1986-02-17 Water & Sewer 84 FEBRUARY 17, 1986 ~ I- F J ASSEMBLY A regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sew r District was held on Monday, February 17, 1986, at 10:22 o'clo k .M. in the Assembly Room of. the New Hanover Coun y dministration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, Nor h Carolina. District Members present were: Commissioners John Dola olan O'Neal; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, S haiiman, Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager, G. Felix Coope ounty Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the District, Luc e Harrell. PPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairm n arfield to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Janua y 0, 1986, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI D NANIMOUSLY. PPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR PUMP STATION SITE - MS. MADELINE H. CA Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commission r etchin to approve a contract between New Hanover County and M . adeline H. Carr for one fee simple pump station site in t e mount of $4,400. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I , J A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager s ffice. WARD OF BID TO DALE TODD WELL DRILLING FOR PRIVATE WELLS Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commission etchin to award the low bid to Dale Todd Well Drilling in t mount of $5,746 for replacement of four private wells affect y construction of the sewer lines authorizing the Chairman xecute the document. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL . A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager ffice. PPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE RATE SCHEDULE FOR HOURLY RATE INCREASE DDITIONAL WORK ~ND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACTS Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairm arfield to approve the Employee Rate Schedule and amend t ontracts dated May 21, 1984, for design of the first phase he sewer system with Henry von Oesen and Associates Consulti ngineers. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 'l J 85 I M NUTES OrREGULAR M.t:E'!'.lNG, FEBRUARY .11, '-.l98f)TC'ON'!'.lNUED) A PROVAL OF AWARD OF CONTRACT TO TALBERT COX AND ASSOCIATES FO C NSULTING SERVICES FOR PURCHASE OF CAPE FEAR UTILITIES SEWE S STEM Engineering Director Hilton gave background information on t e purchase of the system requesting' the evaluation in order to a certain the current condition of the system before purchase. After further discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, S CONDED by Gommi'ssioner Dolan ..to award the contract in the a ount of $16~42~.40 to Talbert.Cox and Associates for consulting s rvices to evaluate and analyze the purchase of Cape Fear U ilities Sewer System. Upon vote, t!1e MOTION CARRIED U ANIMOUSLY. A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's o fice. I After further discus sion, .i t was the .consensus of the D strict Board to pFepare written notification providing factua d ta of the County's responsibili tfes to persons using th s stem, if and when the system is purchased. A PROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHAS I AREA II, AND AREA III SEWERAGE SYSTEM Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissione R tchin to approve the plans and specifications for constructio o Phase'I, Area II, and Area III as presented by Henry von Oese a d Associates. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A OPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER OF DEDICATION OF STREE R GHTS-OF-WAY Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dola t adopt a resolution. for acceptance of certain street rights-of w y in Phase I, Area I to allow the construction and maintenanc o the sewer system. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exh~bit Book I, P ge. 28. DSCUSSION OF PLPELINE FOR NORTHCHASE DEVELOPMENT Mr. William.Funderburg, representing the citizens of Castl H yne, appeared before the District Commissioners commenting 0 t e NorthChase pipeline. He gave background information ~n meting held on February 5, 1986, with County Manager ~ooper; I 86 REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17; 1986 (CONTINUED) ,..--,- ,- SCUSSION OF NORTHCHASE PIPELINE (CONTINUED) ';-" ,.r .' I./J l ~ ! 1....' ,;. t \,' b'" ~ Q t", 1 ,~f ..: ; ... (\ ( .t '-.. f '''Ij''''\ ;~j gineering Director Hilton;' C6turt.y"Engfneer' Bia'nchard:; ;Mr nest Puskus, and himself. He presented a memorandum prepare Mr'. 'Hiltoh statin'g the comments' were nbt' satisfact'ory' to hi oup'. I) 1 :oj : \ i."} " l' ... J -;, .. i I ., \- . 'l r:, j 1_ Mr. Funderburg commented on the following issues: , t 'J ~ t, " , "j "t 'j',' , I. Wpy the Water and 'Sewer District failed toi , cbmment" during the N.P':D:'E.S. process t'Yl\l~ no-@"requirlng th'e'''''Stat"'e fto"'hola 'al Publfbi 'He1aring. " (' , . 't ...... ~ . , ...) k ' '\ "(T I 'j : r: "" . ~l , . . ~ . , ~. , " r :.,01 2. A request for the Coun~y to stop the pipe- 'ri:ne construction on Highwa'y 132 and call \, c~ for a Public Hearing. .. ...:')!:- , I 3. A 'request for relocatiortJofJ pipeline on the r CP&L righ't~of:;way wf'th:" discharge ':ne'a'r'cNess Creek. ) f:(1 :},', \~ "L ",' , - ~j c: · 'v ",,'j 1 j.' .. .. r - ~ . .., ',I I) \ . f ..,. " E~gineering Director Hilton commented on the th~ee is~ue a dressed at 'tH'e .?rnei=-el.'ng sta'tirig 'thie"Se'weil'bi'strict! 'doesr noit 'hav a policy to officially call'for pUbIic hearings on N.p.b.E:S p r~its whic~ a~~ lissrl~a by' ~h~ Stat~.' He ~tat~d'ihe tega D partment r has 'ind1Cat.ed that (the '1fCou'h'tY hii's nc{l'legal basis t s op pipeline""~86n'structi6n 'unless the' c'ontractor is performin . ,. 4 ,11" ,.,! ,'" t -.. t C nstruction in"an illegal manner. He' stated if the pipelin v olated an individual's right, then that individual would hav J.. 1Jr..~ .,.....~ .. . '... "l"i~ ~~~ ~.\'" -. .' . g ounds for 'legal' action aga:inst: 'the part.y that ,caused th d mage. ,- , ;..; " Mr. Fuhd'erburg express'ed- 'cqnC'ein'; for the CouI)ty )n r spohding under the 30-day comment. period under the 'N.P.D.E.S p rriii!t ~'.: "c, 1 ' 'PIf:ter fa 1~ngthy discussion of' "N.P.O'.B.S.' permi is,",f Chairma o Shields recommended copies of all N.P.D.E.S. permits bei'n' f rwarded to the District Commissioners with staf r commendations i':F a permit' sh6uid~'be d'fscussed' as, a,n= 'ag.end i em. :It was' th'e consensus of' th'el' Dis'trict' Board' to' iequest ( th C unty~ J Manage'I:- "to'" forward copies of' N.P.D.E.S. perrhi ts a r 'que'sted from' !the 'counti'es;' Bf" 'N'ew 'Hanoverl,' P~;ridle-r,i' ~n B uhswi'ck. " . ,jl 'I ,~.' ',-', . ,. -": Engineer Director Hilton commented on the County not havin t e expertise to evaluate the impacts of effluent discharge 0 t e receiving waters. .I .,. I -, r', '--", J 'l I 87 S O~GULAR ~~TING, F~~HUARY 17, 19so-\CUNTINUHD) P d H i R a a E e C T s a r p M I A B U I DSCUSSION OF NORTHCHASE PIPELINE (CONTINUED) A lengthy discussion was held on the placement of the peline along the CP&L right-of-way. Mr. Funderburg stated CP&L d allow parallel structures within its easements stating Mr. Iton's memorandum stated CP&L did not allow structures within s easements. Mr. Funderburg stated Mr. Preston Howard, Jr. , a gional Engineer with the Division of Environmental Management, dressed a letter to Mr. Catlin on June 5, 1985, stating an ternative route could be approved by the Division of vironmental Management to construct a pipeline along the CP&L sement right-of-way. Mr. Funderburg stated Mr. Andy McDaniel, &L State Right-of-Way Officer, Raleigh, North Carolina, Ie phone No. 836-6517, Extension No. 6513, informed him that bmission of plans and specifications by County to CP&L for proval to make sure there is no interference with any fee owned ght-of-way was the only requirement for placement of the peline. Chairman O'Shields stated the District Board would contact . McDaniel and investigate the matter. JOURNMENT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, rfield to adjourn the meeting. ANIMOUSLY. SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 12:20 o'clock P M. ~~ectfullY submitted, ~t/Y(~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk