1994-12-19 RM Exhibits ~E~ H4NJV~~ COUNTY TAX COLL~CtIONS COLLECTIONS TH~U 11/30/94 :U~RE~T TAX YEAR - 1994 -------------~----~---- JRIGI~AL TAX LEVY P~R SC~OLL DISCJVERIES ADDeD L:::SS A3ATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARG~D A8VE~TISING FEES CHARG=D LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TJTAL LEVY ::JLLESTIJ~S T0 DIITE )UTSfA~DI~G BALAIJCE P=~C~NTAGE COLLECTED 3~C:< TAXES ......-...-...... ~=~L ESTAT~ A~) PERS[J~AL P~~PERTY C-iAR:;ES AfWED L::SS ABAH:M::Nl S TJfAL TAx~S DU= :JLL=CTIJNS Ta DATE JUTSTANDING 3ALANCE ?=RCENTAGE CQLLErTED ~JJM JCCU?ANCY TAX COLLECTIONS ~~IVILEGE LIC=NS~ COLLECTIONS E"1S COLL~CTIONS AD VALOREM --..--...-....-......-... $ tt3,991,3C3.53 2,303,r>32.33 : 17,882.21- ----..-...-----~... $ tt6,276,453.65 n~ ._u 35,603.tt9 --.....-----.---- $ 46,312,057.14 13,351,872.32- ,,___.._Ir'_____....... $ 32,961),184.82 29.83%+: $ 2,10:),664.33 55,713.79 29,129.13- -- .-..---....-...... ....- $ 2 , 72 6 , 64 r, . S' 9 552,80Z.95- .. - - - -- - -- -- ,....-.. $ 2,113,846.04 20.21% NOV 1994 _..rr___..____.._... 123,491.60 523. i5 .00 J~-A CONSENT AGENDA DATE:__!.~L!.~L~4 ITE(oi NO. __~___ MOTOR VEHICLE ------..-------.. $ 2,252,395.14 10,610.34 43,091.74- -....-....-----....-- $ 2,219,973.74 .00 .00 ----.....--..---..-. $ 2,219,913.14 1,627,351).78- ...-..----.,----..-- $ 592,622.96 73.30%* FISCAL YTO ...-..-...--.....-...-- 1,105,552.34 15,413.00 .00 TJTAL ~JNEY PRQCESSEJ THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER CQUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON! WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE 3~~CH TO DATE - $Zl,359,183.35. T'HS RcPOKT IS FOR '=ISCAL YEA~ flE:;INNING JULY 1, 1994. ~~CTF_ULL.Y SUBMITT~' I \) _ t"""'\ ,.,.... ~ County Manager's comments -t tlJ'I1 L I f..~ '-<c. ~. I. ( -l1 Ylv \../ PAfRICIA J. ~A~JD~ - v C)LL~CTJR OF KEVE, UE *' CJMBIN=O COLLECTION PERCE~TAGE - 186 30.8610 Recommend ap~ CONSENT AGENDA DATE:_::~:~~~~ ITEM NO. _J.O___ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FI~E DISTRICT TAX CdLLE~TIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 11/30/94 :JRRENT TAX YEAR - 1994 ~------"-~-"----------- J~IGINAL AY lEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS fJTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TJTAL LEVY CJLL~CTIJ~S TO DATE JJTSTANDI~G BALANCE PE~CE~TAGE COLLECTED gACK TAXES -------..,. ~EAL ESTATE A~D PERSONAL PROPERTY CrlA~GES ADDED LESS ABATEHENTS TJTAL TAXES DUE CJLL=CTIO~S TO DAT= J~TSTA~OI~G 8ALANCE P=~CENTAG~ COLLECTED AD VALO~EM ----------...--- $ 965,842.41 51,404.43 26,450.77- ..-_.'.r'______._. $ 996,196.13 715.93 ------.----.-..-. $ 991,512.06 321,985.::>0- ..-----....--------... $ 615,521.06 32.28%* $ 46,373.07 1,848.18 917.09- --..-----...-----. $ 47,304.16 10,588.32- .......---.....---........ $ 36,115.84 22.38% MOTOR VEHICLE ----...........-..---,. $ 54,350.58 446.95 1,385.81- --......-----..---- $ 53,411.66 .:)0 ---'"_...-------- $ 53,411.66 40,651.82- ...----..--..-...--. .$ 12,153.84 16.12~* TYIS REPJ~T IS FOR FISCAL YEA~ aEGINNI~G JULY 1, 1994. ~=CTFULLY SU8MIT~9D, \) , . a (,"\ ('.:..; .'""",: '_/ i C-J~ u c. /"'). . ) A fRI C r A J. R~NOR - v :OLLECTO, OF REVENUE CQ~BINED COLLECTION PERCENrAG~ - 34.51% County Manager's comments: Recommend approv~ 187 cJs-B Resolution of Intent To Close a Public Road Portion of Jeanelle Moore Boulevard (SR 1499) Porters Neck Community WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to N.C.G.S. 153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described portion of a public road; BEGINNING at a point in the center line of Jeanelle Moore Boulevard (State Road 1499), said point located South 53 degrees 19 minutes 21 seconds East 481.73 feet as measured with said center line from its intersection with the center line of Champ Davis Road (state Road 1400).. running thence from said beginning South 10 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds West 33.54 feet to a point in the southwestern line of Jeanelle Moore Boulevard; thence with ~aid southwestern line South 53 degrees 19 minutes 21 seconds East 813.88 feet to a point at the southern comer of the eastern terminus of said Jeanelle Moore Boulevard; thence with the line of said eastern terminus north 36 degrees 40 minutes 39 seconds east 60.00 feet to the northern corner of said terminus; thence with the northeastern line of Jeanelle Moore Boulevard North 53 degrees 19 minutes 21 seconds West 843. 88feet to a point; thence South 10 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds West 33.54 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 1.1417 acres. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said road to public use and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 6th of February, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in the General Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final detennination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 19th Day of December, 1994. Attest: 'i~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Qf&v/~ C k to the Board " ! oiSL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A FINANCING AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE 160A-20 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina (the "County") desires to provide for the acquisition of certain real property (the :r- "Project") for use by Cape Fear Community College for educational purposes. WHEREAS, the Board desires to finance the Project totalling not to exceed $465,000.00 through an installment financing contract (the "Contract") with First Citizens Bank and Trust ("First Citizens"), obligating the County to repay amounts financed at a fixed annual interest rate of not more that 6.69% over a term of fifty-nine (59 ) months, resulting In total payments. of approximately $561,759.50, pursuant to a proposal submitted by First Citizens to the Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 160A-20, the County is authorized-to acquire the subject property constituting the .project obligation by entering into an installment financing contract which creates in the Project a security interest to secure payment of the thereby created; and WHEREAS, the s~bject trapsaction is ex~mpt from ~ocal Government COl!lmi,ssion of North Carolina ("LGC") ~pproval pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 159~118; and wHEREAS, the County intends to finance the project by de.livering .to First Ci,t.izensthe Contl:'a<::t" .pl:'oyiding for the-.. - .fiiiancing of- a- p:t:inc::ipal amount hot. to. exceed. $465 ,0.00:. aOn. WHEREAS, the Loan shall be evidenced by an Installment Purchase Contract (the "Contract") and a Promissory Note (the "Note") and secured by a Deed of Trust (the "Deed of Trust") on the Facility and related real property (the "Property"); and, WHEREAS, draft copies of the proposed Contract, Note and Deed of Trust have been presented to the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Board meeting in regular session on the 19th day of December, 1994, make the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed Contract is necessary and expedient because the amount to be financed is small and any other method of financing would be more expensive and time consuming. The small amount of financing needed also lends itself to installment financing. The sum that falls due under the Contract on an annual basis can be included in the County's budget without difficulty, and are not excessive for the Project. 2. The County attorney has advised the County that the Project is authorized by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of. North Carolina. 3. There will be no increase in taxes necessary to meet the sums to full due under the proposed Contract. 4.' The County is not indef~ult of any'of its debt se+vise ?bl~gati6ns. 5. The. 'County's past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports indicate the debt management procedures and policies have been , . " ca:r::-riE3d' out in 'st:rict compliance with the- law, and- the 9ount-y "has not been censured by the LGC, external auditors, or any other regulatory agencies in connection with such management. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 6. The Finance Director and County Attorney are hereby authorized to act on behalf of the County in pursuing the proposed financing contract. 7. Each of the Contract, the Note and the Deed of Trust, in substantially the forms submitted to this meeting, and the performance by the County of its obligations thereunder, including, . without limitation, its representations, warranties and covenants as to matters affecting the tax-exempt status of interest on the Loan, hereby are approved, and the Chairman hereby is authorized and directed to execute and deliver, and the Clerk to the Board hereby is authorized and directed to attest and acknowledge, as may be appropriate, on behalf of the County each of the Contract, the Note and the Deed of Trust, with such variations, omissions and additions as the persons executing such documents may approve, their execution and delivery thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval of such variations, omlSSlons and additions. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the County Manager and the County Finance Director hereby are authorized to approve all details of said Loan, including, without limitation, -to the amount advanced,pursuant to the Contract (which shall not exceed a maximum principal sum of $465,000.00), the amounts and tiIDing of the' Installment PaYments, the interest rate(s) and the term of the Contract. Execution of the Contract by , ' ,-t'he ,_Chairman or the' -Finance Director- cOri,cl us-i v~ly .shall' evidence such approval of all such details of the Loan. 8. The Chairman, the County Manager and the County Finance Director or any of them hereby are au.thorized and directed, as appropriqte, to negotiate, enter into, execute and deliver for and on behalf of the County, and the Clerk to the Board hereby lS authorized and directed to attest and acknowledge, as may be appropriate, any and all exhibits, addenda, schedules and supplements to the Contract, Note and Deed of Trust and any and all financing statements, certificates, assignments and other documents, instruments or agreements (including appropriate tax certifications and agreements) as may be necessary or advisable to carry out the intent of this resolution and to effect the financing pursuant to the Contract and Deed of Trust, and any other certificate, instrument or document relating to the Contract and the Deed of Trust and the transactions contemplated thereby, including, without limitation, the Note, and to perform any and all acts they may deem necessary or appropriate in order to carry out the' intent of this resolution and the matters herein authorized. 9. The County hereby designates the Note and the Contract as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" for the purpose of Internal Revenue Code Section 265(b) (3). The County shall not issue tax- exempt obligations itself or approve the issuance of tax-exempt of its "subordinate" entities (and all entities which issue tax-exempt . ~obligations on behalf of the County ~nd its subordinate entities) if the, issuance' of- such tax-exempt ,?bligations' would, - when aggregated with all other tax-exempt obligations theretofore issued u in this calen..dar- year -by: the COUlJ.ty eD;tities - having issued a total of more than $10,000,000.00 of tax-exempt obligations in this calendar year (not including private activity bonds other than qualified 501(c) (3) bonds), including the Note and the Contract. 10. All other actions of County officers and employees 1n conformity with the purposes and intent of this resolution and 1n furtherance of the execution and delivery of the instruments described above and the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. All other resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith,to the extent of such conflict, are hereby repealed. This resolution is effective upon its adoption this the 19th day of December, 1994. ~~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~1(2i~ rk to the Board ~j-:D RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, according to the current Purchasing Policy, Section II of the New Hanover County Accounting Manual, a purchase order is required on all purchases and services that amount to $150 or more and if an item costs $500.00 or more it is classified as a fixed asset; AND WHEREAS, after review by the Finance Director, staff's recommendation is to increase these limits to require a purchase orde'F on all purchases and services that amount to $500 or more and to classify an item as a fixed asset if the cost is $1000 or more; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Purchasing Section II of the New Hanover County Accounting Manual be effective January 1, 1995 as follows: County Policy, changed Purchase order to be required on all purchases and services that amount to $500 or more. An item costing $1,000 or more to be classified as a fixed asset. This 19th day of December, 1994. ?Jd-IJ~- Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~:~ , 'v( , Cl rk to the Board -