07 2020 MUNICIPALITY BILL KB CORRECTEDRegular Rate (0.75% Up to 95%) Bonus Rate (1.75% Over 95%) Regular Rate (0.75% Up to 95%) Bonus Rate (1.75% Over 95%) JULY 2020 Collection fees to be billed Kure Beach Kure Beach TOTAL JULY 2020 Collection fees to be billed Kure Beach Kure Beach TOTAL 3548.98 3548.98 11800.75 11800.75 0.0075 0.0175 0.0075 0.0175 26.6173 0 88.5056 0 Total Due 26.6173 0 26.6173 Total Due 88.5056 0 88.5056 Originally Billed Should have been billed Difference to be paid 61.8883