1988-01-11 Water & Sewer I 1 -I 153 MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SPECTAL-MEETINC-;-JMW:ARY-1-1.-;-1"9Il8 11 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met i Special Session on Monday, January 11, 1988, at 8:30 o'cloc A.M. in the 5th Floor Conference Room of the Count Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners John M Dolan; Nolan O'Neal; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, W. Alber Corbett, Jr.; Chairman, Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Count Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. ' Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order statin the Special Session had been scheduled to hear presentation from engineering firms for an amendment to the 20 Facilities Plan and sewer system design. Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton requested the Commissioners to focus on the portion of eac firm's presentation when discussing the scope of work. H stressed the importance of selecting a firm that ha capability to accomplish the scope of work within t required time frame stating plans must be prepared for t sewer interceptor by July 1, 1988, and an amendment to t 201 Facilities Plan prior to this date. Director Hilt stated the interceptor must be designed in order to eligible to receive grant funding. PRESENTATION BY HENRY VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. WILMINGTON, N. C. I Mr. Henry M. von Oesen, President of Henry von Oes and Associates, stated their firm had been involved wi development of the New Hanover County Sewer System from i inception; therefore, they are highly qualified undertake the defined scope of work within the time fra specified. Mr. von Oesen commented on the firm's long-standi commitment and partnership with New Hanover County introduced Mr. William E. Burnett, Environmental who explained the following methods of approach: 1. Cost Control 2. Work quality 3. Energy Conservation 4. Ability to Meet Time Schedules 5. Project Cost Estimates 6. Familiarity with Problems Applicable to the proje Mr. Burnett stated the firm has prepared thirteen 2 Facilities Plans in the coastal areas of North Carolina. 154 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1988 (CONTINUED) stressed the importance of experience in meeting time schedules as defined in the proposed project. ~ Commissioner Barfield expressed concern or prop administration and inspection of contractors performan upon completion of work. He commented on difficul experienced in resolving various complaints where poor wo k had been performed. Mr. von Oesen stated only fi e situations had been difficult to resolve, and agreed th t when a problem develops, it should be followed up a d corrected immediately. = j Mr. von Oesen expressed appreciation to t e Commissioners for allowing the firm to present the r qualifications and respectfully requested selection of Hen y von Oesen and Associates as consulting engineer for t e proposed project. Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. von Oesen for n informative presentation. PRESENTATION BY TALBERT, COX & ASSOCIATES, WILMINGTON, N. Mr. John Talbert introduced Mr. Gene Gardner, proje t Manager, who presented an Organization Chart, reflecting 5 people that will be utilized in meeting the time fra e demanded by the proposed project. ~ Mr. Joe Beal, President of Espey Huston Company, t e parent company of Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. comment d on the background of his firm and outlined the following k Y issues: 1. Experience 2. Past record of Performance 3. Capability to Perform Work 4. Familiarity with the Project 5. Minority and Business Women Participation Mr. Beal presented the following methods of approach: Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Feasibility study 201 Plan Amendment Design Bidding and Construction Post-Construction Mr. Beal stated the schedule the County has adopted s extremely tight; however, Talbert, Cox & Associates, I can mobilize sufficient resources within one organization 0 complete the project on time. Mr. Raymond D. Hamil ton, Regional Manager, expres d ,--" appreciation to the Commissioners for an opportunity 0 present their qualifications. He respectfully reques d MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1988 (CONTINUED) fS"S I selection of Talbert, Cox & Associates as the firm to provlde enaineerina services for the pLoposed pLoje~L. Discussion was held on future design of the sewer plan, particularly with reference to the cost involved with the northern portion of the County being served by the Souths ide Treatment Plant. Discussion was held on public relations and communication. Mr. Hamilton stated public neighborhood meetings will be held in advance of work to be performed in order to explain the process and problems that can be incurred during and after installation of the system. He stated the resident project representative will be in the field answering questions by the property owners and inspecting work daily. He stressed the importance of establishing schedules with contractors for resolving complaints when received and being sure the schedules are followed. Chairman Barfield thanked Talbert, Cox & Associates for an excellent presentation. I PRESENTATION BY MCKIM & CREED ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Mr. Herb McKim, President of McKim & Creed Engineers, PA, expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for the opportunity to submit a proposal. Mr. McKim stated the engineering firm has over sixty-five employees located in Wilmington and Greenville, North Carolina, who are qualified to furnish engineering services for the 201 Amendment and the design and construction of the Sewer System in the time constraints listed in the proposed project. The following statement of qualifications was presented: 1. Qualifications and Project Team 2. Capacity of Firm to Perform Services 3. Previous Experience 4. Experience Record of Key Personnel I Mr. W. Leslie Hall, Jr., PE, Manager of Civil Engineering Services, stated two major items need to be performed: (1) Upgrading of the 201 Facilities Plan in order to be eligible to receive funding from EPA; and (2) review of the County-wide sewer projects with revisions if necessary to determine the most cost effective phasing for future construction. He commented on previous work experience with 201 Facilities plans and stressed the importance of preparing a plan that will meet immediate and future needs. Is' MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1988 (CONTINUED) Mr. McKim stated the Project Team can provide the expertise and experience desired to complete the proposed pLoje~L su~~essfuIly with ~alIlpl.Ldll~e La the ::;LLiIlyeIl[ [illle scneaules as ouErinea~He respectfuIly reques~ea-selection of McKim & Creed Engineers as the firm to providll engineering services for the project. Commissioner Dolan commented on cost estimates and I projections questioning the record of McKim & Creed Engineers in this area. Mr. Hall stated their projection~ have been quite accurate with the recent project for thd I City of Wilmington receiving bids lower than the estimate, cost. Chairman Barfield thanked the firm of McKim & Creed Engineers for an excellent presentation. j PRESENTATION BY BLACK & VEATCH, INC., RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. Andrew V. Petkash, Vice-President of Black Veatch, expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for art opportuni ty to submit a proposal for engineering services.1 He gave background information on the size of the firm witH 25 regional offices located throughout the country. J Mr. Petkash presented the following approaches to b used for the proposed project: ~ t r- J ~ 1. 201 Plan and Regulatory Experience 2. Capacity to Perform 3. Quality Control 4. Project Management 5. Project Team 6. Schedule 7. Special Expertise 8. Cost Control ~ Mr. Petkash commented on the scope of the project. He stressed the importance of having staffing and expertise td I to meet schedules listing the following techniques developed by his firm to ensure project deadlines are met: - Strong project manager and project engineer involvement and field availability to expeditiously resolve conflicts and make interpretations and decisions. - Matrix management system that enables the Project Manager to have the manpower and physical resources to complete work needed. - Computerized staffing and project control. We use a computerized system that clearly identifies resources needed. - Full resources to handle this project are available and ready to start. ,---, MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1988 (CONTINUED) I Mr. Petkash respectfully requested selection of the H~aCK & veatch firm to perform the iob statina he would be glad to answer any questions. Commissioner Retchin commented on public relations wit actual sewer customers questioning how this issue would addressed since the firm does not have a local office. Mr. Petkash stated on the current Souths ide Treatme Expansion project with the City of Wilmington, Black Veatch worked through McKim and Creed to perform this ty of service. Chairman Barfield thanked informative presentation. Petkash Mr. for After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Corbett MOVE SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to select the firm Talbert, Cox, & Associates, Inc. with the second choi being Henry von Oesen and Associates; third choice, Black Veatch; and fourth choice, McKim & Creed Engineers. Up vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED Dolan to adjourn. Upon vote, the UNANIMOUSLY. by Commission MOTION CARRI Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 12: o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~Vy~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District I 157 t