2021-02-15 RM ExhibitsExhibit Book Page IOTIATZA:F-11 ,,I M, . , 1. j I Ill ;Illiiiiiiiir!Irj 1"10-4 crry�uf; 1 � 7'375.157ffQ; M=ilg U I I 111RU) Ll lei I Surface I ransportation ;AOCK Grant rirogr"- Direct Attributable (STBGP-DA) competitive grant process which requires a local cash match of 20%; and LUT F.111N.0 MAIN WWI MIMIC - fund for construction of bicycle and pedestrian trails along Middle Sound Loop Road from Red Cedar Road to Publix., and along Market Street from Mendenhall to Porters Neck Walmart; and WHEREAS, the trails would provide connection to the existing trail along Middle Sound Loop Road at Red Cedar Road, as well as the planned bicycle and pedestrian trail along Market Street; and WHEREAS, these trails provide much needed recreational and alternative transportation opportunities for our citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioner-�' hereby authorizes the Parks and Gardens Department to apply for the STBGP-DA fund in thg amountof for a total project cost of $691,841. 03" i KKollpi M 40"Hi6lson-Boseman, Chair J, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book XM Page I - 0, # - - A# j - , 1 1, Ijullm'E'lawlyA Tol BMW4M2, $ 150,029,981.0101 $ 14,869 60,929 - $ 6,332,017.61 17 231,928.2�- $ 4689 11 80. $ - 96 ) Firi $ 32,810IL7jil" $ 15,294.60 ii $ $ 48,105.33 �aI III Total TaII I xes Charged $ 150S1mI ,013,932.95 $ 14,787II ,938.52 $ 6,3321 ,0In 17.61 $ 171,133,889.0m Collections to Date $ 127,898,927.39 $ 7,441,819.10 $ 6,332,017.61 $ 141,672,764 *Refunds $ 590,9 $ 15,809.08 $ 327,512.10 Write-off 1 $ wM MIMOSA MI KAI I MIZ 14M ... .......... ..... ...... Ijullm'E'lawlyA %a°and Total Ali Collections YTD $ 141,435,391.3& *Detailed information for Refunds can befound in the Tax Office NEW OVER COUNTY it ij �` - d- OA4�VA Clerk ()the Board 1) Tol BMW4M2, ,(m2ffi,,=0.797)1I IA IIII VIII 00 86. 4,4(49,,527337) 4811 08 6 95$ 6,7(5,,11.8129180044 0345L 4689 80. $ - 96 ) - - - - 238.40 -- --- ------------- - -- - --- ii $ 238.40 1 $ IIIIII 1,755,154�08 VIII $ 4,450,II III 402VMI,846.95 $ 11 6,608,529.17 393,856.3jw� $ C�1528J4 206,687.07 $ 811,00 $ 601,354.38 50,636.3 $ i 276,875.77 $ 327,512.10 1 $ wM MIMOSA MI KAI I MIZ 14M ... .......... ..... ...... %a°and Total Ali Collections YTD $ 141,435,391.3& *Detailed information for Refunds can befound in the Tax Office NEW OVER COUNTY it ij �` - d- OA4�VA Clerk ()the Board 1) ITotal 2020-2021 Collections YTD $ 18,555,591.32 M Scroll N $ 183,590.02 $ 280,22637 $ 463,816.39 $ (6-11,& $ (5,62&99Y �Scroll/Billed $ 19,796,952.2 1,952,905.52 $ 835,54lVo 5.99 $ 22,585,403.71 Abatements $ (6,44&65)i' $ (12,837M)' $ - $ 7), (19,284.4IIII Adjustments $ 4,338.15 $ 2,018.24 $ $ 6,356.39 II I II IA VIII lioi' $ 19,IIIIII794,843.70 $ 1 942M �94 $ 835,54599 $ 22,572,4IlIl 7ll�5.63 $ 16,748,05845 $ 971986.87 8�35,545.99 $ 18,555,591.32 �VWAUWZA 587.70 W. OMNI ITotal 2020-2021 Collections YTD $ 18,555,591.32 M Scroll N $ 183,590.02 $ 280,22637 $ 463,816.39 $ (6-11,& $ (5,62&99Y $ II,Abatements (11,7III4547) Adjustments $ 6 31.4Illy II III $ 1 1773,54 274I�f,6A qI 'III 28.84 $ 45I�IIr 2,10211 34 III II �,47II 49,303.11lI 45 (9,650.52) $ 39,652M $ 5,915.26 $ 427.06 $ 6,342.31 $ IFM �VWAUWZA * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office EMILE., [a Exhibi , t )(tvage Book Scroll $ Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 9,016,674.83 $ 1,044,586.05 $ 482,543.10 $ 10,543,803.98 Abatements $ (2,440.50) $ (7,846.90) $ (10,287.40) Adjustments $ 5,666.18 $ 141.49 $ .108,94i�iTll $ 5,807.67 Total Taxes Charged $ 9,019,900.51 $ 1,036,880.64 $ 482,543:1100 $ 10,539,324.25 Collections to Date $ 7,865,28121 $ 636,457.76 $ 482,543 $ 8,984,28107 *Refunds $ 18.74 $ 149.47 $ - 168.21 Write-off $ - 1 400,57235 $ - $ 1,55_5,209.39 Coileetion Percentage 87.20 61.37 100.00 85.24 $ 2,128.7 2,283.84 Total 2020-2021 Collections YTD $ 8,986,398.70 Prior Years 2010-2019 1 Scroll $ 113,568.63 C rnbined____7 o $ 248,623.36 $ 24,031.75 $ 386,223.74 'Abatements $ (4,621.02) Adjustments TotalLevy $ .108,94i�iTll $ 47,070.51 $ . ..... ------ -----24,031.75 �180,049._8_7_1 Collections to Date $ 26,966.71 $ (196,361.62) $ 13.39 $ (169,381.52) *Refunds $ 41621.02 $ 31.39 $ - $ 4,652.41 Write-off $ - - Grand Total Alt Collections YTD *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office ann�r Exhibit 1, i% i/ j N fjpk � i TAX DEPARTMENT P.(910)798-'7300 F:(910)798-7310 I NHCgov.com Allison Snell,'Tax Administrator As re uired bv G.S. 105-369 a and bl Advertisement of Unpaid Tax liens of Real Property It is hereby ordered that the Collector of Revenue provide the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners a total of all unpaid real property taxes for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The Collector of Revenue will cause to have published once in a local newspaper all unpaid 2020 tax liens on real property during the period prescribed by law. The advertisement will combine the liens of the County of New Hanover, City of Wilmington, Town of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Carolina Beach and the Fire District taxes thereon this 151h day of February, 2021. Real Property Taxes Unnaid for 2020-2021 New Hanover $5,544,051.19 Fire District $331,938.32 Debt Service $796,987.64 Wilmington $2,858,212.38 Wilmington $12,884.02 MSD Wrightsville $127,163.59 Beach Carolina Beach $229,973.05 Kure Beach $124,401.60 *YTD TOTAL $10,025,611.79 *YTD totals are from effective date 112112021 AGENDA. February 10-, 2021 NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OFCOMMISSIOERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 BUDGET BE I'LOR)AI NFI) by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendmenos) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health & Safety Strategic Objective(s)- Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fun & General Department. Social Services BA 21-030 COVID-19 Funds-LIEAP Decrease $ Increase 335,816 —Total $ 335,816 BA 21-036 11EAP $ 13,679 $ 13,679 BA 21-045 COVID-1 9 RecavepLAq Funds (2115,1061 BA 21-045 CO VID- 19 RecoveKy Act funds $ (215,106) BA 21-046 CF`PUA Water Assistance Program. Total $ $ 215,106)1 $ 12273 350,768 _Lj2J5,I06j _j Lj 1,273 135,662 Revenue. a l BA 21-030 COVID-19 Funds-LIEAP --a==— $ 335,816 $ 335,816 BA 21-036 LIEAP $ 13,679 $ 132679 BA 21-045 CO VID- 19 RecoveKy Act funds $ (215,106) $ (215,106) BA 21-046 CFPUA Water Assistance Program $2 L273 $ 1 73 2 Total $ 215,106) $ 350.768 Itj 135,662 Prior to Total N Actions Actions Todav Taken Departmental BudgetLLI§130 �866 $ 36e366 528 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-030 As North Carolina continues to address issues related to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the needs of adults, children, ycnith, young adults, anti families have increased. To help address these needs, the General Assembly passed Session Law 2020-4, the 2020 COVID-1 9 Recovery Act, which appropriates f I CAR E -,S Ac . edera t funding. New Hanover County has been advanced $335,816,00 to be used for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). No county match is reAluired, BA 21-036 increases the budgeted amount for the Low income Energy Assistance Program (MEAP). The amount budgeted. is based on estimates from the state. The allocation for thefiscal year was more than anticipated.. 'this program assists low income households with the cost of heating expenses. Eligible households receive a one-time LIEAP heating assistance payment made directly to the household's heating vendor. The target population is persons age 60 and over or diabled persons receiving a state service through the Divison of Aging and Adult Services, Household income must be at or below 130% of poverty. County departments of social services take applications (luring the specified time period of December I through March 31, or until funds are exhausted. The program funds the LIEAP benefit payment and is intended to cover all administrative costs. There, is no county match required for 1JEAP payments. BA 21-045 As North Carolina continues to address issues related to the COVH) 19 public health crisis, the.netds of adults, children, youth, young adults and families have increased. To help address these needs, the General Assembly passed Session Law 2020-4, the 2020 COV11)-19 Recovery Act, which appropriates federal CARES Act funding. New Hanover County was advanced $293,295 for two prognun areas; adult protective services and child protective services. After developing a spending plan based on the state criteria for items needed for our agency, a reversion notice was issued to recoup unspent funding in the amount of$215,106,00. The state had very stringent guidelines on what these funds could be spent on. Most, of the approved things the department had already purchased via general past budget requests. The department had. repeated conversations with the state and explored many avenues on how to use the funds. There was an expiration date of December 30, 2020, therefore the funds were reverted back to the state. BA 21...046 budgets contributions received frons a community partner for the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) assistance program which assists citizens with past due accounts to avoid disruption of services, 'the progam is 100% funded by community partner contributions along with contributions from the city and county, 'The maximum benefit per eligible household is $500 per fiscal year, These funds may not be used for deposits. Eligibility is based on need and Hands available. Funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year are carried forward to the next fiscal year. A contribution of$1,272.79 was received. No county match isrequired, Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 21-030, 21-036, 21-045 & 21-046 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. (SEAL) Exhibit Xil�age A91 Book — AGENDA: February 15,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAXtR-?'� Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Effective County Management Strategic Objective(s): Deliver quality service at the right time Fund: General Department: Elections LjgLiLditure, Decrease I Increase Total BA 21-042 Elections 1 $ 222,510T $ 2222510 Total ' $ - 1 $ 222 5-1-0 $ 222,510 Revenue: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 21-042 HAVA Grant 1 $ 222,51011$ 2222510 Total $ r—$ 222,510 r$— 222,510 Prior to Actions Today Departmental Budget $ 1,665,168 Total if Actions Taken 1 $ 15887,6781 Section 2. Explanation BA 21-042 allocates grant funding from the NC State Board of Elections. Additional HAVA (Help America Vote Act) funds have been designated for county boards under Session Law 2020-17 based on their Department of Commerce economic tier and number of registered voters to meet the unexpected needs related to the pandemic. The amount of allocated funding for New Hanover County is $222,510. The General Assembly stipulated that in reimbursement of these funds, counties must certify that HAVA funds will not be used to supplant county funds. Use of the funds must adhere to the categories and permissible purposes established by the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission and the federal standards set by the congressional grant authorization. Under this grant, certain unanticipated expenditures due to COVID- 19 that were accrued by this department would be covered. Expenses such as those related to the protection of the health and safety of poll workers, staff and voters during the federal elections, as well as the costs associated with the increased demand for vote by mail, and the additional equipment and temporary staff needed to perform critical responsibilities would be allowable. No county match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. 16 1110 NUNN", I I year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. !;u14"91son-Boserran, Chaif A TTESOT K* :• Kymk*leigh G. Crow4W, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book:&(T— Page .00 - AGENDA: February 15,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 111ALKr-T-JJV.Ak111J-Cy-& �1-0) �Jkly-ts-C-0-4Z Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Intelligent Growth & Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Leverage public infrastructure to encourage private investment is Room Occupancy Special Revenue FunI Department: Engineering Expenditure- Dtcrease increase Total BA 21-044 Erosion Control Expense $ 35,00011$ 35,000 Total $ $ 35,000 35,000 Revenue: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 21-044 NC Coastal Management Grant 1 $ 35,00011$ 3S 000 Total $ - 1 $ 35,000 35,000 Prior to Actions Today Departmental Budget $ 6,292,723 Total if Actions Taken $ 6,327,723 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-044 appropriates a grant awarded by the NC Division. of Coastal Management (NCDCM) in the amount of $35,000. NCDCM has revised the large sediment baseline assessments for sand recipient beaches. New Hanover County will update geotechnical assessments, per Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Projects at Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach as well as inlet management in Carolina Beach Inlet and Mason Inlet. NCDCM has offered the county a $35,000 grant for the revised large sediment analyses. This grant funding estimate involves the sampling of sediments equal to or greater than one inch in diameter, and shell material equal to or greater than three inches in diameter, through visual observation on the surface, of a 10,000 square foot area centered on each transect, between mean tide level (TL) and the frontal dune toe. Transects are to be spaced no further than 5,000 feet apart with a minimum of five evenly spaced transects per project area. There is no match requirement for the grant. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption ffirol Mm rA M -MI . .. . ....... year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. (SEAL) Jula79' Kson-Boss—z—, C..... ATT T: Kp+jrleigh G. Crow e& Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book -A& P age Z51AA AGENDA: February 15,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ILV I , t I 11111�111mri IIIIiIiIiiiii III! 11's I Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Proactively manage the county budget Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 21-047 Appropriated Fund Balance $ (16,794)1 $ (16,794) BA 21-047 Transfer in from Public School Fund $ I§ Z24 j 16,794 Total $ (16,794)1 $ 16,794, $ - Prior to Actions Today Appropriated Fund Balance j$ r 9,113,400 1 Fund: Public School Fund Total if Actions Taken 1 $ 9,096»606 Ex mkture: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 21-047 Transfer to General Fund I $ 16,79411$ 16,794 Total $ - 11 $ 16,7941 16,794 Revenue: Decrease increase 11 Total BA 21-047 Appropriated Fund Balance 1 1 $ 16,79411$ 16,794 Total $ 1 $ 16,7941Ff- 16,794 Prior to Actions TodIa Appropriated Fund Balance $ Total if Actions Taken Is 16»794 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-047 will appropriate the fund balance in the Public School Fund and transfer it to the General Fund. This budget amendment is for accounting purposes only to close the Public School Fund. For approximately 10 years, the Public School Fund was used to account for all public school sales tax revenues, debt payments and county contributions. With the creation of the Debt Service Fund in recent years, the Public School Fund is no longer needed, Adoption of this budget amendment will close the Public School Fund and decrease the General Fund appropriated fund balance $16,794. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 21-047 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 202 1, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th 0 of February, 2021. (SEAL) 0 JuliOAson-Bosern-an, Chair 7Z T" ATTE "A' pr Kleigh G. Crowell, C®r to the Board Exhbit P a Cie AGENDA: February 15,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C -E 0 of - M I I# # #I I . Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Q,trategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health & Safety Qtrategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General Department: 911 Communications Expoditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 21-048 Local Government Coronavirus Relief Reserve aL)enditures 1 $ 65,430 $ 65,430 Total $ - 1 $ 65,430 IE$:::— 65,430 Revenue: REELeaLe Increase Total BA 21-048 Local Government Coronavirus Relief Reserve ex )enditures $ 65,430 $ 652430 Total $ $ 65,00 lr,.'— 65,430 Prior to Actions Today Departmental Budget $ 4,590,644 Total if Actions Taken I$ 4,650,074 Section 2: Explanation 1,k 2144V the iAterest-e?.moO, *n tlee federA CAAES Act fimds that -were 9Jbrc2&vk4 to the coymry firom the N.C. Local Government Coronavirus Relief Reserve. The county received a total of $8,615,592, in two separate payments in May and July of 2020. Interest earned on Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) is subject to the same requirements as CRF, meaning it must be spent on eligible expenditures. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. (�hAL,' Julie,0lsofi-Boseman,'Mair`-- A;rE: 4, KymtVleigh G. CroweoClerk to the Board B0")k' ff-Page 152 - AGENDA: February 15, 2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. Section l: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health & Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General Department: Health & Human Services/Public Health Expenditure. Decrease Increase Total BA 21-049 COVID-19 $ 188,846 $ 188,846 Total $ $ 188,846 $ 188 846 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 21-049 COVID-19 $ 188,846 $ 188,846 Total $ - $ 188,846 $ 188,846 Prior to Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 14 508 319 Total if Actions Taken [$ 14,697,225 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-049 budgets funds allocated by the NC Department of Health & Human. Services, Division of Public Health in support of infection prevention and mass vaccination efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Allowable uses for these funds include COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, vaccination services, and purchases of personal protective equipment. Contract workers will be utilized to assist county staff with these efforts. No new positions are being requested and no county match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREIrtORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 21-049 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021ooz . "r,W,,,. (SF,AJ.,) r...t Julia" son-Boseman, ha A Kymyrleigh G. Crowell "' erk to the Board ExhIP0,1t i1+ruary 15,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Nb-f-fiLiftwi 0 9 * NO �" ; BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, June 30, 2021. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health & Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety deman IN Federal Forfeited Property Fkepartment: Sheriffs Office �iExipenditure: BA 21-050 Training & Travel 5; �� F X In FA BA 21-050 Interest Earnings I M Revenue: BA 21-050 Federal Forfeited Property BA 21-050 Interest Earnings I Prior to Actions Todav Departmental Budget 594,921 Total if Actions Taken $ 00,ss Section 2: Explanation BA 21-050 budgets Federal Forfeited Property receipts dated 12/8/20, and interest income from July through October 2020. Funds will be used for training for law enforcement purposes only. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. *rdinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. —44) `ull lson-Bosemar�; Chair tit KymVeigh G. Crowelolerk to the Board AGENDA: February 15,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS M 1 4 . I 111 11 Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health & Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands I-Vepartment: Sheriff's Office Expenditure-, BA 21-051 Controlled Substance Tax BA 21-051 Supplies BA 21-051 Training & Travel Prior to Total if Actions Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget 116,7151 $ 143,497 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-051 budgets Controlled Substance Tax receipts dated 11/19/20 and 12/18/20, and interest income for July through October 2020. Funds will be used for supplies and training for law enforcement purposes only. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. * T Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 21-051 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. BA 21-051 Controlled Substance Tax BA 21-051 Interest Earnings LM Prior to Total if Actions Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget 116,7151 $ 143,497 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-051 budgets Controlled Substance Tax receipts dated 11/19/20 and 12/18/20, and interest income for July through October 2020. Funds will be used for supplies and training for law enforcement purposes only. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. * T Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 21-051 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, is adopted. Adopted, this 15th day of February, 2021. NJIMMAIr i lie] Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health & Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General Department: Sheriffs Offiw Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 21-052 Overtime $ 12,870 $ 12,870 Total $ $ 12 870 < $ 12,870 Revenue: Decrease Increase 11 ]LOW BA 21-052 Miscellaneous Revenue 12,87 11$ 122870 Total $ $ 12,870 IS 11 �-870 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today . I — Departmental. Budget $ 59,976,676 $ 59,9897467 Section 2: Explanation BA 21-052 budgets overtime reimbursement from the FBI and US Marshal's Service from July through November 2020. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. 116mlill a Ito] u =3 al Nou year ending June 30, 202 1, is adopted. 2021. Julia, oseman, C9 it `B ATTES: A k4` dULLM ;C:) - Kymprleigh G. Crowe Jerk to the Board