1989-10-16 W&S Exhibit Contract # W&S 89 - 0330 STAiE OF },JORTH CAROLlNi\ COUNTY OF NE\v HANOVEH hNO\.J ALL 1'IEN BY THESE PEESENTS, that NeH Hanover County IITater and Sel.ler District, a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina hereinafter nalled "Grantor", in consideration of the sum of $1 . OU, j n hand paid by CAHOLINA fDWER & LIGHT C(Y,v!PANY, the receipt. 1l11prp{)f 1 s hereby qrants unt.o said CAf?OLINA PO\vER. & LIGHT COf'JPANY, Iwrpirmft.er called "Company", its sIJccessors and assip;ns, the right, pri vi le.e:e ann easement to 8;0 in and IJpon that certain tract of Jot of 1 and situated in f'lasonnoro tCHmship in said County and State, ..onh:d.nin.~ .10 arre, more or less, described in deed dated ,June 1, 1 ~8~J, and l'prorded in Book 1458, pagP 631, Neh' Hanvoer County Reg;Jstry .')nd to CC)J1struct-, maintain and operate in, upon, and through said premi ses in a matter suitable to it., Hith poles, Hires, cahLes, \ Il'Iderqround conduits, and other necessary apparatus and appliances, ,,:\ 11.ne, or lines for the purposes of transmitting pOl"er by electricIty, t.oe:el'.her I,Jith the right at all times to enter upcm said premises for the purposp of inspectJ.ng saidhnes and malting necessary repairs and nlterahcms thereon; rmd the rig;ht to permit the att.achment of and/c:arry in condui t I"ires and cables of an~' other company or person; to.e:ether h'J lh the right at all times to cut aHay and keep r .Lear of sr.ud lines a Utref-~s ilnd other obstructions that may, in any Hay, endanger the proppr ma.intenance and operation of the same. ~~_d~~ ~~ II <:.l.erk to the Board TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t.he aforesaid right, privilege and easement l1nto Ct\J~.oLINA roWER & LIGHT CaJPANY, i 1:s successors and assigns. forp"Ver. IN \{]T~JESS \I"HEI~EOF. NeH Hanover County has caused this instrument t.o be e~ecuted by it.s Chairman of the \vat,er and Seh'er Disb.ct" attested b:,-' its C.lprl\', and J.ts offjcjal seal to be affixed, pU~llant t.o a""".. , "" III, rpsol\lU on of j t.s p:overning body, this /t: Uv da:,-' of _ _, ] 989. ~,"'~o'JER Co~"" ,.:.. ~............ ~)l-: '.. , $~~'" .... ).~ ATTEST: Nel" Hanover County \Vater and 8el.'er Dj i!~l!;:. ,\.. ~ ~ : ': ~C1: : : . :. : BY . : tI ~ . : ... = -. ./.--) / '0;"=". _' : 0: /' .. / l .,/ /~.A., ......0.,. r.~( .: ~~ (' '/ 'l" ,- ':/-' ".. " )' / /-:' / , '.; ':j) ..... --,.. .... OJ",~ .......__J~/,/.., "I~ ( ., --' ....'~. (~ - - ',,_-1.to........~~~,Ilt.' Cha,irman, Water and SeHer District """ 8EWE. "", .. III'....,"', ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ as to formICounty AlttIfWfI NO!{I'H CAROLINA NE\v HANOVER COUNTY On this __day of___, 1989, personally came before me , R Notary Public in and for said County Rnd St.ate, .._......_..._______., I-:ho, being by me duly Slmrn, says that. he 1.S Chai rmRn of the "later and Seh1er District of Nel" Hanover County, and t.hat , is the Clerl\: of said Board, that rhe seal affixed to the foregoing instrument Has signed by him as (-:hainllan oft-he Ivater and Seh'er District of said County and by the Clerk of S8 i.d Board, I,]ho affixed t.hp official seal of Nel" Hanover County to said instrument; and that the said Chai nll8Tl of t.he \.Jatpr and Sel"er District., aclmoh'ledged said inst.rumpnt to hp l.hp :.\I~l and deed. of Nel" Hanover Counl'y, North Carolina. Witness .my hand and notaria1 seal, this_day of ,1989. Notary Public Ny Commission E:'~pires: NOITrH C;\I'?OLINA NElv Hf\NOVER. COUNTY The foregm.ng cprt i fi.cate of ----.. -. ----~-------- --~----- - - .~-_._- --- ----.- -------.------- ---- --------- Not:;;-~~(y) (ies) Public, i.s (are) certified to be correct.. This instrument '''3S filed for registration at____ o'clock__m., and recordpd in this office i.n 13001\:______,_....___, Page This ___________.__da ~' of , 19 Register of Deeds , . I ji)Ur ~j ..~:"; ~ ;45(3 0b3/ iRf'C ORO c ., P.fBEC'GU" '~'i Dr ~t R'j ~/(b R E C J ~ T ;: ~ -' ,L C .k fR N[I'! 1./;,,'," ';F Drr "5 t.. ,;~' 'j c JUH I lIS PH '89 NO REVENUE STAMPS Excise Tax Recording Time, Book and Page Tax Lot No. Verified by by Parcel Identifier No, County on the day of 19 Mail after recording to W~~W~Dgton, N.ort~ County Attorney's Office, . . Carolina Kemp P. 320 Chestnut Street, Suite 309, This instrument was prepared by 28401 Burpeau, Assistant County Attorney Brief description for the Index ~10 Acres, Masonboro Township NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this !" day of . /'../ , 19 <::i; '( , by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE JANE BELLAMY VENTERS, and husband, W. VICTOR VENTERS, II ,\ \ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AN1~, SEWER DISTRICT, a body politlc and corporate of the State of North Carolina &:) Enter in appropriate block for each party: name, address, and. if appropriate, character of entity, e,q, corporation or partnership, The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. ,WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that f\1asonboro certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of New Hanover Township, County, North Carullna and more particulal'ly described as follows BEING a 0.10 acre tract as shown on the map marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. N C B~lr ASSI)L' Form No 3 IS, I 976..RcvisC'o .~I 1977 - Jam~sWllllams & Co" Inc" 80)( 127 Yadkinvillt!, N. C. 27055 Printed by Agreement With the N. C. 6,H Assoc. - 1981 A ' fHW/' P l~ (; [ 1458 Gb32 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in New Hanover. County Registry Deed Book 279, Page 589 A map sho\\ ing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book page TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple, And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee. that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will wan'ant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated, Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th~ Gra"tor has hereunto corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal above written. President set his hand anrt seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to De Sign\,d! in . its to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and yeilr fust 1\ (), ) / ----~ ..~lfiYEL{~~~..V~J..("ALJ ... /.../ ~),- =- . .JU~.L~m .hhh--h.hh_.__h_~:::h.._nn_(SEAL) W. VICTOR VENTERSr II ;... -" --------------------------------------------------------------- (Corporate Name) ?: By, ,.... '"" ------------------------------- --------------------------- ~ :r. ATTEST. ~ ~ "'. -. n........ __ h n h n._ n.... n n h.. h_ ..h___Uh n ___(SEAL) :i~iE~~;~i~l~;,,::':,,::, (~:,~::,",:::; u mm ~m . m . .. u . . u.. m m m m m mm u. m u. u'''ALJ .;',?~.;/.{..SEA:i::S_'t~:\If(::.'i,.-; ';r.' NORTH CAROLINA, .~ .q_~.~. hB..~. .'~': t;~.'.:_'::.!=._h County l~::{i,;~~~~: ~ ~.::,~:,~",:~~:~,::.::~'~:;~: ~:~:;; ::~O":~:::,::'~~::~~;~~~~~~h~ 'O:~'"~~"~,~U~~~,.,~,~::.~:: ' -:;.~\i..~:~~,<~.,+.... ':"":,:" ,~":-~~~~;;:::;";;\..:... .~~~ ....,.....~ '"',;,,.~ ~Ol .. .".,~~;' " , ,~~f~':;,,':~~~~~',~' ':.' -, .,., . J ;....~ S~AL-S.TAMP I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that -----------------------------------------, '" personally came before me this day and acknowledged that ____ he is -h_____h..h.______U____ Secretary of .5 '" () " given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its .-n..n--.h--uhh.___.n___h_______._h._h__n._ a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly ~ President, sealed with its eor]lorate sC:ll and att"~stcd b) _____.______ as its ___________________________ Secretary, ;, Witness my hand and official stamp or seal. this _______day of -----hn_.______h_____u. 19______.__ :My commission expires: ------------------------_______ ________________________________________ Notary Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T~e foregoing Certificat~ of .. .;r,,''1:0g.:?. .~.~~ h ..IJJ.?~~~~. ~i"'.d:.. _ _"!-!~&~~. __ pH---~.fi-'G... _. h .__. __. _ _.. _ __ _.. _h_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is/~ certified to be correct. This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the lirst page hereof h__.u ..... .:J-~.-hnR~R-~~.-T-u-m--..-.---m.-hREGISTER OF DEEDS FOR--.--m~~~_H~n9~~r.______COUNTY By h~-a.@~----.U-..n.--.h.Deputy/t\;jsi.ta..l- Register of Deeds N. C. BJr .\ssoc Form No 3 \9 1976 Revised '~, 1977 - James Williams & CO" In!,;" COll 127 Yadkinville. N. C. 27055 Prmted by Agrec>menJ with the N. C. Bar As!'.Oc, _ 1981 ' , '. Exhibit A . . ,-.- LOCATION MAP TAX PARCEL #67-00-06-02 / / / ~. rS <:;CV ~() / (;0 ,,? ()~ / ~;-,g.> (j ~ ,;- ()' rV ~. I; ""'~ I; <v ~<v~ ~ V)~ TO AN IRON IN THE SOUTHERN R\W OF NAVAHO TRAIL PROPOSED ACCESS / EASEMENT 30' / "" / ~ s S){. {] Sa_ C?o 0;>.. o (' I I / / C) "'- o ^JV) ""~ ~' " 0.10 ACRE CD - ~ ..b. =- O'l cr c c::r ~ w ~. :.-) W r-Tl .' "" '" " "< " "" "" "" "" "" 1-- '5l 6'0 .>. . ]l, S'51_ 6' "" ~('%--? 00.. " "" ~ Ji- "" "" ~('{.; ~-} /' "" " "" " ~ ~ \><-:)> ~ , ~^'. C)" . ^)<t:> o % ~& T(')- "\\,nlllll",, 0 ... \" -:""\ ~ . J ('.1.... /'1, ...() ...' ~:-- \\ \ tl \,,""'/r"/)', , f;<" ...~' ",,:~' ~....~~;~",: "..:-'/~. "" ,,^"', ;,.' .-- ')~ ')'jiC,j'" /1" ";.... ,,',/;- ~ . \' '>r. ,," )..7 .... r I .:: ... ,~ (~ ... ~, ~ I J r~ L : ::. . '~_:;~. ,t -::/";,C ...1 ; ~J n'" -, ,1\\Q:. ,...... ..... ". '.>. '). \ i I". . . . ., " " 30' " ~ \ " " " "" " 30 1 5 0 30 ~~ ===J SCALE IN 60 --1- 90 -=J FEET "~." .I <..'.. 1 ... l .- .., t, ,... (' ",-".. '" 4, W'\ 1';\'\..,., lAAP fOR NE~W":;F{ANOVER COUNTY FOR REFERENCE SEE DB 279 PAGE 589 / MA.SOfJ80RO TWSP. NEW HANOVER CO. N,C. WHISKEY CREEK PUNP SITE I , CREG A. WAYNE. CERTIFY 1HAl 1HIS \,tAP WAS DRAWN LINDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION FHOM AN ACTUAL SURVEY IAADE UNDER lAY SUPUlVlSlON. TIIAT 1HE UmOR OR CLl.'SIJRES AS CALCULATED BY LATITUDES AND DEPAKTURES IS 1:5;'-0+. nl.q ltIE BOllNDARIES rWT SURVEYED ARE SHOWN AS BROKEN UNES 11lA T 1HIS l.lAP \'/"S PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G,S, 47-30 AS AMHENDED, 8 a I ~~'~ll.4: l~~tl ~~=AL~:I~ ~ ~ DAY Of -L1:Y~ 1 Q~ LikEG A. HAYNE RLS L--2876 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES. P.A. LAND SURVEYORS AND ENGINEERS 248 NORll--l FRONT STREET WILJ...IINGTON . N.C. 28401 PHCiNE: 919 343-8002