1994-02-21 RM Exhibits I J4 CONSENT AGENDA DATE Fe b r u a r y 21, 1994 NE~ HANOV~R COUNTY TAX COLL~CTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 01/31/94 ITEM No. 6 CU~~=NT T~X Y~AR - 1993 AD VALORi:M ."10TOR VEHICLE: -~~_~~_~~~_~__~____~M~_ ......---- -.-------... l:.Ia.._................._....__ J~I3I~AL TAX LEVY P=~ SCROLL OISCCV=.~I~S ADDEJ LeSS AtiAT~~E:'HS TOT~L T~XES CHARGEO b. G v=-':) TI S I ~I G FEE S C H A R G r: 0 LISTI~G PeNALTIES CHARGeD TGTAL L-CVY CJLL~CTIC~S TO DATE $ 42,35J,827.13 3,631,322.06 74,073.54'" $ 2,52lt,353.53 13,778.69 29,883.96- ....-..-.....-................-.... ..-..-~~---..._----- .$ 45,918,~75.7.) 1; 2,50'3,253.26 .oc 25,':74.23 ,....'"\ . v.... .80 --"...........---......--.....- ..__.....,.... ---........-- JUTST~NDING 3ALANCE P=RCENTAGc COLLECTED 3ACK TAXES ) 45,943,149.95 $ 2,508,253.26 43,7~7,963.07- 2,013,680.J6- ---~~-~--~~~~-~ ~-~---~~~---~~- $ 2,235,136.88 $ 494,573.20 95.13% 30.23% ...._..,....!IIlf!......... ~~~L ~ST~TE AND oERSONAL PROPERTY CH~~Gf:S ADDEJ L::SS AaATEr~c\HS $ 2,975,847.75 9,774.45 27,122.;:'C- ..-... ...................__.. ....._1Irfl' TJTAL TAX;::S DUE :OLL~CTIC~S TO OAT= t 2,958,500.20 599,992.40- ..-..-...........--.............. OUTSTA~DI~G 3ALANCE PERC~NTAGE COLLECTED ~ 2,358,5C7.80 2 'J . 2 8 ':~ JAN 1994 FISCAL YTO - _ ~~ _...-..-.....~.._INI :- -.........<<"'...........---=--.... ~OO~ :CCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIG~S PRIVILE~E LICENSE COLL~CTIDNS ~t-l5 COLLECTIONS 49,704.44 621.25 1,177,963.58 14,524.50 .Ou .GO TJTAL ~Q~EY P~OCESS~D THRU CCLL~CTION OFFICE FOR N~W HANOVER COUNTY, ~!TX ~F ~~L~!NGTON, WRIGHISV}LLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE c=A~H TO uATc - $64,475,8v4.~7. THIS R~paRT IS FO~ FISCAL YEAR 8EGINNI~G JULY 1, 1913. rQ,?:s p :: C n: 'J L l Y S U 3 M I T T = 0 , - "..-..: . ~ (,\ L'-t.nC\/ PA T;'I'c't~ C~J. c;)YNOR \... ~ COLLECTOR OF REVENUE RecommenJ APprov~ ! ! , I .....\"... ~ NEW HAN~V~R COUNTY FI~E DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 01/31/94 CU~~ENT TAX YEAR - 19Q3 AD VALOReM ~~~-~-~~~-~-~~~-~~~-~~~ M _ _ ___... ...c ..~......_.,.. J;IGINAL TAX L=VY P~R SCKOLL DIS:OVEQ!ES ADDEO LESS A3ATEi'1E"lTS TOT~L TAXES CHA~GED LISTING P~NALTIES CHARGED -:-OT:'L l=VY CJLLECTIJNS TO DATE JUTSTANDING BALANCE PERC=~TAG= CGLLECTED 3ACK TAXES ~ 917,009.89 126,44).57 30,7::;7.81- .....--..........-----..- $ 1,CIZ,652.65 508.04 -- ....._._-_..~--_..... .$ 1,013,16:1.69 971,27').19- .._..___.....__........ww $ 41,890.50 95.87'~~ .._...._...__....taI ~~AL eSTATe AND PERSJNAL P~OPERTY $ CHA~GES A)O::~ L::SS AGAT~MENTS 49,189.47 1,3J7.C8 625.68- .........___...__..r.-_1IIIlI T':JThL TAXES JU': CQLL~CTIONS TO DATE JUTSTA~OING BALANCE PE~CENTA~E COLLECTED s 49,870.37 11,696.64" .......-....-............---... $ 38,174.23 2 3 . 45 :, .\10TOq, VEHICLE ...-...-...---..--.........- .s 61,306.75 643.38 902.97'" ......__..._-~...-_.......- $ 61,052.16 .00 .......-..-........-..--..- $ 61,052.16 50,564.32" ..,.......-------......... j; 10,487.84 32.82% THIS R=PORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR c=GINNING JULY 1, 1993. ~PcCTrULLY SUBMIJiEO, 1/ , . a (, <\ c..{,j n~'\./ ) t\J0l {..\ c.~ j..... J . , P.\TRICIA J.l.;)(AYNOR '- II CONSENT AGENDA COLL~CTO~ OF KEVENUE Recommend APproval~ DATE F e b r 11 ? r v. ? 1 1 q q 4 ITEM No. 7 iiIi ......'t. _.~.oJ . .U.,oIlO4'.-'...':::v......u;a.'1- .' ',..... ,'!.HIi..l):..,'" ~ Corporate Resolution , Secretary of I, the d? / d day of and acting throughout, the resolutions indic effect and that said resolutions are not in corporation: , do corporation duly held on , /9 ~-</ ,at which a quorum was present below were Iy adopted and are now In full force and flict with any provisions of the charter or by-laws of said RESOLVED that Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A. NC (hereinafter called Wachovia): C~k as applicable: 'El (Designation of Wachovia as Depository and Authority to Draw Checks) be and hereby is designated a depository for the funds of this corporation, and Wachovia is hereby authorized and requested to honor and to charge to this corporation checks, drafts, and other orders for the payment of money drawn in the name of this corporation against funds of the corporation on deposit with Wachovia when bearing the signature(s) of, or pursuant to any agreement with, any _ of the following: (Use back if necessary.) Name.BfZ.lt....CG -r:. ~HaL Title :TU.Lj ANNe f'0. G{L;FF;,J .::J7i N t: pe-r6bON o (Mechanically Produced Signatures) be and hereby is requested, authorized, and directed to honor all checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money drawn in the corporation's name on its account(s) on the books of Wachovia (including those drawn to the individual order of any person or persons whose names appear thereon as signer or signers thereof) when bearing or purporting to bear the mechanically produced (facsimile typewritten or printed) signature(s) of any _ of the following: (Use back if necessary ) Name Title and Wachovia is authorized and directed to honor and to charge this corporation for all such checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money, regardless of by whom or by what means the actual or purported mechanically produced signature(s) thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such signa- ture(s) resemble(s) the specimens from time to time filed with Wachovia by the Secretary or other officer of this corporation. o (Authority to Cash Checks Issued to or Held by Corporation) be and hereby is requested, authorized and directed to cash checks issued to or held by this corpora- tion when endorsed in the name of this corporation by any _ of the following: (Use back if necessary. ) Name Title RESOLVED further that the provisions of this resolution shall remain in full force and effect until specifi- cally rescinded or modified by resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation and a certified copy of such resolution has been filed with Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N .A. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said corporation, this c)/Z day 00..~ /' ?f /j9;1 (CORPORATE SEAL) ~.\/ ~ - 389 (5/91) ~~. :i;; "'i .W .~~? . '.1."" '.-~ if. ",\ ~~:: .t!:. !3B f: .. r: ~~ :" " ,.. ...., 143 .--- 3C- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 26th day of October, 1993, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a Computer Aided Dispatch System for the 911 Emergency Center of the Sheriff's Department, Bid # 94-0083: Carolina Telephone & Telegraph $ 632,412.00 IBM Corporation: Primary Bid-Dual Dispatcher Workstations Alternative Bid #1-Dual Display Dispatcher Workstations-With EMO Alternative Bid #2-Single Display Dispatcher Workstations Alternative Bid #3-Single Display Workstations-With EMO $ 798,174.00 847,111.00 760,898.00 804,843.00 Intergraph Corporation Option #1 Option #2 $1,055,792.00 1,037,855.00 AND WHEREAS, after a preliminary review of the proposal from Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Company staff determined that there were major areas of non-compliance in the proposal and therefore the proposal was non-responsive; AND WHEREAS, after a detailed and thorough review as well as demonstrations, it was determined by staff that the proposed IBM system does not provide all the required features; some of the required features not currently being utilized in the proposed IBM System were stated to be available in a future release, these items were not demonstratable at the November demonstration deadline; AND WHEREAS, providing the required features and being able to demonstrate them was a stringent requirement that staff stressed to all bidders in the bidding process; therefore it is the Finance staff's opinion it would be inappropriate to accept a proposed deviation from IBM on this critical issue that received so much emphasis during the bidding process and that IBM's bid is therefore non-responsive; AND WHEREAS, after personal observation and in-house demonstrations, the few functions IBM's system cannot perform and the increased time it would take to operate the system is not acceptable to the Sheriff's staff; -~. ,.~ AND WHEREAS, Intergraph's system provides all essential functions in a timely manner, is easy to operate and has a truly interactive mapping program and is considered responsive by all staff; AND WHEREAS, the Finance Department, the Finance Director, the County Manager and the Sheriff recommend that the contract be awarded to Intergraph Corporation of Huntsville, Alabama, the only responsive bidder, in the amount of One Million Thirty-seven Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-five Dollars ($1,037,855.00); AND WHEREAS, adequate funds will be provided through the Emergency Telephone Fund to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a Computer Aided Dispatch System for the 911 Emergency Center of the Sheriff's Department, Bid # 94-0083 be awarded to Intergraph Corporation, Option 2, in the amount of One Million Thirty-seven Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-five Dollars ($1,037,855.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits to the unsuccessful bidders. of February, 1994. /f?dJ~ Chairman, Board'of County Commissioners ~ Jj) PROJECT ORDINANCE COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH SYSTEM BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the construction of the Computer Aided Dispatch System, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Computer Aided Dispatch System which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from Fund 140 $1,428,344 (Emergency Telephone System Fund) Total $1,428,344 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Equipment (Building Renovation) (New UPS System, CAD) $1,199,555 Contract Services (Aerial Photography) 228,789 ! Total $1,428,344 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this zu, day OfY./~ /" o , 1994.