1993-05-03 RM Exhibits L(II RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:00 p.m. on the 13th day of April, 1993, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for Caustic Soda Liquid for the Waste-To-Energy Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 93-0309: Prillaman Chemical Corporation $.90 per gallon AND WHEREAS, the proposal received from Prillaman chemical Corporation was nonresponsive in that the product proposed does not meet the technical specifications of the bid; AND Finance proposal rejected; WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, Director and the County Manager recommend that received from Prillaman chemical Corporation the the be NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for caustic Soda Liquid for the Waste-To-Energy Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 93-0309 be rejected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposit to the unsuccessful bidder. of May, 1993. 1?~M Chairman, Board of County Commissioners '--1/ New Jlannuer OJuuntu ~ I 1Boarll of Qlomminnion.ern ~roclamation WHEREAS, the National Day of Prayer is a tradition first proclaimed by the Continental Congress in 1775; and ~ I =1 ., WHEREAS, in 1988, legislation was unanimously ratified by both Houses of Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan stating that the National Day of Prayer would be observed on the first Thursday of every May; and 11 WHEREAS, the President of the United States and governors of forty-nine of our fifty states, including our own Governor Hunt, have set aside May 6, 1993 as the 42nd observance of the National Day of Prayer; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper for all Americans to observe this day to acknowledge our needfor a moral and spiritual awakening while recognizing the needfor strengthening religious and moral values in our city and state and nation; NO~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim May 6, 1993 as "A DAY OF PRAYER" in New Hanover County, North Carolina and call upon all citizens to observe this day in ways appropriate to its importance and significance. Adopted this the. cPa 7-{) day of t:#~.) ,1993. ~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman "1 " l~ ~ O '" <:j~~ ' ~n.u:. ~.!- i,\ I 'Ii/!':- ~,/""I('!J ;)~!,=- - ; ,,~~ ~.........,..,.,."..,.,..,.........,.....,.......,.,.,.,.,........,.., ,......,.,..........,.....,... ~-~-~-" ~~J L(U II 1'1 I: 1;1 I ~ I ~ . 11 ~ I . 11 Nrw llannurr Qtnuntl1 :\ :1 :i :1 ., :j ., .; ., .' ., '; :1 " .' " .; .: :l .i .1 :1 " .1 " " " ., ., .1 ;1 ., '1 ., '1 :1 1:1 ., :i .; I.! ., .1 '1 :1 " :i :1 ,:1 I'; I:! :i .j '; :1 :1 :1 ., ., .1 " .1 :! .i .1 .i ., ~ I :1 .1 .i :i ., ., ., :1 :1 :1 .j ., .1 .1 \ ~ ~ I . :1 . Ii : :i . "1 '" ~:~ ' ~ . Lt ~'i:~, l\ ~.I' -. ~.-'/-~l-:; 11:1~ - . . 4r.~ "I ~~),j .... II............. II..... II.. II II II.......... II... I..... II........... II ...... .............. II ......... II... . .::...L 1Boar~ of QJommh1.6 ionern Jroclamatton Persons with disabilities possess many skills and abilities. with respect and sometimes special assistance, persons with disabilities, mental or physical, can contribute significantly to our society. New Hanover county has made progress in education, employment, housing and transportation for persons with disabilities who live therein. with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, New Hanover county looks for,ward to taking the necessary steps for full integration of persons with disabilities in our society and an increased awareness of their many capabilities. Persons with disabilities are a valuable resource. We in New Hanover county reaffirm our commitment to them and will continue to provide opportunities so that persons with disabilities can be independent, productive and involved citizens in our county. Now, therefore, Be it resolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim May 1993 as National Disability Awareness Month in New Hanover County and encourage our citizens to participate in activities during this month and to become more aware of the needs and capabilities of persons with disabilities. Adopted this 3rd day of May 1993 I. ~~nl, II(dtJ~", "':. . .,.-" r' ,,"Wtt""""lf., , . " ' ~ -'" .It." ...;"~, t;":~ ':." ,', ....-:a "~ 'Ill, '~"';'. ; ~! i ,". ~'~ :~,~, 'I i .. ~;?dd~ Robert G. Greer, Chairperson ,- LID '. ~ FACILI~IBS PIKAHCB A~ OF 1987 1993 LONO RANGB PLAN ADNINIS~IVB UHI~ - MAINTENANCB SERVICES 411JLI~ IN PRIORI~ ORDER (REGARDLESS OF FUNDING AVAILABILI~ OR SOURCE) CONS~UCTION, ADDI~IONS, MODIFICATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS HEEDED 2002-2003 FORK 1 A ALL SCHOOL THROUGH IpRIORIft IHAJIB OF PROJECT YEAR ES~I~D HUNBBIl (PRON PORN LRP 3 ) HEEDED COS~ !~i~!fIIifu1wBilftTI~ mtli~:illii.!#tiU;:::::liligpli:[:::!rtIM;MMrfMlrfI!tt!IIittttU!! :!II:lmilJ,:lli::mIi:t:iii:::t!:!iW:::::::::i:i::::::i::::itt:: !:t'=:!9::i:'!!IQi:iMgn New Northern Elementary School New South Central Elementary School ~jil'~~tI*tm~~lOO litliSel:::::a,.i!!::::::':::::!:::::!:::::::::!:::::::::::::::!:::::'::::::::::i:iiiIIlliil(@ilWiiil:;iil:iil:iifi:iE:i:iI:::::::i:::i:i:iii:i:i::::::::iI: :!!!:li:!!:!!:i!IiII(:i: i:i:i:::i:itiiii::i:i::::IiiiiiI:i:::::!ii:i: :::::ff:i:i::::::ll~2:!:i:!99::1: Bdwin A . Alderman Elementary School John ~ . Hoggard High School Mary Washington Howe Elementary School N . C . S . Noble Elementary School Ogden Elementary School Dale K . Spencer Administration Building ~ransportation Emma B . ~rask Middle School Wrightsboro Elementary School HUMBER OF ADDI~IONAL SHEE~S FORM(S) LRP 1B - 5 (Note 1 - Building renovations include accessibility to the disabled mOdifications.) . ~ Hanover County Schools Board of Bducation submits these estimates of actual and : T~:",,::~~ ::'hich it has determined to be necessary to provide safe, attractive, ~cl.M<:v;.t..,,:...: ", ,""c;_'.-";gtG for every student .. specified in the Basic Education Program. ~he total Wd ~~ese estimates is $107,010,259. Adopted by the New Hanover County Schools Board of Education on , Chairman Date , Secretary, Ex-officio Date Board of County Commissionersl Reviewed by the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners on , Chairman Date , County Manager or Clerk Date <. LIE FACILI~IES PIKAHCB ACT OP 1987 ~ 1993 LONG RANGB PLAN ADNIHIS~~IVB UHI~ - MAINTENANCE SERVICES . 1 B SBEE~ HUMBER 2 OP 6 . IpRIORIft 'HAIlE OP PROJECT YEAR ES~IMA~ HUNBBIl ( nON FORK LRP 3 ) HEEDED COST ~~!)!~_~~f~ill~~~llm~: pli;i'iig#i:i::!A~#.f.#.:f.g#i!Iiiiii!;!:i!!!!!!;!iiiiiiiii:iii:i;iiii;;;;;iii;;;;:mm;i;iii;i;ii!!!!!!!l!!!!i!!I!!!!f!!iiiiiii!i:iiii!I:I!!IIi!!!!!!!!m!;!!i; !llliIWIJ,:II;ii;i ;!i!iiiii!!!!!!!!!;i;iiiifti!!!!!!!!!!!;it!ii!;:;tit i:::i::i::i!Ii[!I~:g4:lBm9:t John J . Bla ir Elementa ry School ( 2 ) College Park Elementa ry School ( 2 ) ~I1~II]1*I~~*I~]~i gfi~g!:::i:iB.!19yi#.:!g.li!!:!!::!!!:!!!!!,!:!!!!:!!!!!:!::!::!:::!:!!!:!!1:i:i:IltIiIE1!Ei:i:il:i:iI:i:it:!:!:::::;::i:iii:i:i:i:iii:i:i:::i:i:i:i:iiiii!;:i!i! !!!!!!iii!!:!I::i; '!i;:;::!i'i:iii:iii::!il!;!i:;::!i:i:i:i:i:;::!::::i:;:i:i::i;::::!:!: :!i!:I;!ilIi:iii!:!:tl:i:!g~l:;: Edwin A . Aide rman E I ementary School Heywood C . Be I lamy EI ementary School William H . Blount Elementary School Bradley Creek EI ementary School College Park Elementa ry School Roland-Gri se Middle School Wright sboro Elementary School i~[jjjj~J~1~~~~~jr1ili}J~~m~{; }lglll!!!2!:!S:i:W!R!I::::i!ii:!i:;:::i!:::!::i:!:::!:::::ii!::::::i:;::!i!i!i!iMflgmttilfliJ!Ml:iltiiiii:itIiI@ll!i!i!i:;! ;!!!!iH!!lt:!!i!~f!i!;ii:iIii!;!ii!i:i!i:i:: :;:iii::iiiII;!IiiIf! ':::::iIi;lfiliii!~:I;R;!l1q]: John ~ . Hogga rd High School Breez eway s / Locker Room/ Ca feteria Area Annie H . Snipe s Elementa ry School :}:w.tii:irtmttti:t ~t.t.ij;f~r'::;iip.~:i.aiii..at:ij::m:'::':':::':::::::':::':::::':::It:l:::::l::!::r!p:rt:;!:::':::::mt:::::iit:i:titt:i:tt :i.";I;iti'Uiitit:::::::i:::!'t::::!':::"t:m:::::ttiim !'::!:i:t: :::'::::::::i:tit:'I:i~:l9.9g:} t~ll~f~ftimWi~ l.illlll.li~i;iiili~I!!.::;i0ii:llllliiillilii!::II::li.J/I'llilli:j.I!'.'.I'/!fil::::.::i :lllilmilJ,:II;titti!!r:::i:im!!Ii:!i!:!i:!::I:::!:::ii:::::@ .iiiiii{i@II~;!g:im!91! Bdwin A . Alderman EI ementary School Carolina Beach Elementary School Wary Washington Howe Elementary School D . C . Virgo Middle School !mt'Jl1t1M[It~. IM~I~ti1R*!jtjjtjj~jt~j~t)!)~ji{;;!!jjj!jj!jj!jjjjjjj!j}f!i~!~!~;;!!iiii!i!!!!!!!)i!ijl!!!i!!il~j~tlm~~~mmjJj~jjj~J~l~~mfj!!}i!!!!!i!!!!!~!j!!!!!!j!!j{jj!jjjjtjjjj~ :11J,!lHJ.I:II:::i :!:i:::mr!::::::irml:!:!::::::l!:!!!lIi:i:::: mllllig:llill;gliij Ems ley A . Laney High School John ~ . Hogga rd High School ~ljJtt~~r~@Mtrt.~~~ MtilU@:lmmd::ip#9i'iIUHifii,::'::m,:::'::::!::ttt:!I!:ttt;mt:::t:t:::m:::!m!:t::::::!:::t:tt:':ti:i:::it :it~tf.:I;:i';ij:tt:':tiit:!:::i::::::::t:'::mi:'it:::::t!:@t ;:::::i:i:{$JitU'8ig1:mnt::': ~tqlt*~t~ltm1l #J>>i\i~i~ij~IIii9ii:1II!!jjjjj)Ij})j}j!!jjj)j!f!j!!jj)}}jjjj)jjj~~!l~~j~~~jiji~fl~ijll~tlljtt~~lt~jIII~~jjtjI~jIjjii1~j ill:!!liiJ.I:I;!iIIII!!iIIiII::!:i!!:!!!'!::Ii::t::i:i'Ii :ItIiI@j:I!!lil~QI: New Hanover High S chool Pine Val ley Elementa ry School Roland-Grise Middle School Williston Middle School il't.WllfMW:lfi ~t.iU.fj:::="iip.~i&ii..a.t:i::m):rmm{:mmf::;:tilii#H:!f,:::t:::::ft!{{:':"::'{{':{::::,m:':::fm:!: :i.,,:j;itj:fJ.:m:mtt"::::{mm{:!:!:!::::{:}'{:::m{{: :{::'timt{":i~i:9.9g:::" :tJ.;tliiI1Wfl' mipfi#94pfii?r#lpJ.;9yii.4i#.1.#f:ff:::'::!:::t:r:::::r:rrrlffff:r:!:::::::::i,::m:'rr:rmrr'::::::::trf iit?'=:IH!J.:'$,:'::::::::':::::::::::::::::ir::r::m,::::"::::::r:,r:::,:} :'::rr.it'Um~!iP.Prtt ~llt~llimJlft msi:ilgg!!Qm!i#.ti!i,:i:i:i:i:i:i::::!::i;:::::!;:::::;::Ii!::!i::!;::'::;:;!i!i;;i;:i!;!tfilf?iIliIImilUi'i:I!:i!i!i!ii;:;i;!;:;:;;:;;:;::::;i:;:i:i:i;::l :!!~!;li;!!!I!Iil:::::iii:iri !i!i:i:i:i:i:i'i:::iii!i:!:i!;:i:;:;!I;!:ii;i!i:!! :i:i:i:i;i:il:i:i:iIlgl:g:illqt Lakes ide School New Hanover High School Roland-Gris e Middle School Wil 1 iston Middle School Wright svil Ie Beach Elementary School ~1;fij~1~m*~j~mIDIl 19)iJ:If:#~i:jl.!jgY!!!~ee!:::m::::::::::i:::::::::::::I::i:::i:::j:milifilliWirililmmm~:iij:::::j:j:::j:::j:j:::::::j:j::1::ii:::: :1,1:lmJi,;,,;::i::ji:;;@iiiij::ilii::ii:im:j:j :j::1ij::::j;] '::ri:rJ~@#;';!!:f1i~9j: Edwin A . Aide rman Elementary School John J . BI air EI ementary School Wil I iam H . Blount Elementary School Col I ege Park E lementa ry School Wary Wa shington Howe E I ement ary School Dorothy B . Johnson EI ementary School L;F " FACILI~IES FINANCE A~ OF 1987 1993 LORG RAHGE PLAN ADNIRIS~~IVB UHI~ - MAI~ERANCE SERVICES 1 B SBEE~ HUMBER 3 OF 6 . 'pRIORIft 'HAJ(B OF PROJE~ YEAR ES~IMA~D HUNBBll (FRON FORM LRP 3) HEEDED COS~ ;~,lilir:tlEllimBJ!{il1:~iiE.E!EPf99.:!::E~:::::::r:::!:::I!'I::::r!ri!:@::::::::::::::::::mmm::illii::11::Iilt:::::i:t::::::::::::::::Ilfl:ILl:f,I;'Wt!!!f!:III:ti:::r::::i:::i:r:::ii:::::::=::It:::: i;:I:I:fg:t~:!.i!I~!M Rew Gregory Elementary School ~ew Winter Park Elementary School ~~w]"ll.!~!_---_sam ;!:IMIftEIM!lJJiM!#lilaf.#.Q::tg!#.RX!t:!g#:lltItIMtm:j:jrj:;~j:j:j:jiIi:j;j:j:jt:j:I::i:j:::jij!i:::j:j::::;;:!:::j(:l!I;!m;!j;!:~f:i:::::j;::j:j;j:ij:j:j:j:Ii::!::!:j:::::i:~::::::::;:::!:;:::;jLj! ::j:j:j::!Zl::I:!~:i:"991;~ Carolina Beach Elementary School Forest Hills Elementary School John ~. Hoggard High School Lakeside School Rew Hanover High School Annie H. Snipes Elementary School Williston Middle School 'l:lt:t:::l:::t:::M::::::mflit't<<~::::~Rip.;tabeai~hfi::;::,~:\j:::::::::::::::::i::::::::i:::m:::Wl::I;{::::::::~:::l::::::::r::t::::::::::i:::::r~:~:i:::::;:;::t~~,,;j:if.11t?:':r::::r::i:!tl::::: :::i:::;:}:\y:t;:::::::{:::::,;:fir:~/:/::I,:ii'H:iqp:\ ~:q::::m:&EtmlH~i}It!;oi#i:m;~!#.2i!!.!9.,a.!::r}}:'::\::::it':'}i!:;::;;:::r:mmm:::m:::;::i:i:;j:::::::::!::::::i:;;::;!::!:i:i:iII:::;:t;:I;;t.;~~:~m!l!:!,I!I:I::::::I:::;::;!:::::::i:::::::?:::::; :::;::;;;::;::!::)!'::liI,'!i;l%f:li~lt~B N. C. S. Roble Middle School Ogden Elementary School Pine Valley Elementary School J. C. Roe Elementary School Roland-Grise Middle School Sunset Elementary School Emma B. ~rask Middle School D. C. Virgo Middle School Wrightsville Beach Elementary School J.:III:M%ttllH!9,jl.j:!!i~t#iem!.#!ttii)I::I:{:!i!:!':~::::r::!;i::;::;;:;:::::!:;::::t:Il@r:mWl:ii:tt:tnr:i!:::::::::f;:;:!:;::i:!:::::I::t;::i:.:!!:f!IHI~;t:!']:;::::::I::::::;:::::::::::::::::!:;: ::t::!:::::::::;:I:::Hi::I:t:t:::,:tg:Ql:ggSX Roland-Grise Middle School College Park Elementary School Forest Hills Elementary School Gregory Elementary School Hew Hanover High School J.:ll::m:m!lmiH{i<il9!i:l::mE.~!:::f.,!,f.#.9.::~:::;:::I?::::::!::;::::?\!:!:!(:III:i::mmmmmI:tII:::::::I:!:::;:i:;:i:i:::{:?:::::;::::;::::(J.!:~:!H~J:lt:::::~~;:::;::::!:::!:I::::I::::;::::::!!::: ::::::::::::::i::;:::::i):;m,::;:I:::~:':!:lg;nmSfli Edwin A. Alderman Elementary School Heyward C. Bellamy Elementary School John J. Blair Elementary School Forest Hills Elementary School N. C. S. Roble Middle School Annie H. Snipes Elementary School .:I~rrtfM{t:@liiiU;t~~?t::i:r:\:::::::t?:?:)\:::::):/,::}::'::::",:;:(:::(:):,:::::::::::::~:::~i:::i:i:i::ii:i:::it::?@:i?::t:::::r:::i:tir:::,:::;;:r:::::::t:;::t,,:~;:t,:'i:t:;::'r:\:J{:::::::::ti :}te:t~::t}\i:::::::':m::i:~:~i~J$.:~$.::;'QQQ:::::; ~:'l?mlt1WiWmi.~t::~n.1C:;::::lt~Qiialt(:;:::;:::\t:: ':::':::':::i,'::?rm:?:::tflmn::;tt::i:m:li}::}:::i:~:::i~i}:m:\Hm::i:i:nJ.~$.:~;:t.$:~1\nt}::::;::::::::':::::i~:t:~:::"::'tt::i~}(t: :():i:;~i:'::::t:::?I:lQt~Q!f ,;:taMMilll'.iBfiEi1f:n!i!!.H!i'!~:::::::::::~~::':::~;:i:::mi:::\:;::(}::i;:::t:::::;;:::ttmm~@llli@lfjft:j::::::::::l:!j:::::j;!:;;::::::!!I!IJi!!:ll;:::;;:::;;lM:jt::j:j;j:::j:jl:;:::::j:::::i::ti :!::!h:tilj:j;;j!j:jI;::":~<!iRR91 Wrightsville Beach Elementary School !fliIm:ltKtif~R!mmjj!::lt;f.iiig!S!j.~~:::::::::::~::::;::~:~:::i::::::::j:j:::j::H:;;:mlmjm:j~:j:jtj:l:II;:::::j:::t:Ij:j:::::j:j:::::]!!;I:;:I1::IZ::::t:j;j:j:j:::;::I::::::;j:j:j:j:j:ji:::~:::'!:; ::r:j:::jr:j;I::j:j:jtt;j:j:~j:l.g;iJmJlii: Myrtle Grove Middle School '16- FACILITIES FIHAHCE ACT OF 1987 1993 LONG RANGB PLAN ADIIIHISTRATIVB UNIT - MAINTENANCE SERVICBS 1 B SHEET HUMBER 4 OF 6 PRIOIlIft HAKB OF PROJECT YEAR ESTIMATED HUllBBIl (FROII FORK LRP 3) HEEDED COST ~1;mMtltt&Htiiil~Bitf:e#.i:::;::::1:~:;;;;:;;;::;;;;l:::::::::;:::;:::;::::::::::;:::;:;:;:::::;::i:iii;i;;((::i:m;:m::iiat:tI1111(m:;:;::::::::::;:i::i;::i;;:ir4~~;!*:I";~!t;:;:;::i:::::t1::;:::;::: :;1iI;:i;::t;~::::(:;i;;;;;;;j::::i:;::iIIII!#:!:~~:t;~;t4;(j Bdwin A. Alderman Elementary School (Media Center/Support Areas) Ogden Elementary School (Cafeteria/Media Center) j:lttMf.1,d1tW16iiU;~ij#i::tmr::titJiii#~i:::W:::::::::::::::::::t~::::::::;::::f::f::f:::::::::::wrt:::::::::':':;::::::::::::~:rr:ff::::::::::::::::::rllj:';:ij:l1t:::::f::::;:;tI::::::I:::::':::;: :rrw::'::::::trr::~f:~:::II:1:t:II1'qp(t::: !::;,:i:.w . .,;:: M<i:~mI12lilj;i!i#.#;.:.:::...............:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::x$;;<'i:@~,~w...w......:.:.:.".:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.........:.:.:.:.:.:... N............:::.:.:::::::.:.)!:lttm;;;mmtmitl!t@;mm :F~ttt:;:I:!:gg:iP.lUl@ College Park Elementary School II. C. S. Noble Middle School !!tH::mtU0Ii!!'J;~ijS?:Ri#.9y!#iRe!:::::::::::[:::::::i::::i:::::::::~::::?[im;iliM;;ttmMi:::tm;::j;ii::i::::j::::::ti:::::i::i:i:::HII!:li+t[I!:?I::I:::;:l::I?::::::[:iI:::::I::i::;j:::::j;;;m;;ill" :!!iil:SgJ: Heyward C. Bellamy Elementary School Bradley Creek Elementary School Emsley A. Laney High School Myrtle Grove Middle School Mary C. Williams Elementary School j:I:::::::~{ftf~:l\iliHtij:::;E9!!~~~~Ral!ipt'!:9:$m!!:Hf::i:::;::;::;;;li:;::;:::II::::::::::::::::i:::::::::~::::::::::i::::::::i:::i:::::::::::::::;:::~jjj:l:m:l!ijj:::::::::::::::;;:;:::::::I:;:: :::!:::~::::;:::::::::::::::i:i:::::::::::::::::~I:i:g~lii!~I:i:! Carolina Beach Elementary School 7 Classroom Replacements/1938 Facility 7 Classrooms @ 1,000 SF 1 Teacher's Workroom @ 450 SF 1 Kitchen @ 1,500 SF Dining Area @ 2,000 SF g:~M1!];ilimillJlliitI.?!4tgf:ij#.i;::;;;::i::~;:~:;:;:;;::::::;:;:;~::;:;::;i:i::::::;;::::ii:'T;i:::::::i:i:::::;~~:;::::::l:::::i:::i:i:;:i:::::(;;::i:;:::iii:::;l:;:;::;;:;:;:;::;;:;:::1;:i:~:i:i :i:i:::::::iI:::i:::i::~r4~~i1;*:I":~!:~::i:::i:::::::::;:;:;:;:;~;:~:::::::;;;;;::::;:;:::::;:::::::::::::;;;:::.:;:;:;:;:;:;~!41:pl~;1i:1:t~::;:; :> Media Center > Multipurpose Room (Art/Music)/Support AreaS/Storage/Cafeteria Heyward C. Bellamy Elementary School John J. Blair Elementary School William H. Blount Elementary School Bradley Creek Elementary School College Park Elementary School Dorothy B. Johnson Elementary School :1;$lf%::WmW:;\5i#.~t#.ii:::::({~iUii#~~#t;~f:t:::::::::::ff~:::::f::::f:::::::::t:::l:::n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::~~:~~:t::~:::::~:~::ff::::::tlJ.ttE~":IIt:::I::::I::::::::::::::::::It: :::::::::':::I:ffmr:;m::::::::::::::::;m':l.:'~U8.nt:~: 1:lft:mMMllHmifl!!g!:!siime#:#iII:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;;;i::::::::::::::::ti::j::::;:;:::::::t::iit~:mmW::i~;:ii::1Il:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::;11:!1;i4,,:llijtiI?::i::::;:mI?:;:t: j;:;:::i::i:ij:::::::j;:j:::f::;:;:~t;~;:::I:!lIRii;2B9~;::~ William H. Blount Elementary School John T. Hoggard High School M. C. S. Noble Middle School . t.tll FACILITIES FIHANCE ACT OP 1987 1993 LONG RANGB PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT - MAIHTEHAHCB SERVICES 1 B SHEET HUMBER 5 OP , . . IpRIORIft IHAKB OP PROJECT I~ ESTIMATED IIUIIBBIl (FIlOII FOJlII LRP 3) rflJJm CO." ==-~:~~_i~i55 > Media Center > Multipurpose Room (Art/Music)/Support AreaS/Storage/Cafeteria Ogden Elementary School Pine Valley Elementary School J. C. Roe Elementary School Mary C. Williams Elementary School .... ~e.to.ale.o.d'i..i"lo~a11!. '_"4& fiJ8;:199Ji,',~r:i]r~,:i:""""Jlui!'1~rlia;(IQa; =iiiE~~:A.iiiiii===~=i fJ:WN1#j,;>:fuW jlljj~~;f.fgt:ll~J.P!!#~!.~*~l~~!!J.~llt',~,ISft!~IMtili!!:l!~(l.1!';ftiil~.f:I:M!i@~nJlfi!1II ;jH!tkIllltf.lt Lakeside School ~~0JTh1W_i ..ii9g,'M.~~t.9.*-Z.I;;g!.!.Sl.!!'B!HMJilimllitJ*I~lt::!;::::!::;:!I!m!:!:!:m~l. .JJ~i~.!:'!999III~!i1~ltiI!;i!NI:;::~2I~:;:;;~;., ';iiKf:;I;tl~lg:iilg'l\ Annie H. Snipes Elementary School Il:M{.f$iJl$i aii.#!!~~f.~_::ffMlJlIi~glm;t;:::t::;:;~:t}::;tl\E :,!!!:lf~;9~!:::!%:!I1I:~1:1tt::I11i;i:::ii:iL>,:;!;;1!;I!;f~J!fl;;Bgt Auditorium for the Arts ==:f:iiii555S!!E Renovations - Carpet/Tile 5aEa~ii55s~ (to be determined) ~:IMLMUlilm .DMt:I;):[{P!!,~,!!:e.~~':::.~~~~~~#.!:Ut@ifllit%:~:r:~t:ty::!::t::.?:.':::::!JI::!:W: <t!:'.~!.~99,9I;l:J::IJ!lJE:_,IIral:!.~;~}:9~!t Myrtle Grove Middle School M. C. S. Noble Middle School Roland-Grise Middle School .!:IXlwlVitt lIielr:.!2!::r!'i~~p~!.~~ :::,:,,::,:::,,;~;::~:ml1MrmMr:::tr%t:~:::,:;:::.:,:..:.,;:.';:.;;J::t ;ll:I,~t~.Q.9~r:::t::}:tL;:.:,::;;;::.:::.:::::':::.i,;:;:f::::::':;::;t::I::t::~::2(~f.q i:mU!i Gregory Elementary School .W!J;!Et:"~.eJ!R!~~~,:.::::...:"" .,:;:;:;::::::::::t:&ttt!M1Wit@:lf:::},:;;,::{:i;:::;:::::;\1t\;, New Hanover High School-George West Bldg. =!!=:t~:IICII!!!II::=:= (to be determined) Forest Hills Elementary School Llr -' FACILITIBS PIHAHCE ACT OP 1987 1993 LONG RANGB PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT - MAIHTEHAHCB SERVICES 1 B SHEET HUMBER 6 OP 6 . . 'pRIORITY 'HAIlE OP PROJECT YEAR ESTIMATED HUMBER (PROM FORM LRP 3) HEEDED COST ~lfWftFjm "ilJ.i.l.#ioir)te~YaX:':F:::::~lOQr.::::l'lt.Zf.f.#...$.i.C":.::':.:........:...:....\i:J;:;:~ :~q:QP:p.).~(;:::::r.:.::.:.:::..::..:..:.;::.:..:::.:.:..:....:............::....:: fft.+:;:j~,.l;:n'o.P? IRC::C::;;;~~ :~tii.Uf*l?#.:..:RftitJ.p.~~*t' ..... ......:.;::::::::::~:.:::;:::::.........:.:::.:.:.::::::..::............:.:::.............:.:.::~:::::::: :;'RP9t~9P4.r.:.::::::::....::;:;:;::.... .............................::....:.::;' ;:.....::;::::;:::::...:f:le:iPApA Williston Middle School JI!!iif:'!l~Rl.#.$AAi#.#.r""""""'" .. ...........::;:;.;::;:;:;;;;B;Zr;;;:;::'.:;.:.;.;:;;:;.;:;:;::;:':':';;'.;;'::';::":~:::'::;;} Mary Washington Howe Elementary School i:i:::::Ln:t;t:t::Hti~r:;~jii#.,~j$:.t:~&'~;:::.~e~ti.'#::::C:::::'::::::::}::::;:;:;::::::::.::::::::::::::':';:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::":":::::.:::.:::;:::':.::":::':::::!J::~i:UiiiiQ9;~;::::'::::: '::::::::::::::':.::::::':.:"'::'.:':::::'::::'.:"':'::':.::,r":::::':'::::':.:'::'$:j:i.i:d~~:Q:) *"L;;n:~K#.{i} r.,w./:.ti..nJ;i;y.::"'$#b9P~::..":""""":':':'::'::::::::::::;;:;:.:::::.:::t::;;::.::.:.:::::::;:;::::::::.....:'::':':':::.::':::"::"':':':::::::r::} :#.:g~:tR).().()~::;:--::::.:::. :.:..:.:.:.::.:.::.....:.......::...:.......:...:.:.....;: 'f'::'::::'4}~~~W~(j~fi IJiftt:1H#&t 8De1f!AAjsi:..:~iji2;.i~r..........::;......:.:.::::;~~:;;;;:}Yi;;;WLr::::'::::::::::::::::;::j;;;Z ;iR9liil!l9i::::::......:::.::~.......::;::......:;::;;::,:. ; L=i'~~:Q:ig.gg( (renovation - Winter Park Elementary School) .:$.idtdt.\;M1J ~tl#i:ti': .R.ifta6eii~#t.$:.:.....:...:.:..:::.:...::::::.::::::;:(,;::::::.:::':::::::::::::5:::::.::::::..::'::::::.:':::::::::::'.:::":':::::':::::::::::::::::':: :~QQ.l.;~W;(:=:::::::::::::::':':"':::::'::::':"::"'::::.:.....::::.:::::.,. >::.:::::......::.::;$:j:'li~Q(: I:Ji'..:..:tNiX;;:::U tt.*#c;,QW:: ;.CQviji-i;Jiti" 'lt~plaQEi"~ij\~h'::;;;:::':::::":::::":"",,::,":"':::::::::.:::.:...:.:...:.:...::.:..................:.:::.::') :~Q~);F~9.9~C...:...:.:...:..:..: .....:.:.:.... ......... ::.........: " '::." 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';::::::::.:::::J:':;;j;1:i,:i'QPtti ("'1(J.:1:H):t~;h:I;$:"i:: LfI'1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Add to Table of Permitted Uses under Transportation, Communication and Utilities the following: *Antenna and towers auxilIary to uses permitted by right R-15 S Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover: North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted May, 1993. /f?JJfJ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman .~ ~~ BOARD RESOLUTION OF THE OF COMMISSIONERS OF HANOVER COUNTY NEW WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 2nd day of April, 1993, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following per meal bids were received for Nutrition Services for the Department of Aging, Bid # 93-0257: 412 meals 500 meals 600 meals Service America Corporation Professional Food Service Mgt. Inc. Wilson's Supermarkets $2.165 $2.62 $2.68 $2.069 $2.61 $2.68 $2.069 $2.57 $2.68 AND WHEREAS, the bid received from Valley Innovative Management and Newbold's Carolina BBQ-Seafood could not be accepted or considered because their bid bond was insufficient; AND WHEREAS, the Aging Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Service America Corporation, a Delaware corporation with an office located in Wilmington, the lowest responsible bidder, at the per meal price of $2.1650 for less than 500 meals per day or a per meal price of $2.0690 for 500 or more meals per day; AND WHEREAS, funds have been will be appropriated in next year's budget in Account No. 110-582-5823-2000-3700 and 110-5824-2000-3710 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover county that the contract for Nutrition Services for the Department of Aging, Bid # 93-0257 be awarded to Service America Corporation at the per meal price of $2.1650 for less than 500 meals per day or a per meal price of $2.0690 for 500 or more meals per day; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the county Attorney. '-If< BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful May, 1993. 1?~~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 4'1-. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:30 p.m. on the 20th day of April, 1993, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Food Preparation Equipment for the Department of Aging, Bid # 93-0290: Montgomery Green a Division of Edward Don & Company Thompson & Little $34,702.00 $36,930.00 AND WHEREAS, the County reserved the right to add or subtract from the quantities stated in the bid package; AND WHEREAS, the Department of additional shelving at a cost of ($698.00) Dollars; Aging desires to purchase six Hundred Ninety-eight AND WHEREAS, the Department of Aging Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Montgomery Green a Division of Edward Don & Company, Illinois corporation, with a local representative in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Thirty-five Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($35,400.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-582-5821-2000-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Food Preparation Equipment for the Department of Aging, Bid # 93-0290 be awarded to Montgomery-Green a Division of Edward Don & Company, in the amount of Thirty-five Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($35,400.00); and that the county is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the county Attorney. This 3rd day of May, 1993. xuLJlJ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners L-(iJ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of OLD AVENUE in Hermitage Estates (Castle Hayne) ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of OLD AVENUE was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 5th day of April, 1993 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 3rd day of May, 1993, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of OLD AVENUE in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwestern right-of-way line of OLD AVENUE (40 foot right-of-way) said point being approximately 1,300 feet south of the Parmele Road (SR 1335) - Old Avenue intersection; commencing from the northwestern right-of-way of Old Avenue 1,450 feet south along the western right-of-way of Old Avenue; thence 40 feet east of the southern terminus of Old Avenue; thence 1,450 feet north along the eastern right-of-way of Old Avenue; thence 40 feet west to the point of beginning as shown on the plat of Hermitage Estates for H. Bluethenthal (Redivision), recorded in Map Book 4, Page 22 of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the 3rd day of MaY~iA6~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: