1986-03-24 W&S Exhibit . . W..J- ~ ~ 1d.d: ~ 1, ~ z 9. .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY RonEIU W. POI'E County IOtorney KENNETH G. SILLIMAN Assistant County Attorney OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 320 CHESTNUT STREET - ROOM 309 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28~()1 Telephone (9/9) 34/-7/53 March 26, '.1986 W ANnA M. COI'LEY Assistant County Attorney Mr. James R. Pope Assistant District Director Farmers Home Administration U.S. Department of Agriculture 320 Chestnut Street, Room 312 Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: ~ew Hanover County Water and Sewer District Phase Ii Area II and III of Sewage Collection and Disposal System Dear Mr. Pope: Attached hereto you will find Right-of-Way Certificate (FHA 442-21) and Opinion of Counsel Relative to Rights-of-Way (FHA 442-22) for this portion of this project. This portion of the project necessitated acquiring property interests in one hundred seventeen (117) parcels. All interests have been obtained or are in the process of being conveyed, except for the acquisition of easements or right-of-way interests in six (6) parcels and negotiations continue in an effort to acquire these six (6) parcels. If any of the interests now in the process of being conveyed are not finally executed, there will be no delay nor will this present a problem, as the County will immediately initiate condemnation procedures pursuant to the authority of Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes, entitled "Eminent Domain", which is the exclusive condemnation procedure to be used in this state by all local public condemnors. Again, this is to certify that the Water and Sewer District has acquired, or has initiated the acquisition of, all necessary easements, rights-of-way and fee simple title to To: James R. Pope March 26, 1986 parceis of land necessary for the construction of this project wit~ the single exception of the six (6) parcels which are subject to the condemnation procedure. Very truly yours, c::a~~ Robert W. Pope RWP/cbd Enclosures cc: G. Felix Cooper, County Manager Wyatt Blanchard, County Engineer . . Form FHA 442-21 (Rev. 7-6-70) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATE The undersigned, hereby certifies except as noted in item 4 below: NEW HANOVER COUNI'Y WATER AND SEhfEE DIS'mIC'I' 1. That 'the undersigned has acquired and presently holds continuous and adequate rights-of-way on private lands needed for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities '~o be installed, repaired, or enlargecl with the proceeds of a loan made or insured by, and/or a grant from, Farmers Home Administration and such omissions, defects, or restrictions as may exist will in no substantial way or manner endanger the value or the operation of the facilities. 2. That the undersigned has acquired the necessmy permits, franchises, and authorizations or other instruments by whatsoever name designated, from public utilities and public bodies, commissions, or agencies authorizing the construction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities upon, along, or across streets, roads, highways, and public utilities. 3. That the attached "Wght-of-way Map" shows the location and description of all land and rights-of-way acquired by right of use or adverse possession and by legal conveyances such as right-of-way or easement deeds, permits, or other instruments. 4. Exceptions: Easements or rights-of-way interests in six (6) parcels, noted as "c" under "STATUS" in Exhibit "A"~ attached hereto, but condemnation proceedings will be instituted, if necessary, to acquire the necessary property interest in said parcels. TrNESS WHEREOF, applicant hereunto affixes its name and corporate seal this 24th day of March 86 ,19_. "'- NEVv Hl\NOVER CCUL\FI'Y WI-ITER AND SEWER DISTRICT '\.,\11 11ft ,rrr, 'II... ...;.....:' \\~~O~ C;,. -..... ~:t::t:. f " /0 "i!i)~.:; : -O:-,€J iex 1Z \ : .V\ .~/\~;.~'~\)"" n{~-7 ., ~ ~ .. · t.'<>.."[''''.'hl' 0 ~ ~ ; ~ ~C~~~~,~~(':j~lij~i) .i ~ : ('>ff!J;.. ~rpOt~~1[.S~a.FJ{efeY I-..... 2 .... r 0 ''''tit} t~J:('~i~ r . ... ....... ... _~ :lR't f1Cl():'-...'J .,....... .... -YA..o .-.(~.. "~.f 'Yo ....... f\\S\ "....... ~~~, SEWER v ,-" 'Ill, \\\1,' "(1011111'\' BY~~~ Chairman Title ~ U.S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE' 1980-765-010/3110 FHA 442-21 (Rev. 7-6-70) ! .< Position 5 USDA-FHA Form FHA 442-22 (Rev. 5-15-72) OPINION OF COUNSEL RELATIVE TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY D~e March 26, 1986 Dear Sir: I h . d th t' t k b NEW HANOVEH COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DI STRICT ave revlewe e ac Ion a en y '(hereinafter called the "Corporation") in obtaining a right-of-way for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities to be installed, repaired, or enlarged with the proceeds of a loan made or insured by, and/or a grant from the Farniers Home Administration to the Corporation. I have examined the right-of-way instruments, permits, or licenses obtained from landowners, public bodies, and public utilities and made such searches of the public records necessary to determine the legal sufficiency of the instruments covered by the "Right-of-way Certificate," executed by the Corporation on March 24. , 19 .B..fi..-. I also have examined the "Right-of-way Map" to determine whether continuous and adequate land and rights-of-way are owned or have been acquired by thP. instruments covered in the "Right- of-way Certificate." Based on the foregoing examination, and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, I am of the opinion that: A. The legal instruments by which the Corporation has acquired said rights-of-way (a) are in appropriate and due legal form and adequately confer upon the Corporation the necessary ri ghts-of-way for the construction, operation, and maintenance of its facilities in their present or proposed location, and such omissions or defects as may exist will in no substantial way or manner endanger the value or operation of the facilities, and (b) have each been properly recorded in the appropriate public land records of each County in which any of the land affected. thereby is situated. Such consents, releases, or su!x>rdinations from lienholders recommended by me or required by the Farmers Home Administration have been obtained. B. The legal instruments referred to above give unto the Corporation a continuous and adequate right-of-way to permit the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Corporation's facilities except as below noted. C E r Easements or rights-of-way interests in six (6) . xcepl.gl1?bels, noted as "C;' under "STATUS" in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, but condemnation proceedings will be instituted, if necessary, to acquire the necessary property interest in said parcels. V ery truly yours, c::::?LJ4<r?r- Attorney for New Hanovp-r COllnry Wrlrpr and Sewer District ~u.s. G.P.O. 1977-765-006/1640 REG.#6 FHA 442-22 (Rev. 5-15-72) ~-;.i.~;. , ; '~': ~. . PHASE I - AREA II " NAME Hidden Lake W. T. Weathersby Marvin Ellington Lester J. Lasure Calvin Bymhold Edward L. Koontz VGS Corp. Charles F. Stehman VGS CORP. James L. Holloway Dorothy Rockmere Mildred S. Johnson NAME Camp Wright Road Donald B. Stegal Josephine Rusher Cemetary R. C. FO\vler David Sims Daniel Hartin Greenville Sd. Land Co. NAME REFERENCE CHART A - Agreed to Sign B - Signed & Received C - Possible Condemnation PARCEL: STATUS 62-08 OJ3 011-000 A G2-08 OJ.l 002-001 B 62-08 OJ.l 077-000 C 62-08 OJ.l 023-000 A 62-08 OJ.l 024-000 A . 62-08 01J. 038-000 B 62-08 011 039-000 B 62-08 all 040-000 B 62-08 011 041-000 B 62-08 011 042-000 B 62-08 011 043-000 B 62-08 010 002-000 B 62-08 010 003-000 B 62-08 010 009-000 B PAHCEL STATUS 62-12 002 031-000 62-12 002 030-000 62-12 002 029-000 62-12 002 018-000 62-12 002 013-000 62-12 002 011-000 62-12 002 064-000 B B C A B A A PARCEL STATUS Bradford - Sheeney Drive Arlene Verzzal Etal Peter Davis John Snipes James Strickland Elmer Filip Heirs Robert Squires Jdith l-:1cFayden C P & L 62-14 002 005-000 62-00 003 0J.2-009 62-00 003 012-010 62-00 003 012-011 62-14 004 003-000 62-14 004 023-000 62-14 004 004-000 62-14 004 022-000 62-00 003 010-000 A B B B D A B B A k41!/1J17 A ~ ... 'I ({ ~ 11 ( "t ~ '. Page 2 NAHE PARCEL S1'ATUS Camellia Drive ~ichael D. Shepard 62-00 003 0?1-000 62-00 003 052-000 62-00 003 052-001 B B C Henry Burkert NAME PAHCEL STATUS Turtle Hall, Shinn Point, Marywood, Beagle Trail and Trail in the Pines Anthony Schillmoller Robert Toplin Turtle Hall vIi 11 iam Head Thomas lUllard Peter Nemmers Paul Parker Jean Hall Fred Van Nynatten Mary K. Lions Hobert Galphin Lawrence Rose M. Wayne Ziegler David Huffine Donald vJalker John Corbett Frances Newton 62-00 005 022-000 62-16 005 008-000 62-00 004 006~000 62-16 004 016-000 62-16 004 016-000 62-16 004 020-000 62-16 004 004-000 62-16 004 003-000 62-00 005 018-001 62-00 005 017-000 62-00 005 015-000 62-00 005 030-000 62-16 005 009-000 62-00 005 024-000 62-00 005 023-000 62-00 005 029-000 62-00 005 025-000 C B A A A B B A A B B A B B B B A NAME PARCEL STA'fUS Dogwood Lane to Wisteria Drive John Hines William Pope Dick Ward Robert vloody Bruce I\erbeck Gordon Reddick 62-00 003 001-000 62-00 003 016-000 62-00 003 055-000 62-00 003 016-001 62-00 003 012-005 62-003 006-000 B B A B C B NAME PARCEL Andover Road to Huntington Road STATUS Louise French 56-18 001 035~000 56-18 001 034-000 56-18 001 033-000 56-18 001 032-000 56-18 001 029-000 56-18 001 028-000 56-18 001 027-000 56-18 001 026-000 56-18 001 025-000 56-18 001 024-000 B B B B B B B B B B'. n ~ fJ25 I: .3 ,( <. ~.. . .. Page 3 NAt1E PARCEL STATUS DOg\IOod Lane to vJisteria Drive Louise French 56-17 010 058"':000 B 56-17 010 057-000 B IJ' 56-17 010 05.6-000 B . . 56-17 010 055-000 B 56-17 010 054-000 B Frances King 56-17 010 020-000 A Joe Priest 56-17 010 021-000 B H. I. Sununer 1 in 56-18 001 057-001 B 56-18 001 057-002 B Mildred Hobbs 56-18 001 070-000 B 56-14 001 018:....000 13 56-14 001 019-000 B 56-14 001 020-000 B 56-14 001 021-000 B R.A. Sheer 56-00 007 003-001 B NAME PARCEL STATUS Wrightsville Nathan Sanders Canterbury Corp. Charle$ W. Summerlin Isaac Rollins Avenue West along Bradley Creek 56-00 007 003-000 A 56-00 007 004-000 B 56-00 007 005-000 ~ 56-00 007 006-000 B NAME PARCEL STATUS Shandy Avenue John Hicks 63-00 001 014-001 C Bill Wendt 63-00 001 015-000 A Ken Stewart & Wright Holman 63-05 001 009-000 A Oak Landing Homeowners 63-09 001 100-000 B Barbara Vernon Grossman 63-00 001 019-000 B Skelly Hunt 63-09 001 010-0QO A William McKee 63-09 001 011-000 B AREA II - PUMP STATION D. Saffo Turtle Hall Bradley Hills Hone ~mers Assoc. Madeline Hames Care Ow< Landing/Barbara Grossman Robert Holder Hinton Avenue Turtle Hall Bradley Hills Shinn Point Oak Landing Greenville Loop Road " B A A B. B B 1\ 7 f, 1- ~I .. . ( , .Jl '.. \. ...... PHASE I - AREA III REFERENCE CHAR'r A - Agreed to Sign B - Signed & Received C - Possible Consenmation 9 Nl\ME P.l\RaL STA'IUS Beasley Road & Eagles Nest El\'lood Ban1es Clarence Price Alison Davenport ~lilliam Brock George Fields l-1ark Holland Georgia Lea Arcadio Quitos Dioclero Dangelico Cecil Glenn Joseph l-lcDuffy Larry James 66-12 002 006-000 66-12 002 008-000 66-12 002 007-000 66-12 001 046-000 66-12 001 047-000 66-12 001 032-000 66-12 001 033-000 66-12 001 031-000 66-12 001 034-000 66-12 001 035-000 66-12 001 036-000 66-12 001 037-000 B B B A A B A A A A A A NM1E PARCEL STA1US Millbrook Donnie Prevatte Donald Tedder 67-13 003 003-000 67-13 003 002-000 B A IW1E PARCEL SrA1US Charles Bowden E. L. Singletary 67-00 006 004-000 67-00 006 005-000 A A AHEA III - PUM)? STA'l'IONS Fred Hells Herman Hal ton L & B Associates Quail Hidge - Masonboro Hasonboro Loop - Masonboro Beasley Road - Masonboro ~ B A .' I 11- l~ 7 l