to the Parkway. Councilmember Peterson asked, considering all the proposed pavement, has staff done any environmental impact or water quality studies of this development. Mr. Wicker stated that staff is working on that. Councilmember Conlon repeated his motion, to approve New Center Drive from Market to Ringo, approve Ringo across New Center to Kerr, to accept the part that is under construction, and to delete from the current plan and accept the proposed plan, and to direct staff within one month to explore the connector streets system as councilmember Peterson suggested, and to consider what to do with the extension of New Center, whether to take it up to Smith Creek, into Hunter's Trail, or somewhere else. Councilmember Hicks repeated his second. Discussion followed, clarifying the motion. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore stated she hoped Council was giving some clear direction by asking for further study, particularly on the section where New Center Drive will be connecting with Hunter's Trail. She stated her unwillingness to accept New Center Drive connec · wit or e z an ounci member Rivenbark agreed. Mayor Betz expressed his wish for a plan from staff that shows the cost of connecting New Center Drive with Smith Creek Parkway. Councilmember Rivenbark stated that the overpass where Highway 132 crosses Market Street cost an additional $758,000 to construct in 1958, and would be much more today. He stated that the cost in loss of life and insurance claims far outweighed the cost of construction of that intersection. He stated he hears many complaints about intersections and that Council must stop accepting intersections. September 16, 1997 Page 8 Mayor Pro-Tern Moore offered a substitute motion to continue this Item to give staff an opportunity to incorporate Councilmember Conlon's suggestions that all of Council agrees with and to look for a different way to manage that connection. Mayor Betz seconded the motion and suggested that staff get back to Council November 18 .. Councilmember Conlon stated he would accept the substitute motion. Councilmember Hicks stated that if Councilmember Conlon would modify his motion to include the prohibition of "that road," Council could handle the Item at this meeting, and it would not come back. councilmember Conlon agreed to modify his motion, stating that he would not approve the extension of New center to Hunter's Trail. Mayor Betz stated the collector plan would still come back to Council and pointed out that the loop from Pebble Drive to Ringo was left with a conditional approval. Councilmember Conlon agreed to remove that loop from the plan. councilmember Padgett stated her concern about taking out the connection between Cobblestone and Ringo, stating that the connectivity of the streets was needed, and that staff presented good reasons for it to be there. She also had a concern about not connecting New Center to Smith Creek Parkway and wanted to see something come back to council on that. • Mayor Pro-Tern Moore withdrew her substitute motion. Councilmember Peterson asked Mr. Austin if it would be best to wait, because all the issues discussed are interrelated. Mr. Austin agreed that they are interrelated. Staff also felt that if New center Drive is connected to Smith Creek Parkway, Hunter's Trail will be extended to connect to New Center Drive. Councilmember Rivenbark stated the City could not dump traffic generated by a commercial use onto a residential neighborhood. Councilmember Padgett asked Mr. Austin if he was saying that the residents would want Hunter's Trail connected to New Center Drive. He stated yes and that he understood that Council is strongly interested in connecting New Center Drive to Smith creek Parkway. He understood Council's specific requests but stated his preference to continue the plan, taking into account Council's concerns in drafting a collector street plan. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore offered another substitute motion to continue the Item, seconded by __ Councilmember Peterson. Mr. Austin stated he understood what Council wanted on this Item. Councilmember Padgett asked Mr. Austin to put the zoning on the map when he comes back to Council with another plan. Councilmember Peterson expressed concern about a creek that runs from Smith Creek Parkway south that has no name, and these two collector streets cross that creek. He requested some information on the impact on that creek from these roads. He asked if sidewalks would be included as part of the Collector Street Plan. Mr. Austin stated that generally the City requires them as policy as the property develops. Councilmember Peterson asked for further information about the dump site with regard to the Sm.ith Creek watershed; what is dumped on the site, if there is drainage through the site, how Ringo Drive might affect the drainage in that area with respect to Smith creek. Mayor Betz advised Mr. Whisnant that Councilmember Peterson was requesting some engineering unrelated to Mr. Austin's area and asked for feedback, stating the City might have to hire a consultant. September 16, 1997 Page 9 Following further consideration the motion carried to continue the Item until Council's November 18, 1997 meeting. ************************* Resolution considered continued from Council's September 2, 1997 meeting authorizing the resale of tax foreclosed property located at 1012 s. Fifth Street to William L. Robinson. Mayor Betz stated this Item was continued from a previous Council meeting at Mayor Pro-Tern Moore's request. Following a brief discussion, Mayor Pro-Tern Moore moved approval of the Resolution, seconded by Mayor Betz, and unanimously adopted. ************************* Resolution considered establishing the interest rates to be borne by the City's $11,500,000 General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 1997A and the City's $10,455,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1997B. Mr. Pollard stated that he distributed to Council prior to the meeting the schedule for the maturity dates for these bonds as well as the interest rates. He stated that Mr. McAbee hit the market at a very good time. The average coupon rate on the general obligation bonds was 4.79%, which is a good interest rate. In addition, on the general obligation refunding bonds the net present value savings based on the prior issue was 4.39%. There was a minimum of 3% net present value savings staff was looking for so to get 4.39% net present value savings was very good (a savings of $504,000 over the next twelve years). Mayor Pro-Tern Moore moved approval of the Resolution as amended, seconded by Mayor Betz, and unanimously adopted. ************************* Regarding Item 24, (Resolution authorizing the negotiation of an installment purchase contract, directing the publication of notice with respect thereto and providing for certain other related matters thereto) Mr. Pollard· stated that this Item would authorize the installment financing for the purchase of the BB&T Building, the Fire Department Headquarters Building and s9maadjustments to 138 North Fourth Street to accommodate Management Information Services at that location. The Resolution would authorize the negotiation of the contract and establish a public hearing (scheduled for 9/30/97) on this Item, at which time council would approve the installment financing documents. The amounts in the Resolution were not filled in; Council may wish to discuss Item 25, which concerns the Fire Headquarters before setting the exact amount. The anticipated amount would be $10 million, but that amount might be adjusted, depending on council's action regarding Item 25. He requested that Council come back to Item 24. Resolution considered approving amendment of contract for design services for the Fire Headquarters project with Synthesis, Inc. Mr. Whisnant stated that staff had an increase in the estimate in cost from $4.4 million to $5.75 million for the facility. At that time, he and Fire Chief Hill attempted to develop strategies and alternates to moving ahead with the project. One option, as described in material distributed to Council, is to continue with the station as specified. Occupancy date of October, 1998 would be forecast. In that case, there would be no additional fees or charges for design services from the architects. November 18, 1997 Page 10 ****************************** ORDINANCE CONSIDERED ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE IN THE VICINITY OF CODINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED ON THE COLLECTOR STREET PLAN. Mayor Betz moved approval of the Ordinance, seconded by Councilmember Hicks. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore asked if this intersection met requirements for a crossing guard, and if staff could ask the County for a crossing guard, especially for the mornings. Mrs. Gornto stated staff could ask and suggested that the request might be more appropriately presented by the school board. A brief discussion followed. Following further consideration, the Ordinance was unanimously adopted. A second reading of the Ordinance was waived on motion of Mayor Betz, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore, and unanimously adopted. ****************************** .. ------- RESOLUTION CONSIDERED APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GINGER.WOOD SUBDIVISION COLLECTOR STREET PLAN. Mr. Bill Austin, Transportation Planner, stated that at Council's direction staff reexamined the recommendations on the Gingerwood Collector Street Plan. There were three main issues staff addressed: the impact of connecting New Center Drive to Smith Creek Parkway, connecting New Center Drive to Hunter's Trail, and the impact of the collector street plan as proposed on the Colony Woods development, particularly on Cobblestone Drive. Mr. Austin stated that regarding the first issue, staff thoroughly analyzed the issue of connecting New Center Drive to Smith Creek Parkway. They performed detailed analyses of the anticipated traffic on Smith Creek Parkway and determined that a full-blown interchange would serve approximately 9,500 vehicles and would cost approximately $13 million. They also l ooked at two alternatives that they consider more cost-effective for providing access between the two facilities. The first was providing for a right in-right out access for New Center Drive to Smith Creek Parkway. The estimated cost would be $700,000. Staff found that this would be a disfunctional facility because traffic from College Road at the signalized intersection would back up the complete distance between the proposed New Center Drive interchange and College Road at peak hours. Staff felt this would not be an acceptable alternative. The other alternative was providing for right in access to New Center Drive from eastbound Smith Creek Parkway, and providing access to westbound Smith Creek Parkway from New Center Drive, which would require a flyover. Staff found that this would serve approximately 7,000 vehicles, and the estimated cost would exceed $4.5 million. Staff found that the traffic from the Kerr Avenue Intersection from Smith Creek Parkway would back into the proposed entrance for New Center Drive onto Smith Creek Parkway. Also, there would be back up from College Road into Smith Creek Parkway. Staff's recommendation, along with DOT's, was not to connect Smith Creek Parkway to New Center Drive. They felt there would be a poor cost-benefit ratio for this access, and it would also degrade the service of Smith Creek Parkway. November 18, 1997 Page 11 The second alternative staff considered was connecting New Center Drive to Hunter's Trail, as in the Collector Street Plan. Their estimate of the additional trips added to the area was approximately 2,800 vehicles per day. This is relatively high for a residential neighborhood but not unusual. Staff notified the Hunter's Trail neighborhood that staff would be considering this issue. They received comment that residents prefer to have Hunter's Trail connect to New Center Drive. Regarding Cobblestone Drive and the Colony Woods development, residents are not concerned about the connection of Colony Woods to Ringo Drive but are concerned about possibly losing on-street parking on Cobblestone Drive. Residents were concerned about the extension of Pebble Lane to Kerr Avenue which would bring a significant increase in traffic on Pebble Lane. Staff believe this connection would provide enhanced access and maintain thoroughfares in a better condition. A question/answer and discussion period followed regarding Smith Creek Parkway. Councilmember -Rivehnark expressed concern with building more intersections with traffic lights as opposed to those with interchanges. Mr. Austin stated that the DOT's position is that interchanges along Smith Creek Parkway would be too costly. Ms. Jean Weiss, 5118 Hunter's Trail, presented petitions requesting that Council not connect Hunter's Trail to New Center Drive or to Smith Creek Parkway. She expressed concern for children, walkers, joggers, people walking dogs, and the cohesiveness of the neighborhood. councilmember Peterson asked Mr. Gary Shell about the DOT borrow site which he had mentioned using, through an exchange with DOT, for recreational purposes. Mr. Shell stated he had discussed that possibility with Mr. Bill Penny, City Engineer, and other staff members. He stated that the area in question has wetlands that would need to be mitigated. He further stated that the City did not have any property it could exchange, so they did not pursue that possibility. Councilmember Peterson expressed a desire to pursue this exchange. Mayor Betz suggested involving the area residents in the process. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore stated she did not understand the rationale for bringing a thoroughfare through a residential neighborhood and making a cul-de-sac of another major thoroughfare. She stated her opposition to extending New Center Drive into Hunter's Trail. In response to a question from Councilmember Peterson, Mr. Wicker stated that staff would address environmental issues in its comprehensive plan for development, but that had not been done yet. councilmember Hicks moved approval of the Resolution except for that portion that connects Hunter's Trail to Ringo Drive extension. Mr. Austin commented that the result would be to landlock that property. The traffic would swamp either New center Drive alone or Hunter's Trail alone, if they were used as the primary access; that is the reason for the connection between the two. Discussion followed. Councilmember Peterson made a substitute motion to continue the Item for 30 days to get input on Council's concerns regarding the problems with Hunter's Trail and New November 18, 1997 Page 12 Center Drive and to address environmental issues. He felt that the plan as presented would cause problems later. councilmember Hicks stated that Councilmember Peterson's request was not in staff's job descriptions. A brief discussion followed. The substitute motion failed 3-4, with Mayor Betz and councilmembers Conlon, Hicks, and Padgett voting in opposition. The original motion was back on the floor for consideration. Councilmember Peterson asked if there were any consideration in the plan for traffic lights at the intersections of Market and Cobblestone and Market and Lennon Drive. Mr. Austin responded that there had been no discussion with DOT for traffic lights at either of those intersections. He further stated that one of the purposes of the collector street plan is to distribute the traffic over an even area so it can easily access the major thoroughfares, to forestall the need for traffic signals. He anticipated that this collector street plan, if fully enacted as shown, would not call for additional stoplights. He anticipated a possible need for a traffic light at the intersection of-New Center-·DrTve and Riqgo Drive extension. Following further consideration, the motion carried 4-3. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore and Councilmembers Rivenbark and Peterson voted "no." ****************************** RESOLUTION CONSIDERED CONTINUED FROM COUNCIL'S NOVEMBER 5, 1997 MEETING OPPOSING SB 538, FIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT. Mayor Betz moved approval of the Resolution, seconded by Councilmember Conlon. councilmember Rivenbark asked if, in the event SB 538 passed, would the City be able to reexamine its 457 plan. Mr. Pollard stated that it could. Following further consideration, the Resolution was adopted 4-3. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore and Councilmembers Rivenbark and Peterson voted in opposition. ****************************** RESOLUTION CONSIDERED ESTABLISHING GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR POSSIBLE CITY FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION ON A PROPOSED MARKET STREET PARKING GARAGE. Mrs. Gornto stated that this Resolution provided for the City to continue in discussions with the developers of property bounded by Front Street, Market Street, and Second Street for a jointly developed parking facility. The Resolution calls for certain guidelines that would be followed in the negotiations between the City and the developer that would move it away from the proposal that had been brought to council by DARE on behalf of the developer in some regards. She noted that the alternative that had been developed resolves closing of Toomer Alley and of having to build over the rear of the building currently housing the Rhinoceros Club. Mrs. Gornto suggested the general guidelines that call for a partnership and joint financing between the City and the developer that would be based primarily on the need for the developer's parking and for public parking. The City would ordinarily provide the public parking component of the plan as a supplement to the basic project. The ' ' T Archiltd11rt Plauni11g Co111n11111i!)' Desig11 l . .anduapt Arcbittdrirr l11tniors TRANS MITT AL To: City of Wilmington Attn: Mike Kozlowsky Transportation Department From: Tara A. Schwenzfeier, RLA, ASLA Principal I Planning Group Manager 0 Raleigh Office C8J Wilmington Office D Charlotte Office Date: Project Number: Project Name: 112/11/08 18025 State Street Planned Multi-Family Development For: D Approval D Distribution D Information D Record li!J Use Sent Via: D Overnight D 2"' Day 0 Mail 0 Courier 0 Pick-Up Copies: Date: Description: 1 12/11/08 Letter for your use in 10:00 am meeting on 12/12/08 Copy: Cline Design Associates, PA Designing real places. 125 North Harrington Street I Raleigh, NC 27603 I t: 919-833-6413 I f: 919-836-1280 272 North Front Street, Suite 500 I Wilmington, NC 28401 I t: 910-254-0222 I f: 910-254-0228 1930 Camden Road, Suite 2010 I Charlotte, NC 28203 I t: 704-333-7272 I f: 704-333-7278 www.clinedesignassoc.com D Review & Comment 1i!J By Hand 0 Fax December I I, 2008 Mr. Mike Kozlosky Senior Transportation Planner City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street, Floor 4 Wilmington, NC 28401 ST ATE STREET COM PA N'HEIS Re: Planned Multifamily Development Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Mike: Jcff'H) \\. Kcntnt•r Prcs1dcnl & ( 'I 0 In connection with our meeting at I 0:00 a.m. on Friday, December 12, 2008, this correspondence provides you with some background information for your review and consideration. State Street owns a 42-acre tract in Wilmington that is zoned MF-Mand allows for 17.4 units per acre, or approximately 730 dwelling units. The property, shown in Exhibit A, is bordered by Martin Luther King Parkway, Kerr Avenue and New Centre Drive. The parcel tax ID No. is R04900-001-003-000. We have plans to develop 673 multifamily units in three phases. A conceptual site plan is provided in Exhibit 8. Our overall planning efforts are being incorporated into a Neighborhood Plan that we expect to complete and discuss with the City of Wilmington in early 2009. Our Neighborhood Plan will address open space opportunities, create efficient vehicular and pedestrian connections, utilize traffic calming techniques, encourage the use of bikeways and sidewalks and will be consistent with the objectives and parameters contained in the Future Land Use Plan. The centerpiece of the Neighborhood Plan is a 'state-of-the-art' urban multifamily community designed to provide quality, affordable housing in this centrally located and strategic neighborhood. Structured parking will be utilized for efficiency. A more complete project description prepared by Cline Design Associates is provided in Exhibit D. As you know, the NCDOT has approved major road improvements for Kerr Avenue pursuant to Project U-3338. The Kerr A venue improvements will create four travel lanes, bicycle lanes, a landscaped median and sidewalks. Our planned improvements and Neighborhood Plan dovetail with the Kerr Avenue transportation improvements. With the public hearing for U-3338 scheduled for January 12, 2009, we thought it would be appropriate to discuss our plans with you and the City of Wilmington in advance of that public hearing and in advance of the release of our Neighborhood Plan concept. We believe that we have constructive input for certain transportation improvements that (i) positively influence the final drawings for U-3338, (ii) are consistent with the Future Land Use Plan and the overall City of Wi lmington/WMPO transportation objectives and (iii) result in significant tangible benefits for the community. Our forthcoming Neighborhood Plan will provide a comprehensive presentation of many unique and attractive planning oppo11unities that we are developing for the neighborhood. 21 1 E \'sT Brn 11 I \ \RD ♦ CIIAkl OT H. NOR 111 C \IWL IN,\ • 28203 ♦ 704-, 72-3703 ♦ 704-3 72-no4 ~ ,:-- Mr. Mike Koz losky December I I, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Our immediate need from the City of Wilmington is to approve the proposed Hunters Trail Extension to Ke rr Avenue as shown in Exhibit B. We believe that there are two options with respect to extend ing Hunter's Trail to Kerr Avenue as fo llows: Option A. We be lieve the best option is to extend Hunter's Trail directl y to Kerr Avenue and tie into the traffic signal that is shown in the plans for the Kerr Road Widening Project. 1 U-3338 contemplates the closing of Sagedale Drive and our proposed extension of Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue does not change NCDOT's planned closing ofSagedale Drive. We believe that Wilmington's long-term planning objectives may be best served by not building the planned Service Road that is part of U-3338B. In this case, the costs associated with the Service Road would be avoided and public funds could be utilized for a greater public need. We will elaborate on this option at our meeting. 1 We recognize that this traffic signal is part of U-3338C and is considered a future improvement. Option B. Alternatively, the Hunters Trail Extension could tie into the proposed Service Road. We believe our forthcoming Neighborhood Plan will be well-received by the City of Wilmington and the public. The concepts in our Neighborhood Plan contemplate the development of open space and public rec reational amenities in the immediate vicinity by relocating an existing storm water detention pond to an adjacent surplus property owned by NCDOT. Some of our Neighborhood Plan concepts are being brought to your attention now as those concepts may be worthy of your consideration in evaluating overall vehicul ar transportation plans, including the proposed extension of Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue. State Street has been a member of the Wilmington community for many years. Our two most recent projects -The Village at Mayfaire (for-sale condominiums) and The Reserve at Mayfaire (upscale rental community) have been highly successful and well-received. We are excited about the ideas we have for our new project and hope you share our enthusiasm. I look forwa rd to meeting with you. Very truly yours, State Street Companies, Inc. 9/fo:lfAJ,/~ Jeffery W. Kentner President & CEO cc: Ron Satterfield, Planning Director, City of Wilming ton Jamison Fair, Senior Planner, City o f W ilmington Exhibit A: Property Location Exhibit B: Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit C: Kerr Avenue Widening Exhibit D: Project Description Exhibit A State Street Parcel Location lffl State Street State Street Parcel Location P:trcd I D -llll-l'J00.001.110.,.01111 ~? 1P'•"'H"1.'<-"._.,,.,,~·11'1)! ~1.n•,.-1 ,.,:11,.,1..::,,,r:,~u•,Cf ,.,• .. 1,-,M..b .... t'"'r..,,..., .. ST. ~ [~I u N Wilmington, North Carolina P..:,,...:i P,'.:;• D.t·c-1: •~t,t_ Conceptual Development Plan ~~ r ~f~t,Ji1~Y)i ~,.---~~,w ,~:~ ~ -~. ;::.,;#.. • ~-~ =--~~ ~-_1 iS-· ·. ~~----~_'. _"' . oJp,,:.; .:·-::~~:-t-· ~-: d/4 awo q~ ,,r, ·, ,~-::, lcl"·:[~ ~~~ ·;,,~' .. -~-Rt -_.. .-__ . . ~ •:,R..:.,:, ~;..,--,· ..._.,._ .._.,...,_,.. . : .. :i1'(''(!:fj'J.y~:.~~ ~~~#-.......... . --Evt1>n5t ---~~~ ·4J ~~ . ~--,,.,. ' -~....:.... 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' ·' Exhibit D Project Description Project Narrative Date: Project Number: Project Name: 12.11.08 110025 State Street The proposed State Street apartments will be situated in a very desirable location just 3.8 miles east of the heart of downtown Wilmington, and 5.8 miles west from one of North Carolina's most beautiful beaches, Wrightsville Beach. This site is also in close proximity to the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington International Airport, Mayfaire and other shopping opportunities. Nearby Columb Drive is home to the established Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Wave Transit Central Station for six bus routes that connect users to Downtown, Long Leaf, Wrightsville Beach, Independence Mall, UNCW, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Cape Fear Hospital, Greenfield Lake Park and Garden, and Mayfaire as well as many other locations within the area. The proposed 4-story design consists of683 loft-style units with integrated clubhouse facilities and two pools. Views from the building are oriented toward the surrounding vegetation and landscaped exterior courtyards, emphasizing both safety and a sense of community. An internal parking garage with direct access to secured breezeways is surrounded by residential units, screening it from the perimeter streets. Carefully articulated massing and masonry detailing help to moderate the scale of the project. The product is anticipated to be constructed with wood framing over a concrete podium. The internal parking structures will be 4 stories of precast concrete and will be screened from offsite views by the residential units. Proposed access to the site is via the extension of Hunters Trail with through connection to Kerr Avenue at the intersection as proposed in NCDOT Project U-3338-B. Early plans obtained from the local NC DOT Field office indicate a future traffic signal at this intersection, which would allow for safe ingress and egress of the additional density proposed and allowed under current medium density zoning classification of the 42 acre State Street parcel. This would also fi.Jlfill a city initiative of promoting better vehicular circulation througl interconnectivity. Pedestrian linkages are proposed to connect this development to the existing service and commercial opportunities that exist within close proximity to the State Street development. The nearest public green spaces are Maides Park and Mccrary Park, located approximately 2 miles from this site. The proposed plan allows for maintaining a larger amount of existing vegetation by building vertically and incorporating structured parking to eliminate the pressure created by traditional surface parking. Confidentiality Notice This Memorandum contains privileged and/or confidential info1rnat1on tor the recIpient(s) or entity natn:!d her·ein If you are not t11e intended rec1p1ent(s) or entity, be advised that you are hereby notified that disclosure, d1sseminat1on or reproduction of this information is proh1b1ted and may be punishable by law Please contact 0111e Design Associates. PA ImmedIately by telephone. if you have received this memorandum 1n error Cline Design Associates, PA Designing real places. 125 Nl•ttl1 Hanington .Street I Ral81gh. r,1c 27f;(J3It~~19-833-6413 I f 919-836-·12so 272 ~forth Frnnl '3t1·eet, Su1t8 500 I W1lm1ngton, f,JC 2840 1 I t 81 0-254-0222 I f 9 I O-Z,4-(J228 ·1~~20 Camden Road, Suite 20·10 I Charlotte. r-.1c 282fJ2, I t 704-3~~3-7 27'?. I f 704-333•7 278 www c!1nedes1gnass0c (Dill Of~l6N Archiltt/11re Pla1111i11g Co1111,11mi!J' DniJ,11 LA11tluape Arcbilerhm Interiors TRANSMITTAL To: City of Wilmington Attn: Mike Kozlowsky Transportation Department From: Tara A. Schwenzfeier, RLA, ASLA Principal I Planning Group Manager D Raleigh Office [8J Wilmington Office D Charlotte Office '------------------------' Project Number: Project Name: Date: 112/11/08 18025 State Street Planned Multi-Family Development For: D Approval 0 Distribution D Information D Record [8J Use Sent Via: 0 Overnight D 2nd Day 0 Mail 0 Courier 0 Pick-Up Copies: Date: Description: 1 12/11/08 Letter for your use in 10:00 am meeting on 12/12/08 Copy: Cline Design Associates, PA Designing real places. 125 North Harrington Street I Raleigh, NC 27603 I t: 919-833-6413 I f: 919-836-1280 272 North Front Street, Suite 500 I Wilmington, NC 28401 I t: 910-254-0222 I f: 910-254-0228 1930 Camden Road, Suite 2010 I Charlotte, NC 28203 I t: 704-333-7272 I f: 704-333-7278 www.clinedesignassoc.com D Review & Comment [8J By Hand 0 Fax December 11, 2008 Mr. Mike Kozlosky Senior Transpo11ation Planner City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street, Floor 4 Wilmington, NC 2840 I Re: Planned Multifamily Development Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Mike: Jeff er-~ \'. Kentner 1'1~s1d.;-n1 & l I 0 In connection with our meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 12, 2008, this coJTespondence provides you with some background infom1ation for your review and consideration. State Street owns a 42-acre tract in Wilmington that is zoned MF-Mand allows for 17.4 units per acre, or approximately 730 dwelling units. The property, shown in Exhibit A, is bordered by Martin Luther King Parkway, Ke1T Avenue and New Centre Drive. The parcel tax ID No. is R04900-001-003-000. We have plans to develop 673 multifamily units in three phases. A conceptual site plan is provided in Exhibit B. Our overall planning efforts are being incorporated into a Neighborhood Plan that we expect to complete and discuss with the City of Wilmington in early 2009. Our Neighborhood Plan will address open space opportunities, create efficient vehicular and pedestrian connections, utilize traffic calming techniques, encourage the use ofbikeways and sidewalks and will be consistent with the objectives and parameters contained in the Future Land Use Plan. The centerpiece of the Neighborhood Plan is a 'state-of-the-art' urban multifamily community designed to provide quality, affordable housing in this centrally located and strategic neighborhood. Structured parking will be utilized for efficiency. A more complete project description prepared by Cline Design Associates is provided in Exhibit D. As you know, the NCDOT has approved major road improvements for Kerr Avenue pursuant to Project U-3338. The Ke1T A venue improvements will create four travel lanes, bicycle lanes, a landscaped median and sidewalks. Our planned improvements and Neighborhood Plan dovetail with the Ke1T A venue transportation improvements. With the public hearing for U-3338 scheduled for January 12, 2009, we thought it would be appropriate to discuss our plans with you and the City of Wilmington in advance of that public hearing and in advance of the release of our Neighborhood Plan concept. We believe that we have constructive input for ce11ain transportation improvements that (i) positively influence the final drawings for U-3338, (ii) are consistent with the Future Land Use Plan and the overall City of Wilmington/WMPO transportation objectives and (iii) result in significant tangible benefits for the community. Our forthcoming Neighborhood Plan will provide a comprehensive presentation of many unique and attractive planning opportunities that we are developing for the neighborhood. l'l l:.,srBnll l·\\Rll ♦(lt\RIOIIT NtlRIII( \kPll'-'•"'i-:.!\lJ ♦7ll-t 17:? 17(H ♦70-t-.n"'-170-tl \'\ Mr. Mike Kozlosky December I I, 2008 Page 2 of2 Our immediate need from the City of Wilmington is to approve the proposed Hunters Trail Extension to Kerr Avenue as shown in Exhibit B. We believe that there are two options with respect to extending Hunter's Trail to Ke1T Avenue as follows: Option A. We believe the best option is to extend Hunter's Trail directly to KeIT Avenue and tie into the traffic signal that is shown in the plans for the Kerr Road Widening Project. 1 U-3338 contemplates the closing of Sagedale Drive and our proposed extension of Hunters Trail to KeIT Avenue does not change NCDOT's planned closing of Sagedale Drive. We believe that Wilmington's long-tem1 planning objectives may be best served by not building the planned Service Road that is part of U-3338B. In this case, the costs associated with the Service Road would be avoided and public funds could be utilized for a greater public need. We will elaborate on this option at our meeting. 1 We recognize that this traffic signal is pan of U-3338C and is considered a future improvement. Option B. Alternatively, the Hunters Trail Extension could tie into the proposed Service Road. We believe our forthcoming Neighborhood Plan will be well-received by the City of Wilmington and the public. The concepts in our Neighborhood Plan contemplate the development of open space and public recreational amenities in the immediate vicinity by relocating an existing storm water detention pond to an adjacent surplus prope1iy owned by NCDOT. Some of our Neighborhood Plan concepts are being brought to your attention now as those concepts may be worthy of your consideration in evaluating overall vehicular transp01tation plans, including the proposed extension of Hunters Trail to KeIT A venue. State Street has been a member of the Wilmington community for many years. Our two most recent projects -The Village at Mayfaire (for-sale condominiums) and The Reserve at Mayfaire (upscale rental community) have been highly successful and well-received. We are excited about the ideas we have for our new project and hope you share our enthusiasm. I look forward to meeting with you. Very truly yours, State Street Companies, Inc. ~{,(),/~ Jeffery W. Kentner President & CEO cc: Ron Satterfield, Planning Director, City of Wilmington Jamison Fair, Senior Planner, City of Wilmington Exhibit A: Property Location Exhibit B: Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit C: KeIT Avenue Widening Exhibit D: Project Description Exhibit A State Street Parcel Location ffll State Street ~ f) I u N Wilmington, North Carolina State Street Parcel I .,ocation 1':1rcd I D-IW4'.1011-IIIJ 1-1111:'>-llt HI .. \17""'"' ·1 ~,....._., . ._..,..,,11 .. ...r .... ,~.,..•,.....tnM.tb"tto,t..-og,,, "°'·"': ,,.,:i;. ..,.~ 1:·· 11.e STATE STREET ,f.i.-.,-·~-.... _ ~~-~:~/ ~~ .. , ~ ..... Exhibit B Conceptual Development Plan ~,__r-~ w._r • · ~ -~ ~~~~ ~ ~w~~--::.-.:..4!"'~"' ~ · ~~-• -t--=--~ ~ . ~w,:;-~¢·~ ~--~ ~--. . . . . -. . ·I ~ ~~~~, .... ~. . . . . . '~"\ . ~ ....._~, ~~•·1 .-,.~~~ ~" . ·~ . . .. . . --_. -~ . • . J~t • --' ·, . . 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' . \ _,,-;:~--,l .--. . . --__ _,._ . .-. ~~ I -., .'-w.a \· .• irl State Street Overall Conceptual Site Plan STATE STREET ~ Hlu N Wilmington, North Carolina "'•,""' ·:--•.· ,1 .. ;1,1;;1)!!1 ~ \ ,.=-=-""" ,~~.-..;,j;a.: :,,;;M"~!!(.J-, \ I --. ,. u .I g -----g -r C + 11'1 0- .t \ i \ ~ ~ l:iQ . < • \~o, '· ' - \'re:, ~Nns I ' (~ ~- ( '' " (~ q f _1{ !, 9, ~ ?j (, a: , Exhibit D Project Description JJl,rm:;,1~ Project Narrative Date: Project Number: Project Name: 12.11.08 18025 I State Street The proposed State Street apartments will be situated in a very desirable location just 3.8 miles east of the heart of downtown \Nilmington, and 5.8 miles west from one of North Carolina's most beautiful beaches, Wrightsville Beach. This site is also in close proximity to the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington International Airport, Mayfaire and other shopping opportunities. Nearby Columb Drive is home to the established Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority Wave Transit Central Station for six bus routes that connect users to Dawntown, Long Leaf, Wrightsville Beach, Independence Mall, UNCW, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Cape Fear Hospital, Greenfield Lake Park and Garden, and Mayfa.ire as well as many other locations within the area. The proposed 4-story design consists of 683 loft-style units with integrated clubhouse facilities and two pools. Views from the building are oriented toward the surrounding vegetation and landscaped exterior courtyards, emphasizing both safety and a sense of community. An internal parking garage with direct access to secured breezeways is surrounded by residential units, screening it from the perimeter streets. Carefully articulated massing and masonry detailing help to moderate the scale of the project. The product is anticipated to be constructed with wood framing over a concrete podium. The internal parking structures will be 4 stories of precast concrete and will be screened from offsite views by the residential units. Proposed access to the site is via the extension of Hunters Trail with through connection to Kerr Avenue at the intersection as proposed in NCDOT Project U-3338-B. Early plans obtained from the local NCDOT Field office indicate a future traffic signal at this intersection, which would allow for safe ingress and egress of the additional density proposed and allowed under current medium density zoning classification of the 42 acre State Street parcel. This would also fulfill a city initiative of promoting better vehicular circulation through interconnectivity. Pedestrian linkages are proposed to connect this development to the existing service and commercial opportunities that exist within close proximity to the State Street development. The nearest public green spaces are Maides Parle and McCrary Park, located approximately 2 miles from this site. The proposed plan allows for maintaining a larger amount of existing vegetation by building vertically and incorporating structured parking to eliminate the pressure created by traditional surface parking. Confidentiality Notice: This Memorandum contains privileged and/or confidential infonmtion for the rec1pient(s) or entity narred her•ein If you are not the intencled rec1pient(s) or entity, be ad-.i1sed that you are hereby notified that disclosure, dissemination or reproduction of this information is prohibited and may be punishable by law. Please contact aine Design Associates, PA immediately by telephone, if you have received this memorandum in error Cline Design Associates, PA Designing real places. 125 tforth Harrington Street I Ralei~lh, tK 27603 I t. 91 9-833-64 13 I f. 919-836-1230 272 North Front Sb·e,et, Suite ~,OO I Vl/ilmington, t~C 28401 I t: 910-254-0222 1 i 910-254-0228 1930 Camden Road, Suite 2010 I Charlotte. NC 18203 I t 704-333-7 272 I f 704-333-7 278 www clined8signassoc com STATE STREET COMPANIES January 30, 2009 Mr. Michael Kozlosky Senior Transportation Planner City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street 3rd Floor, Tower Wilmington, NC 28402 Jeffery W . Kentner President & CEO Re: Modification Request to Neighborhood Traffic Management Program ("NTMP") NTMP -A6 Study Area Plan Relocation of Collector Street -Hunters Trail Extension Dear Mr. Kozlosky: This will serve as our request that the City of Wilmington adopt the location of Hunters Trail as shown in Figure 1 and modify the NTMP as it relates to the A6 Study Area. Hunters Trail is identified as a collector street in the A6 Study Area Plan. Our specific request is that the map in Figure 1 replace the map in the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan dated May 2008, page 15 of 24. FIGURE 1: COLLECTOR STREET AS PROPOSED A----r-----c} ~ \ )oo""T"' // \ L -~ \>--___ \ Fox -------\ -::-·S\ i ~1 • ·•05-,:::;-\ l ';) Proposed Hunters Trail Extension • Proposed roundabout \ \ \ As you know, State Street is in the advanced planning stages with respect to our+/-700-unit multifamily development located south of Martin Luther King Parkway and east of Kerr Avenue. Figure 2 on page 2 provides an area map and shows State Street's planned multifamily community along with the proposed extension of Hunters Trail to intersect at Kerr A venue. 21 1 E \', I £30L l.1--V.\IW ♦ Cl! \RW 11 I'. NOR 111 C,\ROl 1-.;t\ ♦ 28203 ♦ 70-l -.172-1.7()J ♦ 70-l -372 170--l I ,\X Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 2 of 5 In connection with the overall planning efforts relating to our multifamily development, State Street has engaged John R. McAdams Company to conduct a preliminary traffic engineering analysis of the A6 Study Area. The scope of the McAdams engagement includes (i) a cursory analysis of the traffic impact of our planned community and (ii) an assessment of the proposed intersection of Hunters Trail at Kerr A venue. A copy of the McAdams report will be furnished to you upon completion. FIGURE 2: AREA MAP NCDOT's Planned Improvements for Kerr Avenue (U-3338) ~ ---am = l2'Z2ZI -= = l2'Z2ZI -cz::J --= = -+- ~ -t- m ~ _..,_ IUllOINGS 11111114G IIGHT Of WAY PIOPOSID 11GHT OP WA't All WhtlNTS IIISTIHI IOADWAY HIIJU40 IOADWAY TO II HMOYID lllltlHG IOADWAY 10 U USUlfACID no,ouo lOADWAY TIMPOIAU 10.t.OWAT /OHOUU PUfUU IOAOWA'f' OONI II' OlHIU PlOPOIIO ITIUCJUlU, IILANO, CUii ANO G'JTTU UlnlNO tflUCTUllS, ISl,.,1.ND, CUU AHO GUTTH 10 II 11u.11,no U1111MO 111UCTUIU, 111..AHD, CUll AND ounn TO II UM.OVID WU, ll'f'U, lllf.#J1U AHO PONDS IAJU OAD 110~1 OP WAY UTllUT UIUt1DH c1rr mun 110,0110 fUll CONTlOL Of ACCHI PIUINI ADT PUTUII OT PlOf'IUY mus UllflNO lWFIC IIOHAl PIOl'OIIO ll.V'IC IIONAl Will.AND UMITI toUHOAlY State Street has studied and evaluated the May 2008 NTMP report prepared by the City of Wil mington Development Services Department relating to the A6 Study Area Plan. In that May 2008 NTMP study, we noted that the City of Wilmington identified Hunters Trail as a significant collector street due to existing traffic volumes, connectivity with local and arterial streets, and future development potential. We believe that locating Hunters Trail extension as shown in Figure 1 is necessary and appropriate. We also believe that extending Hunters Trail to intersect Kerr Avenue becomes of greater paramount when consideration is given to the traffic impact which will occur as a result of our +/-700-unit planned multifamily development. Further, the guidelines and fi ndings in the various City of Wilmington planning documents readily support the conclusion that Hunters Trail should intersect with Kerr Avenue. The City of Wilmington reports that we studied and evaluated in connection with this matter are as follows: I. Neighborhood Traffic Ma11ageme11t Program A6 Study Area Plan (May 2008) 2. Greater Wilmi11gto11 Urba11 Area Thoroughfare Plan (adopted 2005) 3. May 2008 Categorical Exclusion Report (prepared by Mulkey Engineers for NCDOT Project U-3338) 4. Wilmington Future La11d Use Plan 5. Wilmi11gton Metropolitan Area Bicycle Map (March 2007) Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 3 of 5 While we understand that the approval of connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue is in the jurisdiction of NCDOT, we believe that the City of Wilmington should actively support this proposal as extending Hunters Trail to intersect with Kerr Avenue would greatly improve the level of service relating to traffic in this area. Our view is that the intersection of Hunters Trail at Kerr A venue should be in the form of a right-in and right-out intersection ("RIRO") as shown in Figure 3. FIGURE 3: RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT (''RIRO") PROPOSED INTERSECTION KERR A VENUE AND HUNTERS TRAIL ◄ Ken Avenue South ►. The significant factors that caused us to reach the conclusion to connect Hunters Trail to Kerr A venue are as follows: I. A significant objective of the NTMP is to eliminate cut-through traffic. Connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue with a RIRO intersection would provide area traffic with easy access to both Kerr Avenue and Martin Luther King Parkway. A6 Area residents and shoppers at stores along New Centre Drive often gain access to Martin Luther King Parkway by taking Hunters Trail, Ringo Drive, Columb Drive, Lennon Drive and other local streets to College Road as a "cut-through" means of connecting to Martin Luther King Parkway. This has resulted in excess cut-through traffic and has lead to a disproportionately high rate of accidents in the A6 Study Area. 2. The proposed Hunters Trail/Kerr A venue intersection would reduce traffic on both Market Street and College Road, both of which are over-utilized arterials. 3. The NTMP properly places emphasis on 'street networking' in order to provide solutions that benefit the neighborhood as a whole. Connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr A venue is consistent with establishing a fluid area network that better serves the neighborhood as a whole. 4. Connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue substantially increases the benefits associated with the enormous investment being made to Kerr Avenue pursuant to U-3338. The total cost estimate for U-3338 is $55,950,000. This level of financial expenditure mandates the highest possible return on the taxpayers' investment. Creating an intersection at Hunters Trail and Kerr Avenue serves to increase the level o f service in area traffic and serves the best interest of the community. Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 4 of 5 5. Pursuant to U-3338 plans and the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan, a traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of New Centre Drive and Kerr Avenue. See Exhibit A. We believe that the New Centre Drive/Kerr Avenue signalized intersection would become a significant beneficiary of the proposed Hunters Trail/Kerr Avenue intersection. Specifically, the New Centre Drive/Kerr Avenue intersection would experience a significant increase in the level of service as a result of the benefit derived from efficiencies in traffic dispersal due to the Hunters Trail/Kerr Avenue intersection. 6. Pursuant to the Kerr Avenue widening plans (U-3338), bike lanes and sidewalks will be installed along Kerr A venue. Creating greater access to Kerr A venue promotes greater pedestrian and bicycle use, both of which are significant goals of the NTMP. 7. Increasing transit use is a key objective of the NTMP. The A6 Study Area contains significant transit routes provided by WA VE. Providing additional access to Kerr Avenue vis-a-vis the Hunters Trail extension would enhance transit use. As a long-term future consideration, we also recommend that the proposed intersection of Kerr Avenue and Hunters Trail be considered for conversion to a four-legged intersection upon the completion of U-3338-C. As you know, Phase C of U-3338 contemplates an interchange at Kerr Avenue and Martin Luther King Parkway with a Kerr Avenue bridge overpass at Martin Luther King Parkway. This future interchange will create a cloverleaf at Martin Luther King Parkway and Kerr Avenue. See Figure 4 below. The eastbound traffic on Martin Luther King Parkway will be able to exit onto Kerr A venue as shown in Figure 4. The proposed Hunters Trail intersection at Kerr Avenue is positioned to align with the planned traffic signal that will be installed when U-3338C is completed. FIGURE 4: NCDOT PROJECT U-3338C TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT FUTURE INTERCHANGE • Proposed Hunters Trail Extension • Proposed roundabout Proposed Hunters Trail Extension Future Traffic Signal at Interchange Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 5 of 5 We trust this correspondence contains adequate information for you to evaluate and process our request to modify the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated. Very truly yours, State Street Companies ~/AJ.J~ Jeffery W. Kentner President & CEO cc: Ron Satterfield EXHIBIT A Per NTMP A6 Study Area Plan dated May 2008 (pl5 of 24) January 30, 2009 Mr. Michael Kozlosky STATE STREET (l(IJ~IZWl ■E Senior Transportation Planner City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street 3rd Floor, Tower Wilmington, NC 28402 Jeffery W. Kentner President & CEO Re: Modification Request to Neighborhood Traffic Management Program ("NTMP") NTMP -A6 Study Area Plan Relocation of Collector Street -Hunters Trail Extension Dear Mr. Kozlosky: This will serve as our request that the City of Wilmington adopt the location of Hunters Trail as shown in Figure 1 and modify the NTMP as it relates to the A6 Study Area. Hunters Trail is identified as a collector street in the A6 Study Area Plan. Our specific request is that the map in Figure 1 replace the map in the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan dated May 2008, page 15 of 24. FIGURE 1: COLLECTOR STREET AS PROPOSED •• \_, ....... ,~~ p' ,•' ' . . . . ' ' ~i . 'l! ti -:.;J @1l111t/y115 ~ ~t2Jc1r ft) 11;/;/;c, /H-t(dAl(F ~ /4tdAJ/ ;ft (5? r ;U7? ]/RO -1,JkLl///17 J'Jf /4,,.J Proposed Hunters Trail Extension @ Proposed roundabout As you know, State Street is in the advanced planning stages with respect to our+/-700-unit multifamily development located south of Martin Luther King Parkway and east of Kerr Avenue. Figure 2 on page 2 provides an area map and shows State Street's planned multifamily community along with the proposed extension of Hunters Trail to intersect at Kerr A venue. Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 2 of 5 In connection with the overall planning efforts relating to our multifamjly development, State Street has engaged John R. McAdams Company to conduct a prelimnary traffic engineering analysis of the A6 Study Area. The scope of the McAdams engagement includes (i) a cursory analysis of the traffic impact of our planned community and (ii) an assessment of the proposed intersection of Hunters Trail at Kerr A venue. A copy of the McAdams report will be furnished to you upon completion. FIGURE 2: AREA MAP . V. LEGEND for U-3338 -IUILDJkGS -UllflMO 110-Hl o, WAT IE!ll no,01111 IIGHf o, WAT ll'ZZZi All llJIMINTI = HHnN• IOADW.U = fllSTINt IOAOWA'f TO II 11.MOYID -HISTINI IOAOWU TO II IUUlfAClD = ,ro,ouo IOAOWAT lilllEilll n.111,oun IOAOWAT /OITOUU = fUlUU IOAOWAT DONI If 01NUS -PlOtoUO ITIUUUIU, IILANO, CUii AlilO ounra c:z:::J Ultf~CJ UlUCfl.1111, IIL.U/0, CUii UIO OUHH TO II UIA!NIO NCOOT'1 Planned -UtUINQ lflUC"TUIU, ISL.\HO, CUii MO ounu TO II IIMOV10 Improvements for -LUii, 11¥11, ITIIAMS AHO PONDS Kerr Avenue -IAILIOAD IIOHl Of WAT (U-3338) = UUllfT U.IUliHH cm mms --.-PIOPOUO PUll (0kll0L OJ A((IU ~ PlUIIOAOT PUTUII A01 -PI.O'll" LIHIS I Ul1ltti40 11A"IC 11010,l ~ '1.0touo runic lie.HAI. _,.._ wnLAHO UIIUU IOLIH0"1'1' State Street has studied and evaluated the May 2008 NTMP report prepared by the City of Wilmngton Development Services Department relating to the A6 Study Area Plan. In that May 2008 NTMP study, we noted that the City of Wilmngton identified Hunters Trail as a significant collector street due to existing traffic volumes, connectivity with local and arterial streets, and future development potential. We believe that locating Hunters Trail extension as shown in Figure 1 is necessary and appropriate_ We also believe that extending Hunters Trail to intersect Kerr Avenue becomes of greater paramount when consideration is given to the traffic impact which will occur as a result of our +/-700-unit planned multifamily development. Further, the guidelines and findings in the various City of Wilmngton plannjng documents readily support the conclusion that Hunters Trail should intersect with Kerr A venue. The City of Wilmngton reports that we studied and evaluated in connection with this matter are as follows: 1. Neighborhood Traffic Management Program A6 Study Area Plan (May 2008) 2. Greater Wilmington Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan ( adopted 2005) 3. May 2008 Categorical Exclusion Report (prepared by Mulkey Engineers for NCDOT Project U-3338) 4. Wilmington Future Land Use Plan 5. Wilmington Metropolitan Area Bicycle Map (March 2007) Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 3 of 5 While we understand that the approval of connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr A venue is in the jurisdiction of NCDOT, we believe that the City of Wilmington should actively support this proposal as extending Hunters Trail to intersect with Kerr Avenue would greatly improve the level of service relating to traffic in this area. Our view is that the intersection of Hunters Trail at Kerr Avenue should be in the form of a right-in and right-out intersection ("RIRO") as shown in Figure 3. FIGURE 3: RIGHT-IN, RIGHT-OUT ("RIRO") PROPOSED INTERSECTION KERR A VENUE AND HUNTERS TRAIL The significant factors that caused us to reach the conclusion to connect Hunters Trail to Kerr A venue are as follows: I. A significant objective of the NTMP is to eliminate cut-through traffic. Connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue with a RIRO intersection would provide area traffic with easy access to both Kerr Avenue and Martin Luther King Parkway. A6 Area residents and shoppers at stores along New Centre Drive often gain access to Martin Luther King Parkway by taking Hunters Trail, Ringo Drive, Columb Drive, Lennon Drive and other local streets to College Road as a "cut-through" means of connecting to Martin Luther King Parkway. This has resulted in excess cut-through traffic and has lead to a disproportionately high rate of accidents in the A6 Study Area. 2. The proposed Hunters Trail/Kerr Avenue intersection would reduce traffic on both Market Street and College Road, both of which are over-utilized arterials. 3. The NTMP properly places emphasis on 'street networking' in order to provide solutions that benefit the neighborhood as a whole. Connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue is consistent with establishing a fluid area network that better serves the neighborhood as a whole. 4. Connecting Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue substantially increases the benefits associated with the enormous investment being made to Kerr Avenue pursuant to U-3338. The total cost estimate for U-3338 is $55,950,000. This level of financial expenditure mandates the highest possible return on the taxpayers' investment. Creating an intersection at Hunters Trail and Kerr Avenue serves to increase the level of service in area traffic and serves the best interest of the community. Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 4 of 5 5. Pursuant to U-3338 plans and the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan, a traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of New Centre Drive and Kerr Avenue. See Exhibit A. We believe that the New Centre Drive/Kerr Avenue signalized intersection would become a significant beneficiary of the proposed Hunters Trail/Kerr Avenue intersection. Specifically, the New Centre Drive/Kerr A venue intersection would experience a significant increase in the level of service as a result of the benefit derived from efficiencies in traffic dispersal due to the Hunters Trail/Kerr Avenue intersection. 6. Pursuant to the Kerr Avenue widening plans (U-3338), bike lanes and sidewalks will be installed along Kerr Avenue. Creating greater access to Kerr A venue promotes greater pedestrian and bicycle use, both of which are significant goals of the NTMP. 7. Increasing transit use is a key objective of the NTMP. The A6 Study Area contains significant transit routes provided by WA VE. Providing additional access to Kerr Avenue vis-a-vis the Hunters Trail extension would enhance transit use. As a long-term future consideration, we also recommend that the proposed intersection of Kerr Avenue and Hunters Trail be considered for conversion to a four-legged intersection upon the completion of U-3338-C. As you know, Phase C of U-3338 contemplates an interchange at Kerr Avenue and Martin Luther King Parkway with a Kerr Avenue bridge overpass at Martin Luther King Parkway. This future interchange will create a cloverleaf at Martin Luther King Parkway and Kerr Avenue. See Figure 4 below. The eastbound traffic on Martin Luther King Parkway will be able to exit onto Kerr Avenue as shown in Figure 4. The proposed Hunters Trail intersection at Kerr Avenue is positioned to align with the planned traffic signal that will be installed when U-3338C is completed. w· ,_,, :J~~ -- ,, __ ,.,,,"' / Proposed Hunters Trail Extension Future Traffic Signal at Interchange roposed Hunters Trail Extension -.• ··• ··' Proposed roundabout Mr. Michael Kozlosky January 30, 2009 Page 5 of 5 We trust this correspondence contains adequate information for you to evaluate and process our request to modify the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated. Very truly yours, State Street Companies ~IAJ./~ Jeffery W. Kentner President & CEO cc: Ron Satterfield I I 'J I (_!_ Per NTMP A6 Study Area Plan dated May 2008 (pl5 of24) EXHIBIT A Anthony Prinz/wilm 02/11/2009 06:28 PM For Follow Up: II!; Urgent Priority Mike: Comments on the State Street proposal: To Mike Kozlosky/wilm@Wilmington cc bee Subject State Street Proposal -Hunters Trail Extension 1. My first thought is that we should support the concept of extending Hunters Trail to Kerr Avenue. This will be a beneficial connection to serve area residents and to remove local trips from MLK and Market Street. 2. Amending the neighborhood traffic plan could be problematic given the fact that the Hunters Trail alignment proposed by State Street traverses two large parcels that are currently outside of the city limits. I don't think it is within our authority to plan (via the neighborhood traffic program) for property that is not under city jurisdiction. I mentioned this to Tara and Jeff when I talked to them, but they didn't have any real answer for how to construct the road from their property line to Kerr Avenue. All indications were that they would rely heavily on the city to acquire the property and assist with construction. Are we willing to commit to that? Did they tell you different? 3. If we choose to support this amendment to the neighborhood plan, we should also include a collector street connection from Hunters Trail to the existing terminus of Ringo Drive. This will be a vital connection if they decide to throw in 700+ units just north of a major retail center. Would we want all of those trips to use the proposed service road and New Centre Drive to access the retail around Target? Seems like connecting to Ringo would be more efficient and have less of an impact on the Kerr/New Centre intersection. 4. If we support the amendment to the neighborhood traffic plan, we should also require them to study needed traffic calming measures for the new section of Hunters Trail. We already did that for the existing section, so they should incorporate traffic calming measures in the new section. We don't want to have to retrofit them in the future. 5. The letter is does get the idea across, but is not very well put together and misses the point in a few areas. If we choose to proceed forward with this effort, we should develop a staff report that presents the information in a direct and concise manner. Let me know if you have any questions ... Anthony Prinz Associate Planner -Transportation City of Wilmington Wilmington MPO (910) 341-5891 http://www.wmpo.org STATE STREET COMPANIES February 23, 2009 Mr. Michael Kozlosky Senior Transportation Planner City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street 3rd Floor, Tower Wilmington, NC 28402 Re: Relocation of Collector Street -Hunters Trail Extension Dear Mr. Kozlosky: State Street is requesting that the inclusion of the Hunters Trail collector street modification, as fully described in our correspondence dated January 30, 2009, be included on the Consent Agenda at the City Council's next scheduled meeting on March 3, 2009. It is our understanding that the relocation of Hunters Trail Extension is consistent with City of Wilmington planning guidelines and, subject to review by the City of Wilmington Transportation Planning Committee, can be included in the agenda at the upcoming City Council meeting. State Street is eager to complete the planning process for its residential development but needs closure on the collector street issue in order to continuing its planning efforts. Our proposed community represents a $100,000,000 development and will provide a significant economic stimulus in Wilmington. Resolution of the collector street issue enables us to advance our pre-development planning activities. I would appreciate if you would provide me with feedback on the timing for the approval of this matter. Your continued cooperation and assistance is appreciated. Very truly yours, -;~n~ David Novotny Vice President cc: Ron Satterfield 211 EAST BOUU~VARD ♦ C HARLOTTE, NORTI I CAROLINA ♦ 28203 ♦ 704-372-3703 ♦ 704-372-3704 !'AX February 27, 2009 Mr. Jeffery W. Kentner StateStreet Companies 211 East Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28203 • . 3 Development Services Transportation Planning 305 Chestnut Street PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402-1810 910 341-3258 910 341-7801 fax www.wilmingtonnc.gov Dial 711 TTYNoice RE: Request to modify the A6 Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Gingerwood Collector Street Plan Dear Mr. Ketner: City of Wilmington Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the StateStreet Companies proposal to extend an existing city collector street, Hunters Trial, from its current terminus west of Lennon Drive, to North Kerr A venue (SR 1175) between Sagedale Road and New Centre Drive. Staff supports this proposal in concept; however, StateStreet Companies must take additional steps prior to the initiation of an amendment to the A6 Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Gingerwood Collector Street Plan for review by the Wilmington City Council: 1. A traffic simulation model must be provided to the NCDOT Division 3 Office to evaluate the impact of the proposed Hunters Trail connection on the functional design for the North Kerr Avenue widening project (State Transportation Improvement Project #U-3338). Please note that two scenarios must be modeled: (1) a right-in/right-out access to North Kerr Avenue under the interim conditions (U-3338 B) and (2) a signalized right-in/right-out/left-in access to North Kerr A venue under full build out conditions (U-3338 C). 2. If determined by NCDOT staff to be a feasible option, a public meeting must be held by StateStreet Companies to inform Hunters Trail residents of the potential amendments to the A6 Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Gingerwood Collector Street Plan. 3. Following the public meeting, Transportation Planning staff will initiate the process to amend the A6 Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan and Gingerwood Collector Street Plan. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information -910.341.5891 or anthony.prinz@wilmingtonnc.gov. Regards, Associate Transportation Planner cc: David Novotny, StateStreet Properties Tara Schwenzfeier, Cline Design Associates Ron Satterfield, Planning Manager, City of Wilmington Mike Kozlosky, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Wilmington MK/DN Talking Points March 13, 2009 Meeting Request to modify Collector Street Plan I. Revise Collector Street Plan shown on pg 15 of 24 on Area 6 NTMP to show Hunters Trail terminating at the round-about at the N/S Service Road (and NOT having Hunters Trail extend to Kerr). 2. While we want a connection to Kerr, we can live with this approval for now as it enables us to continue pre-development planning activities. The traffic study requested in connection with Hunters Trail intersection at Kerr Avenue is in process. 3. Since the existing Collector Street Plan already illustrates Hunters Trail extending to New Centre (at the rear of the Target), our request to only "shift" Hunters Trail does not result in additional traffic on New Centre Drive. 4. Therefore, there is no basis for a traffic impact study. 5. Shifting Hunters Trail Extension westward to the N/S service road also serves to steer traffic away from heavily congested Market Street. 6. The current configuration of Hunters Trail on the A6 Collector Street plan was located prior to release ofDOT's plans for U3338. Had U3338 been announced prior, Hunters Trail would have likely been shown in the same location per our request. 7. You had indicated City Council agenda items must be submitted 2 weeks in advance. We would like to get a commitment that our request (per I. above) be included as a Consent Agenda item on City Council's April 7, 2009 meeting. 8. I have provided you with the drawing and will email you a jpeg file when I get back to the office. Traffic Study under U3338-B {RIRO) I. At your request, we are engaging our traffic engineer to perform a traffic study for the purpose of determining the impact of the proposed Hunters Trail Extension on U3338-B. 2. In addition to the report due out next week, our traffic engineer will provide a RI- RO detail to you by early next week 3. Our request is to have NCDOT show a curb cut on the public hearing map. Traffic Study under U-3338C I. Because the possibility exists that Hunters Trail may never be extended to Kerr Avenue, I doubt NCDOT would want to show a 4-legged intersection at the Hunters Trail/Kerr A venue intersection on the public hearing map as this would require DOT condemning additional property on North Kerr Ave. 2. However, if DOT would provide either (i) a detail on the public hearing map for the proposed 4-legged intersection of Hunters Trail at Kerr or (ii) at a minimum, provide a non-binding conditional approval of the 4-legged intersection, we would work with you to provide the requested study. 3. If you agree with I. above, then the proposed study under U-3338C would serve no purpose. 4. Furthermore, no construction date/proposed funding exists for U3338C. As far as we know, U3338-C may not happen in my lifetime. 5. Preparing a study at this point in time would require so many assumptions (i.e., construction start date, etc.), which would likely require a 2nd study in the future to support the preliminary study you are requesting us to provide. 6. Reference flow-chart. Notes: Proposed Traffic Impact Study ("TIS") Hunters Trail Intersection at Kerr Avenue under U3338-C Question for COW: COW has requested a TIS relating to the proposed intersection of Hunters Trail at Kerr Avenue under U- 3338C. Is the purpose of that proposed TIS to gain NCDOT approval of a future 4-legged intersection at this location? yes Is COW prepared to lobby NCDOT to make a commitment to build the proposed 4-legged intersection at Hunters Trail Extension and Kerr A venue upon completion ofU-3338C? yes McAdams to include drawing of 4-legged intersection in traffic study along with supporting calculations. Detail shall be sufficient for NCDOT approval. no No reason for TIS at this time. See notes below. no 1. Since U-3338C is not funded and no construction schedule currently exist, numerous assumptions would need to be made in order to prepare the proposed TIS. 2. IfU-3338C is not built in the near future, which is likely the case, it is probable that a second TIS would need to be performed rendering the first study a waste of time and money. c:: 0 ·en c:: Q) -X UJ ·co ...., ::, ~ 0 .0 ~ cu "O 2 c:: c:: ::, ::, e J: "O -0 Q) Q) "' "' 0 0 I a. a. (1D £ e Q anua/\\f JJa)f City of Wilmington Neighborhood Traffic Management Program: A6 Area Plan Figure 10: Traffic signal location ~/ l ---✓ -\ reo, lg _g. 0 Figure 11: Collector street and roundabout locations May 2008 0 Proposed collector street (future developement) Proposed roundabout (future development) Page 15 of 24 STATE STREET COMPANIES VIA EMAIL (mikc.kozlosky@wilrningtonnc.gov) March 16, 2009 Mr. Michael Kozlosky Senior Transportation Planner City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street 4th Floor, Tower Wilmington, NC 28402 Re: Revised Modification Request to Neighborhood Traffic Management Program ("NTMP") NTMP -A6 Study Area Plan Relocation of Collector Street -Hunters Trail Extension Dear Mr. Kozlosky: As a follow-up to our conversation on Friday, March 13th, 2008 and per your request, this will serve as our request that the City of Wilmington adopt the location of Hunters Trail and Ringo Drive as shown in Figure 1 and modify the NTMP as it relates to the A6 Study Area. Both Hunters Trail and Ringo Drive are identified as collector streets in the A6 Study Area Plan. Our specific request is that the map in Figure 1 replace the map in the NTMP A6 Study Area Plan dated May 2008, page 15 of 24. For your convenience, I will send you electronically Figure I in ajpeg file. FlGURE 1: COLLECTOR STREET AS PROPOSED Martin Luther King Jr ?WY \ Hunters Trail /' ( R. o·_... mgo rive ) / I I ( ' .,,,....., Proposed Hunters Trail and Ringo Drive Extonsion Proposed roundabout Please note the exact location of Hunters Trail and Ringo Drive shown in Figure I is subject to repositioning based on the development of the plans and specifications for the property located at 5016 Hunters Trail (Parcel ID# R04900-00l-003-000). 2 I I I· \\ I 1301 I I \ \ Rll ♦ Ct I \RI ! > I II . '\1 W 111 ( \I{< >I I'\ \ ♦ 2820, ♦ 70 I-, 72-17(1\ ♦ 70-1-, 7~-, 70 I I \ \ Mr. Michael Kozlosky March 16, 2009 Page 2 of2 In order for State Street to continue planning our +/-700 multifamily project, we would request the modification to the collector street plan described and illustrated herein be included as a Consent Agenda item on City Council's April 7, 2009 meeting. Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated. Very truly yours, State Street Companies ~A-<c,o_ £0 David Novotny Vice President cc: Anthony Prinz, Associate Transportation Planner (anthony.prinz@wilmingtonnc.gov) I Tara Murphy From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Afternoon t o all. Tara Murphy Wednesday, August 22, 2012 3:10 PM Derek Pielech; David Cowell; Ron Satterfield; Mike Kozlosky FW: meeting time with engineering? This meeting request is in regard to the discuss ions we have had/are having fo r Gingerwood Drive deve lopment/redevelopment . The designer desires on street angled parking (his plans show 45 degree, but I think they would consider 60 degree if that is more palatable t o getting an agreement) on Gingerwood, a collector street per the gingerwood collector street plan. Can/would the City Engineer approve an administrative variance to elimin ate (or deviate from the parallel design to allow an increased angle for the parking) the Technica l Standard found in Chapter 7 Section D: "Parking at an angle other than parallel with the edge of the roadway will not be allowed unl ess such angle parking is des ignated and required by an appropriate ordinance"? This area is zoned RB and the district zoning is silent on parking, thus angled parking other than parallel appears not to be covered by an ordin ance currently. If yes, wonderful for the proposal on the table. We would just then nee d to hammer out some addit ional details with regard to design and function and threshold(s) for precedent. If no, what'options are there to produce an "appropriate ordinance"? What would be the process? When can we all schedule a meeting with Chris to collaborate? Friday morning maybe? Tara From: Chris Boney [mailto:chrisboney@ls3p.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 2:31 PM To: Tara Murphy Subject: meeting time with engineering? Thanks for your help on this. We met with owner yesterday. As discussed, they do not want to rezone anything, and we would like angled parking - parallel does not work for retail leasing. M~ -), ~ ~c;?t l?;\..,~t\ M,;;, ~5 \0 -\-V\Aov-e._. Thanks --·1 I ,\ CB ~V\stfke collec.fu.-4. Christopher L. Boney AIA, LEED AP Vice President I Managing Principal -Wilmington l<;;5 <>JG 2528 Independence Boulevard, Suite 200. Wilmington. NC 2841 2 I 910.790.9901 (P) I 910.617 0931 ( ~-V ~ Connect with us: LS3P I Knowledge Center I FaceBook I Twitter I Linkedln ",,a,,J-9 If you are sending file(s) please use our Info Exchange Site or our Dropbox. @' · ~ LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD. Total Control Panel Loe.in . ' Tara Murphy From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Mike Kozlosky Monday, August 13, 2012 4:24 PM Tara Murphy FW: Potential Public R/W Transfer from NCDOT to City Wilmington Azalea Landing Base Map with Wilm MPO Collector Plan Overlay.pd/; Azalea Landing ROW over NCDOT Property 062280001 -color.pd/; Azalea Landing ROW over NCDOT Property 062280001.pdf; U-33388 Intersection.tit Follow up Flagged Can you please review this information and provide me a recommendation. I already told Richard this would not be on the September 4th City Council agenda. Thanks. Mike Kozlosky Executive Director Wilmington MPO (910) 342-2781 From: Richard Collier [mailto:RCollier@mckimcreed.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 2:36 PM To: Mike Kozlosky; kfussell@ncdot.gov; hughthompson@ncdot.gov Cc: Jeffery Kentner (State Street); michael@leelawfirm.com; sluther@statestreetco.com Subject: Potential Public R/W Transfer from NCDOT to City Wilmington Mike: As we discussed on the phone Wednesday afternoon, please find attached several drawing exhibits depicting the extension of existing Ringo Drive on the east side of the existing Target Shopping Center across an existing NCDOT owned parcel connecting to an undeveloped+/-42 -acre tract. The owner of the 42-acre tract would like to extend Ringo Drive thru this proposed 0.556-acre public R/W to provide adequate public access into their property. Any development on the 42-acre tract will extend 2 public streets in accordance with the City of Wilmington/ MPO Collector Plan. The streets to be extended are Ringo Drive and Hunter's Trail. Hunter's Trail will be extended for connection with Sagedale Drive, and Ringo Drive will intersect with Hunter's Trail. During the NCDOT TIP Project U-33388 the Sagedale Drive connection to Kerr Avenue will be closed permanently, however NCDOT has designed a connection from the Hunter's Trail/ Sagedale Drive intersection to the west that will connect with New Center Drive and will allow for multiple public street access throughout this area of the City. The owner and developer of the 42-acre parcel plans to construct the project as a multi-family development (MF-M Zoning). They would assume the design, permitting and construction cost of the Ringo Drive extension over the NCDOT Property. We have met with NCDOT Division Engineer and Division Right-of-Way agent to discuss this option. They agree that this would be a positive attribute to the MPO Collector plan and interconnection of the City's public roadway system as well as the support and encouragement of economic Development in the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County with the construction of a new multi-family community. 1 i i "' ~ ;,; "' § t ci. ~ . . a, g> ! . . i l i i 0 @ g ~ ~ "' i d C SI J J •s-P {f, n ~ 'NO~ rJ c5P N~T '7/Wvif.L -.roa ~ v -??~6 cofw ~F, esp Mortin Luther King, Jr. Parkway -~':':~f:~t,;;\~::-:-_-:_----~-i~;::}:-_Rfr---'aw'-il---r-- :::t.,:f~-l Public Extensio. .. at II at ~-:•:{ \'-\ ;;.····•:•·•:•·•:•i \~ Azalea .. :.·.:;.:.:.:.:.:•~--~-....... ''\\\ Lon ding //I ·.;; •. ~::·:.···::f -·"' \\: 42 80 acres ,, ........ , ~·-•-•.•~•-•...1 ,~· • ' :o' R/W\ W New 60' R/W 's Trail '. ~~'\ Ringo Drive Extensio~ ~ Public Extension ~::.~:::? ',~_ 'tlllj~!if:!!!!1111!! ~ . illJJZ?~:: (:Ps po(ld . vJN'i ~ 5 a s'-<. . '('(\ "() "-"'4•--rco\0 ___ _ Target Store ~ ,, New 60' R/W Public Extension of Ringo Drive 0.5576 acre R/W ID□·~ I STATESTREET I ---~~ :::-.:.-··--r«•HJZMT:G w wr-a:-.;:'aTn.. ~G:J~ ----..o-=•oiiiiioa-t: ---1 ~~\ . Jr Parkway Mortin Luther K~1:n~g,~~·~~-~----c~:=== ---c---~ Ne: 6-0-, _R_/_.__W_-,--_ Hunter's Trail Public Extension Azalea Landing 42.80 acres New Center Drive Target Store NCDOT Property 20.04 acres New 60' R/W Public Extension of Ringo Drive 0.5576 acre R/W Mop of Public R/W Extension of Ringo Street across NCDO T Property 1STATE STREE •~&CREED ENClNEERS•AROilITCIS•PlANNERS•SUR',{YORS August 2, 2012 AZALEA LANDING APARTMENTS 06228-0001 _______ __. Mop of Public R/W Extension of Ringo Street across NCDOT Property ♦:M=KIM&CREED ENGINEERS • ARO<I TE C TS •Pl.ANN ERS • S\JR\,£ YORS August 2, 2012 AZALEA LANDING APARTMENTS 06228-0001 L--------____,J