1988-09-19 Water & Sewer I I I 179 MINUTE:::;-OP-NEW-HltNeVRR-eel.JN!I!.\Z-W.A!f'-RR-AND-SEWER-DISTRICT :::il!il'':L~~ER 1-9-, 1988 A SEMBLY The Board of District Commissioners of the New Hanover C unty Water and Sewer District held a Regular Session on Monday, S ptember 19, 1988, at 11:21 o'clock A.M. in the General Assembly R om of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, W lmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners Nolan O'Neal; R bert G. Greer; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, J .; Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Felix C oper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the D"strict Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order. PROVAL OF MINUTES District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, ce-Chairman Corbett to approve the minutes etings of July 18, 1988, August 15, 1988, etings July 12, 1988, and August 1, 1988, as te, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED b of the Regular and the specia presented. Upo N-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield asked if anyone from the general publi uld like to speak on a item not listed on the Regular Agenda. one commented. MENT TO SEWER CONNECTION POLICY Mr. David Kaufman gave background information on a proble curring during construction of his home on a lot purchased i 983. His house was built and completed in 1986 during whic ime the sewer system was not available; therefore, a septic tan as installed at a cost of $1,000. It was his understanding whe e sewer system became available a $200 tap fee plus a $40 fe ould be charged for connecting to the system. When applying fo n application to connect to the system on August 10, 1988, h as informed that a payment of $815 (a $375 impact fee, $400 ta ee and $40 deposit) would be required to hook on to the system r. Kaufman requested exemption of the increased tap fee an mpact fee since he was not notified of these charges. Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, commente n the original design survey date stating the policy was adopte y the District to avoid providing sewer systems for development here people were not already living. A lengthy discussion wa eld on the original policy for Phase I of the Sewer System an he design survey date. Director Hilton stated Mr. Kaufman, and ~~h~~S ~~re cau~ht in the situation of not occupying their homes "- p fe~ an~P;~g d:~~~~~ ~~~~d(~~~e:~~~yl~~4~~wt~~~~~~~~~1;~ea~~~01 ~ at date. J 1 8 0 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 ( CONTINUED) After discussion of the impact fee and tap ce-Chairman Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissione tchin to charge Mr. Kaufman the $375 impact fee and $40 deposi e with a reduction in the tap fee from $400 to $200. s opened for discussion. Director Hilton asked if the tap fee should be reduced for other individuals under the same circumstances. Vice-Chairman Corbett amended his MOTION, SECONDED b 'strict Commissioner Retchin to amend the Sewer Connectio licy to read as follows: A $200 ta fee will be char ed if th was installed as part of the original construction. Upo te, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PROVAL OF SEWER SERVICE TO GRAHAM SUBDIVISION County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, gave backgroun formation on a request from a developer to connect Graha bdivision to the County Sewer System. He stated th bdivision can be connected under the present Sewer Extensio licy at an estimated cost of $140,000 to the developer wever, the developer has made a request to use individual pump r each of the three lots and pump back to the Duck Hea bdivision system across Masonboro Sound Road. County Enginee anchard stated this request would not be in compliance with th wer Extension Policy and expressed concern for a lack 0 ntrol on small systems of this type. He stated Mr. Larr eeden, a representative of the proposed subdivision, is presen d would like to comment. Mr. Larry Sneeden, the engineer for Fred Graham, commente soils in the subdivision stating utilizing a pump system woul a better method of developing the land versus placement 0 ptic tanks since the site is located near shellfish waters. H quested a variance from the Sewer Extension Policy allowin aham Subdivision to tie into the County's system with th meowner's association maintaining the individual pumps. H tated the County will have no maintenance responsibility, an e developer is willing to pay the tap fee and impact fee. After discussion, Commissioner Greer MOVED, ice-Chairman Corbett to grant the variance allowing bdi vision to tie into the County Sewer System once the pum stem is approved by the State. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE ANIMOUSLY. l l J I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 ( CONTINUED) 181 JUlPROVAL OF REQUEST FRnM: C1\P~FEAR UTILT'l'IE:::;-POR-ro>DITIONAL LOCATION FOR SEW1\GE TR1\NSPORTATTON MID TREATMENT County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, gave background i formation on the request by Cape Fear Utilities for an a ditional allocation of 140,000 gallons. The reason for r questing the additional allocation is due to expiration of the Sate NPDES discharge permit for the Millbrook Treatment Plant w thout plans for renewal. County Engineer Blanchard stated Cape F ar Uti li ties is presently paying $.876 per 1,000 gallons for t eatment of the sewage requesting the District Commissioners to c nsider an increase in this rate if the additional allocation is a proved. After further discussion, District Commissioner Retchin M VED, SECONDED by District Commissioner 0' NE::al to approve the a ditional allocation of 140,000 gallons as requested by Cape F ar Utilities subject to the New Hanover County Board of County C mmissioners executing a new contract with Cape Fear Utilities e tablishing a proper rate increase to be presented for approval b the Water and Sewer District Board. Upon vote, the MOTIO C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SCUSSION OF BILLING CHANGE FOR RESIDENTIAL SEWER CUSTOMERS County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated several calls hav en received from residential customers requesting permission t c ange from the metered to flat rate. Many customers did no alize that water used for irrigation purposes is recorded 0 e meter and charged to the sewer billing. He stated the Sewe dinance allows a single family residential customer to selec tween the flat or metered rate based upon water usage with th ndition that the option selected cannot be changed for a perio two years after connection, and after this period n ditional changes are permitted. County Engineer Blanchar ated the disadvantages of allowing this change would be th pense of modifying billing paper work and the cost 0 stalling meters furnished by the District. Discussion was held on properly informing applicants 0 eir choice when connecting to the Sewer System. Count gineer Blanchard presented a fact sheet, which is bein 'stributed to all customers when connecting to the system, ating this information should assist customers when selectin option. Chairman Barfield asked if anyone from the general publi uld like to comment. The following person commented: Ms. Kim Joy, representing Dallas Harris Realty, stated thei mpany was not informed that potential homeowners could selec Other a flat or metered rate; therefore, when homes were sold i stwood Village, new home owners were not informed of th tion. She stated since many of the homeowners live out of town e developer applied for the service and selected an option. 1 8 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 (CONTINUED) Ms. Joy requested the District Board to consider giving these individuals an opportunity to switch to the rate they so desire. .r--o..- I F J Director of Engineering & Facilities, Ed Hilton, gav ackground information on the problem stating the develope pplies for connection to the Sewer System because he is th ner of the property at that time. When the property is sold a later date by the developer, quite often, the new owner doe ot apply to the Engineering Department to initiate service herefore, the account remains in the developer's name and th ustomer has not been given an opportunity to select which rat e/she desires. Director Hilton stated communication could hav roken down between developers and the Sewer District wit eference to informing new homeowners of their responsibility t nitiate service when the property is sold and transferred owever, when property is transferred the new owner is given a portunity to select a flat or metered rate. After discussion of the problem involved at Eastwoo illage, it was the consensus of the District Board for th ngineering Department to work with persons involved and brin ecommendations back to the Board on a case by case basis. After further discussion, it was the consensus of th istrict Board to leave the ordinance as written and direct th ngineering Department to be sure proper notification 0 nitiation of service is given to realtors and persons whe ransferring property. JOURNMENT Vice-Chairman ommissioner Retchin ANIMOUSLY. Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Distric to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 12: 26 0' cloc . M. Respectfully submitted, ~~7~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District l l