1993-02-01 RM Exhibits (q-I(- ;.... NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .~.:t. .:y&'c'MEMO ~::~:.::~::~:::::::: . '::::~~$: "~x"'::::::;'-:::~~~::~:;~:'~::::~:::~:~"::~::::~~~;::::::::::~;i:~:~:~~;:$~:~:~:::i:i;::::~:~:;:~~:~:~:i:~:i:~:i:i:i:i:~:~:::~:~:~:::~:i:i:~:~;i:::i:::~;::i:i~"::;:~:~i:::~:~::::::~::::~ :i~:~~::~~~::::~:~:::::::'''~::=*~:i~:~~~~:~:~:~:~~:;~:~~:s:::~:~~':::~~:::-.'.::::'~~ ..~ ~ January 11, 1993 TO: Board of County Commissioners A~drew J.,Atkinson ~ Flnance Dlrector ~ Disposal of Personal Property FROM: RE: In accordance with GS 160A-266(c), I hereby submit my report to you detailing sales under this procedure for the period beginning July 1, 1992 and ending December 31, 1992. Item Sold/Donated Estimated Sold Disposed Of To Value For Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 54.60 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 9.70 . Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 35.70 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 45.70 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 64.00 Scrap Tires Gene's Tire Service $ 39.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 36.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 67.30 Scrap Tires Gene's Tire Service $ 52.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 27.30 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 46.42 Scrap Tires Joe Goodnight Tire Co. $102.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 52.10 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 73.70 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 27.30 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 99.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 46.31 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 76.10 Scrap Tires Mack Smith $ 50.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals $ 17 .30 Scrap Tires Bowen Tire Co. $ 56.00 If you should have any questions, please let me know. AJA/ct . cc: Allen O'Neal County Manager ;q-/5 '~ . ORTHOPHOTO AND TOPOGRAHPIC PROPOSALS FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANDFILL SITE January 5, 1993 American Geographic Data (1) $26,812 (2) $28,012 Cartographic Aerial Mapping 24,800 26,900 Cameron 26,314 30,474 Aero Dynamics 17,725 24,600 Photogrametric Data 26,662 31,322 Robert Kimball 25,620 34,465 Piedmont Aerial 46,580 54,970 Cardan, IntI. 16,800 27,170 Westinghouse Landmark 17,600 25,600 Kucera 11,500 18,800 . . Iq-u . KUCI:RA INTERNATIONAL INC. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC CONSULTANTS Corporate Headquarters January 5, 1992 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Planning Department 320 Chesnut Street, Room 403 Wilmington, NC 28401-4027 Attn: Dexter Hayes, Planning Director Re: Aerial Mapping Services New Hanover County Landfill Dear Mr. Hayes: In response to your request for aerial mapping services covering the New Hanover County landfill site we are pleased to offer the following proposal. . In accordance includes our diagram, the statements of condition. with your evaluation criteria, our submission proposed approach to the work and control completed fee schedule, references, and our business, capabilities, and financial Under seperate cover are a sample contact print and 5X blowup of 1 "=250' scale aerial photography recently performed by Kucera for the Carolina Power & Light Company, as well as a sample 1"=50' scale orthophoto recently prepared on our Zeiss Orthocomp analytical orthophoto system. Ground Control / Targetting: A copy of the project map showing our proposed contral point locations is attached. The control points will be targetted prior to the aerial photography and monumented with irnn r e bar wit h <' a p g. - We will at t em p t top u t the con t r 01 poi n t s -a t 10 cat i on s w her e the y will not bed i s t u r bed by 1 and fill operations. Horizontal coordinates on the NAD 27 North Carolina state plane grid system will be established for the control points us ing th ird order traverse lines. Eleva t ions on NGVD 1929 datum will be established for the control points using third order differential level lines. . At the completion of the control survey work the County will be furnished wi th a control report containing a summary of the survey procedures used, copies of our field notes and calculations, control point/monument recovery sheets, and a control diagram. CORPORA TE HEADQUARTERS 38133 WESTERN PARKWAY WillOUGHBY, OHIO 44094-7589 216-975-4230 FAX 216-975-4238 KUCERA WEST INC. 4690 MONACO PARKWAY DENVER. COLORADO 80216 KEDDAL AERIAL MAPPING 1900 SLEEPY HOllOW ROAD LIBRARY PENNSYLVANIA 15129-9102 412-835-1115 KUCERA SOUTH INC. 3550 DRANE FIELD ROAD LAKELAND, FLORIDA 6215 ABERDEEN DR. N.E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30328 / ,-/- I , ::A.&w :Hanover County tJ30ard of Commissioners 'R.fso[u tion WHEREAS, New Hanover County has proclaimed the month of February 1993 as Human Relations Month; and WHEREAS, the United States Constitution guarantees the rights of all Americans without distinction or separation; and WHEREAS, equal treatment of all citizens is the foundation of freedom,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby encourage all of its citizens to treat each other with respect regardless of our differences and to join forces in building a strong convnunity. Adopted this the 1st day of February, 1993. ...J,f~~.;V~O\j~~ ,"j>\\,.\\'i!~jl ~v (~(A~ 1r",:~i(I'\J _I \~--:-t ~\'\\ i'lv\'I.' VJ '\YJI \11 -x. \~~\~', l ~-~'~!S-',I, _ /({;!jj '\P ~. . )" '1,,((.1' . 1(,-" ;~- IJ~"""'" I,' .l!; r'~'ldll~\ (t; " __. ~I ,;' t (,\l, {t Iff kl\~i '( '.<'" 'k. ,. f~', II" i( ~?i'" '. \l ~"\-i"if" ~?o [t?, '~f " f~ ~!e ~,:{ '~l: \ ~j. t~:), .J ~ j" ;\ ~: I;~) -.:.~ ", I' I,..... /1. \ ',',j.,. ( '. I~!) -~,j. & ': .... r" ' Ii' f"d ''I-, (~l 4, \ 111j11i&I~lj1ll~I,E,!rill*l:i\!l -4t .J:). t',i"1} . :!f~' 'f" JI,...... ('\ IDj.: 1.._ .-/i. ,,\. ",(, ,. . f! "/';i!I\~\~\l-"')".,f';,;S'" ,~L\ 'h~';:~ il'lt. ,tfI!":'?;'~?;'" t,,~\ 1; ,r'J "'(\,.l/ :fil,~\~i(~\',jI t \" L t, ~'\1;'\~.'~'~~\, ( I' ~jJ~ Robert G. Greer Chainnan JCj-E 9{~W m9{p1JE2( C0719{pY 'B05t2(V O:r CO!M!MISSIO:J.L~2(.S P2( OCL5'l.!Jrf5t 'IT O:J.L WR'E!1\..'EJitS, the ::;..&UJ Ranover Ruman 2\.efations Commission/ greater Wilmington chamGer of Commerce, ana 'Frienas of :;{uman 2(f.{ations/ Inc. are sponsoring :;{uman 2(f.{ations Month; ana WJ['E!1\..'EYl5, tlie tlieme for :;{uman 2(f.{ations Month is ''p{ant rove, liarvest peacej" ana 'WR'E!1\..'EYl5/ we recognize that estaG{ishing equa{ ana ina{ienaG{e rights for a{{ peopfe creates aignity ana is the founaation of jreeaom, [iGerty ana justice; ana WJl'E1\:.D'lS/ through practicing the princip{es of J{uman 2(f.{ations Month on an everyaay Gasis rwe hefp to preserve/ protect, ana perpetuate tfu. rights of each person to jreeaom, {i.6erty ana justice; 9{O'W, TJ{'E'1('E'FO'1('E/ 13'E 1'1' '1('ESOL'V'E'D that the 'J{ew :;{anover County 'Boara of Commissioners aoes hereGy prodaim the month of 'FeGruary 1993, as J{'UMYl!Jf.1\:.ELJl'II09{S Mo9{TJ{ in 'J{ew :J-{anover County/ 'J{orth Carorina ana ca{{ upon a{{ its citizens to sincere{y join forces in creating ana practicing a mutua{ Gona of fef{owship with a{{ citizens ana reso{ve to accept a persona{ cha{{enge to improve the status of a{{ peop{e through assurance of the Gasic human rights of jreeaom/ {werty ana justice. Jlaoptea this the 1st aay of 'FeGruary, 1993. /i?tJ;i~ 2\.oGert g. greer, Chainnan f " 'JVjw :Hanover County 'Boara of Commissioners 2(eso[ution WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Bo~.rd of Commissioners Opposes discrimination b~sed on ~ge, disability, s~x, race, color, creed, sexual orientation or national origin. NOW, THEREFORE~ :BE IT P~SOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: 1. That the Board of Commissioners opposes any discrimina:tio!l bqsec1 upo~ age, -'~dis'~b:Llity, :.. 1 ' - , .' sex, race, color, creed,' sexual orientation or national origin. , r. _ 2. That " . admini'strai::ors ,; and' me;mbers of committees, commissions, and boards appointed ,by the County ,. Commissioners .are urged to d~s'courage discr.i..mination , ; ba$ed upon age', di~ability, s(:x, race, color, creed, sexual orientation o! national origin. , , . 3. That all ci tizeI?s ,of New Hanover County are encouraged to , - help eliminate the afOJ;ementioned types of discrimination , ; and to help this County be one of equal ~pportunity for all citizens. Adopted this , day of February, 1993. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [S~) ATTEST: Robert G. Gr~err Chairfuan Board of Commlssioner~ Clerk to the Board I _ . 11-& ~.; RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners opposes discrimination based on age, handicap, sex, race, coior, creed, sexual orientation or national origin. NOW , THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: 1. That the Board of Commissioners opposes any discrimination based upon age, handicap, sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation or national origin. 2. That administrators and members of committees, commissions, and boards appointed by the County Commissioners are urged to discourage discrimination based upon age, handicap, sex, race, color, creed, sexual orienta~ion or national origin. 3. That all citizens of New Hanover County are encouraged to help eliminate the aforementioned types of discrimination and to help this County be one of equal opportunity for all citizens. ADOPTED this C~ day of May, 1991. [S NEW IWlOVER c~_ fiJ{~~hairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ~V(~~ C k to the Board ~;;1;.. /It.." to. tIoCl..tr..... 11111."_ "''''-.. - -- - - - - .- . . "'7\ 1\ , r. . :. t ::':' , t). . Nt~,,~annutr (tI,nm1.tu itnurn of Q1o~nmigJ3hlutr~ iReaolutinn ;. WHEREAS, the State of North carolina ratified the pupil ,~ ASsignment Act in 1957; and (, ,I' C \ , WfIEREAS," the first blac}t child in New Hanover County was assigned.. to Chestnut Street School in 1962; and WHEREA~, New Hanover County, under court order, began '; busing in 1971, as a means of eliminating racial discriminat~?n in the public schools; and the one, .;. WHEREAS, racial strife and. confrontation in .1 schools, althoUgh of serious proportions early '~ d.ecreased each year i and .. j .1 .! WHEREAS, the development of friendly relations among '. races, nationalities, and religions is essential and "; desirable J ,~~~ WHEREAs"the housing patterns of New Hanover County do c,. not currently promote the concept of racially integrated ',~' sOhools,. anC\ ' . i., WHEREAS, public schools have been mandated to provide an equitable education to all students regardless of race, creed, or 0910rJ I," '! ,I 'r . . i, l ':' ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NeW Hanover County Board of commissioners strongly urges the Board of Education to continue the practioe of providing racially integrated sohools as has been defined and acoepted by the SUl?reme CO\lrt. AdOP~~d.th1S~~ day of September, 1988. . . . " . J~ '.1 'I " , 'I,' " .1 '~, l1A~ (!)f 7lL4J( NdTan o'Neal, Chairman ;q-r... STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF NAMING AN UNNAMED ROAD TO CANDO STREET ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the naming of CANDO STREET locatied approximately 600 feet from the North College Road/Hunters Trail: intersection, extending from said point 370 feet to the south and recorded as part of Map Book 1236, Page 1798 of the New Hanover County Registry and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on Monday, February 1, 1993, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the naming would be in the public interest; and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said road in New Hanover County should be named and the naming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road is hereby named CANDO STREET. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina Board of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. of February, 1993. 1?olJ~.~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: