1986-06-23 Water & Sewer 98 'I- I- F STRICT MEETING - JUNE 23, 1986 SEMBLY A Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewe 'strict was held on Monday, June 23, 1986, at 9:11 o'clock A.M the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administratio ilding, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan: Nola Neal: Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. airman Claud O'Shields, Jr.: County Manager, G. Felix Cooper unty Attorney, Robert W. Pope: and Clerk to the District, Luci Harrell. Chairman O'Shields called the meeting to order stating th ecial Meeting had been called to hold a Public Hearing fo option of a Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $16,150,0 nitary Sewer Refunding Bonds. BLIC HEARING FOR ADOPTION OF BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING TH SUANCE OF $16,150,000 SANITARY SEWER REFUNDING BONDS Clerk to the District, Lucie F. Harrell, stated the Bon der authorizing the Issuance of $16,150,000 Sanitary Sewe funding Bonds of the New Hanover County Water and Sewe 'l strict had been introduced on June 16, 1986, and published 0 ne 17, 1986 with notice that the Board of Commissioners woul , J 1d a Public Hearing on June 23, 1986, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. Th erk also reported that the Finance Officer had filed in he fice a statement of debt complying with the provisions of th cal Government Bond Act. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, declare the Public Hearing. ANIMOUSLY. SECONDED by Commissioner Dola Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE 'I I ! Chairman O'Shields asked if anyone from the general publi uld like to speak. The following person commented: Mr. William Funderburg commented on the financing of th nds asking the amount of money saved by the refunding bon sue. Assistant Director of Finance stated the refunding issu uld save $1,165,650. Mr. Funderburg asked if the funds wer mmi tted or uncommitted requesting a breakdown of fund mmitted. It was the consensus of the District Board for th nance Director to furnish Mr. Funderburg a breakdown of thes nds. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, close the Public Hearing. ANIMOUSLY. SECONDED by Commissioner Dola Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE ~ Chairman O'Shields closed the Public Hearing. I I I 99 t::~:::I=' I:: ;~~:~OftDJ Chairman O'Shields directed the Clerk to the District to r ad the bond order. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, that the Board of Commissioners, s tting as the governing body of the District, adopt withou c ange or amendment and direct the Clerk to the Board of C mmissioners and of the District to publish as prescribed by Th L cal Government Bond Act the bond order entitled, "Bond Orde A thorizing the Issuance of $16,150,000 Sanitary Sewer Refundin B nds of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District", introduce a the meeting of the Board of Commissioners, sitting as th g verning body of the District, held on June 16, 1986. Th M TION was seconded by Commissioner Dolan and was adopted b u animous vote. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book I, P ge 32. t PROVAL OF YEAR END BUDGET AMENDMENT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dola approve the following Budget Amendment: 86-00000291 Water & Sewer District Debit Credit Transfer to Capital Projects $153,357 NHC Indirect Cost Charge $153,357 DSCUSSION OF UPDATE ON COUNTY-WIDE SEWER SYSTEM Mr. William Funderburg stated a few months ago he ha quested an update from the Engineering Department on th unty-wide Sewer System. County Manager Cooper stated thi esentation would be an agenda item for the second meeting i lYe JOURNMENT Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchi adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE ANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 9:22 o'cloc A M. r27p~c:2'~~ted , v~ F. Harrell Clerk