1986-04-21 Water & Sewer 91 I MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER uI5TRICT EMBLY A regular meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer D" trict was held on Monday, April 21, 1986, at 11:05 o'clock in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County A inistration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Colina. District Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan; N an O'Neal; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Chairman C ud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County A orney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F. H rell. District Commissioner Fred Retchin was absent. HORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF PERMIT APPLICATIONS After discussion, Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by C irman O'Shields to authorize Director of Engineering and F cilities, Ed Hilton, to execute the following permit a lications: I Cama Sedimentation and Erosion Control Non-Discharge Wastewater Permits N. C. Department of Transportation Encroachment Request Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Retchin ROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 - DELLINGER, INC. Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner eal to authorize the Chairman to execute Change Order #1 to rease the Dellinger, Inc. contract in the amount of $3,021.57 Phase I, Area I Project, contingent ,upon FmHA's approval. n vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Retchin 92 MINUTES OF MEETTNG, APRTT. 21, 1 qRfi (rONTTNTTRn) PROVAL OF PUMP STATION SITE AND EASEMENT ACQUISITION CONTRACTS Vice-Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissione Neal to authorize the Chairman to execute contracts for th llowing pump station sites and easements as follows: L & B Associates Leroy Beasley, Jr. Bradley Hills Homwowners Association $10,330 6,010 10,000 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Retchin OPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO COUNTY SEWER USE ORDINANCE AS REQUESTE THE CITY OF WILMINGTON Engineering Director Hilton gave background information 0 e City's recent modifications to their ordinance in dealin th septic tank wastes and portable toilet wastes. He requeste t e District Commissioners to amend the County Sewer Us o dinance to provide consistency in the inter local agreemen b tween the City and County. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal t a opt the proposed amendments to the County Sewer Use Ordinance U on vote, the MOTION CARRIED WITH A MAJORITY VOTE, but was no a opted upon the first reading due to not receiving a unanimou v te since one District Commissioner was absent. The ordinanc 11 be placed on the May 19, 1986, agenda for final adoptio u on the second reading. Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Retchin DSCUSSION OF AMENDING SEWER ORDINACE TO REQUIRE MANDATOR RMINATION OF PRIVATE WASTE TREATMENT PLANTS WHEN SYSTEM IS A AILABLE Chairman O'Shields commented on the current Sewer Ordinanc n t addressing mandatory termination of private waste treatmen p ants upon availability of the sewer system. He stated the o dinance does address individual homeowners and requirements w en hooking up but does not address private waste treatmen pants. fl...- e i- .J \ I , J l j I I 93 MINUTES OF-REGULAR_MEETING, APRIL 21, 1986 (CONUNUED) After discussion, it was the consensus of the Distrct t request the Enginerinng Staff to prepare an amendment p esented at a later date. DSCUSSION OF AMENDMENT TO SEWER ORDINANCE TO ADDRESS MANDATOR RMINATION OF PRIVATE WASTE TREATMENT PLANTS (CONTINUED) QUEST OF UPDATE ON FUNDING AND PROGRESS OF COUNTY SEWER SYSTEM Mr. William Funderburg expressed concern for present an f ture funding of the sewer system stating he felt th E gineering Department and Consulting Engineers should prepare a u date on the status of the system. Mr. Funderburg also expressed concern for the rapid growt i New Hanover County and expansion of utilities by privat c mpanies. He stated the private sector should not be allowed t i stall systems that are beyond the control of the District Wate a d Sewer Board. County Manager Cooper stated it was time for an update 0 t e system outlining the funding and the possible impact of th G amm-Rudman proposal. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of th D strict Board to request the Engineering Department to prepare p esentation within the next 30 days. JOURNMENT Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal t a journ the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Shields Absent: Commissioner Retchin A M. Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 11:50 o'cloc Respectfully submitted, ~Y:~ Clerk to the District