1987-02-16 Water & Sewer 126 l'UNUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 16, 1987 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met i Regular Session on Monday, February 16, 1987, at 10:3 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover Count Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington North Carolina. District Members present were: Commissioners Joh Dolan; Nolan O'Neal; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, W. Alber Corbett, Jr.; Chairman, Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Assistan Coun ty Manager, Mary Gorn to; Coun ty Attorney, Robert W pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. 'l= F J Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Retchin MOVED, Corbett to approve the minutes presented. Upon vote, the MOTION SECONDED by Vice-Chairma of January 19, 1987, a CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield asked if speak on an item not listed on following person commented: anyone present wished t the Regular Agenda. Th Mr. Ron Woodruff, owner of a vacant lot located i Shandy point, expressed concern for the sewer line no running in front of his lot. He commented on paying th $200 tap-in fee stating two days later he 'was informed tha his property did not have access to the sewer line. Mr Woodruff presented a map of Shandy point stating his lot wa the only one without access and requested the Board t consider extending the sewer line. ~ I J Commissioner Retchin expressed concern for acceptanc of payment when the lot did not have access to the sewe line stating this problem needed to be addressed. Engineering Director Hilton commented on th uniqueness of this lot which falls at the peak of a drainag system explaining if the lot had been located 100 yard further down, the line would have run in front of th property. Discussion was held on setting a precedent by extendin the sewer line. Chairman Barfield cautioned extension 0 the line and not placing a time limit on construction Vice-Chairman Corbett asked Mr. Woodruff when he planned t begin construction. Mr. Woodruff stated it would be a ~ least five years. , j , I I I I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16,1987 (CONTINUED) 127 I After discussion of increasing the value of the property upon hook uP, cOlIun.I'S'SiuIleL 0' Nt:::dl MO.y.ED, SEct5NDED by Vice-Cfiairman Cornet~cr-aeny tne reques~ ~Ene Coun~ to extend the sewer line. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION OF SEAGATE AREA Chairman Barfield commented on meter problems bein experienced in the Seagate Area stating the residents woul like to meet with the County Commissioners to discuss thi item and other problems. Engineering Director Hilton stated under the County' present policy only one meter is installed on a sing parcel of land. For example, if a parcel of land has single dwelling unit and mobile home, the County wi install only one meter. Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairm Corbett to continue the present policy of one meter per 10 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I After further discussion, it was the consensus of t Board to have Chairman Barfield inform the residents Seagate to schedule a meeting and invite the Commissione to attend. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER DEDICATION AND EASEMENT AND STREET RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR PHA I, AREA II After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECOND by Commissioner Dolan to adopt a resolution for acceptan of dedication of easements and street rights-of-way f Phase I, Area II as presented. Upon vote, the MOTI CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Bo I, Page 36. ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER SYSTEM AND EASEMENT AT COLONY CLUB LANDFALL After discussion, Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECOND by Commissioner Retchin to adopt a resolution accepting developer's conveyance of easement for the purpose providing water and sewer service in Colony Club Landfall. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit I, Page 36. I APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF 800 GALLONS OF SEWER ALLOCATION FR LIONS GATE Engineering Director Hilton gave background informati on the request to transfer 800 gallons of sewer allocati 128 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 16,1987 ( CONTINUED) from the Lions Gate flow to a building site on Wrightsville Avenue. ~ ( After discussion, Commissioner Retchln MOVED, SECONDO .r by Commissioner Dolan to approve the transfer as present d by the Engineering Staff. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI D UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PHASE I, AREA II After discussion, Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECOND D by Commissioner Dolan to approve Change Order #1 in t e amount of $6,400 increasing the T. A. Loving contract 0 allow for purchase of larger size pipe. Upon vote, t e MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF INCREASE IN HOURLY RATES FOR CONSULTI G ENGINEER, HENRY VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES - PHASE I PROJECT Engineer Hilton gave background information on a request by Henry von Oesen and Associates to increase hour y rates by 3.2% for work in Phase I, which would increase t e overall contract by $1,293,000. Director Hilton ask d direction of the Board in granting the request. After discussion of Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, to grant a 1.1% increase. UNANIMOUSLY. the Consumer Price Inde, SECONDED by Commissioner Dol n Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI D ~ ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Commission r Retchin to adj ourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI D UNANIMOUSLY. J Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 11: 2 o'clock A.M. Respectfully submitted, cffe ~{~ Clerk to the District 'I .J