1986-01-20 Water & Sewer I I 81 , ~BAN~-WA.rl~ER-AND-SEWER-DJ:S.'ElUCT A SEMBLY A regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer D strict was held on Monday, January 20, 1986, at 1:54 o'clock P M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County A ministration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North C rolina. District Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan; F ed Retchin; Nolan O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; C airman Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; C unty Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F Harrell. A PROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 16, 85, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OPTION OF RESOLUTIONS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF STREET RIGHTS-OF-WAY I SE I, AREA II AND AREA III Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner tchin to adopt resolutions for acceptance of certain street ghts-of-way in Phase I, Area II and Area III to allow nstruction' and maintenance of the sewer system. Upon vote, the TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book I, P ge 27. A PROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR PUMP STATION SITE - HERMAN WALTON AN W FE Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman B rfield to authorize the Chairman to execute a contract for on f e simple pump station site in the amount of $4,500 between th N w Hanover County Water and Sewer District and Mr. Herman Walto a d wife, Bernie Walton. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE U'ANIMOUSLY. A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's o fice. A PROVAL OF CONTRACTS FOR PUMP STATION SITES - WILLIAM WELLS AN W FE, JEAN - LANDMARK PROPERTIES Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissione R tchin to authorize the Chairman to execute contracts for tw f e simple pump station sites from (1) Mr. William Wells an w fe, Jean Wells in the amount of $5,800; and (2) Landmar P operties in the amount of $8,000. Upon vote, the MOTIO C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the contracts are on file in the County Manager' o fice. 82 PROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR PUMP STATION SITE - ROBERT M. HOLDER A FE, PAMELA Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissione tchin, to authorize the Chairman to execute a contract for a fe "mple pump station site in the.amount of $6,000 from Mr. Rober . Holder and wife, Pamela B. Holder. Upon vote, the MOTIO RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SCUSSION OF EASEMENT AND LIFT STATION SITE ACQUISITION - LEY POINT SUBDIVISION Engineering Director Hilton presented slides and ckground infor.mation on the acquisition of an easement adley Point Road for a lift station site. He stated th ad is private with no public rights-of-way within the limit the property. He stated the Bradley Point Homeowner' sociation was not satisfied with the design because of the los o some la~ge ,oak trees and had suggested placement ,of the sewe 1 ne in ~he middle of the road which ~ould require resurfacing 0 t e road at an additional cost of $56,740. Engineering Directo H 1 ton .stiat~d' -n.o' agreement ',had' been Treached between th H meowner's Association and the County Engineering Staff askin d rection,of the District Commissioners. Mr. Howard Garris, representing the Bradley poin H meowner's Association, commented on the destruction of larg o k trees in the subdivision requesting consideration of a a ternate route which would provide protection for the tree roo s stems without destroying the landscape quality of the area. H r quested placement of the sewer line in the middle of the roa w th the road being replaced to its prior condition, stating th h meowners would be willing to grant free easements and a lif s at ion siteo He, also, reminded the Commissioners of the ne z ning ordinance recently passed on landscaping asking if th r ute proposed by the Sewer District would be in compliance. A lengthy discussion was held on the proposal submitted b e Bradley Point Homeowner's Association and other alternatives. cern was expressed for setting a precedent and not followin licies and procedures previously set for installation of sewer es In the Sewer District. Commissioner Retchin expressed concern for requesting County payers to subsidize additional costs for a change of design in ubdivision. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Dolan MOVED, CONDED by Commissioner Retchin to sewer the area at the "ginal cost of $152,400 plus an additional $19,000 for 60 foot hts~of-way and $6,000 for a lift station site for a total struction cost of $176,400. If an agreement cannot be reached h the Homeowner's Association, the only other alternative will for connection to the Sewer System at Airlie Road. Upon e, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I""\- ~ J \ ! J \ I J I I 83 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING. JANUARY 20. 1986 (CONTINUED) , J . 1 . DSCUSSION OF PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT"NEEDS FOR THE SEWER DISTRI Engineering Director 'Hilton ga'.(,~ b1ackground information 0 t e equipment needs and personnel needs for the immediate an f ture needs of the Sewer District. He stated the system was 9 'ow'ing rapidly "and' stressea\~the,l impbrt'iiilCe" 'being, ready 'to mee , .. . ,~ .':11, ,,#, !'. j.. r. , t t e demands. He stated the funds for.equ~~ent and perso~nel wil 'J . '" . . : . it".. ," rl . " . , ,'. b :f.unded tl1rou9h the Sewer Dlstrlct. r r I I After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED b C mmissioner O'Neal for acceptance of the plan for the addition p rsoimel and equipment' needs' fo'r . t'h'E't Water "and Sewer Distric w. ~th approvB:l: o'f'the' following' Budget' Ana~ndme.nt. . iUpon'v~te:l"th M TItON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ' 'if' . ~I . ..' . .. ) t t \'1 '1 ~ ;.. r I; , I i 1 .' ~) I' -"\ , . . ? t 1. \.. {\ ~ 1 8 -00000147 Finance/Engineering , 'credit Debit Indirect Cost Charge for W/S District ,r f 1 <.. ", , . " ,I tl . . , .. .. ' ":1 f"'F,inance I~ i - :,.:. "' -,' "', ',: ;; Salaries & 'Wages" FICA Retirement ~, ! -I. f Medical;'. :t;ris<urafi.ce -!' '; l\" n Capita'F"Out:lay" '_ Equipment.' '. , (1.1 I -..) ~'.> '.' '" ,,' <.. () . , $83,357 ' , I:': f ~. . ,. , ~ 0" . " of I ~'~ ') 'I I I ~ I , ' ; " \ . ~ . ~ ;, ,: :-~ ,i i $12~875' "1934 j ., -,I;' ~, q,~.Q", . 47'0' }.-, .'" I. ,", 6 ~,~9P) , l ','oj ""; :. ~. II ." " I ~';"" r' :")- T I.! '1' " I ~ f.. '"I ., , i : ') Engineering' Salarie!s';Pan'd 'Wages FICA Retiremetit Medical Insurance Capital'fP~;~~~c:ll1-' Equipmep'~l ::r.~.~ ,. f .~ (~;~ ''',',' . . . r ' to'" ,'( r. I. . ~ :' A. copy ?~ r~he ?~an, is co,hta:L,~~d;~i'I'~- ?xhibit-, Boo.k ~, ,Page 28. JOURNMENT f . -. . Commissiorier"Dolan MOVED, 'SECONDED-~by' commissioner' O'Neal to a Jbuin the line~t'i'ng." Upon vote, 'the"MOTION CARRIED "UNANIMOU8LY .' . .r i ;, :."'!'q ~f.' .. " : .. 1\.: I" 17,450 1,270 1,40,0, 1,398 ',l 40",OQ,Q~" , , , ,0; " ... ::l )Ch air m'an '0' S hie 1 d sad jol urn e d I t h ~ \ in e e tin gat '2: '48 (" .~ :L 0 c k :" . 2' J' ....,.JIj), if ',~ I Q a~; ~. l'ill j", " ~.,(;. 'l~.t'~q,~~. , , , 'Respectf~lly suomittea, : " N: ;"::;; X/" ,,~:', ":' i!...': :"" ,~,~,. ....... ~'.'f~'" ,~.. r \' I 'r;: ..t.)_;! ~;...! '':'1 Lucle'F. Harrell .. r~ 1 yo Clerk' -; ','}. . , .f ,/ ~ .1 I: \ , " .., (..;"} '"1 r'" "~I' 'J . ~ ~ -,. .. - ~ - ... .. ",' 1 ~... ;..... e..' I 1/' ,/