1986-03-24 Water & Sewer 88 .I MINUTES OF NEW tlAIIIOV.tif{ CUllNTY WA"fMK AND ::;J~~W.t:K D.lS"f'lUC'l" SEMBLY A regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewe 'strict was held on Monday, March- 24, 1986, at 9:12 o'clock A.M the AssemJ:;>ly Room of the. New '_Hanover County Administratio ilding, 320 Chestnut Street,' Wilmington, North Carolina. District Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan Ian O'Neal: Fred Retchin: Chairman Claud 0' Shields, 'Jr.: 'Count nager G. Feri"x' Cooper: County Attorney, Robert W. Pope: an puty Clerk.to the District, Joyce Bragg~ PROVAL OF MINU~S Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal'~ prove the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 17, 1986 presented. -Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: ~ Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Barfield ARD OF CONTRACT FOR ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM TO JERE LEGWI NSTRUCTION COMPANY County Engineer Blanchard presented information stating th o or control system is mandated by the State and the City 0 'lmington awardeq the contract at 'their last meeting. Mr B anchard requested the Commissioners to concur with the City 0 Imington by awarding the contract to Jere LeGwin Constructio mpany, the low bidder. Chairman O'Shields pointed out that the City of Wilmingto i financing one half and New Hanover County is financing on h If of this project. Vice-Chairman Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Nea t award the contract for an Odor Control System at the Hewlett C eek and Bradley Creek Pump Stations in the amount of $303,10 a d approve the following Budget Amendment to facilitate th p oject: 86-00000183 Water & SewerjSouthside Wastewater Treatment General Contractor Debit $172,260 Credit Engineering Pump Station Contract $ 20,710 151,550 i\- e J l I I I J I I 89 ~INUTES-OlLREGU Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Barfield A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's o fice. R GHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATE FOR ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS, PERMITS, R GHTS-OF-WAY AND DEEDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I, AREA II A I I AS REQUIRED BY FmHA County Attorney Pope presented information, stating that the F rmer's Home Administration requires a Right-of-Way Certificate t certify that the District has acquired the necessar e sements, permits, rights-of-way and deeds for the constructio o Phase I, Area II and III of the District sewage collection and d sposal system. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Retchi t authorize the Chairman to execute the Certificate of Rights- o -Way for FmHA. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner' Barfield A copy of the Certificate of Right-of-Way is contained in W ter and Sewer District Exhibit Book I, Page 29. B Chairman O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break at 9:25 o clock A.M. Chairman O'Shields reconvened the meeting at 9:30 o'cloc A M. DSCUSSION OF FORCE MAIN COSTS FOR GRAVITY LINES The Commissioners discussed comparative costs of a normal r sidential sewer lateral versus a residential pump and force m in system required where wastes cannot flow by gravity into t e collection main. Mr. Don Snyder, a resident on Bradley Hills Drive commented. 90 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING. MARCH 24, 1986 (CONTTNITRn) i\- \ ~ I J SCUSSION OF FORCE MAIN COSTS FOR GRAVITY LINES (CONTINUED) Chairman O'Shields requested that staff review informatio d develop proposed policies to set up guidelines for connectio es. He further stated that the residents want to be informe at their financial demand will be. JOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Retchin adjourn the meeting. 11ows: MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dola Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED a Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Retchin Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Barfield Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 9:50 o'cloc M. Respectfully submitted, 1 I J Joyce B. Bragg Deputy Clerk l I J