1988-05-16 Water & Sewer 167 I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND-SEWER-DTSTRxeT-;-MA-Y-J-f; , :J-q.R.R ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, May 16, 1988, at 9:42 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. District Commissioners present were: Commissioners Nolan O'Neal; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairman, Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F. Harrell. District Commissioner John M. Dolan was absent. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield asked if anyone present would like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda. No one commented. I APPROVAL OF REQUEST BY TWA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT A PORTION OF BERNARD I S CREEK INTERCEPTOR County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated TWA Development Company is requesting permission to construct a portion of the Bernard's Creek Interceptor between Carolina Beach Road and South College Road prior to the County's scheduled time for construction in that phase. He stated the request includes sewerage allocation for four (4) subdivisions which are within the area and will be included in the next phase of sewer construction along with a proposed shopping center to be constructed at Monkey Junction. The subdivisions to be included are: Johnson Farm, Hanover Developers for a portion of Lansdowne Extension; Sanco of Wilmington the developer for Shrine Park; Masonboro Properties, the developer for a portion of Lansdowne Extension; and J. D. Enterprises, the developer for the Monkey Junction Shopping Center which is the onl request outside of the County's phasing system. Count Engineer Blanchard stated under the County's expansio policy, the developers will construct the force main wit the County reimbursing the developers for the differenc between what is required for the developers' requirement versus the County I s requirements for serving the overal system which is the difference between an eight (8) inc line and eighteen (18) inch line. He stated the Distric would save approximately $75,000 by approval of thi request. I 168 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 16, 1988 ( CONTINUED) After discussion of funds available and money that can e~~:~~~~ir~i:tr~~;be~~mmi:~iO~~~r~~:Ch~~e MO~~~~e:;~~~~ developers to construct a portion of Bernard's Cree Interceptor as presented by the Engineering Department Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ~- I" J voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield Absent: District Commissioner Dolan HOURLY RATE INCREASE REQUEST BY HENRY VON OESEN AN] ASSOCIATES FOR PHASE I OF SEWER CONTRACT County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated Henry VOl Oesen and Associates have requested an 8% overall increasE in hourly wages retroactive to January, 1988. He state< inspection services and extra work performed outside 0 details specified in the contract would be subject to t~ increase if approved. County Engineer Blanchard stated the firm was granted c 1.5% increase last year with no acknowledgement of thi~ increase by Henry von Oesen and Associates. '1 After discussion of granting a 1.5% increase last yeal I whether acknowledged or not, District Commissioner Retchir , J MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner O'Neal to grant c 5% increase retroactive to January 1, 1988. The floor wa~ opened for discussion. After further discussion of the proposed increase, Vice-Chairman Corbett made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION, SECONDED b~ District Commissioner O'Neal to grant a 3% increasE retroactive to January 1, 1988, based upon the 1986 ratE subj ect to approval by FMHA. Upon vote, the SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield Voting Nay: District Commissioner Retchin Absent: District Commissioner Dolan RATIFICATION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR NEW HANOVER CO 'N"" WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Vice-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Retchin to ratify action taken in a Regular Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for approval of the 1988/89 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover ~ 't ! --' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 16, 1988 (CONTINUED) 169 County Water and Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION Voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield Absent: District Commissioner Dolan A copy of the Budget Ordinance is contained in Wate and Sewer Exhibit Book I, Page 43. JJ: ADJOURNMENT District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED b District Commissioner O'Neal to adjourn. Upon vote, th MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield Absent: District Commissioner Dolan I Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 10: o'clock P.M. ,v, peCd/Z:::' ~ F. Harrell Clerk to the District I