1988-06-20 Water & Sewer 170 MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT JUNE 20, 1988 ~- c [ SSEMBLY The Board of District Commissioners of the New Hanove ounty Water and Sewer District held a Regular Session on Monday une 20, 1988, at 2:38 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of th ew Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street ilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners Nolan O'Neal red Retchin; Vice-Chairman, W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairman onathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; Count ttorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie F arrell. District Commissioner John M. Dolan was absent. PROVAL OF MINUTES District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Distric ommissioner O'Neal to approve the minutes of the Regular Meetin f April 18, 1988; Regular Meeting of May 16, 1988; and Specia eeting of May 2, 1988, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTIO ARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield ~ J Absent: District Commissioner Dolan ON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield peak on an i tern not ommented. asked if listed on anyone present would the Regular Agenda. like No PROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR EPA SEWER PROJECT a Budget Amendme the EPA Sewer proje Board of Distri County Manager Cooper presented ransferring funds to set up the budget for ontract previously approved by the ommissioners on May 2, 1988. District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Distri O'Neal to approve the following Budget Amendment: EPA Sewer Project Debit Credit - Phase I Water & Sewer (Fund 810) ontingencies $430,000 r\ Transfer to Other Funds (815) $430,000 ~ I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 20, 1988 (CONTINUED) 171 Budget Amendment (Continued) A S'EWER PRed.~e'l:' (-Fund 8-15-) erating Transfer In Debit $430,000 Credit Engineering $430,000 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield Absent: District Commissioner Dolan JOURNMENT Vice-Chairman mmissioner Retchin FOLLOWS: Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Distric to adj ourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE Voting Aye: District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Corbett Chairman Barfield Absent: District Commissioner Dolan Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 2:39 O'clock P.M w::c~~ed' Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District